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Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

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An intelligent irrigation management model for direct injection of solar

pumping systems
Jorge Cervera-Gascó *, Jesús Montero , Miguel A. Moreno
Department of Plant Production and Agricultural Technology, Higher Technical School of Agricultural and Forestry Engineering and Biotechnology, University of Castilla-
La Mancha, Campus Universitario, s/n 02071 Albacete, Spain


Handling editor- Dr Z Xiying The photovoltaic pumping systems are useful for irrigation, but must ensure that water is applied to the crop as
uniformly and efficiently as possible at all points of the irrigation subunit. To solve this problem, the I-Selector
Keywords: model was developed. It allowed to generate irrigation schedules with the application of quality criteria both for
Solar pumping system combinations of subunits studied individually (with a standard deviation in the applied water sheet: 2.8 m3⋅ha− 1)
Global efficiency
and for combinations of several subunits studied working together depending on,among other things, the
Quality irrigation
available photovoltaic energy and the extraction capacity of the well, allowing to compare and analyze the best
Irrigation management
irrigation strategy to be used and being a flexible model that can be used in any case of study. Thus, the I-Selector
model has generated irrigation schedules to establish the optimal sequence of opening combinations of subunits
distributed by daily time slots, thus indicating the convenience of its use at each time of day for the best use of
water and energy in a high-power solar pumping system located in Albacete, Spain.

1. Introduction reduction in water use. Energy consumption, however, has increased

exponentially (Corominas, 2010). As well as the type of crop and the
The agriculture is one of the sectors that presents increased vulner­ irrigation area, other variables related to the design of the irrigation
ability (Tingem et al., 2009) with rainfed systems being especially system also influence energy consumption. These include the water
fragile when there are changes in weather conditions (Valverde et al., supply point (underground or surface), sizing of pressure pipes, both the
2015). Thus, the aquifers are overexploited (Molina et al., 2009), since, distribution network and the subunits (length and diameters) and their
to a large extent, they are the main sources of water supply in irrigation. layout (land topography and elevations), correct sectorization (Carril­
Only in Castilla-La Mancha they account for more than 65% of the water lo-Cobo et al., 2014), the final pressurization of the selected irrigation
consumed (Moreno et al., 2010). system (sprinkler, drip or gravity) (Jackson et al., 2010; Zehnder et al.,
This situation suggests a scenario of savings and efficiency in even 2003) and, of great importance, the pumping system (Cervera-Gascó
more restrictive use of water and energy. This must necessarily be driven et al., 2021a, 2021b; Córcoles et al., 2019; Singh et al., 2002). Evidently,
by adequate modernization in irrigation, oriented towards increasing and after a good design of the irrigation infrastructure, it is essential to
the productivity of water and profitability, as well as enhancing the manage the complete system. It has been shown that efficient irrigation
reliability and flexibility of the water deliveries, considering the existent scheduling saves water and energy and helps farmers achieve better
demands and complying with environmental requirements (Playán and yields and quality (S. Taghvaeian et al., 2020).
Mateos, 2006). Furthermore, there is a need for the use of tools and It is worth noting that the growth of photovoltaic solar energy, as a
simulation models and the performance of appropriate and efficient renewable source in particular, not only in the domestic and industrial
irrigation practices (Tarjuelo et al., 2015), which must be combined environments but also in the rural and agricultural environment as a
with new accurate technologies that allow information to be gathered sustainable solution bringing environmental benefits (Todde et al.,
from different sources in the decision making processes (Díaz et al., 2019), where solar pumping systems are a clear alternative to other both
2020). conventional and renewable energy sources (Aliyu et al., 2018; Chandel
The modernization processes implemented have achieved a et al., 2015). Combining this type of energy has enabled the installation

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (J. Cervera-Gascó), (J. Montero), (M.A. Moreno).
Received 25 August 2022; Received in revised form 17 January 2023; Accepted 18 January 2023
Available online 31 January 2023
0378-3774/© 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

