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Ethical, according to Parson(2008) state that public relation ethics is the application of

knowledge, understanding and reasoning to question on what is that right or wrong behavior in
professional practice for public relations.Also Ethics is defined as “moral principles that govern a
person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity” (Oxford Dictionaries).
However even though those codes are fashioned to satisfy universal conditions and principle
(kuckeberg,1993) voiced out their opinion that the code or even being internally conflicting.
Many other practitioners have also voiced their opinion that the code of ethics too vague to be
useful and that if does not give enough specification. The following are the ethical issues for Pr
practitioner to consider when writing

Authorship issues frequently in a writing project and can be minimized by clearly delineating
authorship roles prior to beginning the project authorship roles prior to beginning the project. To
avoid authorship problems, some journalist are promoting responsibility by creating uniform
requirements; however, these may be overly restrictive. Editors and authors need to work
together to develop appropriate guidelines (Klein & Moser-Veillon, 1999).


This means providing accurate and truthful information. When communicating with the public on
behalf of a company or organization, it's crucial that public relations professionals are honest.
High standard sand ethical integrity must be maintained when writing for publication.


Since a public relations professional works as an advocate for the public, it is important to
provide the public with pertinent information so that people can make informed decisions. For
instance, when presenting information to the public, it's important to provide views from
different sides and/or people, as well as all of the relevant facts.


This means doing research and using critical thinking in order to maintain credibility as an expert
and a trusting relationship between the company and the public. In order to communicate
accurate information, public relations professionals must do their homework.


This simply means that public relations professionals take responsibility for their own actions
when representing a company or organization. After all, accountability is essential to ethics.


A public relations employee should respect and maintain loyalty to the company for which he or
she is working. That allows the employer to rest assured that the public relations professional is
working in the best interest of the company. This is ethical of public relations writing.


Treating customers fairly especially when ads are directed at audiences such as children infant
the legal requirements for advertising aimed at children are increasingly stringent.

Avoid plagiarism

Plagiarism, the practice of taking someone else’s work or ideas and passing them off as one’s
own. Never ever represent someone else work as your own work this could bring a lot of
problem to the organization. Plagiarism can occur on purpose or be accidental. It can also result
from performance pressure, lapses in judgement, total ignorance, or a plethora of other reasons.

And lastly follow all federal state and local advertising law and cooperate with industry self
regulatory programs for the resolutions of complaints.

Therefore as a Pr practitioner there are things to consider when you write like being honest by
providing truthful information which will help to build your organization brand and its image also
to treat the customers fairly which will be very helpful for the organization development.

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