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Sec: Sr.

IIT CO-SC Date: 10-03-21

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 300

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

10-03-21_ Sr.IIT CO-SC _Jee-Main_GTM-19_Syllabus

MATHEMATICS: Total Syllabus
PHYSICS: Total Syllabus
CHEMISTRY: Total Syllabus




Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
1. If the chords of contact of tangents from two points  4, 2  and (2,1) to the hyperbola

x2 y 2
  1 are at right angle, then the eccentricity of the hyperbola is
a 2 b2

7 3 5
A) B) C) 2 D)
4 2 3

2. The number of normal to the curve 3 y 3  4 x which passes through the point (0,1) is

A) 4 B) 3 C) 2 D) 1
3. The value of lim 
 log e  n  k   log e n  is equal to
k 1 n  k
n 

 loge 2   loge 2   loge 2 

2 2 2

D)  log e 2 
A) B) C)
4 3 2

4. A ray of light passing through the point A(2,3) is reflected at a point B on line x  y  0
and then it passes through the point (5,3). Then the coordinates of B are

A)  ,   B)  ,   C)  ,  
1 1 2 2 1 1
D) None of these
 13 13  5 5 3 3

5. Let P  x   x 2  2  a 2  a  1 x  a 2  5a  2 . If the minimum value of P  x  for x  0 is 8, then

the sum of the squares of all possible values of a is

A) 13 B) 17 C) 37 D) 49

6. The mean and variance of a binomial distribution are 30 and 5, respectively. Then
probability of two successes is
36 34 2
875 875 36 5 36 5 1
A) 34 B) C) C2   D) C2    
6 2  634 6 6 6

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
x 2  10 x  24
7.  x5
dx is equal to

A) x 2  10 x  24  sec1  x  5  C B) x 2  10 x  24  cos ec 1  x  5  C

C) sec1  x  5  x 2  10 x  24  C D) cos ec 1  x  5  x 2  10 x  24  C
 
8. If the intercepts made by the plane r . n  q on x, y and z axes are a1 , a2 and a3
respectively, then
  a1  a2  a3 
A) n   qa1  i   qa2  j   qa3  k B) n  i j k
q q q

 q q  q    1   1    1  
C) n  i j k D) n   i    j  k
a1 a2 a3  a1q   a2 q   a3q 

9. Quadrilateral formed by the points corresponding to the roots of z 4  z 3  2 z 2  z  1  0 is a

A) square

B) parallelogram which is not a square

C) trapezium

D) rhombus which is not a square

10. The first term of an arithmetic progression is 1 and the sum of the first nine terms is 369.
The first and the ninth terms of a geometric progression coincide with the first and the
ninth terms, respectively, of the arithmetic progression. The seventh term of the
geometric progression is

A) 9 B) 18 C) 27 D) 36

11. 20 soldiers are standing in a row. The captain wants to make a team of 7 out of them for
a mission. In how many ways can the captain select them such that at least one soldier
finds the soldier next to him also selected.

A) 20C7 B) 14C7 C) 20C7  13C7 D) 20C7  14C7

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
12. The statement  p   q   p is false for the ordered pair (p, q) respectively is

A) T T B) T F C) F T D) F F

13. Two players A and B play a match which consists of a series of games (independent).
Whoever first wins two games, not necessarily consecutive, wins the match. The
1 1 1
probabilities of A's winning, drawing and losing a game against B are , and ,
2 3 6
respectively. It is known that A won the match at the end of 11thgame, then the
probability that B wins only one game is

A) 9/10 B) 9/11 C) 10/11 D) 7/11

14. Let ABC bean equilateral triangle with side length a. For any point P inside ABC , let S
denote the sum of the distances of P from each of the sides of ABC . The difference
between the maximum and minimum values of S is

A) a/3 B) a/2 C) 2a/3 D) 0

The coefficient of x3 in the expansion of 1  x  x 2  is


A) 50 B) -50 C) 68 D) none of these

c  tan 1  ax  b   , x  0

16. If f  x   0 , x  0 ,  c  0  is differentiable at x  0 , then locus of the point
1  cos cx
   , x0
 x

 b  c, a  is

A) x2  y B) y 2  2 x C) x  2 y D) y  2 x

17. A circle S touches the line x  y  2 at (1,1) and cuts the circle x2  y 2  4 x  5 y  6  0 at P
and Q, respectively. Then PQ always passes through the point

