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Approximation-free Adaptive Prescribed Performance Control for Unknown

SISO Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation

Conference Paper · December 2022

DOI: 10.1109/CDC51059.2022.9993286


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2 authors:

Panagiotis S. Trakas Charalampos Panagioti Bechlioulis

University of Patras University of Patras


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2022 IEEE 61st Conference on Decision and Control (CDC)
December 6-9, 2022. Cancún, Mexico

Approximation-free Adaptive Prescribed Performance Control for

Unknown SISO Nonlinear Systems with Input Saturation
Panagiotis S. Trakas and Charalampos P. Bechlioulis

Abstract— A universal approximation-free adaptive pre- backstepping control was proposed in which command filters
scribed performance control scheme is designed for unknown were used to impose constraints on the virtual control laws
SISO nonlinear systems with input saturation. The proposed [3], [4], [5]. In [3], nonlinear approximation-based backstep-
control method introduces a compromising relaxation of output
performance specifications depending on the input limitations. ping control was presented for nonlinear dynamical systems
Given the conflicting nature between input and output con- subject to magnitude, rate, and bandwidth constraints. Fi-
straints, the stability properties are inevitably local. In this nally, the control input saturation was investigated via online
respect, a sufficient stability condition for the closed-loop system approximation-based control for uncertain nonlinear systems
is provided through theoretical analysis. Owing to the adopted [4].
prescribed performance control technique, the satisfaction of
the aforementioned stability properties guarantees the desired The problem becomes significantly more challenging
trade-off between input and output constraints. Moreover, no when, in addition to uncertainties and input saturation,
hard calculations are needed, neither for the controller nor for performance specifications on the output tracking error,
the adaptive law, maintaining the complexity of the control like maximum transient period and steady-state error, are
algorithm relatively low. Finally, the proposed approach is considered. A control method that deals with performance
clarified and verified by various simulation studies.
attributes, called Prescribed Performance Control (PPC), was
I. I NTRODUCTION first proposed in [6] for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems
and further extended in approximation-free paradigms in
In all practical dynamical systems, hardware constraints
[7]. The key idea behind PPC, is that the performance
impose inevitably physical actuation limitations (e.g., satu-
characteristics are incorporated in the control design via
ration in magnitude and slew rate as well as hysteresis, back-
a transformation of the original constrained (with respect
lash, stiction and deadzone), which can severely degrade the
to the output response) system into an unconstrained one,
closed-loop system performance, giving rise to undesirable
whose robust stability only is sufficient to impose the desired
inaccuracy or even leading to instability. The development
performance specifications. Unfortunately, conventional PPC
of control schemes for uncertain nonlinear systems under
does not provide a universal solution to the control of uncer-
actuation limitations has been a task of major practical
tain nonlinear systems under saturation nonlinearities, as the
interest as well as theoretical significance and continues to
limited control effort may fail to maintain the boundedness of
pose tremendous challenges to system designers. However,
closed-loop signals and possibly lead to instability. Recently,
the number of available results that take input nonlinearities
a modified PPC (mPPC) scheme that accomplishes a trade-
into account, in the design and analysis of controllers, is
off between input and output constraints was proposed in [8].
still limited owing to the inherent difficulty of the problem.
Although, the authors in [8] assume known nonlinearities the
Moreover, the considered plants in the related works should
proposed control algorithm is quite complex which renders
satisfy certain restrictive structural conditions. In particular,
difficulties of its implementation in realistic conditions along
saturation nonlinearities which are unavoidable in all actu-
with uncertainties and necessity of rapid computations.
ators and include constraints of the magnitude and the rate
In this paper, we propose a low complexity approximation-
of the control signal, stand as the most harsh and complex
free adaptive control scheme with prescribed performance
actuation limitations in nonlinear control systems. When an
specifications for scalar unknown SISO nonlinear systems
actuator has reached such a limit, it is saturated, since efforts
under symmetrical input saturation, which is also extended
to further increase the actuator output would not result in any
for n-th order systems in the Brunovsky canonical form. The
variation of its output.
assumptions made, concern the satisfaction of a sufficient
To tackle the saturation problem, a general actuator satura-
controllability condition, the continuity of the unknown
tion compensator scheme was developed in [1]. An adaptive
nonlinear functions, as well as full state availability. The
controller to accommodate saturation constraints in the pres-
proposed scheme accomplishes a trade-off between input
ence of time delays was proposed in [2]. Furthermore, to
limitations and output constraints, by relaxing the perfor-
effectively handle physical limitations, constrained adaptive
mance bounds of conventional PPC, when the plant reaches
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and saturation. Theoretical analysis provides a sufficient stability
Computer Engineering, University of Patras, Greece. E-mails: condition for the closed-loop system as well as a necessary, and sufficient condition for the input-output constraints trade-
This work was supported by the Hellenic Foundation for Research and
Innovation (H.F.R.I.) under the second call for research projects to support off to be vanished.
post-doctoral researchers (HFRI-PD19-370). The rest of this article is organized as follows. Section

