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Inspection Method for Building Maintenance Management

in Higher Education Institutions

Scheyla Maria Cardinal 1; Carlos Eduardo Tosin 2; Silvio Edmundo Pilz 3;
and Marcelo Fabiano Costella 4

Abstract: In Brazil’s public university sector, there is a lack of information regarding the building inspection activity; besides, there is a
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normative gap in this area. This paper’s objective was to develop and validate an inspection management method focused on the management
of building maintenance in universities. Design science research was adopted to develop the artifact called the inspection method for main-
tenance management, which was evaluated in a university in Brazil. This method consists of scope, planning, inspection, verification, pri-
oritization, and recommendation steps. It was found that the application of the inspection method in the case study provided a maintenance
inspection guided by scope and prioritization. However, it is necessary to align design information, especially for new buildings, with the
maintenance strategies to meet the required performance criteria. The inspection method for maintenance management could be experimented
in other commercial buildings, as long as the design needs were adjusted. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001521. © 2020 American
Society of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Building inspection; Design science research; Prioritization; Maintenance; Useful life.

Introduction for example, university managers may encounter difficulties in

obtaining information about the building conditions of their insti-
In the first decade of the twenty-first century, several higher edu- tutions (Ferreira 2017; Thabet and Lucas 2017).
cation public institutions were created in Brazil and there was also The existence of specific standards contributes to the improve-
an expansion of the existing universities, with new campuses being ment of this scenario, as they help regulate the management process
expanded by 85% (Brasil Ministério da Educação (Ministry of of buildings, observing their life cycle. Norma técnica brasileira
Education) 2012). These two factors demanded new inspection (NBR) 15575 (ABNT 2013) lists the performance aspects for res-
and building maintenance processes based on performance to in- idential buildings, but with several applications in educational
crease the value of assets and prolong their useful life (UL). In the buildings; ISO 19208 (ISO 2016) presents the performance speci-
new institutions, there are only managerial positions and techni- fication foundations for buildings; NBR 5674 (ABNT 2012) gov-
cians for traditional activities in their functional staff. The mainte- erns the building maintenance process; NBR 16280 (ABNT 2014b)
nance system needs to be structured since, currently, any repair regulates renovation processes; and NBR 14037 (ABNT 2014a)
requires the contracting of outsourced labor. On the other hand, the addresses use, operation, and maintenance. However, there is a
existence of maintenance management systems for universities regulatory gap related to building inspections.
built more than 50 years ago presents challenges to improvement, In order to overcome the lack of information regarding the
building inspection activity, the Brazilian Institute of Ratings and
M.Sc. Student, Dept. of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technol- Forensics (Instituto Brasileiro de Avaliações e Perícia, IBAPE) has
ogy and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community Univ. proposed an inspection system for Brazil (IBAPE 2012), which is
of Chapecó Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó, used by its members. In the United States, on the other hand, the
Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil. Email: ASTMhas a guide to assess infiltration in buildings (ASTM 2012).
M.Sc. Student, Dept. of Exact and Environmental Sciences, Technol- However, both models refer to the analysis of pathological mani-
ogy and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Community Univ. festations and do not focus on building maintenance, which con-
of Chapecó Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, Chapecó,
tributes to the absence of a preventive inspection culture since the
Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil. Email:
Associate Professor, Dept. of Exact and Environmental Sciences, inspections tend to be reactive.
Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Commu- In short, the life cycle of a building—which starts with the de-
nity Univ. of Chapecó Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D, Efapi, sign phase and materializes during the construction phase—is not
Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil. Email: sep@superip followed through entirely during the maintenance phase because of the lack of building inspection methods. This article, therefore,
Associate Professor, Dept. of Exact and Environmental Sciences, presents an inspection method focused on building maintenance
Technology and Innovation Management Postgraduate Program, Commu- management in a university.
nity Univ. of Chapecó Region, Servidão Anjo da Guarda, 295D,
Efapi, Chapecó, Santa Catarina CEP 89809-900, Brazil (corresponding
author). ORCID: Email: costella@ Background
Note. This manuscript was submitted on March 2, 2020; approved on
June 15, 2020; published online on September 4, 2020. Discussion period When the life cycle of construction is associated with main-
open until February 4, 2021; separate discussions must be submitted for tenance, it can be argued that, economically, the maintenance
individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Performance of of building functionality is essential for the sustainability of
Constructed Facilities, © ASCE, ISSN 0887-3828. buildings (Chiang et al. 2015; Ding 2008; Zhang et al. 2011;