of solar pumping systems in many countries, such as the US (Vick et al., 2.1. Case study
2003), India (Pande et al., 2003), Turkey (Senol, 2012), Spain (Reca
et al., 2016; Tarjuelo et al., 2015) and Algeria (Bouzidi, 2011). The management model was applied at an irrigated farm called
However, one of the main problems detected in solar pumping sys­ "Peruelos”, which is located in the southeast of Albacete, Spain (latitude
tems is the lack of uniform emission in irrigation subunits and the low 38.994◦ , longitude − 1.859◦ ). The total area is 90 ha, distributed in 20
efficiency of water use in these types of systems, which has a direct subunits of highly irregular shape and topography, with a total differ­
impact on irrigation quality (Contreras et al., 2020). This is mainly ence between the highest and the lowest point of the farm of about 63 m
because the activation of the combinations of irrigation subunits occurs (Table 1). The crop is almond trees with a planting frame of 7 × 7 m2.
without precise knowledge of whether the photovoltaic energy gener­ The irrigation system installed is an underground drip irrigation system
ated is sufficient to achieve quality irrigation, with, generally speaking, powered by photovoltaic solar energy. The underground water is
seeing water coming out of the drippers being considered sufficient. extracted from a well with a dynamic level of approximately 200 m
Moreover, another important aspect when referring to the requirements deep. The water level undergoes extreme variations depending on the
for irrigation is the need to have precise knowledge of the water needs of day of the year and the flow rate of the system. The maximum discharge
each crop (Lenton, 2014; López-López et al., 2018a, 2018b). However, it of the well is 7.5 L⋅s – 1. An accurate description of the pumping system
may be the case that these amounts cannot be supplied since the supply to obtain the pump characteristic curves appears in (Cervera-Gascó
depends on the energy generation system, the extraction capacity and et al., 2021a, 2021b). Fig. 1 shows the description and location of the
the availability of water. Thus, the irrigation capacity of a system is a different elements that make up the solar pumping system studied.
result of the conditions mentioned above.
Appropriate management of the opening of subunit combinations 2.2. Description of the I-Selector model
exclusively when quality irrigation is guaranteed requires simulation
models that can estimate these conditions. There are numerous models The simulations in the I-Selector model are carried out for all the
for the management of hydraulic systems (Carrión et al., 2016, 2013; months, in this case from March to October (8 months), of the 2017
González Perea et al., 2014, 2019a, 2019b; Rodríguez Díaz et al., 2011; irrigation campaign analyzed in 10-minute time periods, which allows
Tarjuelo et al., 2015) and for the management of photovoltaic power highly accurate results to be obtained. For this period of time, the
generation systems (Aliyu et al., 2018; Chandel et al., 2015; Li et al., following are determined: the irrigation quality parameters of each
2017; Poompavai and Kowsalya, 2019; Shen et al., 2008; Zerhouni et al., subunit, the hydraulic performance of the distribution network, the
2010). Moreover, there are several studies that highlight the benefits performance of the pumping system and the performance of all the
and feasibility of using solar irrigation pumps (Aliyu et al., 2018; photovoltaic production system.
Ledesma et al., 2022; Reca et al., 2016; Senthil Kumar et al., 2020) and For a more detailed description, two sections with different func­
control algorithms have been developed that allow for the integrated tionalities can be distinguished in the I-Selector model as shown in
management of photovoltaic generation systems and hydraulic models Fig. 2. The first refers to the implementation of a series of predefined
(Calero-Lara et al., 2021; González Perea et al., 2019a, 2019b). requirements that ensure a defined irrigation quality, as well as the
However, no model has been developed that accurately integrates determination of the combinations of subunits that comply with these
the photovoltaic power generation component, the simulation of requirements and their potential hourly analysis. The second refers to
pumping systems and hydraulic modeling, in order to address irrigation the selection engine that the model uses to establish the best optimal
management considering highly variable photovoltaic power genera­ sequence for activating irrigation combinations, the real-time analysis
tion, both at the time of the year and throughout the day and in between and water application, as well as the generation of irrigation calendars
days of the irrigation campaign. Moreover, no irrigation scheduling al­ that allow recommendation tables to be obtained for the activation of
gorithms based on accurate simulation of the behavior of the system as a combinations both individually and in combination with others.
whole have been found.
The aim of this work is to generate a management model for an
irrigation system powered by photovoltaic solar energy, applying algo­
rithms that decide, in line with different criteria, the opening order and
irrigation time of the subunits, taking into account the available Table 1
photovoltaic power according to the moment of the day and the Main characteristics of the subunits in the "Peruelos" case study.
extraction potential of the well, and with the premise of achieving Subunit Area Number Subunit Max. Min.
correct irrigation quality. (ha) of Inlet Elevation in Elevation in
drippers Elevation the Subunit the Subunit
2. Materials and methods (m) (m) (m)