A) (2,3) B)  6, 4  C)  6, 4  D)  6, 4 

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
18. The absolute difference between the least and the greatest values of
f  x   sin 1 x  cot 1 x  x 2  2 x  6 is

 3
A) 4 B) 5  C) 4  D) None of these
4 2

19. Area enclosed by the graph of y  loge  x  1 , y-axis, and the line y = 1 is

A) e – 2 B) e – 1 C) e D) 2e

20. If area of triangle formed by tangent (with positive slope) and normal to a curve at any
point in first quadrant with x -axis is cube of its ordinate, then differential equation of
such a family of curves is
2 2

A)    2 y B)    2 y  1  0
dy dy dy dy
 dx  dx  dx  dx

2 2

C) 2 y    1  0 D)    2 y  1  0
dy dy dy
 dx   dx  dx

(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
21. The number of real solutions of the equation tan 1 x 2  3x  2  sin 1 4 x  x 2  3   is __.

 2 f  x 
22. If x  log 4   , then the value of f  2017   f  2016  is _______.
 1 f  x 

23. If the points A(4,7) and B(2,3)lying on a parabola are equidistant from its focus, then the

slope of the directrix is ________.

24. If y  f  x  satisfies f  x  1  f  z  1  f  x  z   x, z  R and f  0   0 and f   0   4 , then

f  2  is equal to _______.
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  
25. If 2a  b  a  b (where a is a unit vector), then 5b  4a is equal to ________.

2 
26. If p  2 , q  1 and the angle between p and q be . If a parallelogram is formed
3 4

with adjacent sides a  p  3q and b  5 p  2q , then the length of the shorter diagonal is k

dx 1    1 a
27.  2  2 sin x  F  x   c; F  0    2 ; F 
4 2
, then a  ____

[where c is arbitrary constant ] then

28. Suppose we have keep an amount ‘p’ with any bank such that the rate of change of

principal amount ‘p’ is equal to the product of the rate of bank interest per annum and

the principal amount ‘p’. 100 rupees at 5% interest rate after five years will be

100e rupees then  =

29. The mean of 20 observations is 15. On checking it was found that two observations were

wrongly copied as 3 and 6. If wrong observations are replaced by correct values 8 and

4,then the correct mean is

30. If b 2  4ac  0 (where a  0 and a,b,c,x,y  R ) satisfies the system ax 2  x  b  3  c  y  0

and ay 2  y  b  1  c  3x  0, then the value of is

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
31. A projectile is projected from a level ground making an angle  with the horizontal (x
direction). The vertical (y) component of its velocity changes with its x co-ordinate
according to the graph shown in figure. Calculate . Take g = 10 ms–2.

A) 45° B) 60° C) 30° D) 75°

32. A man is running along a road with speed u. On his chest there is a paper of mass m and
area S. There is a wind blowing against the man at speed V. Density of air is . Assume
that the air molecules after striking the paper come to rest relative to the man. The
minimum coefficient of friction between the paper and the chest so that the paper does
not fall is
mg mg mg mg
A) B) C) D)
S  V  u  S  2V  u  S  V  u  S  2V  u 
2 2 2 2

33. Rectangular block B, having height h and width d has been placed on another block A as
shown in the figure. Both blocks have equal mass m and there is no friction between A
and the horizontal surface. A horizontal time dependent force F = kt is applied on the
block A. At what time will block B topple? Assume that friction between the two blocks
is large enough to prevent B from slipping.

dgm 2dgm dgm 3dgm

A) B) C) D)
2kh kh kh 2kh
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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
34. A section of fixed smooth circular track of radius R in vertical plane is shown in the
figure. A block is released from position A and leaves the track at B. The radius of
curvature of its trajectory when it just leaves the track at B is

A) R B) R /4 C) R /2 D) None of these
35. A rope thrown over a pulley has a ladder with a man of mass m on one of its ends and a
counterbalancing mass M on its other end. The man climbs with a velocity v relative to
ladder. Ignoring the masses of the pulley and the rope as well as the friction on the
pulley axis, the velocity of the centre of mass of this system is
m m 2m m  M v
A) v B) v C) v D)
m  M 2M M 2m

36. Two particles A and B, each of mass m and moving with velocity V, hit the ends of a
rigid bar of mass M and length  simultaneously and stick to the bar. The bar is kept on a

smooth horizontal plane (as shown). Find the angular speed of the system (bar +
particle) after the collision. [M = 6m]