978-1-6654-6761-2/22/$31.00 ©2022 IEEE 4351

II states the problem and reviews preliminary knowledge on B. Dynamical Systems
prescribed performance control and dynamical systems. The Consider the initial value problem:
proposed control scheme along with the stability analysis is
presented in Section III. In Section IV, simulation results ξ˙ = h(t, ξ(t)), ξ(0) = ξ0 ∈ Ω (4)
clarify and verify the theoretical findings. Finally, we con-
with h : R+ × Ω → Rn , where Ω ⊂ Rn is an open set.
clude in Section V.
Definition 1: [9] A solution to the initial value problem
II. P ROBLEM F ORMULATION AND P RELIMINARIES (4) is maximal, if it has no proper right extension that is also
Consider the nonlinear scalar dynamical system: a solution of (4).
Theorem 1: [9] Consider the initial value problem (4).
ẋ = f (x) + g(x)u + d(t) (1)
Assume that h is: i) locally Lipschitz on ξ and ii) piecewise
where x ∈ R is the state, f (x), g(x) are smooth functions, continuous and locally integrable on t for each ξ ∈ Ω. Then,
u ∈ R is the saturated control input given by: there exists a unique maximal solution ξ : [0, τmax ) → Ω
of (4) on the time interval [0, τmax ) with τmax ∈ {R∗+ , ∞}

