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Pr.Simple, Pr.

Continuous, Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present Perfect

1. My brother __________________________________ (just / wash) the car, that’s why it looks so clean.
2. It _____________________________ (get) dark.
3. She (not / cook) ______________ at home very often. She ____________________(prefer) to eat out.
4. (you / understand) __________________________________________ the problem now?
5. Michael __________________________________ (drive) to London yesterday.
6. What (they / watch) ________________________________________ at the moment? It sounds like a horror film!
7. He (never / tidy) __________________________________________.
8. ________________________________(you / work) in London this time last year?
9. I am so hungry! I __________________________________ (not / eat) all day.
10. __________________________________ (your parents / meet) your girlfriend yet?
11. It __________________ (rain) for three days. I _____________________ (never / see) a James Bond film.
12. Michael __________________________________ (drive) to London yesterday.
13. I _________________________(have) a beautiful dream when the alarm clock _____________________(ring).
14. He (not / hear) _________________ the doorbell because he (take) _________________ a shower.
15. (you / study) _________________________ last night when I (phone) _________________ you?
16. What (they / do) _________________ when they realised that someone (follow) _________________ them?
17. __________________________________________ (Philip / pass) the exam?
18. Try the soup again. (it / taste) ____________ better now? He (never / do ) ______________ any housework!
19. Why (you / play) _________________________________________ games now? It’s very late!
20. You (not / use) _________________________________________ your laptop now, so can I borrow it, please?
21. They__________________________(wait) for the bus when the accident _____________________(happen).
22. The teacher asked Sarah a question, but she __________________________ (not / answer) it.
23. Monica __________________________ (buy) a painting at the exhibition last week.
24. The sun __________________________________(shine) and the birds ____________________________( sing).
25. Tanya __________________________________ (fly) to Hong Kong yesterday.
26. When the fire ____________________________(start) I _____________________________(watch) television.
27. __________________ (the baby / cry) last night? It was so dark that I _______________ (not / see) the sign.
28. Chris __________________ (leave) the party at 10 p.m.
29. (you / walk) _________________ to school when I (see) _________________ you this morning?
30. We were surprised when someone (knock) _________________ on the door last night because we (not / expect)
_________________ anyone.
31. Why (Mary / sit) _________________ alone in the corner when we (arrive)_________________ at the party?
32. What __________________ (you / study) at university?
33. Yesterday at 1 pm we_____________________________________(not/ have) dinner.
34. __________________ (it / rain) yesterday? My sister_____________________ (live) in Italy since 2005.
35. I ______________ (have) a headache since I woke up. We ______________ (not / visit) that new museum yet.
36. _____________________________________ (you / finish) writing your essay yet?
37. The band _____________________________________ (give) concerts only in Europe so far.
38. _________________________________________( you/write) an article yesterday at 7?
39. Oh no! What ______________________ (we / do)? That was grandma’s favourite teapot.
40. It’s the best dish I ever tried / have ever tried. What have you done / did you do yesterday?
41. Has Jane worked / Did Jane work here since last summer?
42. Tilly and Gordon got / have got married in 2010.
43. When I was 14 I have fallen / fell in love for the first time.
44. Brendan, I found / have found the perfect T-shirt for you. You have to see it!
45. It’s the best dish I ever tried / have ever tried. What have you had / did you have for dinner yesterday?
46. How long have you rented / did you rent the flat you live in?
47. Jane and Ed broke / have broken up a few months ago.
48. Did Alex do / Has Alex done the vacuuming yet? When Dan was a child she has broken / broke her leg.
49. She has took / taken a lot of photos here.
50. Where is the key? I’ve looked somewhere / everywhere and I can’t find it.
51. I haven’t visited them since / for last Christmas. I was so tired that I didn’t do anything / nothing all evening.
52. What places have you seen / did you see when you were in the USA?
53. Is dinner ready? Have you made / Did you make it yet?
54. They have stayed / stayed with us for two weeks last summer.
55. I didn’t see nobody / anybody in front of the house. I’ve never wrote / written a blog.
56. Did you buy / Have you bought any souvenirs during your trip to Africa?
57. He isn’t here. He didn’t arrive / hasn’t arrived yet.
58. Everyone was / were surprised when he just left without a word.
59. Is Tom coming today? Has he phoned / Did he phone you yet?
60. I haven’t ridden a horse for / since last summer.
61. I (nie widziałem) __________________________ Mary since Monday.
62. I’m not hungry. I (właśnie zjadłem) ________________________ a sandwich.
63. (Nikt nie chciał) ________________________ to help us, so we did everything ourselves.
64. (Czy ona kiedykolwiek) ________________________ ridden a camel?
65. We’ve been here in Hawaii (od tygodnia) _____________________.
66. (Czy on kiedykolwiek) ________________________ worked with children?
67. The play was very bad and (wszyscy byli znudzeni) _______________________.
68. A: When is she going to call? B: Actually, she (już zadzwoniła) ____________. She’ll be here in a few minutes.
69. I (nie zdałem) _____________________________ the maths test last week.
70. She (kiedyś była) _____________________________ more interested in history. Now she’s more into science and maths.
71. While (robiłem) _____________________________ my homework yesterday, the lights went out.
72. (Czy oddałeś) _____________________________ in your geography project yesterday?
73. While we (robiliśmy) _____________________________ an exercise in PE class, I hurt my leg.
74. (Czy zdałeś) _____________________________ the history test last week?
75. We (kiedyś nosiliśmy) _________________ uniforms at school a few years ago, but luckily, we don’t have to do that now
76. Could you lend me your copybook, please? I (nie zanotowałem) _____________________________ down some dates during
the history class.

