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International Journal of Business and Technology Management

e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019



Yunia Mulyani Azis1*, Sussy Susanti1, Ade Triana1

Management Study Program, Institute of Economic Science (STIE) Ekuitas, Indonesia

*Corresponding Author:

Accepted: 1 Aug 2019 | Published: 1 September 2019


Abstract: As the number of restaurants in Bandung grows, the competition in the industry is
getting tougher. Therefore, an effort is needed to survive. One effort that can be done is to
create a consumer-oriented marketing strategy that seeks to satisfy customers' needs and
desires. This study aims to determine and analyze the influence of the Store Atmosphere on
the Consumer Purchase Decision Process at the Chicken Day Resto Bandung. This research
was conducted on consumers of Chicken Day Resto Bandung who made a process of
purchasing decisions and the number of samples set was 100 respondents. This study uses a
simple linear regression analysis. Based on the responses of consumers regarding store
atmosphere obtained a fairly good value and regarding the process of purchasing decisions
that fall into the good category. The results showed that the store atmosphere had a positive
and significant effect on the process of purchasing decisions of 47.5% and 52.5% influenced
by other variables not examined.

Keywords: Store Atmosphere, Purchasing Decision Process, Chicken Day Resto Bandung

1. Introduction

The increasingly competitive competition requires companies to be able to implement

strategies that can maintain and develop their companies. The success of a company in
marketing its products is determined by a strategy tailored to the situation and conditions of
the target market. Companies are required to be able to implement a more competitive
marketing strategy that is able to analyze the situation, determine the right marketing targets,
select and analyze target markets, and be able to design marketing strategies that can adapt to
business dynamics that determine the existence of competitive competition. Marketing
strategies in which there are satisfaction, pleasure and positive perceptions in the minds of
consumers create an emotional attachment to them and the results will attract consumer
buying interest and satisfy the needs and desires of consumers so that they make purchasing

Indonesia is a developing country, especially in the creative industry sector. The Deputy for
Research, Education, and Development of the Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF)
revealed that in the past year it had contributed Rp. 642 trillion or 7.05 percent of Indonesia's
total gross domestic product (GDP). The biggest contribution came from culinary efforts as

Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

much as 32.4 percent, 27.9 percent mode, and craft 14.88 percent. In addition to contributing
to the national GDP, the creative industry is the fourth largest sector in employment, with a
national contribution of 10.7 percent or 11.8 million people (, 2016).

Based on that data, it can be seen that the creative industry sector contributes to national
economic growth, marked by the data of the past year which contributed Rp. 642 trillion or
7.05 percent of Indonesia's total GDP and the largest contribution came from culinary efforts
which contributed 32.4 percent of Rp. 642 trillion, this shows a very tight competition in
culinary efforts in Indonesia. In other words, the company must be able to develop and
maintain its existence if it does not want to experience setbacks in the business world.

Bandung as one of the culinary tourist destinations has one unique restaurant among the
many restaurants in Bandung, namely the Chicken Day Resto. A restaurant located in Ruko
Tritan Point A5 Jalan A.H. Nasution, Cipadung, Bandung city has two concepts namely
indoor and outdoor. Chicken Day Resto Bandung itself has a quite adequate building with its
two-story appearance and is supported by a large parking area and a wifi network that is
fairly fast to attract the attention of consumers. But among the many advantages possessed,
Chicken Day Resto Bandung still has problems, namely regarding sales reports that are still
below the target set by the company. Marked by sales report data per month from January
2018 to September 2018. The data is shown in Table 1.

The fluctuations in sales data are due to the tight competition in the culinary field, especially
in areas close to the business location of Chicken Day Resto Bandung, so businesses must
package a place to have an advantage that can entice consumers to make purchases. In
purchasing decisions, consumers not only respond to the goods and services offered but also
provide a response to the purchasing environment that is pleasing to consumers. This makes
the consumer choose the preferred store, restaurant, or cafe and make a purchase.