 a if
 a > a∗
such that ξ(t) ∈ Ω, ∀t ∈ [0, τmax ).
u = sat(a) = a if |a| ≤ a∗ (2)
 ∗
 ∗
Proposition 1: [9] Assume that the hypotheses of Theo-
−a if a < −a rem 1 hold. For a maximal solution ξ : [0, τmax ) → Ω on the
with a⋆ > 0 denoting the input saturation level, and d : time interval [0, τmax ) with τmax < ∞ and for any compact
R+ → R models bounded and piecewise continuous external set Ω′ ⊂ Ω there exists a time instant t′ ∈ [0, τmax ) such
disturbance effects. In this work, assuming no prior knowl- that ξ(t′ ) ̸∈ Ω′ .
edge on the system nonlinearities f (x), g(x) and the external
disturbances d(t), we aim at designing an approximation- III. M AIN R ESULTS
free, state feedback controller for the input saturated system In this section, we present an adaptive control scheme
(1) that meets the following properties: i) all signals in the that provably solves the PPCIS problem and establishes the
closed-loop system remain bounded and ii) the desired signal required stability properties of the closed-loop dynamical
xd (t) is tracked with prescribed transient and steady state system (1). We rely on the concept of conventional PPC, a
performance specifications. control technique that is capable of imposing, any predefined
In order to solve the Prescribed Performance Control under performance specifications to a nonlinear system in the form
Input Saturation (PPCIS) problem, we pose the following of (1), through bounded control input. However, the PPCIS
assumptions: problem is rendered intractable owing to the fact that input
Assumption 1: There exists a positive constant g ∗ such limitations restrict the magnitude of the generated control
that inf x∈R {g(x)} = g ∗ , which guarantees that (1) is signal. As a consequence, the saturated control input may
controllable. fail to guarantee the boundedness of tracking error within
Assumption 2: The state x of the system is available for the envelope that is formed by the preassigned performance
measurement. functions, and thus lead the closed-loop system to instability
Assumption 3: The reference signal xd (t) is a contin- (i.e., there does not exist enough control input to steer the
uously differentiable and bounded function of time with tracking error and avoid crossing the performance bounds).
bounded thought unknown first derivative. Given the conflicting nature between input constraints and
A. Conventional Prescribed Performance Control (PPC) output specifications and the fact that the former one is
an uncontrollable constraint, we introduce an adaptive PPC
In PPC, the prescribed performance concerns the conver-
method capable of: i) relaxing the performance functions
gence of the output tracking error to a residual set that is
when the input signal is saturated and ii) restoring them
predefined and arbitrarily small. The minimum convergence
when the system operates away from the saturation limit.
rate as well as the maximum overshoot are also prespec-
Moreover, the unknown system nonlinearities, which couple
ified. For clarity, in this work we drop the performance
the aforementioned constraints, inevitably lead to local sta-
specification requirement regarding overshoot (see Remark
bility properties, i.e., a solution of the PPCIS problem with
6 in [7] for more details on the overshoot specification). In
respect to a compact subset of the state space domain.
particular, consider the measurable tracking error e : R+ →
R. Prescribed performance is achieved if e evolves strictly A. Adaptive PPC Design
within a region that is bounded by decaying functions of
In conventional PPC [7], given a reference signal xd (t)
time that incorporate the performance specifications. Hence,
and any initial system condition x(0) = x0 ∈ R, we select
prescribed performance can be expressed mathematically via
the performance function ρ(t) = (ρ0 − ρ∞ )e−λt + ρ∞ such
the following inequalities:
that λ, ρ∞ encapsulate the desired transient and steady state
−ρ(t) < e(t) < ρ(t), ∀t ≥ 0 (3) performance specifications and ρ0 satisfies ρ0 > |x(0) −
where ρ : R+ → R∗+ is a continuously differentiable and xd (0)| (the performance envelope at t = 0 includes the initial
strictly decreasing function of time satisfying limt→∞ ρ(t) > tracking error).
 the control protocol is designed as
0, called performance function. u = −kT ρ , where k > 0 and T (⋆) : (−1, 1) → R