2V V 3V
A) B) C) D) zero
  

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
37. Two solid conducting spheres of radii R1 and R2 are kept at a distance d (>>R1 and R2)
apart. The two spheres are connected by thin conducting wires to the positive and
negative terminals of a battery of emf V. Find the electrostatic force between the two

0 R12 R 22 V 2 0 R12 R 22 V 2 40 R12 R 22 V 2 20 R12 R 22 V 2

A) B) C) D)
d 2  R1  R 2  4d 2  R1  R 2  d 2  R1  R 2  d 2  R1  R 2 
2 2 2 2

38. A polyatomic gas with six degrees of freedom does 25 J of work when it is expanded at
constant pressure. The heat given to the gas is
A) 100 J B) 150 J C) 200 J D) 250 J
39. Two simple harmonic motion x1 = a sin t and x2 = b cos t are superimposed on a
particle. The displacements x1 and x2 are along the same directions. Then choose the
correct option.
A) The particle will not perform SHM.
B) The motion will not be oscillatory.
C) The particle will perform SHM.
D) The particle will perform periodic motion but not SHM.
40. A graph of the x-component of the electric field as a function of x in a region of space is
shown. The y and z components of the electric field are zero in this region. If the electric
potential is 10 V at the origin, then potential at x = 2.0 m is

A) 10 V B) 40 V C) –10 V D) 30 V
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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
41. An equilateral triangular loop ADC of uniform specific resistivity having some
resistance is pulled with a constant velocity v out of a uniform magnetic field directed
into the paper. At time t = 0, side DC of the loop is at the edge of the magnetic field. The
induced current (I) versus time (t) graph will be as

A) B) C) D)
42. In Young's double slit experiment with light of wavelength  = 600 nm, intensity of
central fringe is I0. One of the slits is covered by glass plate of refraction index 1.4 and
thickness t = 5 m, the new intensity at the same point on screen will be
I0 3I 0 I0
A) B) C)I0 D)
4 4 2
43. The gates A, B, C and D shown in the diagram are OR gate, AND gate, AND gate and
NOT gate respectively. Choose the correct relation between A, B and Y.

A) 1 0 1
B) 1 1 1
C) 0 1 1
D) 0 0 1

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
44. A particle is projected under gravity with velocity 2ag from a point at a height h above
the level plane at an angle to it. The maximum range R on the ground is

A) a 2

1 h B) a 2 h C) ah D) 2 a  a  h 

45. In the figure shown, the acceleration of wedge is (Neglect friction)

A) B) C) zero D)
M mM m
46. The block A of mass 10 kg is kept on platform P of mass 25 kg. A force of 25 N is
applied on P and force of 10 N is applied on A simultaneously as shown in the figure.
Friction is absent between platform and ground. Coefficient of friction between platform
and block is  = 0.06.

Direction of frictional force on block A will be

A) towards positive x – axis
B) towards negative y – axis
C) at an angle of 45° from + x axis to – y axis
D) at an angle of 45° from + x axis to + y axis

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
47. A ball collides elastically with a massive wall moving towards it with a velocity of v as
shown. The collision occurs at a height of h above ground level and the velocity of the
ball just before collision is 2v in horizontal direction. The distance between the foot of
the wall and the point on the ground where the ball lands, at the instant the ball lands,
will be

2h 2h 2h 2h
A)  B) 2 C) 4 D) 3
g g g g

48. Two long straight cylindrical conductors with resistivities 1 and 2 respectively are
joined together as shown in figure. If current I flows through the conductors, the
magnitude of the total free charge at the interface of the two conductors is

 1  2  I0
A)zero B) C)  0 I 1   2 D)  0 I 1   2
49. A piece of conducting wire of resistance R is cut into 2n equal parts. Half the parts are
connected in series to form a bundle and remaining half in parallel to form another
bundle. These bundles are then connected to give the maximum resistance. The
resistance of the combination is