Uzupełnij luki w tekście poprawnymi formami czasowników w nawiasach w czasach Past Simple lub Present Perfect.
The story of the world’s longest engagement 0 (be) was_ popular in the news two years ago. Thea Anderson, who is 45
now, 1 (meet) _____________ Eric Strong when she 2 (be) _____________ 22. Thea 3 (fall) _____________ in love with
Eric but then the police 4 (arrest) _____________ her boyfriend for murdering his aunt. Thea 5 (believe)
_________________ Eric was innocent. However, the boyfriend 6 (spend) _________________ more than 20 years in
prison. Eric 7 (be) ____________ free for 2 years now because of DNA tests which showed he was innocent. Thea and Eric
8 (be) _____________ very happy when they finally 9 (get) _____________ married 2 years ago. They 10 (be)
_____________ together since that day.

The story of the world’s longest marriage proposal 0 (be) was_ popular in the news 2 years ago. Steven Kelly 1 (always /
be) ___________ very romantic. He 2 (meet) _____________ Angie Kerr in 2015. The man 3 (want) ______________ to
show his love for Angie in an original way. He 4 (write) _____________ a very long marriage proposal. It was a book
which 5 (be) ____________ 113 pages long. In that proposal Steven 6 (present) ________________ 50 reasons why Angie
should marry him and 51 reasons why he should marry her. When Angie 7 (listen) ________________ to the whole
proposal, she simply 8 (say) __________ ‘Yes’. They 9 (be) _______________ married since 2016. Romantic Steven 10
(be) ______________ a writer of marriage proposals for a year now.

Hi Danny,
Just to let you know I went to the concert in the Rock Club yesterday after all.
(1) ____ you there? I was surprised because you (2) ____ for me at the entrance
when I arrived as you promised. (:O) I hope you were there, too. If so, what
did you (3) ____ of it? For me, it was one of the best concerts ever. I didn’t
use (4) ____ to this band but now I’m going to buy their album! Unfortunately,
I hurt my leg a little (5) ____ I was dancing. But it’s almost OK now.
1 A Did B Were C Was
2 A didn’t wait B aren’t waiting C weren’t waiting
3 A think B thought C thinking
4 A listening B to listen C listened
5 A like B while C where

Hi Robbie,
How are things? (1) ____ you have a good weekend? Me and my brother (2) ____
a little bored on Saturday so we went on a cycling trip in the hills. It’s kind of
funny because I didn’t use (3) ____ cycling much, but now it’s my favourite way
to relax. Anyway, David (4) ____ a small accident. He hit a rock on the forest
road while we (5) ____ quite fast down a hill. Fortunately, he wasn’t hurt.

1 A Did B Were C Was

2 A used to be B was C were
3 A enjoying B to enjoy C enjoyed
4 A to have B was having C had
5 A went B were going C used to go

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