1 4.124 5560 532.1 553.3 534.0

The model generated in this work, called I-Selector, was developed in 2 4.339 5601 531.9 546.9 527.8
MATLAB® (Mathworks Inc., Massachusetts, USA). It complements the 3 5.179 8079 539.1 544.6 533.5
4 6.296 7975 531.7 537.3 527.0
work developed in the EVASOR model (Cervera-Gascó et al., 2020) and 5 7.235 9472 527.5 529.5 517.9
uses its results to establish the best optimal opening sequence of subunit 6 5.176 6366 531.7 551.8 532.1
combinations to be irrigated in real time in an automated manner. 7 6.164 10,281 522.8 538.8 520.4
Applying the model in previous irrigation campaigns helps determine 8 5.623 7882 526.1 541.3 517.9
9 3.586 7600 526.1 535.9 515.4
the irrigation potential of each subunit and establish irrigation priorities
10 4.154 4668 519.5 520.4 511.9
based on the probability of opening each subunit during each irrigation 11 2.208 2683 516.8 540.7 523.6
month. That is, those subunits that have greater difficulties to irrigate 12 4.178 8204 516.8 532.1 507.2
with solar energy, that is less irrigation probability due to its high energy 13 2.559 2726 513.9 527.5 512.5
demand, will be prioritized over those with greater irrigation possibil­ 14 3.117 4016 511.5 523.3 506.7
15 4.439 6093 505.7 515.8 500.9
ities with solar energy, that is less irrigation difficulty due to its low 16 4.899 8804 507.6 515.3 500.1
energy demand, so that all subunits receive a similar amount of water 17 4.640 5218 514.3 523.6 506.6
per surface area. 18 3.552 4729 514.2 535.5 513.7
19 5.789 5173 500.0 507.4 490.5
20 3.347 4079 500.0 504.1 490.9

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

Fig. 1. Map with the description and location of the different elements that make up the solar pumping system studied.

Fig. 2. Map with the description and location of the different elements that make up the solar pumping system studied.

2.3. 1st Section: Application of irrigation restrictions to ensure suitable • Value of available photovoltaic power, whose value must be suffi­
quality of the irrigation events cient to obtain the minimum power established through the synthetic
data obtained with EVASOR.
In the first section, for the correct selection, scheduling and opera­ • Maximum pressure of the distribution pipe, to guarantee the integ­
tion of all photovoltaic pumping installations, a series of limitations or rity of the installation without rupture due to overpressure.
conditions are established that depend, according to this case, on the • Maximum pressure of the drippers inside the subunit, to guarantee
components of the study installation. the integrity of the installation without overpressure rupture.
• Minimum emission uniformity, established to determine a minimum
quality during the irrigation process.
• Minimum irrigation time, to avoid short irrigations.