with T (0) = 0 (e.g., T (⋆) = ln 1−⋆ ), and guarantees sn−1 + qn−1 sn−2 + ... + q2 s + q1 satisfy min{|ri |} > λ [10].
that any preselected transient and steady state performance Furthermore, let yd (t) be the desired trajectory with bounded
specifications (via the selection of the performance function high order derivatives, which can be written in vector form
(n−1) T
ρ(t)) can be achieved in terms of (3) with bounded control as ȳd = [yd , ..., yd ] . Hence, the tracking error surface
input. However, when the control input is saturated then may be defined as σ(ẽ) = q T ẽ, where ẽ = x − ȳd . Then, by
certainly a trade-off between input constraint and output selecting ρ0 > |σ(ẽ(0))| and modifying the proposed control
performance is expected. Towards this direction, we modify scheme (6) as:  
the aforementioned controller to compensate for the input σ(ẽ)
a = −kT (9)
limitation as follows: ρ
u−a we extend the results for the PPCIS problem from the scalar
ρ̇ = −λ(ρ − ρ∞ ) + γ x−xd , γ > 0 (5) system (1) to the SISO high-order system (8).
B. Stability Analysis
x − xd
a = −kT , k>0 (6)
ρ Theorem 2: Consider system (1) and a reference trajec-
u = sat(a) (7) tory xd (t) that obey Assumptions 1-3. For a sufficiently large
saturation level a⋆ , there exists an upper bound ρ̄ of the
Remark 1: Note that the first term of the derivative of performance function ρ(t) such that the proposed adaptive
the performance function (5) stands for the conventional control scheme (5)-(7) guarantees:
exponential performance function ρ(t) = (ρ(0)−ρ∞ )e−λt +
ρ∞ , whereas the second term, which is non negative for all −ρ̄ ≤ −ρ(t) < x(t) − xd (t) < ρ(t) ≤ ρ̄, ∀t ≥ 0.
t ≥ 0, relaxes the performance specifications by increasing Proof: Let us define the normalized with respect to the
ρ, in order to maintain the boundedness of the control signal performance function tracking error:
a and subsequently the stability of the closed-loop system. x − xd
Notice also that u − a = 0 when x−x d
is close to zero, since ξ= (10)
ρ ρ
saturation is not active for a set around x−x ρ
= 0, thus the Differentiating (10) with respect to time we obtain:
dynamics of ρ is well defined. Moreover, when the system  
operates without saturation the relaxed performance function 1 (x − xd )
ξ˙ = (ẋ − ẋd ) − ρ̇ . (11)
progressively recovers its conventional form, as u = a. ρ ρ
Apparently, for generic nonlinear functions f (x), g(x) and Notice also from (10) that the state of the system can be
disturbances d(t) in (1), the results regarding the stability written as x = xd +ξρ. Thus, substituting the aforementioned
properties under saturation, which are examined in Theorem equation as well as (1) and (5) into (11) we get:
2, are expected to be local.
Remark 2: The proposed adaptive PPC scheme does not ξ˙ = ((f (xd + ξρ) + g(xd + ξρ)u + d(t) − ẋd )
require either knowledge of the system or any approximating ρ (12)
structures (i.e., neural networks, fuzzy systems, etc.) to + ξλ(ρ − ρ∞ ) + γ(a − u)).
acquire information about the system nonlinear functions. Moreover, the control signals (5),(7) may be written as
Moreover, both the control signal (6) and the update law functions of ξ as:
(5) are produced through simple calculations resulting to a  
low complexity algorithm. Furthermore, our algorithm does 1+ξ
a(ξ) = −k ln
not utilize the derivative of the reference signal xd (t), thus 1−ξ (13)
making it appropriate for applications where the desired u(ξ) = sat(a(ξ)).
signal is measured online and is not a priori known.
Thus, by letting h(ξ, ρ, xd , ẋd , t) = (f (xd + ξρ) + d(t) − ẋd )
Remark 3: The aforementioned control strategy is appli-
as well as B(ρ) = λ(ρ − ρ∞ ) and substituting (13) in (12),
cable to n-th order SISO nonlinear systems in the Brunovsky
the dynamics of ξ becomes:
canonical form:
ẋi = xi+1 , i = 1, . . . , n − 1 ξ˙ = ((h(ξ, ρ, xd , ẋd , t) + g(xd + ξρ)sat(a(ξ)))
ρ (14)
ẋn = f (x) + g(x)u + d(t), (8) + ξB(ρ) + γ(a(ξ) − sat(a(ξ))).
y = x1
In compact form, the latter can be written as:
where x = [x1 , x2 , ..., xn ]T ∈ Rn denotes the state vector, ξ˙ = s(t, ξ). (15)
u is the control input, y is the output, f (x), g(x) are
unknown nonlinear scalar functions and d(t) denotes a Subsequently, the proof proceeds in two steps. First, we
bounded and piecewise continuous external disturbance term. establish the existence of a unique maximal solution ξ :
First, let us define a filtered signal σ(⋆) = q T ⋆, where [0, τmax ) → (−1, 1) of (15), i.e. ξ ∈ (−1, 1), ∀t ∈ [0, τmax ).
q = [q1 , q2 , . . . , qn−1 , 1]T ∈ Rn are positive constants such Next, we prove that the proposed control scheme guarantees
that the roots ri , i ∈ {1, ..., n−1} of the Hurwitz polynomial ∀t ∈ [0, τmax ): i) the boundedness of all closed-loop signals

of (15) and ii) ξ remains strictly within a compact subset of where H̄ = maxϵ≤ϵ̄,ρ≤ρ̄ {|h(ξ, ρ, xd , ẋd , t)|} and M =
(−1, 1), which leads to τmax = ∞ by contradiction. maxρ≤ρ̄,ϵ≤ϵ̄ {|γ − g(xd + ρϵ)|}. The right side of (23) is
Step 1. Let us define the open set: positive if the following inequality is satisfied:

Ω := {(t, ξ) : t ∈ [0, τmax ), ξ ∈ (−1, 1)} (16) γkϵ̄ − Msat(kϵ̄) > H̄ (24)

for which ξ(0) ∈ Ω since ρ(0) > |x(0)−xd (0)| (i.e., |ξ(0)| < Incorporating (23) in (22) we arrive at:
1). Additionally, s : Ω → R is a continuous function on
kϵ̄ − sat(kϵ̄)
t and locally Lipschitz on ξ over the set (-1,1), under the A(ϵ̄) ≤ γ B(ρ̄) (25)
γkϵ̄ − Msat(kϵ̄) − H̄
assumption that there exists a compact set in which ρ is
Hence, the closed-loop system is stable when:
bounded (i.e., ρ ∈ (0, ρ̄] for a positive constant ρ̄), which we
will prove in Step 2. Therefore, the conditions of Theorem 1 (γ − M)sat(kϵ̄) ≥ H̄ (26)
are satisfied, and consequently we conclude that there exists
a unique maximal solution ξ : [0, τmax ) → (−1, 1), such Thus, we conclude the existence of a compact set within
that (t, ξ(t)) ∈ Ω. which the stability of the system is guaranteed. Owing to
Step 2. In Step 1, we showed that, ξ(t) ∈ (−1, 1), ∀t ∈ (24) and (26) and incorporating the saturation level a⋆ we
[0, τmax ). Hence, the signal t 7→ ϵ(t) with: arrive at:

1 + ξ(t)
 W := {(w, γ) : w = (γ − M)a⋆ − H̄ ≥ 0, γ > M} (27)
ϵ(t) = ln (17)
1 − ξ(t) As a consequence, for a sufficiently large saturation level a⋆
all closed-loop signals remain bounded within the set W for
is well defined ∀t ∈ [0, τmax ). Now, consider the positive
all t ∈ [0, τmax ). Therefore, combining (17) with the inverse
definite and radially unbounded Lyapunov function candidate
logarithmic function, we get:
V = 21 ϵ2 . Differentiating with respect to time we obtain:
e−ϵ̄ − 1 ϵ̄
¯= e − 1 < 1
ϵ −1 < = ξ ≤ ξ ≤ ξ (28)
V̇ = (h(ξ, ρ, xd , ẋd , t) e−ϵ̄ + 1 ¯ eϵ̄ + 1
(1 − ξ 2 )ρ (18)
+ [γ − g(xd + ξρ)]sat(kϵ) + ξB(ρ) − γkϵ) Note that (t, ξ) ∈ Ω′ , for a nonempty compact set Ω′ :=
¯ However it is clear from
{(t, ξ) : t ∈ [0, τmax ), ξ ∈ (ξ, ξ)}.
Furthermore, owing to the continuity of f, g and the bound- ¯
(28) that Ω′ ⊂ Ω. Hence, assuming that τmax < ∞, there
edness of d(t), ẋd (t) as well as the supposition that ρ ∈ exists a time instant t′ ∈ [0, τmax ), as dictated by Propo-
(0, ρ̄] (i.e., the performance function ρ(t) remains upper sition 1, such that ξ(t′ ) ∈ ¯ which is a contradiction.
/ (ξ, ξ),
bounded by a positive constant ρ̄), and invoking the Extreme Consequently, τmax = ∞ and¯ all closed-loop signals remain
Value Theorem, we get: bounded within W and additionally ξ(t) ∈ (ξ, ξ) ¯ ∀t ∈ R+ ,
which, through (28), leads to: ¯
D = sup {|h(ξ, ρ, xd , ẋd , t)
t≥0,ρ≤ρ̄ (19) −ρ̄ ≤ −ρ(t) < x − xd < ρ(t) ≤ ρ̄ (29)
+ [γ − g(xd + ξρ)]sat(kϵ) + ξB(ρ)|}
and eventually guarantees prescribed performance tracking
Thus, employing (19), the property that (1−ξ 2) ≥ 1 as under input saturation.
concluded by Step 1, in addition to the fact that ρ ≥ ρ∞ , Remark 4: Note that the output performance specifica-
then V̇ becomes: tions of the closed-loop system is solely determined by the
1 evolution of ρ(t). More specifically, in Theorem 2 we proved
V̇ ≤ (D|ϵ| − γk|ϵ|2 ) (20) that the tracking error is upper bounded from a positive
(1 − ξ 2 )ρ
constant ρ̄, with respect to a compact set W. Despite the
Hence, V̇ < 0 when |ϵ| > γk , which implies: fact that the size of W depends on the unknown nonlinear
terms, the evolution of ρ(t) is also coupled with the control
D gains k, γ and the convergence rate λ. On account of this, the
|ϵ(t)| ≤ ϵ̄ = max{|ϵ(0)|, } ∀t ∈ [0, τmax ]. (21)
γk proper selection of the aforementioned parameters affects the
As a result, a sufficient condition yielding all closed-loop response of the system. Notice from (5) that as k increases,
signals bounded is the existence of a positive constant ρ̄ such the control law reaches saturation faster, and thus for large
that: values of k even the limited input capability is not fully
reclaimed. Moreover, as γ increases, the relaxation of ρ(t)
kϵ̄ − sat(kϵ̄)
B(ρ̄) = λ(ρ̄ − ρ∞ ) ≥ γ = A(ϵ̄) (22) in saturation is greater, due to the second term in (5).
ξ¯ As a result, large values of γ increase the tracking error
where ξ¯ = T −1 (ϵ̄) ∈ (0, 1). Notice from (19) and (21) that: boundaries, more than it is necessary. On the other hand,
an increment of λ implies decrease of ρ̇(t). Hence, for
γkϵ̄ ≤ H̄ + Msat(kϵ̄) + ξB(ρ̄) =⇒ large selection of λ the system may be leaded to instability
γkϵ̄ − Msat(kϵ̄) − H̄ (23) if the tracking error is increased faster than the adaptive
ξ¯ ≥
B(ρ̄) performance function ρ(t). Based on the aforementioned, it