The in-store atmosphere, companies are not only oriented to benefits but also prioritize
customer emotions by providing facilities that can provide satisfaction for customers to
achieve a pleasant experience. This concept also encourages companies to be more creative in
thinking about marketing steps that attract consumers to buy and become loyal to these
products. In this case, the company needs to create a good store atmosphere so that
consumers feel the atmosphere they want. Through the store atmosphere, marketers try to
engage customers by conveying information related to services, prices, and availability of
merchandise that is unique and creative.

Store Atmosphere will help determine the store's image and help position the store in the
minds of consumers, lure consumers, make them comfortable and remind them what products
need to be purchased. The main element of the store atmosphere is the atmosphere.

The atmosphere in the store is one of the various elements in the retail marketing mix. Store
atmosphere aims to fulfill functional requirements while providing an enjoyable shopping
experience that supports transactions. ‘Atmosphere refers to the store physical character that
projects the image and draws customer.’ (Berman & Evans, 2010).

Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

Table 1: Sales Data At The Bandung Chicken Day Resto

In January 2018 - September 2018
Month Sales Target Realization Percentage
January Rp 20.000.000 Rp 14.686.000 73,43 %
February Rp 20.000.000 Rp 15.118.000 75,59 %
March Rp 20.000.000 Rp 17.665.000 88,32 %
April Rp 20.000.000 Rp 16.210.000 81,05 %
Mei Rp 20.000.000 Rp 13.696.000 68,48 %
June Rp 20.000.000 Rp 13.445.000 67,22 %
July Rp 20.000.000 Rp 13.456.000 67,28 %
Agustus Rp 20.000.000 Rp 13.105.000 65,52 %
September Rp 20.000.000 Rp 12.562.000 62,81 %
Source: Document Chicken Day Resto Bandung, October 2018
Store atmosphere is a very important physical characteristic owned by a retail business to be
able to maintain consumers to feel comfortable and want to linger in the store visited so that
they can calmly choose the products needed and can also stimulate the desire to buy
unplanned (spontaneously).

Elements of the Store Atmosphere, according to (Berman & Evans, 2010) is divided into four
elements, namely:
1. Exterior
2. General Interior
3. Store Layout
4. Interior Displays

Store atmosphere is one of the purchasing decisions by consumers, where purchasing

decisions are a common consideration for consumers in the process of fulfilling the needs of
goods and services. In buying and consuming something, consumers first make a decision
about what products are needed, when, how and where the process of buying or consuming
will occur. Thus the need for a decision-making process to buy something in the form of
goods or services.

Purchasing decisions are the choice of two or more alternative purchasing decision choices,
meaning that someone can make a decision, there must be several alternative choices.
Everyday consumers take various decisions regarding every aspect of daily life. However,
consumers often take this decision without thinking about how to make decisions and what is
involved in this decision-making process. Based on the definition from experts above, it can
be concluded that purchasing decisions are the decision of consumers to buy goods or
services, where consumers have previously evaluated goods or services that have been
purchased as the selection of actions from two or more alternative choices regarding the
process, method, act of buying, taking into account other factors about what was bought, when
to buy, where to buy and how to pay.

Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

This research has several problems, namely (1) how is the Store Atmosphere implemented at
the Chicken Day Resto Bandung ?, (2) how is the Purchasing Decision Process in the
Bandung Chicken Day Resto ?, and (3) how much the Store Atmosphere influences the
purchasing decision process on Chicken Day Resto Bandung?