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

• Maximum well capacity, which limits the maximum extraction flow able to withstand. The I-Selector model developed allows any value to be
rate. established for these variables. However, in the specific case of "Perue­
los", the manufacturer indicated that the maximum working pressure of
These restrictions presented in the model and the values considered the distribution pipe is 60 mca while the maximum working pressure of
in the case study of "Peruelos" are explained below, taking into account the dripper is 35 mca.
that the model has the sufficient versatility for other values to be In the case of the dripper, and depending on the pressure reached at
established with other criteria. the head of the subunit at each moment, the model checks this pressure
through the results obtained in the Presud-Irregular module (Moreno
2.3.1. Photovoltaic power available et al., 2016), determining whether any dripper has exceeded its
The production of power generated in a solar photovoltaic installa­ maximum pressure established by the manufacturer (in this case, 35
tion depends on the day and the period of time studied during the year. mca) inside of the subunit. If so, the combination of subunits evaluated
Consequently, the I-Selector model checks whether the photovoltaic at that moment is discarded giving the opportunity to another combi­
power supplied to the input of the irrigation pump, obtained with the I- nation of subunits for its evaluation by this criteria. The same occurs
Solar model (Cervera-Gascó et al., 2021a, 2021b), is located within the with the maximum pressure of the distribution pipe, evaluated using the
operating power limits of each combination of selected subunits and Solar-Net module (Cervera-Gascó et al., 2020). This restriction ensures
determines whether that combination of subunits can or cannot be the integrity of the irrigation infrastructure.
irrigated at that particular moment in time.
Throughout the day, certain critical moments can be distinguished in 2.3.3. Minimum irrigation uniformity
relation to the practice of irrigation. At dawn, the photoelectric effect To provide the necessary irrigation quality, the model checks for
begins to occur in the photovoltaic generator, which allows a certain Emission Uniformity (EU). Various sources of information have dis­
power to be attained, but not sufficient to reach the pressure that gua­ cussed the minimum acceptable value for application without present­
rantees sufficient irrigation uniformity. ing a clear guideline or concrete value that defines this limit (Keller and
This moment is identified as the Start of the Daily Workday (SDW). Bliesner, 1990). This is typically a decision to be taken by the manager,
The same happens at the end of the day, at sunset, which is identified as and evaluated according to the type of crop, water availability and
the End of the Daily Workday (EDW). After the SDW, during the course irrigation time availability, among many other factors. Therefore, and
of the day, a certain power is reached that allows irrigation to be carried although any value can be established for this variable, in this case
out with sufficient quality, where a minimum irrigation uniformity is study, in order to guarantee a good irrigation quality for all subunits, a
guaranteed. This moment is referred to as Start of the Quality Irrigation minimum value of 85% is established. All the subunits with a value
(SQI). Finally, End of Quality Irrigation (EQI) is defined as the moment lower than that indicated for each evaluated moment are discarded for
after which insufficient power is generated to be able to perform quality irrigation. This information can be obtained thanks to the
irrigation. Presud-Irregular module.
Fig. 3 depicts a scheme where the critical moments for irrigation are
observed, as well as the areas where the subunits present more favorable 2.3.4. Minimum irrigation time
conditions, that is, low energy demand, and which can be irrigated at In order to have continuous irrigation periods for efficient use of
times of low irradiance corresponding to the morning and afternoon water by the crop, and taking into account that the time periods used are
periods, respectively. The subunits with a high energy demand cannot 10 min, the minimum irrigation duration for each combination of sub­
be irrigated during these periods. units is set at 1 h. This minimum value can also be selected, although
While the central hours of the day provide high values of power that lower times are not practical, especially in case of surface irrigation,
are effective for operating high energy demanding subunits (HEDS) that which would lend too great a weight to the evaporative component. In
require high energy and that can only be irrigated during this period of cases of underground irrigation, as at "Peruelos", evaporation losses
the day. However, during this period, if necessary, the low energy would not be a problem, but this limit is established in order to consider
demanding subunits (LEDS) can also be irrigated. minimum times to reach hydraulic equilibrium once the subunit com­
bination is activated.
2.3.2. Maximum pressures in the installation
Other checks that the model performs are related to the maximum 2.3.5. Maximum extraction flow rate
levels of pressure that the distribution pipes and the dripper pipes are The last restriction corresponds to the maximum capacity of the well.
Those options that demand a flow rate that exceeds the well capacity are
not valid. In this case study, the capacity of the well has a maximum
value of 7.5 L⋅s− 1. Therefore, the model evaluates that in no case can this
value be exceeded, since the water extraction levels would be compro­
mised, as well as the recharge rate.

2.4. 2nd Section: Open subunit and irrigation time selection algorithm

Once all the above checks are carried out, a data matrix of smaller
dimensions than the original one is obtained, containing all the com­
binations of subunits that meet the restrictions described.

2.4.1. Calculation of opening probabilities of subunit combinations to

achieve quality irrigation events
The model returns the total useful working hours obtained every
10 min for each day. With these total useful irrigation hours per day
(UIHT), defined by the time period between the SQI and the EQI, and the
Fig. 3. Scheme with the identification of the beginning and end of irrigation useful irrigation hours available daily for each combination of subunits
days (SDW - EDW) and quality irrigation (SQI- EQI), and the most LEDS and (UIHCS), we can determine the probability of the opening of each com­
HEDS irrigation zones. bination of subunits (POCS) in the day (Eq. 1) and thus prioritize their

