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Sec: Sr.

IIT CO-SC Date: 10-02-21

Time: 3 Hrs Max. Marks: 300

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

10-02-21_ Sr.IIT CO-SC _Jee-Main_GTM-5_Syllabus

PHYSICS: Total Syllabus
CHEMISTRY: Total Syllabus
MATHEMATICS: Total Syllabus



Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
1. A horizontal disk is rotating with angular velocity  about a vertical axis passing
through its centre. A ball is placed at the centre of groove and pushed slightly. The
velocity of the ball when it comes out of the groove.

3 R R
A) R B) C)  R D)
2 2 2
2. An electric dipole is situated in an electric field of uniform intensity E whose dipole
moment is p and moment of inertia is I. if the dipole is displaced slightly from the
equilibrium position, then the angular frequency of its oscillations is
 l 
1/2 3/2 1/2
 pE   pE   p
A)   B)   C)   D)  
 l   l   pE   lE 
3. A 2m long wire of resistance 4ohm and diameter 0.64mm is coated with plastic
insulation of thickness 0.06mm. When a current of 5 ampere flows through the wire,
find the temperature difference across the insulation in steady –state if
K  0.16  102 calcm 1 0C1s 1

A) 1 0 C B) 2 0 C C) 3 0 C D) 4 0 C
4. The potential energy of a particle varies as
U  x   E0 for 0  x  1  0 for x  1 for 0  x  1 , the de Broglie wavelength is 1 and
for x  1 the deBroglie wavelength is  2 . The total energy of the particle is 2E0 .

A) 3 B) 7 C) 2 D) 5

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
5. A uniform rod of mass M 1 is hinged at its upper end. A particle of mass M 2 moving
horizontally strikes the rod at its midpoint elastically. If the particle comes to rest after
collision, then, find the value of

3 4 2 3
A) B) C) D)
4 3 3 2

6 The circuit has two oppositely connect ideal diodes in parallel. What is the current
flowing in the circuit?

A) 1.33A B) 1.71A C) 2.00 A D) 2.71 A

7. An ideal gas expanding such that PT 2  constant. The coefficient of volume expansion
of the gas is

1 2 3 4
A) B) C) D)

8. If velocity, force and time are taken to be fundamental quantities, then the dimensional
formula for mass is

A) Q  Kv 1FT B) Q  Kv 3 FT 2 C) Q  2 Kv 2 FT D) Q  3Kv 2 FT

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
9 In a biprism experiment with sodium light, bands of width 0.0195 cm are observed at
100cm from slit. On introducing a convex lens 30 cm away from the slit between
biprism and screen, two images of the slit are seen 0.7 cm apart at 100 cm distance from
slit. Calculate the wavelength of sodium light.
0 0 0 0
A)   4450 A B)   4850 A C)   2650 A D)   6750 A

10. Particle of masses m,2m,3m,…..,nm are placed on the same line at distance L,2L,3L,..nL
form O. The distance of the centre of mass from O is

 2n  1 L L n  n 2  1 L  2n  1 L
A) B) C) D)
4  2n  1 2 3

11. In a uniform magnetic field of induction B, a wire in the form of a semicircle of radius r
rotates about the diameter of the circle with angular frequency  . If the total resistance
of the circuit is R, the mean power generated per period of rotation is

 B r    B r 
2 2 2
 B r 
2 2
B r 
A) B) C) D)
2R 5Rt 2R 8R

12. In a given process of an ideal gas, dW  0 and dQ  0 . Then for the gas

A) The temperature will decrease

B) The volume will increases

C) The pressure will remain contain

D) The temperature will increases.

13. A particle at the end of a spring executes simple harmonic motion with a period t1 , while
the corresponding period for another spring is t2 . If the period of oscillation with the
two springs in series is T, then

A) T  t1  t2 B) T 2  t12  t2 2 C) T 1  t11  t2 1 D) T 2  t12  t2 2

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
14. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incident on a right angled
prism. The refractive index of the material of the prism for the above red, green and blue
wavelengths are 1.39,1.44 and 1.47 r respectively.

