Classroom Management System

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This study aimed at developing classroom management approaches of tertiary school

lecturers and exploring if their management approaches are consistent with the
constructivist curriculum. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were utilized to analyse
the data. The Structured System Analysis and Design approach to be adopted for the study.
Fact finding techniques would be adopted include observation, record inspection and
interview. The findings from preliminary investigation showed that the current approach
used for publishing and disseminating the timetable is a paper-based approach and it was
concluded that the approach is not efficient in managing the proximity between the students
and the content of the timetable. Therefore, an Android Mobile classroom management
Application was recommended, developed and implemented to primarily provide a
platform for managing academic activities such as classroom management, timetable for
course allocation for the students of the department. The existing system of managing
classroom in the institution will be analysed and later transform in to new design using
some Unified Modelling Language (UML) tools for structural and behavioural design. The
new proposed system shall be implemented using software tool such as HTML, CSS,
JavaScript and PHP.


In every institution class allocation has becoming unbearable for students of higher

institutions. Allocating a class to students based on their courses they offer is very important

and essential in educational system. Allocating a class for two or more courses at the same

time could cause a problem within the institution and among students, solving this type of

situation will prose solution to class allocation in the institution (Doyle, 2020).

The problem of assigning a class schedule to a set of students is not a trivial problem.

Each student has preferences over the possible classes depending on the time each class is

given or the lecturer that gives it, for example. This kind of problem belongs to the set of

Resource Allocation Problems, Educational Resource Allocation (ERA) if we attend to the

type of resource, which in turn belongs to the Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSP) class

each student has preferences over the available class that he/she finds acceptable, whilst a

lecturer will normally have preferences over the students that he/she is willing to teach

(Doyle, 2020).

There may also be upper bounds on the number of students that can be assigned to a

particular class, and the number of students that a given lecturer is willing to teach. In this

paper we consider the ways of allocating class to students in our various institutions.

The difficulty developing appropriate class time table for tertiary institution is

increasing the number of institution and also enrolling more students into a variety of courses

including increase in number of combined degree courses. Every year each semesters of

different department of an institution is facing difficult task of drawing up time tables for


The difficulty is due to the great complexity of the construction of time table for

classes due to the scheduling size of class and high number of constraint and criteria of

allocation usually circumvented with the use of little strict heuristic based on solution from

previous year. The task for creating institution time table has always been a different one;

badly design time table is not just inconvenience but may prove expensive in term of wasted

time, energy and money, yet producing a good time table is not trivial problem in even a

resistively small scoured and economics. Number of possible time table can be defined of

which perhaps only a few fully met the demand of the institution great deal of time.

Classroom management is closely linked to issues of motivation, discipline and

respect. Methodologies remain a matter of passionate debate amongst teachers; approaches

vary depending on the beliefs a teacher holds regarding educational psychology. A large part

of traditional classroom management involves behavior modification, although many teachers

see using behavioral approaches alone as overly simplistic. Many teachers establish rules and

procedures at the beginning of the school year, rules give students concrete direction to

ensure that our expectation becomes a reality (Gootman, 2018).

For many years, traditional approaches were dominant in teaching and learning

practices in Turkish schools. Traditional approaches were mostly based on the behavioral

principles and laws of learning. (Goffin, 2018). The child was often viewed as the recipient

of knowledge and teacher had the control over the students and subject matter. As a result of

behavioral approach to instruction, teachers preferred behavioural classroom management

techniques that consistent with their way of instruction. The behavioral model requires strong

intrusion and management techniques on the part of the teacher (Garrett, 2020). Teacher is

the leading person and therefore, has the responsibility of all ongoing issues in the

classroom; from students’ motivation to misbehaviours.