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

opening at each moment. to prioritize combinations of subunits that, despite having certain
irrigation probabilities, are more restrictive than others.
POCS(%) = (1)
With all the information completed, daily irrigation schedules are
Thus, the most LEDS combinations will have a 100% probability elaborated that allow us to know the moment at which the optimal
while the most HEDS ones will have a lower value. As an example, a irrigation sequence of the combinations of subunits, irrigation hours,
combination of subunits with a POCS = 50% will have half the time to applied volumes, as well as the average amount of water sheet distrib­
perform a quality irrigation schedule than the most LEDS combinations uted, has been produced.
that day with a POCS = 100%.
3. Results and discussion
2.4.2. Distribution of the applied water sheet
In this second section, the model studies, analyzes and selects com­ This model yields the results of the management irrigation for
binations of subunits for irrigation, both individually and jointly. In both combinations of individual subunits or for combinations with several
cases, the priority is to uniformly distribute the applied water sheet subunits working together. In this work, the analysis was carried out for
according to Eq. 2. two cases:
LA = (2) • For combinations of individual subunits (20 combinations).
• For combinations of two subunits working together (190
3 − 1 3
Being LA applied water sheet (m ⋅ha ), V the volume applied (m ) combinations)
and S the area of the subunit (ha).
Therefore, in this case, if we wish to supply the same sheet of water to Nevertheless, the I-Selector model could also be used to combine
each subunit, the activation priority of the combinations of subunits will three or more subunits because it has been programmed to work with
be defined by the criteria described in the methodology and imple­ several combinations of subunits. However, the limitation of opening
mented in the I-Selector model. several simultaneous subunits is conditioned by the energy produced by
For a better understanding of how the model works, the decision- the PV generator, as well as the capacity of the well for its extraction and
making criteria for irrigation events for each day are now described the pump that must be able to provide the required flow rate in the
step by step. subunits.
Determining the combinations that should have been opened to
• The frequency of data collection in this work is 10 min and each optimize the irrigation in previous campaigns is useful to make recom­
value at this time constitutes an instant of irrigation, so that the mendations on activating them in real time, based on the probability of
model, from the first instant of the SQI, recognizes the combinations each combination being irrigated with high quality.
of subunits that present possibilities for the event of quality irriga­
tion, based on the restrictions established in Section 2.3. 3.1. 1st Section: Determination and analysis of total available hours
• The selected subunit combinations are studied according to the
irrigation probabilities calculated using Eq. 1. A common, but not greatly recommendable, technique in solar irri­
• Volume parameters are checked at all moments to ensure that the gation is to irrigate when a flow is discharged from any dripper in the
subunits studied do not exceed the water sheet equilibrium threshold installation, even if the flow is low. This generates very low irrigation
so that they all have an equal chance of being irrigated. In case of the uniformities and, therefore, an inefficient use of resources. To avoid this
subunit or subunits that form the evaluated combination exceeding problem, the number of hours available for irrigation is determined,
the equilibrium threshold, this combination is discarded and the applying the conditions described in the methodology, related to irri­
opportunity is offered to the next one until the requirement is met. gation quality, which ensure an EU greater than or equal to 85%, the
• All selected subunit combinations must have at least one full hour of correct pressure in distribution pipes and dripper, the minimum irriga­
irrigation. If the model proves that this is not the case, the subunit is tion time of 1 h and a capacity lower than, or equal to, the maximum of
discarded, offering the opportunity to the next one until the the well. These restrictions mean that the available irrigation hours will
requirement is met. As a last resort, if the initial requirement is not be even lower but will ensure efficient water use.
met, the model evaluates possibilities up to a minimum time of
30 min. 3.1.1. Total number of hours available
• Moreover, there are certain difficulties to be taken into account in A number of factors, including temperature and wind speed, can
the EQI of the Daily Workday in order to optimize the adjustment of substantially impact the final photovoltaic production, and, therefore,
subunit combinations. The I-Selector model checks at all moments the total number of hours available for irrigation. The presence of clouds
whether there is a possibility of a full hour of irrigation of the subunit must also be considered as it may cause variations in the previous values
combinations. However, these conditions may not be satisfied for the from one campaign to another.
EQI of the daily workday and the time distribution may need to be Table 2 shows the total number of available hours obtained for each
readjusted. Thus, it is considered appropriate that, if there is not a month of the 2017 campaign, in the different time intervals (SDW-EDW
full hour of irrigation, two options should be used. The first option is and SQI-EQI for the two cases of subunit combinations studied). As can
to check for a minimum of 30 min. In case of availability of the time be seen, the differences in time in hours between the SDW-EDW and the
mentioned above or longer, it is assigned to a combination of sub­ SQI-EQI are noteworthy. Moreover, there are also time differences be­
units. The second one is that, if the time available is less than 30 min tween the SQI-EQI for the 1 subunit combination and for the 2 subunit
of irrigation, the I-Selector model checks whether there is a combi­ combination, since the activation energy requirements for the 2 subunit
nation of subunits able to undertake the corresponding set time of 1 h combination are higher and thus the potential hours available for acti­
plus all the remaining time difference up to the EQI. vation are lower. Additionally, it can be observed that the average
• Finally, once all the checks are carried out, the available subunit number of available hours of daily operation in this farm, in both cases,
combinations are selected. For this purpose, from the group of for the months of March, April, August and September (the most
combinations of subunits obtained, the combination with the lowest restrictive months) is lower than the 8 h of reference corresponding to
irrigation probability value is selected. The reason for this choice is the off-peak hours in conventional irrigation tariffs. However, this effect
is more substantial with the activation of 2 subunit combinations, where

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

Table 2
Total number of hours in SDW- EDW and SQI - EQI and average daily number of hours of operation of the "Peruelos" farm in the 2017 campaign.
Month SDW - EDW Combination of 1 Subunit Combination of 2 subunits