© ASCE 04020112-1 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2020, 34(6): 04020112

Grussing and Liu 2013; Ding and Xu 2014; Rauf and Crawford low quality and nondurable materials may be an economical option,
2015). This sustainability needs to consider the performance re- but they anticipate the maintenance and repair services because
quirements (Ding and Xu 2014), the lower consumption of resour- of degradation. Inevitably, the performance of a building will be
ces, the increased efficiency of the installed systems (De Wilde affected by the degradation of its components unless adequate
et al. 2011; Hong et al. 2015), and the extension of the building’s maintenance is performed (De Wilde et al. 2011; Mora et al. 2011).
operational phase. In this context, sustainable development covers Grussing and Liu (2013) listed requirements for a management
innovative business models for the construction industry, which en- model that enables one to decrease, stop, or reverse a building’s loss
ables extended value for customers in the postconstruction period of use so that the building maintenance management is thought of as
(Zhao et al. 2017), guides architecture choices to reduce energy a function of the building’s life cycle. These requirements include:
consumption in the management phase of the facilities (Delgado (1) establishing a decomposition model of the components and sys-
et al. 2018), and transfers relevant information between the con- tems; (2) classifying and objectively measuring the deterioration;
struction life cycle phases in an agile and efficient manner using (3) predicting its progress, and (4) determining the maintenance
computational tools (Thabet and Lucas 2017). and building renovation actions in order to estimate the costs of
The differentiation between the sustainability of the construc- these actions as well as the financial impact of not performing them.
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tion activity and the sustainability of the constructed works (Mora The data related to UL assists in defining the required activities
et al. 2011) encompasses aspects related to durability, raw materi- and their frequency to maintain, repair, and replace materials and
als, and the design concept in the life cycle of the building (Ding construction systems (Grant and Ries 2013). Understanding the de-
2008; Delgado et al. 2018) with sustainable maintenance technol- sired performance levels may assist in decision-making since the
ogies (Thabet and Lucas 2017; Zhang et al. 2011; Zhao et al. 2017). whole building is designed as a function of one demand, which
Another critical factor is the relationship between sustainability and will have its functionality defined by the activities that will be
maintenance as part of asset management (Grussing and Liu 2013), developed.
through the efficient use of natural resources (Hong et al. 2015) The evaluation of a building’s life cycle from the perspective of
with tools that allow for the flow of information between the de- the least energy incorporated into processes motivates research into
sign, construction, and operation stages (Ding and Xu 2014; Rauf materials and sustainable processes for the construction and dem-
and Crawford 2015). olition phases. Similarly, less consumption is pursued in the oper-
The following main impacts on the UL of buildings and main- ation phase in order to prolong the UL and facilitate the renewal
tenance activities can be cited: the choice of appropriate strategies, strategy of existing building inventories. Buildings need to be as-
in which maintenance actions slow the natural degradation pro- sessed from the perspective of the expected use so the materials and
cess (Grant and Ries 2013); the upgrade of building functionality systems can meet the performance requirements.