The prism will

A) Separate all the three colours from one another
B) Not separate the three colours at all
C) Separate the red colour part from the green and blue colours
D) Separate the blue colour part from the red and green colours
15. A uniform rod of mass m and length L is hinged at one end and free to rotate in the
horizontal plane. All the surface are smooth. A particle of same mass m collides with the
rod perpendicular to the length of rod with a speed V0 . The coefficient of restitution for
the collision is e  . If hinge reaction during the collision is zero then the value of x is

A) No such value of x is possible B) x 
C) x  D) x  L

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
16. A particular semiconductor in equilibrium has 1 1016 cm 3 donor atoms,
1.1 1017 cm 3 acceptor atoms. If the intrinsic carrier density  ni  of the semiconductor is

1012 cm 3 , then the electron density in it will be

A) 1016 cm 3 B) 1012 cm 3 C) 1.1 1017 cm 3 D) 1017 cm 3

17. The dependency of speed of water surface waves (capillary waves) on the density of
water    their wavelength    and surface tension    is

a     
A) B) C)   D)
     

18. The ratio of intensities in consecutive maxima in a diffraction pattern due to a single slit

2 3 4 4
A) 1: 2 : 3 B) 1: 4 : 9 C) 1: : D) 1: :
2 2 9 2 25 2

19. A string of length 1.5m with its two ends clamped is vibrating in the fundamental mode.

The amplitude at the centre of the string is 4mm. The minimum distance between the

two points having amplitude of 2 mm is

A) 1m B) 75 m C) 60 m D) 50 m

20. The potential energy of a 1 kg particle free to move along the x-axis, is given by

 x4 x2 
V  x      J . The total mechanical energy of the particle is 2J then, the
 4 2

maximum speed (in ms-1) is

A) 2 B) 3 / 2 C) 2 D) 1/ 2

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
21. K wavelength emitted by an atom of atomic number Z = 11 is  . Find the atomic
number for an atom that emits K radiation with wavelength 4

22. A galvanometer of resistance 30 is connected to a battery of emf 2V with 1970

resistance in series. A full-scale deflection of 20 divisions is obtained in the
galvanometer. To reduce the deflection to 10 divisions, the resistance value ( in ohm) in
series required is

23. Two tangent galvanometers A and B have coils of radii 8 cm and 16 cm respectively
and resistance 8 each. They are connected in parallel with a cell of emf 4V and
negligible internal resistance. The deflections produced in the tangent galvanometers A
and B are 300 and 600 respectively. If A has 2 turns, then the number of turns B must
have is

24. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube
of its absolute temperature. The value of ratio for the gas is

25. The resultant force (in  N ) on the current loop PQRS due to a long current –carrying
conductor ( current = 20 A) will be

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
26. The length of a magnet is large compared to its width and breadth. The time period of its
oscillation in a vibration magnetometer is 150 ms. The magnet is cut along its length
into three equal parts and three parts are then placed on each other with their like poles
together. The time period of this combination (in ms) will be
27. A satellite is launched into a circular orbit, above the surface of the earth. The time
period of revolution is T  2  n 
, Where R is the radius of the earth and g is the
acceleration due to gravity. Then what is value on n?
28. To determine the half-life of a radioactive element, a student plots graph of
dN  t  dN  t 
ln versus t. Here is the rate of radioactive decay at time t. if the number
dt dt
of radioactive nuclei of this element decreases by a factor of p after 4.16 yr, the value of
p is  e 2.08  0.125 

29. A wide cylindrical vessel 50cm in height is filled with water and rests on a table.
Assuming the viscosity to be negligible, find at what height ( in cm) from the bottom of
the vessel a small hole should be perforated for the water jet coming out of it to hit the
surface of the table at the maximum distance from the vessel?

30. A wire is made by attaching two segments together end to end. One segment is made of
aluminum and the other is of steel. The effective coefficient of linear expansion of the
two-segment wire is 19  106 0 C 1 . If the fractional length of aluminum is where p
and q are the least positive integers, then what is the value o  p  q  ? (linear
coefficients of thermal expansion of aluminium and steel are 23  106 0C 1 and
12  106 0C 1 , respectively).

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.
31. For the photoelectric effect, the maximum kinetic energy for  EK  of the emitted photo
electrons is plotted against the frequency v of the incident photons as shown in figure.