SQI – EQI % Average number of hours per day SQI – EQI % Average number of hours per day

March 395.3 208.7 52.8 6.7 188.8 6.1

April 395.3 219.8 55.6 7.3 197.2 6.6
May 432.5 278.8 64.5 9.0 256.5 8.3
June 436.2 281.3 64.5 9.4 260.2 8.7
July 442.0 284.7 64.4 9.4 258.8 8.3
August 415.7 238.8 57.4 9.2 212.8 6.9
September 370.5 222.7 60.1 7.7 198.8 6.6
October 343.7 186.0 54.1 7.4 161.3 5.2
Total campaign 3203.2 1920.8 60.0 8.3 1734.5 7.1

the decrease is more generalized, even in the less restrictive months, In Fig. 4b), the number of daily available hours to carry out high
with very close approximations to these reference hours. quality irrigation for combinations of 2 subunits is even less than 7 h. In
For the case study, in which the crop implanted on the "Peruelos" this case, the standard deviation interval is located between 1 and 1.5 h,
farm is almond trees, two periods are very sensitive to water stress: which adds a greater degree of dependence.
spring, when the fruits grow rapidly, and the end of summer/beginning
of autumn, which is when the fruit load for the following campaign will 3.1.3. Time slots with high irrigation quality in the daytime
be determined (Goldhamer et al., 2006). These periods correspond to the Some very practical information that can serve as a reference for the
months of a lower number of potential hours, and, therefore, to a lower irrigation manager to visualize the different possibilities of opening
number of daily average hours. For irrigation, it is, consequently, combinations of subunits in their installation are the time slots between
essential to optimally manage the combinations that are activated dur­ the SQI and EQI ranges, which is with high irrigation quality. As an
ing these periods. example, we present the time slots for June 2 of the 2017 irrigation
campaign for the combination of 1 subunit (Fig. 5a) and for the com­
3.1.2. Average number of daily operating hours with high irrigation quality bination of 2 subunits (Fig. 5b).
The average number of hours per day gives an idea of the irrigation It can be observed that the discontinuities that appear in the figures
possibilities of each combination of subunits. Thus, in Fig. 4a), it can be (Green = possibility of opening; White = no possibility of opening) are
observed that the average number of hours available per day to carry out caused by the absence or decrease of power, related to the increased
high quality irrigation for combinations of 1 subunit is, in all cases, less working temperature of the photovoltaic generator, passing of clouds,
than 8 h, with it being possible to reach 3 h on average in the irrigation etc., which make it impossible to open the combinations with quality
campaign for combination 7, with daily average values of 1.2 h in the criteria.
month of October for this combination, minimizing the possibilities of Thus, depending on the possible opening times of the subunit com­
carrying out post-harvest irrigation in some cases. The standard devia­ binations, an activation priority criterion can be determined in real time.
tion of the number of available hours is located between 1 and 1.3 h, a
high value, so the number of quality hours is highly dependent on the
irrigation month.

Fig. 4. (a) Mean number of daily operating hours of high quality irrigation for combinations of 1 subunit of the "Peruelos" farm for the 2017 season. (b) Mean number
of daily operating hours of high quality irrigation for combinations of 2 subunits of the "Peruelos" farm for the 2017 campaign.

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

Fig. 5. (a) Possible opening hours of subunit combinations ensuring high irrigation quality for June 2 of the 2017 campaign for 1-subunit combinations. (b) Possible
opening hours of subunit combinations ensuring high irrigation quality for June 2 of the 2017 campaign, taking into account combinations of 2 subunits.