(De Wilde et al. 2011); the professionalization of human resour- Other research similar to this study focuses on the diagnosis of
ces linked to building management (Abdul-Rahman et al. 2014; anomalies in facades (Madureira et al. 2017), in bathrooms (Che-
Becerik-Gerber et al. 2011); and government actions regarding Ani et al. 2015), and is applicable to all building systems (Shohet
safety aspects in older buildings (Chan et al. 2014; Chiang et al. 2003; Bortolini and Forcada 2018; Leite et al. 2020). They also
2015). address building conditions and highlight the relevance of the
Different types of performance are considered by management. user’s opinion (Lateef 2010; De Medici and Senia 2015; Bento
While the functional performance of buildings is related to the fit Pereira et al. 2016) and maintenance actions based on user com-
between users’ activities and the functional elements, such as the plaints (Olanrewaju 2012). Besides, there is a methodology that
finish of interiors, support services, and circulation efficiency, assesses the security risk of the building (Druķis et al. 2017).
the technical performance elements are related to safety, lighting, Mostly, they adopt models to prioritize maintenance actions based
hygrothermal behavior, ventilation, acoustics, and thermal condi- on several criteria: safety, functionality, aesthetics, hygiene, acces-
tions. Each technical performance element should be maintained sibility, cost, and frequency of failures (Fig. 1).
to ensure a comfortable, safe, and healthy environment (Abdul-
Rahman et al. 2014).
The best way to assess the life cycle is through inspections, Method
which must be undertaken in a planned manner (ASTM 2012).
According to the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and This study uses the design science research approach (Bayazit
Air-Conditioning Engineers [ASHRAE (2013)], commissioning 2004; Pandza and Thorpe 2010; Dresch et al. 2015) made up of
focused on civil construction is a quality process geared to im- five steps:
proving the delivery of a building through the verification and 1. awareness;
documentation of the design, implementation, operation, and main- 2. suggestion;
tenance phases to ensure that all systems operate under the design 3. development of the artifact;
requirements. 4. evaluation of the artifact; and
The commissioning of sustainable buildings ensures that the 5. communication.
building systems operate as outlined in the criteria during the clos- The formalization of the problem (Step 1) was performed
ing of the design phase and the beginning of construction through a literature review and the experience of the researchers
(Robichaud and Anantatmula 2010). The normalized median cost with the building maintenance process. In addition, the mainte-
of commissioning services in existing buildings is between 0.1% nance managers of all campuses of the university were interviewed
and 0.4% of the cost of a new building (Mills 2011). In buildings regarding the difficulties in this process.
with an efficiency certification, the commissioning includes the The following results were compiled in Step 2 (suggestion):
certification process. (1) definition of the building performance factors based on ISO
When a building is not considered an appropriate investment 19208 (ISO 2016); and (2) study of inspection methods focused
from a financial perspective, both in the design phase and the op- on evaluating the building condition, attesting to the management
eration phase, this will enable the obsolescence and accelerated and its activities, checking the natural degradation and patholo-
degradation of a building (Grussing and Liu 2013). The choice of gies present, reporting prognoses, recommending actions for the