The slope of the curve give

A) Charge of the electron

B) work function of the metal

C) Plank’s constant

D) Ratio of the plank’s constant to electronic charge

32. What will be the volume of O2 Liberated at NTP by passing 5A current for 193 sec.
through acidified water.

A) 56 mL B) 112 mL C) 158 mL D) 965 mL

33. An ideal gas is taken around the cycle, ABCA as shown in P-V diagram. The network
done during the cycle is equal to

A) 12 PV
1 1 B) 6 PV
1 1 C) 5 PV
1 1 D) PV
1 1

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
34.  X  
 CHI 3  Y  
aq . NaOH  I 2 H 3O 
 PhCH 2 . The alcohol (X) is

CH 3CHCH  OH  CH 2
A) B) PhCH 2CH  OH  CH 3

C) PhCH  OH  CH 2CH 3 D) PhCH  CH 3  OH

The CFSE for CoCl6  complex is 18000 cm1 . The  for CoCl4  will be
4 2

A) 9000 cm1 B) 4000 cm1 C) 8000 cm1 D) 2000 cm1

36 The following reaction CH 3COCl 

Pd / H
 4

Identify X out of the following

A) Acetaldehyde B) Propionaldehyde

C) Acetone D) Acetic anhydride

37. Match list I with list II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the

LIST-I (Reactions) LIST-II (Products)

(p) CH 2  CHCOOH  H 2 / Ni  1 Trans-PhCH=CHOOH

(q) Cis- CH 3CH  CHCOOH  Br2 / CCl4  2 Racemic-2,3-dibromobutanoic acid

(r) C6 H 5CH  OH  CH 2COOH  H  

 3 CH 3CH 2COOH

(s) o  HOOCC6 H 4CH 2OH  H    4

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 10

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
38. Which among the following reactions is can be an example of pseudo first order

A) Inversion of cane sugar

B) Decomposition of H 2O2

C) Conversion of cyclopropane to propene

D) Decomposition of N 2O5

39. A compound (A) is used in preparation of washing soda to recover ammonia in solvay’s
process. When CO2 is bubbled through an aqueous solution of (A), the solution turns
milky. It is used in white washing due to disinfectant nature. what is the chemical
formula of A ?

A) Ca  HCO3 2 B) CaO C) Ca  OH 2 D) CaCO3

40. Which is not useful primary about borax?

A) It is a useful primary standard for titrating against acids

B) One mole of borax contains 4 B-O-B bonds

C) Aqueous solution of borax can be used as buffer

D) It is made up of two triangular BO3 units and two tetrahedral BO4 units

41. Which in K vs 1/T plot is correct for an equilibrium that shifts toward reactants at higher

A) B) C) D)

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
42. Which of the following solid salt on heating with solid K 2Cr2O7 and concentration H 2 SO4
orange red vapours are evolved which turn aqueous NaOH solution yellow?

A) NaBr B) NaCl C) NaNO3 D) Nal

43. An excited hydrogen atom returns to the ground sate. The wave length of emitted photos
is  . The principal quantum number of the excited state will be
R 
 R  1
 
A)  B) 
C)  R   R  1
D)  
  R  1    R    R   R  1 

44. The hearting of oxime of acetone in presence of conc. H 2 SO4 to form N-methyl
ethanamide is called

A) Bayer-Villger rearrangement B) Beckmann rearrangement

C) Wolf-rearrangement D) Hoffmann reaction

45. NO2 and N 2O4 are two forms of nitrogen dioxide. One exists in gaseous state while other

in liquid state. The nature of NO2 and N 2O4 forms are

A) Both are paramagnetic

B) Both are diamagnetic

C) NO2 is paramagnetic while N 2O4 is diamagnetic

D) NO2 is diamagnetic while N 2O4 is paramagnetic

46. 2-Methylbut-1-ene reacts with mercuric acetate in presence of water to form a product,
which on reduction with NaBH 4 yields

A) 2-Methylbutan-2-ol B) 2-Methylbutan-1-ol

C) 3-Methylbutan-2-ol D) None of the above

47. Which of the group element does not form M(III) iodide?

A) Al B) Ga C) In D) TI

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
48. Silver ions are added to the solution with  Br   

Cl    CO32    AsO43   0.1 M

Which compound will precipitate at the lowest  Ag   ?