3.2. 2nd Section: Optimal selection of irrigation combinations, analysis irrigate with quality and which, following the example of combinations
and generation of schedules of 1 subunit, would be, in this case, the combination 20 and 13.
Moreover, it can be seen that the selection of 2 subunit combinations
In this 2nd section of the I-Selector model, and with the information is given by the appropriate balance in the election of subunit combi­
obtained in the 1st section of this model, irrigation schedules and nations adjusted to the photovoltaic power generated both in the central
recommendation tables are automatically generated, which depend on hours of the day, when the most LEDS are combined with the most HEDS
irradiance conditions, temperature, wind speed and initial water energy ones (as an example, combination 19 corresponding to subunits 1 and
in the form of the dynamic well level. Thus, the most suitable combi­ 20), and in the initial and final periods of the day, when the most LEDS
nations of subunits to be opened are selected according to their proba­ subunits are combined with each other (as an example, combination 147
bility of opening and subject to the conditions of the practical exercise of corresponding to subunits 11 and 13).
irrigation, as has been described in the methodology.
3.2.2. Number of hours used and monthly water sheet for each subunit
3.2.1. Generation of optimized irrigation schedules In this work, the irrigation interval evaluated was monthly. Hence,
The I-Selector model is applied for all the days of the study months of the daily quantification of each month allowed us to obtain the irriga­
the selected irrigation campaign. However, as an example, in Fig. 6a,) tion schedule for the entire irrigation campaign, having calculated, for
the optimized irrigation schedule for the combination of 1 subunit is each subunit, the accumulated water sheet in the combination of 1
represented, and, in Fig. 6b), for the combination of 2 subunits, both subunit and in the combination of 2 subunits for each month of the
resulting from the application of the I-Selector model in the "Peruelos" irrigation campaign.
farm for June 2 of the 2017 irrigation campaign. The figures indicate the For combinations of 1 subunit (Fig. 7a), the distribution of the
combination of subunits that should be irrigated at each time of the day. average applied water sheet for each month was very similar to the
In both figures, it can be observed that the most HEDS combinations maximum value reached in that month, which indicates that, in all the
can only be irrigated during the central hours of the day, with high subunits, the water sheet was uniformly distributed and, therefore, the
irradiation levels, where the photovoltaic power generated is sufficient irrigation management was appropriate since all the points of the plot
to provide irrigation with high uniformity, such as the example of received the same amount of water.
combination 7 in combination with 1 subunit. On the other hand, in the However, in the case of 2 subunit combinations (Fig. 7b), it can be
initial and final periods of the day, the combinations of subunits selected observed that the distribution of the average applied water sheet for
are the most LEDS, that is, those that need less irradiation and power to each month presents great variability between subunits, causing

Fig. 6. (a) Irrigation schedule for June 2 of the 2017 campaign, for combinations of 1 subunit (b) and for combinations of 2 subunits after application of the I-
Selector model.

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

Fig. 8. Total water sheet applied for each subunit in the 2017 irrigation
campaign using 1 subunit and 2 subunit combinations.

that irrigation planning was carried out for all the subunits that compose
the farm under study, these amounts would constitute support irrigation
to help in the final production of the crop, since according to some au­
thors the maximum irrigation volumes applied to almond trees in the
climatic conditions of southern Spain can be close to 8000 m3⋅ha− 1
(Gutiérrez-Gordillo et al., 2019; Jofre-Cekalovic et al., 2022;
López-López et al., 2018a, 2018b).
In the case of the use of 2 subunit combinations, the applied water
sheet distribution significantly increased its value. However, there are
significant inequalities that caused the most LEDS to achieve values
higher than 600 m3⋅ha− 1 while the most HEDS are in some cases far
below 220 m3⋅ha− 1. Indeed subunit 7 was not even irrigated. This is
justified by the fact that a large percentage of the time was used for the
most LEDS, which were those most irrigated, while the remaining sub­
units were not used for as much time due to their higher energy demand
and were thus poorly irrigated. Therefore, the statistical values conclude
with a mean sheet of applied water of 347 m3⋅ha− 1 and a standard de­
viation of 237.8 m3⋅ha− 1.
Thus, taking into account the evolution in the results obtained pre­
viously, it does not make sense to combine more than 2 subunits working
Fig. 7. (a) Water sheet applied monthly for each subunit when using 1 subunit together and if there were the possibility of making combinations of 3
combinations and (b) using combinations of 2 subunits working together during
subunits working together, in any case, it would only be possible with
the 2017 irrigation campaign.
the subunits with low energy demand (LEDS) because it would not be
possible to do it with those with high energy demand (HEDS). Therefore,
substantial differences in the maximum and average values, which in­ the use of combinations of 3 subunits working together would possibly
dicates that the subunits were not uniformly irrigated. Moreover, it have worse consequences in irrigation management than those achieved
should also be noted that, in general, the best-irrigated subunits, and, with combinations of 2 subunits working together, and therefore this
therefore, those with the highest number of accumulated irrigation irrigation strategy is not recommended in this case.
hours, correspond to those with the most low energy conditions, while In addition, the use of combinations of 3 subunits working together
the worst-irrigated subunits are in the contrasting situation. Therefore, could exceed the extraction capacity of the well as well as the need to
there may exist a lack of available photovoltaic power to allow the have sufficient photovoltaic energy for its activation. Therefore, it is
activation of subunits under higher energy demand when they work concluded that, according to the characteristics presented in this case
together. study, this solar pumping system has been designed and works well for
the individual management of irrigation subunits.
3.2.3. Water sheet for the entire irrigation campaign in each subunit
With the previous values, the applied water sheet was plotted, for 3.2.4. Water volumes for each month during the entire irrigation campaign
both the combination of 1 subunit and for the combination of 2 subunits Moreover, Fig. 9 shows the volume of water applied, for both the
(Fig. 8) for each subunit across the entire irrigation campaign. combination of 1 subunit and for the combination of 2 subunits for the
Thus, it can be seen that, for the combination of 1 subunit, the different months of the irrigation campaign on the "Peruelos" farm.
average applied water sheet was 228.7 m3⋅ha− 1, with a standard devi­ For the combination of 1 subunit, the total volume applied was
ation between subunits of 2.8 m3⋅ha− 1, indicating the high uniformity of 20,610.0 m3, with the use of a total of 1736.5 h for irrigation. However,
the applied water sheet between subunits. These values of average for the combination of 2 subunits, the total volume applied was
applied water sheet may be low (228.7 m3⋅ha− 1), but they are influ­ 26,463.3 m3, with the use of a total of 1436.3 h for irrigation. As with
enced, on the one hand, by the possible irrigation hours that the the sheet of water, the volume of water supplied, as is logical, increased,
photovoltaic system is capable of supplying, and on the other hand, by although not significantly, since the low participation of the most HEDS,
the irrigation strategy defined when programming the model to select which in many cases require higher volumes of water, contributed to the
combinations of subunits individually. Therefore, taking into account lower than expected value.