A) 1  2    D)  n  
R 1 R R 1
B) 1 n2 C)
2 n  2 
2 1 n 2
  n

50. In the given detector circuit, the suitable value of carrier frequency is

A)<< 109 Hz B)<< 105 Hz C) >> 109 Hz D) 1010 Hz

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
51. Eight equal drops of water are falling through air with a steady velocity of 10 cms–1. If
the drops combine to form a single drop big in size, What is the terminal velocity of this
big drop in (cm/sec)?
52. ABCDEF is a closed container like a prism placed such that face ACDE is lying
horizontally. A liquid of uniform density is filled inside the container. Let F1 be the force
due to liquid on the face ABC and F2 is the force on the face ABFE. Find the value of
? (assume that pressure at line FB is zero), (Take 3  1.7 )

53. The transverse displacement of a string is given by y(x, t) = 0.06 sin  x  cos(120t)
 3 

where x and y are in m and t in s. The length of the string is 1.5 m and its mass is 3.0 ×
10–2kg. Determine the tension in the string (in Newton).
54. A concave mirror forms a real image, on a screen of thrice the linear dimension of a real
object placed on its principal axis. The mirror is moved by 10 cm along its principal axis
and once again a sharp image of the object is obtained on the screen. This time the image
is twice as large as the object. Find the focal length of the mirror (in cm).

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
55. In the circuit shown in figure, cell is ideal and R2 = 100 . A voltmeter of internal
resistance 200  reads V12 = 4 V and V23 = 6 V between the pair of points 1 – 2 and 2 – 3
respectively. What will be the reading of the voltmeter in (volt) between the points 1 –

56. A person’s eye level is 1.5m. He stands in front of a 0.3m long plane mirror in vertical
plane whose lower end is 0.8m above the ground . The length of the image he sees of
himself is: (in metre)
57. A parallel beam of light of wave length 600 nm is incident normally on a slit of width
"a". if the distance between the slits and screen is 0.8 m and the distance of second order
maxima from the centre of the screen is 15 mm. calculate the width of the slit in
58. A pure semi conductor has equal electron and hole concentration of1016 m3 . Doping by
indium increases nh to 4.5  1022 m 3 . ne in the doped semiconductor is m3 then x is
x 10 22

59. Find average binding energy per nucleon of 11 Na 23 given that mass of 11 Na 23 atom is
22.98977 amu, mass of 1 H 1 atom is 1.007825 amu and mass of neutron is 1.008665 amu.
(1 amu = 931 Mev)
(Round-off to two decimal places)
60. The speed of sound in hydrogen at 00 C is 1200 ms 1 . When some amount of oxygen is
mixed with hydrogen, the speed decreases to 500 ms 1 . If density of oxygen is 16 times
that of hydrogen. Find the ratio of hydrogen to oxygen by volume in this mixture
(Round-off to two decimal places)

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
61. The composition of Bell metal is:

A) Cu, Ag B) Cu, Zn, Ni C) Cu, Sn D) Cu, Zn

62. Hydrometallurgy is involved in extraction of :

A) Zn from zinc blende B) Cu from chalcopyrite

C) Ag from Argentite D) Sn from Cassiterite

63. Select the correct order of E oM2 /M of Ti, Cr, Mn and Fe:

A) Ti < Cr < Mn < Fe B) Ti < Mn < Cr < Fe

C) Ti < Mn < Fe < Cr D) Fe < Mn < Cr < Ti

64. If the internuclear axis in the diatomic molecule AB is designated as the z-axis, of the
various pairs of s,p or d atomic orbitals, can combined to form  orbitals. Which of the
following combination will not form  orbital?

A) p x ,p x B) p x ,d xz C) d xz ,d xz D) d xy ,d xy

65. Which of the following is INCORRECT order?

A) Basic character : Tl2O3  Ga 2O3  Al2O3

B) Decreasing pH of aqueous solution : NaCl  MgCl2  AlCl3

C) Lewis acid character : BF3  BCl3  BBr3

D) Reducing character : SbH3  AsH3  PH3  NH3

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
66. Which of the following is the best CO2 absorber as well as source of O2 in space

A) KOH B) K 2O 2 C) KO2 D) LiOH

67. In the ‘ring test’ for NO3 ion, a complex (X) is formed. The oxidation state of Fe,

charge on(NO) species and magnetic moment of the complex species (X) are ,


A) 1, 1, 15 BM. B) 2,0, 8 BM. C) 2, 1, 35 BM. D) 1,0, 35 BM

68. Two buffer solutions A and B, each made with benzoic acid and sodium benzoate differ
in pH by two units. A has salt : acid = a : b while B has salt : acid = b:a. If a > b, then the
value of a : b is