.Allocating a class to students based on their courses they offer is very important and

essential in educational system. Allocating a class for two or more courses at the same time

could cause a problem within the institution and among students, solving this type of

situation will prose solution to class allocation in the institution

1.2 Literature Review

Few aspects of education have generated as much concern as classroom management

and organization. They are among the most frequently addressed topics for teachers in

service; they head the list of concerns of school administrators and have recently attracted

more attention from teacher educators and researchers because a teacher’s ability to

effectively manage the classroom and to organize instruction are basic components of

teaching (Evertson, Emmer, Sanford & Clements, 2020). Moreover, as classroom

management strategies have a strong potential to positively influence student achievement and

learning, they are paramount concern for many teachers, especially novices and teachers who

are contemplating new instructional approaches for the first time (Delong & Winter, 2018).

There are many studies indicating that classroom management is one of the crucial

factors that influence learning. For example, in their study, Wang, Heartel and Walberg (2018)

identified classroom management as being te first in a list of important factors that influence

school learning. Also, Marzano and Marzano (2018) reached the same results with Wang and

his colleagues (2019) by identifying classroom management as the most important factor

influencing school learning. Ben (2016) states that effective classroom management strategies

are significant to a successful teacher’s delivery of instruction. This statement of the

researcher explains the reason why classroom management is important. Effective classroom

management prepares the classroom for an effective instruction which is crucial for the

progress of learning.

The term classroom management has been defined differently by various educators

throughout the history. In most general terms, classroom management refers to the actions and

strategies that teachers use to maintain order (Doyle, 2016). Martin, Yin and Baldwin (2018)

define classroom management as a broader and comprehensive construct that describes all

teacher efforts to oversee a multitude of activities in the classroom including learning, social

interaction and students behaviours. Classroom management constitutes three broad

dimensions; person, instruction and discipline. (Martin & Baldwin, 2022)

1.3 Statement of the Problem

The traditional way of allocating class to students in our higher institution need to be

reconsidered since distribution of classes is a sensitive aspect of student education in the

higher institution.

Before now, lecturers ask students to go out and get class for themselves in order to receive

lecture. This system has caused many problems among the students in their various

institutions leading the students to be hanging around or waiting for another lecturer to finish

lecture before they enter into such classroom by and by, this prose the students to become

truant in the school and also affecting them in their course of study due to the fact that, they

were unable to complete their course syllabus before the commencement of their


The manual solution of the class management problem usually requires many person-days of

work. In addition, the solution obtained may be unsatisfactory in some respect.

However, lectures can be scheduled or assigned to periods and rooms over a limited

time period such that either no conflicts or a minimum number of conflicts occur and to

satisfy a number of side constraints?

1.4 Aim and Objectives of the Study

The aim of this project research is to design and develop a Classroom Management System

that will automate the operation and records in the classroom at the Federal Polytechnic, Ado.

The objectives of the study are to:

a) Investigate and analyze the existing system

b) Design a new system according to the requirements.

c) Implement the design in (b) using software tools.

1.5 Methodology-

a) Interviewing method will be used for data gathering in order to know the procedure

involve in the existing system.

b) Unified Modelling Language (UML) shall be used to design the new system,

flowchart and pseudocode for logic presentation.

c) The new system implementation shall use appropriate software tools such as HTML,

CSS, JavaScript for front-end and PHP for back-end

1.6 Scope of the Study

This project work, design and implementation of a Classroom Management System is limited

to Federal Polytechnic, Ado. This became necessary because it will be easy to me to present a

comprehensive software only if it is confirmed to limited area.

1.7 Significance of the Study

This study will be designed to investigate the classroom management approaches of tertiary

school lecturers. Whether there is a consistency between the teachers’ classroom

management approaches and constructivist approaches or not is another question to be

explored in the present study. The need for this study emerged as a result of the reform

attempts in school curriculum in Nigeria. This reform aims to settle constructivist learning

principles in the elementary education in line with the changing educational settings

throughout the world.

This study may also contribute to program design in the field of lecturer training by

supporting the classroom management course providing information about classroom

management skills necessary for new and more complex learning environments.


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