A) AgBr,  K sp  5  1013  B) AgCl;  K sp  1.8  10 10 

C) Ag 2CO3 ;  K sp  8.1 1012  D) Ag3 AsO4 ;  K sp  1022 

49 Compound PdCl4 .6 H 2O is a hydrated compound; 1 molal aqueous solution of it has

freezing point 269.28K. Assuming 100% ionization of complex ( K f for water=1.86k
mol 1 )

A)  Pd  H 2O 6  Cl4 B)  Pd  H 2O 4 Cl2  Cl2 .2 H 2O

C)  Pd  H 2O 3 Cl3  Cl.3H 2O D)  Pd  H 2O 2 Cl4  .4 H 2O

50. A mineral has molecular formula XY2O4 .O 2 ions are arranged in ccp and cations of X are
present in octahedral voids. Cations of Y are equally distributed among octahedral and
tetrahedral voids. The fraction of the octahedral voids occupied will be

1 1 1 1
A) B) C) D)
6 8 4 2

(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
51. In the reaction 8 Al  3Fe3O4  4 Al2O3  9 Fe , the number of electrons transferred from
reductant to oxidant___________

52. Total number of enol possible for the compound formed during given reaction will be
(including stereoisomer)

CH 3 MgBr  CH 3CH 2COCl 

1equivalent 

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
53. Calculate pH at which an acid indicator Hln with concentration 0.1M changes its colour
K a for Hln  1 10 5  _________

Br Br
| |
    3
CH 3  C  C  CH 3     CH 3  C  C  C  C  CH 3 X and Y mole consumed.
54. 2

| |
Br Br

Find the value of x+y ?

55. Total number of covalent bonds in C3O2 is x and y is the number sp-hybridised atom.
Find the sum of x+y?

56. How many CI-atoms are present in Bithional added in soaps for (antiseptic

57. For a first order reaction, if the time taken for completion of 50% of the reaction is ‘t’
second, the time required for completion of 99.9% of the reaction is ‘t’. Find the value of

58. How many alkenes possible by the dehydration of

59. The oxidation number of Mn in the product of alkaline oxidative fusion of

MnO2 is__________

60. How many of these molecule can have any type of hydrogen bonding.

Glucose, HF , R  OH , R  COOH , R2 NH , CCl3CHO, Ph  Br , o-nitro phenol, PH 3 ________

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
This section contains 20 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (1), (2), (3) and (4) for its
answer, out of which ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 if not correct.

61. If p and q are logical statements, then   p    p  q  is equivalent to

A) p  q B) p   p  q  C) p  q D)  p  q    p  q 

  
62. The projection of 2 i  3 j  4 k on the line whose equation is
   
r   3    i   3  2  j   5  6  k where  is a scalar parameter , is

32 16 7
A) 6 41 B) C) D)
41 41 5

63. f  x   lim cos 2 n  x 2    x   where, . denote the greatest integer function and n  N is
n 

A)Continuous at x=1 but discontinuous at x=0

B) continuous at x=1 and x=0

C)discontinuous at x=1 and x=0

D)discontinuous at x=1 but continuous at x=0

The coefficient of x4 in the expansion of 1  5 x  9 x 2  13x3  17 x 4  .....1  x 2  is equal to


A) 11 C2  411 C1  3 B) 11 C2  311 C1  4

C) 311 C2  411 C1  3 D)171

65. If the sum to infinity of the series

1  4 x  7 x 2  10 x 3  , where x  1 then x is equal to

19 1 1 4
A) B) C) D)
7 5 4 7

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
66. Let C1 and C2 be two circles of radius r1 and r2 units respectively touching both the axes.
r1 r2
If the two circles are orthogonal, then  is equal to
r2 r1

A)2 B) 2  3 C) 3  2 D)4

67. The number of real solution of

cot 1 x  x  4   cos 1 x 2  4 x  1  is equal to

A)0 B)1 C)2 D)infinite

x3 y b z 3
68. The plane containing the line   passes through the points
2 4 3

 a,1, 2  ,  2,1, 4  ,  2,3,5 , then 3a  5b is equal to

A)4 B)16 C)-16 D)-4

69. The area (in sq. units) covers by  x  y   3 with the coordinate axes is (where, [.] is the
greatest integer function)

A)2 B)4 C)5/2 D)11/4

70. The number of different ways in which five alike dashes and eight alike dots can be
arranged using only seven of these ‘ dashes’ and ‘dots’ is equal to