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Fig. 1. Summary of inspection methods.

Fig. 2. Maintenance inspection steps.

maintenance plan, considering the user complaints, and presenting a

technical building inspection methodology, in addition to the IBAPE Scope
standard (IBAPE 2012) and the ASTM standard (ASTM 2012). The scope should describe the information on the inspection’s pur-
In Step 3 (development), the inspection method for maintenance pose, contracting parties, contracted parties, qualifications of the
management artifact was constructed. This method considers re- professionals, building data, and chosen level of inspection, which
quirements evaluated proactively (stability; fire safety; safety in depends on the technical characteristics of the building and the
use for risks related to chemical, physical, and electrical hazards complexity to select the professional team. Also, the building sys-
or risks of accidents; sealing; anthropodynamic fit; durability; tems that will be evaluated, the informed pre-existing pathologies,
economy; and dynamic behaviors related to the sites or the user) observations, or exclusions from the scope, and the predicted de-
and reactively (hygrothermal requirements for solids and fluids, air liverables should be defined (Table 1).
quality, acoustics, lighting, tactile comfort, hygiene, accessibility,
and contributions to sustainable development). The proposed
method adopts the inspection techniques standard to determine Planning
the level of inspection, planning, audit, analysis, classification, pri- The document inspection should list the required documents for the
oritization, and recommendations (ASTM 2012). The delimitation design, implementation, and management phase, including docu-
of the scope defines the level of inspection; planning describes the ments that record changes and others that may be relevant. Both the
adopted strategy; inspection gathers the information on the building document and building inspection require the definition of the de-
conditions and documents, including all applicable laws and reg- livery form of the inspection reports to supply the management
ulations; verification establishes the performance parameters; pri- systems.
oritization determines the degree of relevance of the information; The building inspection planning is conducted by observing the
and the last step presents guidelines based on the information in the designs, in which the anomalies will be written down on the refer-
reports. ence photos of the inspection checklist. The data required are
Step 4 (evaluation) includes the verification of the method’s (1) system/site; (2) anomaly/pathology; (3) reference of the site;
capacity to meet the objective for the case study: a building with (4) extension of the anomaly/pathology; (5) general observations
two blocks made up of classrooms, computer labs, and a canteen or conditions that affect several structures; and (6) observations
with an area of 10,000 m2 . The building belongs to the Federal Uni- of users during the inspection.
versity of Fronteira Sul, which is a new university with five campuses In this step, the lists with the standards and laws applicable to
located in different cities with a total built area of 119,249.52 m2 in the building’s location are filled out, in addition to the exposure and
which there is no maintenance management sector implemented. use conditions (Table 2 with an example) to list the building sys-
Forty-five days were needed for the completion of Steps 3 and 4. tems and equipment to be inspected.
In Step 5 (communication), the method was presented to the An appropriate schedule, periods of operation, favorable weather
university’s management committee, which intends to adopt it conditions, and the availability of those responsible for access
as a standard procedure for building inspections. to restricted areas should also be considered. The tools and equip-
ment necessary to ensure safety, access, and devices to record
images should be provided for the execution of the activities.
Inspection Method for Maintenance Management Besides, the degree of influence on maintenance intervals is
determined from severe, in which the repair is immediate, to
The proposed inspection method for maintenance management was beneficial, when the condition increases the expected range of
established in six steps, as depicted in Fig. 2. maintenance.

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J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2020, 34(6): 04020112

Inspection Verification
The inspection report should indicate the building system and The verification report is composed of three parts:
present the anomalies, describe them, inform their extent, and 1. verification report of the physical building conditions in which
the places where they repeat. Besides, the notes and considerations the occurrences for each one of the performance requirements
of the users accompanying the inspection should be summarized are listed (safety in use and operation, fire safety, sealing, struc-
and presented. If necessary, the inspection report will also include tural performance, and users);
the identification of other documents, such as designs, checklists, 2. building documentation verification report that compares the
and images. current situation with the maintenance plans and schedules,
checks the functionality identified in the environments with
the designed functionality, and crosschecks the documents with
Table 1. Delimitation of the inspection deliverables the relevant standards; and
Inspection objective Main deliveries 3. final report that seeks to create a database enabling the manager
to assess the occurrences, cost indicators, or practices that pro-
( : : : ) Building management ( : : : ) Audit of documents
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long the UL of the building.

( : : : ) Recommendation of
management improvements
( : : : ) Recommendation of specialized Prioritization
technical inspection
( : : : ) Draft and update of maintenance The prioritization of activities is the result of the multiplication of
plans and programs indicators for each of the five items from the building inspection
( : : : ) Draft and update of procedures report (Table 3 with an example), considering individually, severity,
urgency, and tendency, which can be 1, 5, or 10; maintainability,
( : : : ) Use and performance ( : : : ) Technical inspection report
from 1 to 3; and replacement costs, from 1 to 5 (Table 4).
conditions ( : : : ) Technical inspection, diagnosis,
and prognosis report By creating a list with a classification order, the manager will
( : : : ) Report on the performed possess a list of recommendations that observe, first and fore-
performance tests most, the legislation, design conditions, and technical standards,
( : : : ) Recommendation of which are based on the safety and sustainability conditions. If
improvements or renovations due to the anomalies are classified as severe, monitoring indicators
changes in the use of the facilities, should be listed among the recommendations in the maintenance
legislation, and other factors plans.
( : : : ) Recommendation of specialized
technical inspection for pathologies
with complementary tests to this Recommendation
The recommendations are drawn up following the prioritization and
( : : : ) Identification of ( : : : ) Technical survey and inspection the verification reports to identify urgent cases (Table 5 with an
pathologic manifestations reports example).
( : : : ) Forensic tests complementary to The recommendations should be organized according to the
this method following order: (1) recommendations for compliance with legis-
( : : : ) Diagnosis and prescription
lation, (2) recommendations for compliance with design require-
( : : : ) Recommendation of solutions for
ments, and (3) recommendations for compliance with technical