is obvious that the selection of the adaptive PPC parameters Σ1 with the following nonlinear terms:
is based on the ratio kγ , which should be selected relatively
f (x) = −x + x3 − x7
Remark 5: Theorem 2 is applicable to any system (1) that Σ1 : g(x) = x4 + log(x2 + 2)
satisfies Assumptions 1-2. Nevertheless, the local stability d(t) = 4 cos(t) − 2 cos(3t)
properties that we proved, extend to global stability in case
with initial condition x(0) = 0 and desired trajectory
of input to state stable (ISS) systems. The aforementioned
xd (t) = 2 sin(2t) + 1.3 cos(t). In this case, we illustrate
inference derives from the fact that the state x remains
the effect of input saturation to the performance specifi-
bounded for ISS systems with saturated (bounded) input.
cations determined by the parameters provided in Table I
Hence, ρ remains globally bounded, as we proved in the
(i.e., convergence rate greater than exp(−λt) and maximum
above analysis that ϵ is globally bounded.
steady state error less than ρ∞ ). The saturation level was
Remark 6: Theorem 2 guarantees the stability of the sys- also set at a∗ = 10. Fig. 1 depicts the response of the closed-
tem by introducing a trade-off between the input constraint loop system. Notice that when the control input u reaches
and the output performance. Therefore, in some control saturation, i.e., no further control effort can be applied to
applications where the saturation level a∗ is adjustable, it the system, the performance bounds are relaxed to maintain
is essential to know the compact set where the trajectory the stability of the system. Eventually, the trade-off between
tracking is precise, i.e., the steady state tracking error be- input and output constraints vanishes when the control signal
comes less than ρ∞ . Towards this direction, employing the is away from saturation. Apparently, the aforementioned sat-
inverse dynamics of (1), a sufficient condition for accurate uration level does not allow perfect tracking of the reference
tracking at the steady state is given by: trajectory (see Remark 6).
|ẋd (t) − f (xd (t)) − d(t)|
P := {(t, xd (t)) : t ∈ R+ , < a∗ }
g(xd (t))
As a consequence, if the reference trajectory lies within the
compact set P, the tracking performance can be precisely
predefined by ρ∞ and the trade-off between the input con-
straints and the output performance specifications vanishes
at the steady state.