A)1287 B)119 C)120 D)1235520

 2 3 11
71. The value of cos cos cos ..........cos is equal to
11 11 11 11

1 1 1 1
A)  B) C) D) 
32 512 1024 2048

 x 
72. The value of the integral I  0 dx, x  is equal to
1  tan x

 2  2
A) B) C) D)
2 4 4 2

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
73. Let from a point A, (h,k), chords of contact are drawn to the ellipse x 2  2 y 2  6 where
all these chord touch the ellipse x 2  4 y 2  4 . Then , the perimeter (in units) of the locus
of point A is

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 6

74. If the origin and the non-real roots of the equation 3z 2  3z    0,   R are the
vertices of an equilateral triangle in the aragand plane, then 3 times the length of the
side of the triangle is

A) 2 units B)1 unit C)3 units 4) 4 units

 
75. If a and b are units vectors making an angle  with each other. Such that
 
   0,   and a  2 b  5 then  lies in the interval

  2  5
A)  0,  B)  0,  C)  ,  D)  , 
 2  2 3  6 6 

76. The positive difference between the local maximum value and the local minimum value
of the function f  x   x3  3x  1, x   2,3 is

A)20 B)4 C)14 D)22

77. The number of solutions to x+y+z=10 where 1  x, y, z  6 and x, y, z  N , is equal to

A)35 B)36 C)27 D)66

78. Let l1 and l2 be the two lines which are normal to y 2  4 x and tangent to x 2  12 y

respectively (where l1 and l2 are not the x-axis ). Then the product of the slopes of

l1 and l2 is

A)3 B)2 C)1 D)1/2

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
 1 
79. Three positive acute angles  ,  and  satisfy the relation tan  cot and
2 3 2

 1  
cot   3 tan  cot  , Then , the value of      is equal to
2 2 2 2

 3
A)  B) 2 C) D)
2 2

The integral I    xe x  sin x 2  cos x 2  dx  f  x   c, (where, c is the constant of


integration. Then , f  x  can be

 x2 
A) e x sin  x 2  e sin  x 2 
1 x2
B) e x sin  x 
2 2
C) e x sin   D)
 2 2

(Numerical Value Answer Type)
This section contains 10 questions. The answer to each question is a Numerical value. If the numerical value has
more than two decimal places, Truncate/Round-off the value of Two decimal places. Have to Answer
any 5 only out of 10 questions and question will be evaluated according to the following marking scheme:
Marking scheme: +4 for correct answer, 0 in all other cases.
1  cos 4 x
81. The value of lim is equal to

x  0 5 sin 2 x cos x

82. The integral value of a, for which the quadratic expression ax 2   a  2  x  2 is negative to
exactly two integral value of x, is

83. A committee of 5 persons is to be randomly selected from a group of 5 men and 4

women and a chair person will be randomly selected from the committee. The
probability that the committee will have exactly 2 women and 3 men and the chairperson
will be a man is p, the is equal to

84. The order of the differential equation of the family of circles touching the y-axis at the
origin is k, then the maximum value of y=k cosx x  R is

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The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
Narayana IIT Academy 10-02-21_Sr.IIT CO SC_ JEE-MAIN_GTM-5_Q’P
85. Let x  y  r and xy  1 intersect at A and B in the first quadrant. If AB= 14 units ,
2 2 2

then the square of the distance from the origin to mid point of AB is equal to

86. The product of all the values of  such that the lines x  2 y  3  0,3 x  y  1  0 and

 x  y  2  0 cannot from a triangle, is equal to

 
87. Let f  x   tan 3 x  3 tan 2 x  1, x    ,  Then the positive difference between the least
 4 4

value and the local maximum of the function is

88. For a matrix A, A  aij 33  0. if each element aij is multiplied by k i  j , we obtain matrix

B, such that  A   B  0, then the value of    is equal to

If 1  x   C0  C1 x  C2 x 2  .........  Cn x n , n  N and

C02 C12 C22 Cn2   2n  1 !

   .......   , then the value of  is equal to
1 2 3 n  1   n  1 !2

90. The tops of two poles of height 40m and 25 m are connected by a wire of length

30 2
m. If the wire makes an angle  with the horizontal, then the value of 2 sin  is
 3 1 
equal to (take , 3  1.7 )

SR.IIT_N-SC Page. No. 19

The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.

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