2. Literature Review

The atmosphere in the store is one of the various elements in the retail marketing mix. Store
atmosphere aims to fulfill functional requirements while providing a pleasant shopping
experience that supports transactions. Understanding the store atmosphere according to
Berman, Barry, and Evans (2010) (Berman & Evans, 2010) is an atmosphere referring to the
store physical characteristic that projects the image and draw of the customer. From this
understanding, it can be said that store atmosphere is a very important physical characteristic
owned by a retail business to be able to maintain consumers to feel comfortable and want to
linger in the store visited so that they can calmly choose the products needed and can also
stimulate the desire to buy unplanned (spontaneously). Based on the above understanding, it
can be seen that the store atmosphere influences the consumer's image of a store which in
turn will influence the buyer's decision to shop at the store.

Several national and international studies were conducted to analyze the influence of store
atmosphere in marketing, both online marketing, and direct marketing. International
researchers who have conducted research include Manganari, Siomkos, and Vrechopoulos
(2009) (Manganari, Siomkos, & Vrechopoulos, 2009) who concluded that online store
atmosphere influences various aspects of online consumer behavior, while Cho and Lee
(2016) (Cho & Lee, 2016) say that store space, especially color interior in luxury fashion
serves as an important marketing point for conveying brand's image to consumers. Singh,
Katiyar, and Verma (2014) (Singh, 2014) reveal that all factors in store atmosphere have a
significant effect on consumer behavior in deciding purchases. Research conducted by
Hussain and Ali (2015) (Hussain, 2015) concluded that atmospheric variables such as
cleanliness, scent, lighting and display/layout have a positive influence, whereas music and
color have an impact on consumers purchase intention. The temperature has almost no impact
on purchase intention of the consumers. Madjid (2014) (Madjid, 2014) explains that the store
atmosphere has a significant effect on customer emotions and decisions, there for customer
emotions have a significant effect on purchase decisions. Customer emotions act as partial
mediating the relationship between the store atmospheres on purchase decisions. The role of
mediation of customer emotions is a significant influence on increasing purchase decisions.
Tulipa, Gunawan, and Supit (2014) (Tulipa, Gunawan, & Henky Supit, 2014) state that
physical facilities affect satisfaction. Display of product and point of purchase have a positive
influence on emotions. Positive emotions give impact to customer satisfaction, then in turn
satisfaction affect repurchase intention. So that it can be said that physical facilities affect
satisfaction, where satisfaction affects consumer repurchases on a product.

A similar study was conducted by Indonesian researchers including Meldarianda and Lisan
(2010) (Meldarianda & Henky Lisan, 2010) who stated that overall Store atmosphere in
ROEMAH KOPI Bandung was considered quite good in the eyes of consumers, and the
overall purchasing decision process at ROEMAH KOPI Bandung was considered good in the
eyes of consumers. Princess, Kumadji, and Kusumawati (2014) (Putri, Kumadji, &
Kusumawati, 2014) explained that Store Atmosphere had a significant influence on
Purchasing Decisions at Monopoli Cafe and Resto. Store Atmosphere has no significant
Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

influence on Customer Satisfaction at Monopoli Cafe and Resto, and the Purchasing Decision
has a significant influence on Customer Satisfaction at Monopoli Cafe and Resto. The
conclusion is almost the same as stated by Maretha and Kuncoro (2011) (Maretha &
Kuncoro, 2011) which states that store atmosphere and store image have a significant effect
on consumer purchasing decisions in Gramedia Pondok Indah bookstore. Waloejan (2016)
(Waloejan, 2016) research on store atmosphere shows that the shop exterior, general interior,
shop layout, and interior display significantly influence consumer purchasing decisions in
Kawan Baru Mega Mas Manado restaurants. The results of Sugiman and Mandasari's
research (2015) (Sugiman & Mandasari, 2015) prove that the four-store atmosphere variables
consisting of the general exterior, general interior, store layout, and interior display have a
positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions at Sanctuary. Of the four-store
atmosphere variables, interior display variables are the most significant variables. Diawan,
Kusumawati, and Mawardi (2016) (Satya, Kusumawati, & Mawardi, 2016) in their research
stated that store atmosphere variables have a significant influence on purchase decision and
customer satisfaction.