Table 2. Checklist model for assessing the exposure condition in the components of the building (example)
Building List of materials and Identified weather or use Degree of influence on Compliance with performance
systems and finishes to consider in conditions in the building that maintenance intervals (severe/ (complies/does not comply/
installations the maintenance favor or slow degradation favorable/indifferent/beneficial) partially complies)
Walls Masonry walls, with 1. Durability—change of use 1. Favorable, if the change Partially complies findings:
plaster and white paint implies in tougher conditions
2. Tightness—presence of 2. Severe 1. Installation of laundry without
moisture adaptation of the coating
2. Moisture on the stairway walls,
with the presence of mold

Table 3. Priority evaluation report (example)

Maintainability Replacement cost
Report item index C2 index C3 Severity Urgency Tendency Prioritization
Change of use due to Score: 1 (replaceable) Score: 4 (replacement Score: 5 (affects Score: 5 (in the Score: 1 (no Final score: 100
the laundry facility: costs higher than the functionality and short term) predictable
moisture in an initial cost) image) consequences)
uncoated wall that
guarantees tightness
Note: C2 = potential for an item to be replaced, repaired or not repaired; and C3 = financial investment to replace an item.

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Table 4. Classification for the prioritization of anomalies
Indicators Examples Score
Low Tolerable, but changes the durability and maintainability 1
Average It affects the image, production, and property; problems with sealing, 5
thermal comfort, acoustics, lighting, air quality, functionality
High It affects the structural safety regarding fire, use, operation, 10
environment, and costs; life-threatening or injury risk, dangers to
health or safety in use, interruption in use
Low In the long term 1
Average In the short term 5
High Immediate 10
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Low No predictable consequences 1

Average Possible legal consequences through notifications from public 5
agencies. Possible poor performance
High Clear consequences in the use, maintenance, or operation of the 10
building due to loss of performance, affecting other activities
Replaceable Tiles and metals 1
Maintainable Windows and seals 2
Not maintainable Foundations and structures 3
Replacement cost
Low maintenance cost Hydraulic repairs; replacement of bulbs 1
Average maintenance cost Replacement of windows; preventive maintenance of fire extinguishers 2
Replacement costs equal to the initial cost Painting 3
Replacement costs higher than the initial cost Replacement of embedded electrical and hydraulic systems 4
Replacement costs much higher than the initial cost Waterproofing of swimming pools 5

Table 5. Model report of the recommendations for the building conditions (example)
priority Anomaly Prognosis Corrective and preventive recommendations
100 Moisture in an uncoated Durability and maintainability changes: anticipation of Corrective: moisture repair with the application of a
wall that guarantees maintenance time coating that ensures tightness
tightness due to the Affects functionality and image: stains and dirt on the wall; Preventive: register reforms carried out and establish
laundry facility it can get dirty or stain utensils that are being cleaned new performance requirements for the renovated place

Application of the Inspection Method for The architectural design, on the other hand, assisted in defining the
Maintenance Management roadmap of the building inspection.
Both the designs and the carried out renovations were not
Scope developed according to the building information modeling
(BIM) technology, which limits the information about the building.
The building is public and serves the academic community of a In the planning, the standards and laws applicable to the building
university with classrooms, a canteen, administrative offices on were also verified, and the questionnaires and verification reports
the ground floor, and computer and research labs on the fourth were drafted. Table 6 presents an excerpt of the document used for
floor. The building was delivered and occupied in 2013 and was verifying the exposure conditions of coatings.
designed in a premolded structure with a metal roof and thermal
insulation, brick masonry, and precast concrete; window frames
of aluminum and tempered glass; metal canopies at the entran- Inspection
ces; basalt stone, porcelain tile, and wooden floors; accessible The inspection of the documents was performed before the building
lifts; and air conditioning. This building is through the first inspection, based on the digital files and documents made available
maintenance inspection because this is a newly created univer- by the university.
sity, and therefore it does not have an established maintenance The building inspection occurred as planned, and the informa-
sector. tion was recorded through images, identification of the images in
the design, and description of the conditions found in the inspection
checklist (Fig. S1). During this step, the questionnaire was also ap-
plied to the building’s users.
The building designs were analyzed in conjunction with the budget In the inspection report, the pictures were grouped according to
of the work and its additives, which briefly list the materials and the type of occurrence and their summarized information, which
equipment used. The items to evaluate the exposure conditions generated a database with 437 images classified in 90 types of
are based on the budget, specifications, and inspected documents. anomalies (Fig. 3).