In this section, we demonstrate the capability of the
proposed control scheme to solve the PPCIS problem, via
two simulated scenarios: a first-order paradigm consisting of
two different scalar systems in the form of (1), illustrating the Fig. 1. (a) Tracking response of Σ1 . (b) The evolution of the tacking error;
the dashed lines indicate the adaptive performance bounds. (c) The control
full capabilities of our method, in addition to a higher order signal a(t) and the saturated input u(t).
system in the form of (8). Both paradigms were simulated
in MATLAB, using the ode15s routine, with error tolerances Case B. In this case, we simulate a generic nonlinear sys-
RelTol = 10−6 and AbsTol = 10−10 . tem by dropping the ISS assumption. In particular, consider
the system Σ2 with the following nonlinear terms:
A. First Order System
f (x) = x3 + x5
In order to show the universal capabilities of the proposed
Σ2 : g(x) = x2 + 1
control algorithm, we keep unaltered the control protocol,
i.e., fixed parameters, for all systems, as listed in Table I. The d(t) = 5 cos(t)
closed-loop system in each case is obtained by incorporating with initial condition x(0) = 0 and desired trajectory
the adaptive control scheme (5)-(7) into the plant dynamics. xd (t) = 0.8 sin(t) + 0.5 cos(t). In Theorem 2, we stated that
Throughout this simulation scenario all Assumptions 1-3 are for an unknown nonlinear system, there exists a compact set
met. Finally, let us define the tracking error as e = x − xd . W, within which the closed-loop system under the proposed
control scheme (5)-(7) remains bounded. The conclusions of
the aforementioned theorem are illustrated in Fig. 2. Notice
from Fig. 2a, that for saturation level a∗ = 3.3, Σ3 escapes
k γ λ ρ∞ W, i.e. w < 0, resulting in a → ∞ (see the subplot in
2 2 5 0.05 Fig. 2a). On the other hand, for larger saturation levels a∗ ,
Σ3 remains within W and all closed-loop signals remain
bounded, as can be seen in Fig. 2b and Fig. 2c. Moreover,
Case A. Consider the input to state stable (ISS) system as dictated in Remark 6, when the states of Σ2 enter the

compact set P then the tracking performance is determined
solely by λ and ρ∞ , i.e., as in conventional PPC. Fig. 2
illustrates this property, e.g., the steady state error is less
than ρ∞ , when the controller does not saturate.

Fig. 3. (a) the tracking response of Σho . (b) the evolution of the tacking
error; the dashed lines indicate the adaptive performance bounds. (c) the
control signal a(t) and the saturated control input u(t).

proposed adaptive PPC scheme counteracts input limitations

Fig. 2. (a)-(c): response of Σ2 for various input saturation levels (the by properly modifying the output constraints, depending on
subplots provide details at the steady state). (d)-(f): the corresponding the feasible control effort that can be applied to the plant.
control signals.
Furthermore, a sufficient stability condition is provided by
the theoretical analysis. Contrary to the related literature,
B. High Order System no prior knowledge on the system nonlinearities nor any
In this simulation study, we illustrate the applicability of approximation mechanisms are required, thus maintaining
our adaptive PPC method in a high order SISO system in the the complexity of the control scheme relatively low. Future
form of (8) under the assumptions and definitions dictated research efforts will be devoted to more general system
by Remark 3. In particular, we consider a third order system structures as well as encountering slew rate (apart from
in the canonical form as follows: magnitude) input constraints.

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In this paper, we have considered the PPC problem for
unknown SISO nonlinear systems under input saturation. The


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