A) 5 : 1 B) 10 : 1 C) 2 : 1 D) 12 : 1

69. The initial pressure of PCl5 present in one litre vessel at 200 K is 2 atm. At equilibrium,

the pressure increases to 3 atm with temperature increasing to 250 K. The percentage

dissociation of PCl5 at equilibrium is

A) 30% B) 60% C) 0.2% D) 20%

70. The pH of a solution made by mixing 0.2M NH3 and 0.2M(NH4)2 SO4 and new pH when
0.05M Ca(OH)2 is added to it are, respectively. (pKb, NH3 = 4.76)

A) 8.94 and 9.24 B) 9.24 and 9.72 C) 5.06 and 4.76 D) 9.24 and 8.94

71. The average life of a radioactive element is 7.2 min. Calculate the time interval (in min)
between the stages of 33.33% and 66.66% decay. (Given : n2  7 )

A) 3 B) 4 C) 2 D) 5

72. Which of the following statement is correct for the given reaction?
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NO 2
Conc. HNO 3
+ +
Conc. H 2SO 4 NO 2
NO 2

(1) (2) (3)

A) 51% yield of product (3)

B) 47% yield of product (2)

C) 2% yield of product (1)

D) NH 2 group is ortho-para directing & product (3) would not form

73. Which is correct K a order for the following compounds?


a) b) c)

A) a > c > b B) c > a > b C) a > b > c D) c > b > a

74. Identify "Z" in the following reaction series,

CH3CH 2CH 2 Br 

NaOH (aq)
(X) 
Al2O3 ,heat
 H 2O
(Y) 
 (Z)


A) Cl B) Cl C) HO D) HO

75. Vaniline structure should be

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76. C2 H 2 
Hg /H 2SO 4
H 2O
 A 
KMnO 4
B 
 C 
(C2 H5 )2 Cd

Compound D in the reaction sequence

A) B) C) D)

77. Aniline reacts with concentrated H 2SO 4  Chromic acid to give

NO 2
NO 2
A) B)
NO 2


C) D)

78. During the reaciton between carbonyl compounds with ammonia derivatives, a proper
pH is required. Select the INCORRECT statement.

A) To increse positive charge on the C atom of  C  O  group for the better attack of
nucleophilic centre of ammonia derivative, a small amount of acid is needed

B) With excess of acid, ammonia derivatives form their salts and act as strong

C) With excess of acid, ammonia derivatives form their salts and can not act as
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Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
D) The proper pH required for theses reaction is nearly 3.5


O +
Product of this reaction is

, H Ph
Ph Ph
A) B) Ph

Ph Ph
HO Ph , HO Ph

C) Ph D) Ph

80. End product of the following sequence of reaction is

NBS Mg 1) CH 3CN
Ether 2) H 3O


A) B) C) O D)

(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-03-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-19_Q’P
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
81. How many of following are present in photochemical smog?

O3 , SO 2 , NO 2 , CH 2O , CH 2  CH  COOH , H3C C O 2NO 2

82. A 200 mL solution of I2 reacts with hypo solution in acidic medium and requires 8 mL
of 2M hypo solution for complete neutralisation. The no. Of millimoles of I2 in solution
83. The ratio of the wavelengths of the first and the ultimate line of the Balmer series of Li2
is ____
If the radii of Mg 2 ,Cs  ,O 2   ,S2   and Cl  ions are 0.65,1.69,1.40,1.84, and 1.81 A ,

respectively. The sum of coordination number of the cations in the crystal of CsCl, MgS
and MgO________
85. Phenol associates in water to double molecules. The values of observed and calculated
molecular weight of phenol are 161.84 and 94, respectively. The percentage association
of phenol will be
86. How many of the following are soluble in CS2 ?
1) White phosphorus 2) Red phosphorus
3) Rhombic sulphur 4) Monoclinic sulphur

87. At 3800 C , the half-life period for the first order decomposition of H 2O2 is 360 min. The
energy of activation of the reaction is 200 kJmol 1 . Calculate the time (in min) required,
for 75% decomposition at 4500 C . (Given: n33.16  3.56 )
88. How many sp2 hybrid orbitals in Mesitylene?
89. How many chiral carbon(s) is/are in Tranquilizer namely "Equanil".

90. No. of moles of N 2O gas released when 1 mole of Zinc is reacted with excess dilute
HNO 3 is

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 20

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

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