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J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2020, 34(6): 04020112

Table 6. Example of the entering of exposure conditions
Building systems List of materials and finishes to consider in the Whether or Degree of influence
and installations preventive maintenance Deteriorating agent use condition (severe/indifferent/favorable)
Coating Ceramic coating placed with adhesive mortar and Physical/chemical Weather/usage Favorable
grout: toilets, pantry and kitchen of the canteen
Frame in granite: opening the doors of the lifts Physical Use Favorable
External coating: common plaster Physical/chemical Weather Favorable
Internal painting
Acrylic paint on plaster: internal walls Physical Weather Favorable
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Fig. 3. Example of the inspection report.

Verification For example, in the access to the water reservoir, there was infil-
tration in the walls with peeling of paint, the prioritization calcu-
Since the construction 5 years ago, the first inspection considered
lation resulted in the score 4,000 (maintainability: 2, replacement
and observed the durability requirements cited in the owner’s
costs: 4, severity: 5, urgency: 10, and tendency: 10).
manual, and the estimated UL was adopted for both systems and
With the prioritization, the main demands could be identified as
materials. The annual maintenance planning should provide for the
being linked to the lack of façade maintenance. This demand was
replacement or maintenance of the system and its parts, with the
submitted to the design department before the completion of the
standards of performance not being restrictive.
works, in which it was established that the development of a façade
The durability information served to justify recommendations
adjustment design would result in more considerable savings than
for the systems that met the designed functionality, whether be-
performing the maintenance actions.
cause a natural event caused damage to the structure or because of
The prioritization of the recommendations was made by first
design, implementation, or lack of maintenance problems.
complying with legislation, and then with the design require-
This evaluation proposed improvements to the maintenance plan
ments and standards on maintenance. The questionnaire prepared
of the systems and updated the maintenance and renovation pro-
for the users returned problems related the acoustic and thermal
gram regarding the needs of the building. The recommendations
performance, resulting in the recommendations for corrective
were based on the legislation, standards applicable to the inspected
systems, and the observed building conditions.

Prioritization Recommendations
The prioritization revealed that the classification by severity de- The recommendations resulted from three evaluations performed
fined based on performance requirements was useful. Although during the inspection: inspection of the building conditions and
there are recommendations about sealing and maintainability, for their prognoses, evaluation of the changes in use and exposure con-
example, that have a low degree of severity, the classification re- ditions, and evaluation of the management documents as a function
garding the urgency and tendency repositioned these recommenda- of the identified performance conditions. Related to the recommen-
tions on the list of priorities. Recommendations related to safety are dations according to the type of anomaly, the greatest one still fo-
at the top of the list of priorities to ensure the safety of users, pre- cuses on corrective maintenance (65%), since it is the first cycle of
vent interdictions of environments, and reduce maintenance costs. the maintenance management system.