3. Methodology

In this study, the population is consumers who come to the Bandung Chicken Day Resto in
the period January 2018 - September 2018, which is 4,050 people. The sampling technique
used in this study is probability sampling technique, from the results of the calculation, it is
known that the sample size needed is 100 respondents who came to visit the Chicken Day
Resto Bandung.

The data analysis test was carried out with the following procedures (1) validity test, (2)
reliability test, (3) classic assumption test (heteroscedasticity test, normality test), and (4)
regression analysis

4. Results and Discussion

Validity and Reliability Test

Validity test is used to measure the validity of a questionnaire. A questionnaire is said to be
valid if the question and questionnaire are able to reveal something that will be measured by
the questionnaire. This validity test is done by correlating the total score produced by each
respondent with the score of each item. Instruments can be declared valid if the value of the r-
count coefficient obtained> r-table (0.361).

Data reliability testing is used to show the extent to which the measurement results have been
consistent if done twice or more of the same symptoms. The reliability test in this study used
Cronbach's Alpha technique. The instrument is said to be reliable if the value of Cronbach's
Alpha is greater than 0.6. The results of testing the validity and reliability of the store
atmosphere (variable X) and purchasing decisions (variable Y) are shown in Table 2 and Table

Table 2 described all statements that form the store atmosphere have a calculated r-value
above the r-table value so that all statements are declared valid. In Table 3, it can be seen that
all statements that make up the purchasing decision process have a calculated r-value above
the r-table value so that all statements are declared valid.

Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

Table 2: Validity And Variable Reliability X Test Results

Data Item r- r-
Variable Dimension Indicator Item Conclusion
Scale No. count table
Attractive level
of storefront 1 0.543 0.361 Valid
The level of
• Storefront
clarity of the 2 0.433 0.361 Valid
• Store name
store nameplate.
Exterior board Ordinal
The level of
• Store
security and
comfort of the 3 0.591 0.361 Valid
• Parking lot
The extent of the
4 0.699 0.361 Valid
parking area.
Level of
cleanliness of 5 0.567 0.361 Valid
the shop floor.
Attractive level
of color design 6 0.632 0.361 Valid
and lighting.
The level of
fragrance that is
7 0.723 0.361 Valid
fragrant and the
music playing.
• Floor type The level of
• Color and neatness of table 8 0.368 0.361 Valid
lighting placement.
General • Aroma and The temperature
music level is always Ordinal 9 0.669 0.361 Valid
• Shop maintained.
equipment The cleanliness
• Air and comfort of
temperature changing 10 0.524 0.361 Valid
rooms/toilets are
Level of
employee 11 0.485 0.361 Valid
Level of the
existence of
sophisticated 12 0.527 0.361 Valid
The level of
placement of the
payment desk 13 0.578 0.361 Valid
Store • Dressing
room/toilet Ordinal
Layout transactions.
• Employees
Level of comfort
in layout 14 0.572 0.361 Valid

Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

Table 3: Validity And Variable Reliability X Test Results

Variable Dimension Indicator Item Item No. r-count r-table Conclusion
The level of
uniqueness of
15 0.562 0.361 Valid
decorations in
each theme or
Interior • Techno- Ordinal
The level of
Display logy
16 0.589 0.361 Valid
The level of an
attractive meal 17 0.587 0.361 Valid
Reliability Coefficient 0.864
Critical Point 0.600
Information Reliable