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

Fig. 9. Distribution of water volume applied for 1 subunit and 2 subunit combinations by month throughout the irrigation campaign, as well as the total vol­
ume achieved.

3.2.5. Recommendation tables for opening subunit combinations combinations (Table 3: For 1 subunit combination). These provide
Finally, using the I-Selector model, it was possible to generate a useful hourly information for irrigation managers about the percentage
mapping that indicates the frequency or number of times of opening of of utilization of the different combinations, as well as the average irra­
the combinations of subunits and the moment in which this occurred for diance of operation for the corresponding time period. This global in­
each month studied across the entire irrigation campaign. As an formation is key and determines, in real time, the optimal selection of
example, Fig. 10a) represents the mapping for the combination of 1 irrigation combinations to make efficient use of the water and energy
subunit for the month of June of the 2017 irrigation campaign. The color available. Table 3 shows all the combinations of 1 subunit, while
scale goes from 0 = no opening, up to 6 = opening of 6 or more times. Table 4, as an example, depicts the 5 best combinations of 2 subunits for
This figure visually reflects the trend of the combinations of subunits for each period of time considered, due to the high number of combinations
their opening and operation according to the type of irrigation strategy formed in this case.
used, showing a greater repetition of combinations of more LEDS in the
extremes of the day and of the most HEDS ones in the central hours of 4. Conclusions
the day.
Fig. 10b) shows the mapping for the combination of 2 subunits for This study reveals the need to generate irrigation management
the month of June of the 2017 irrigation campaign, where 2 clearly models with solar photovoltaic energy given the complexity of the
differentiated zones can be observed. These correspond to the opening of conditions of irradiance, temperature, wind speed and initial energy of
more HEDS combinations (located between 1 and 120), which were the water in the form of the dynamic level of the well in order to make
poorly used, and to the opening of more LEDS combinations (located optimal use of the water and the available energy. The I-Selector model
between 120 and 190), which were predominantly used. This reflects a allows us to incorporate different parameters that are determinants of
lack of photovoltaic power in the solar pumping system to activate the achieving the required irrigation quality for each case, being a flexible
most HEDS. Moreover, it can be seen that many combinations of sub­ model that can be used in any case of study. Using the I-Selector model,
units were not irrigated. optimal irrigation schedules in combinations of 1 and 2 subunits,
With the information of all the months included in the irrigation depending on the irrigation strategy used, can be generated from cli­
campaign, recommendation tables were generated for opening subunit matic data from previous campaigns. This information is of great

Fig. 10. (a). Frequency of subunit combination activation for the month of June of the 2017 campaign, for combinations of 1 subunit (b) and for combinations of
2 subunits.

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

Table 3
Recommendation table for opening subunit combinations for 1 subunit combination for all the 2017 irrigation campaign.

A.I = Average irradiance; F.U = Frequency of use.

Table 4
Recommendation table for opening subunit combinations for 2 subunit combinations for all the 2017 irrigation campaign.

A.I = Average irradiance; F.U = Frequency of use.

J. Cervera-Gascó et al. Agricultural Water Management 279 (2023) 108182

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