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Table 7. Some excerpts of the building inspection recommendations
Block Item Priority Anomaly Prognosis Corrective Preventive
A 53 3000 Rusty grid, ladder, Ruin by corrosion Perform maintenance on steel parts: Evaluate improvement project if
and door hatch remove rust, apply protection against the maintenance costs are high
rust, and repaint
B 12 150 Plates/runners of the Increase of seepage Close the structure of the central span, Include roof inspection
central span poorly and corrosion including the correct mounting, removal verification in the coverage
fixed and worn paint of rust, and painting closure surveys
A 9 125 Absence of finishing Loss of the ability Reinstall the finishes and replace the Perform maintenance based on
in the toilets to use seals of the flush valves the checks provided for in the
conservation contracts
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Finally, the final report was drafted with recommendations clas- 1. completing the inspection phase while considering the triad:
sified according to the prioritization criteria (Table 7). description of the malfunction, location in the blueprint, and
2. prioritizing severity, tendency, urgency, and replacement cost;
Discussion 3. drafting inspection reports based on the requirements of the per-
formance standard and current legislation;
The verification step has the peculiarity of observing the state of 4. evaluating financial costs of the building management based on
conservation of the entire building, which may or may not have replacement costs and price reference tables;
been subjected to interventions from users and maintenance teams. 5. evaluating the use and incorporation of sustainable building
Nevertheless, this comparison reveals only a lack of correction of systems or maintenance management procedures and natural
anomalies or a lack of preventive maintenance of the planned ac- resources; and
tivities, which should already have been complied with considering 6. evaluating the maintenance and renovation management while
the age of the building. It is, therefore, also necessary to evaluate considering planned versus performed, prioritized versus planned,
the forthcoming activities to see if they are in line with the aging and complaints from users.
expectations, always because of the current condition of the build- One way to achieve the continuous development of maintenance
ing. However, the method did not consider testing because its cost management is to check the maintenance history and customer
of implementation would be financially inviable for the university. complaints in cases in which there are no established performance
The recommendation of system testing would, therefore, occur levels. The adoption of anomaly monitoring parameters prioritizing
only for those systems on the prioritization list whose degradation degrees of severity classified as high enables the standardization of
was seen as accelerated and if this became clear during the responses in the tool’s recommendation step.
At the same time, the method allows the manager to analyze the
history of occurrences through the maintenance inspection records, Conclusion
recommend maintenance and conservation strategies prioritizing
situations, and identify if the use of the environment is following The success in the use of the management tool in the case study’s
the project’s design. university occurred mainly by adopting the maintenance schedule
The use of this management method requires more hours of based on the building’s condition, the identification of activities
dedication related to other management activities. However, as performed in duplicate, and the use of recommendations to update
the owner’s manual and maintenance strategies are consolidated, the the plans based on legislation and standards. The cost in the pri-
number of anomalies tends to be reduced and, consequently, the time oritization of activities, description, location, and image as standard
spent for the maintenance inspection will be shorter. for inspection, are also criteria that are worth noting.
The most significant difficulty identified in the case study when The study of general issues, involving the area of the built envi-
considering the maintenance management processes, renovations, ronment, promotes awareness about the technological develop-
and complementary processes is related to the inspection and up- ments in the area. This way, the proposed method will not become
date of maintenance plans because of the lack of both human and obsolete regarding technological innovations since the model con-
material resources. siders sustainable development issues, inspection legislation, and
As the proposed method uses prioritized recommendations, the the requirements of the performance standard. The method is
use of human resources is optimized since the internal maintenance divided into six steps and proposes that the performance should
team is assigned according to the classification of activities. Fur- be evaluated through the categorization performed by the standard
thermore, another effect is the reduction of the service time of the (ISO 2016), which addresses the influence of human activities, in-
maintenance teams, whose focus is not the cause of the problem. As cluding changes in the use of the environments or maintenance and
such, both the prioritization and the recommendations accompa- conservation activities, degradation mechanisms, and changes in
nied by the prognosis contribute to the management of risks. performance over the years.
Besides, the summary of the recommendations resulting from Deployment cycles are needed throughout the deployment
the application of the method becomes the basis for the corrective process. These are proposed in this article in the form of mainte-
maintenance program, which can be accomplished by internal nance inspection and will not only be restricted to assessing the
teams through existing contracts or as the scope of new contracts. building’s condition, but also contribute to its management over
When considering sustainable development, this method con- the years. Institutions with several buildings have difficulty in di-
tributes to: agnosing building conditions, which demands resources and efforts

© ASCE 04020112-7 J. Perform. Constr. Facil.

J. Perform. Constr. Facil., 2020, 34(6): 04020112

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