Table 4: Validity And Variable Reliability Y Test Results

Data Item r- r-
Variable Dimension Indicator Item Conclusion
Scale No. count table
• Internal The level of Ordinal 1
to the 0.753 0.361 Valid
stimulation personal desire
Level of
• Personal influence from 2 0.694 0.361 Valid
Information sources the family
Search • Level of Ordinal
Experimental influence of
3 0.728 0.361 Valid
sources experience from
Level of
4 0.599 0.361 Valid
according to
needs Ordinal
Evaluation •Needs
The level of
stability of the
Purchasing 5 0.701 0.361 Valid
benefits of a
The level of
stability in
6 0.471 0.361 Valid
choosing a
• Benefits The degree of Ordinal
• Products stability in
7 0.476 0.361 Valid
choosing a
Level of time to
8 0.742 0.361 Valid
buy products
Post-purchase Ordinal
9 0.736 0.361 Valid
satisfaction level
The level of
purchase • Brand
decision to make
behavior 10 0.556 0.361 Valid
a repeat
Reliability Coefficient 0.845
Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

Critical Point 0.600

Information Reliable

Table 5: Data Normality Test Results

Classic Assumption Test

Heteroscedasticity Test
Based on Figure 1, it is known that the points obtained from an irregular random pattern and
if drawn vertically and horizontally at zero, these points are still divided into four quadrants,
so that the residual variance in the data is homoscedasticity.

Normality Test
Based on the results of testing the normality of data shown in Table 4, it can be seen that the
probability value obtained by each variable> 0.05 indicates that the data used is normally
distributed so that it can be said that the assumption of data normality is fulfilled.

Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

Testing of Partial Hypotheses (t-Test)

The research hypothesis is partial as follows,
: Store atmosphere has no significant effect on the purchasing decision process of
Chicken Day Resto Bandung.
: Store atmosphere has a significant effect on the purchasing decision process of
Chicken Day Resto Bandung.
denote that significance level (α) is set to 0.05 (5%)

Based on Table 5, it is known that the t-calculated value obtained is 9.420. This value will be
compared with the t-table value in the distribution table t. With α = 0.05, df = n-k-1 = 100-1-
1 = 98, obtained t-table value in the distribution table t ± 1.984. From the above values, it can
be seen that the calculated t-value is 9,420, which is outside the value of t-table (-1,984 and
1,984). In accordance with the testing criteria of the hypothesis that H0 is rejected and Ha is
accepted, it means the store atmosphere has a significant effect on the purchasing process of
the Chicken Day Resto Bandung.

Correlation Analysis
Based on Table 6, it is known that the correlation coefficient obtained is 0.689. The
correlation value is positive, which shows that the relationship that occurs is in the same
direction, where the better the store atmosphere, it will be followed by the higher process of
purchasing decisions. Based on the interpretation of the correlation coefficient, a value of
0.689 belongs to the category of strong relationships, in the class interval between 0.600 -

Coefficient of Determination
Based on Table 7, it can be seen that the correlation value (R) is 0.689, with a coefficient of
determination of 47.5%. From the results of the calculation above it can be seen that the
coefficient of determination obtained is 47.5%. This shows that the store atmosphere
contributes to the purchasing decision process of 47.5%, while the remaining 52.5% is a
contribution from other variables not examined.

Table 6: Linear Regression Equation Analysis

Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

Table 7: Correlations Analysis

Table 8: Coefficient Of Determination

5. Conclusions

Store atmosphere in the Chicken Day Resto Bandung is categorized quite well. But the
respondent's response to the interior display indicator was at the lowest interval because the
atmosphere provided was less attractive.

The process of purchasing decisions at the Chicken Day Resto Bandung is categorized well.
But the value of the post-purchase behavior indicator has the lowest value of the other
indicators, this shows that respondents feel less satisfied after buying a product at the Chicken
Day Resto Bandung.

Store atmosphere contributes to the purchase process of Chicken Day Resto Bandung by
47.5% while the remaining 52.5% is contributed by other variables not examined. This shows
that Store Atmosphere in Bandung's Chicken Day Resto has a high influence on the
Purchasing Decision Process.


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Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved
International Journal of Business and Technology Management
e-ISSN: 2682-7646 | Vol.1, No. 3, 1-11, 2019

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Copyright © 2019 ASIAN SCHOLARS NETWORK - All rights reserved

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