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3, MARCH 2014

Influence of an Energy Storage System on the Energy

Consumption of a Diesel-Electric Locomotive
Clément Mayet, Julien Pouget, Alain Bouscayrol, Member, IEEE, and Walter Lhomme

Abstract—This paper studies the influence of an energy storage

system (ESS) on the fuel consumption of a diesel-electric loco-
motive. First, an energetic model of a diesel-electric locomotive
is established using energetic macroscopic representation (EMR).
An inversion-based control is deduced, and the model is validated
by experimental results on a real locomotive. Second, from this
validated model, a battery/supercapacitor ESS is added in simula-
tion to study the benefit of hybridization before integration on the
real vehicle. The simulations show that simple energy management
based on a frequency approach allows for the reduction of 25% on
fuel consumption on a real drive cycle. Fig. 1. Diesel-electric locomotive BB 63000.

Index Terms—Energy storage system (ESS), hybrid locomotive, opment of a new hybrid locomotive prototype. The objective of
recovery of braking energy, transportation system.
this paper is thus to determine the energy-saving capacity of a
diesel-electric locomotive when an ESS is integrated before the
development of the prototype. Simulations are developed in this
way, and energetic macroscopic representation (EMR) is used
R AILWAY transportation is known as being a sustainable
mode of transport in comparison with other vehicles such
as aircraft and automotive systems. This is particularly true
as a common tool to study a classical and a hybrid locomotive.
EMR is a graphical description tool for the control of complex
for full-electric locomotives. However, many diesel-electric energetic systems [14], [15]. It has been successfully used for
locomotives are still used for a particular nonelectrified segment the simulation and the control in real time of hybrid electric
and specific tasks (switching, shunting, train forming, etc.) [1]. vehicles [16], railway traction systems [17], automatic subways
In such a case, the diesel engine operates for more than 60% of [11], and wind energy conversion systems [18].
the time at low speed, leading to an excess in fuel consumption, In Section II, an EMR-based simulation program of the initial
polluting broadcasts, and noise [1], [2]. locomotive (diesel-electric) is thus achieved and validated by
The hybridization of a diesel-electric locomotive with energy experimental measurements. It allows for obtaining validated
storage systems (ESS) establishes an interesting solution, in- models of the traction and generation subsystems, which can
creasing global efficiency and reducing pollutant emissions [3], be used to study the energy and fuel consumption of the
[4]. Hybrid locomotives have been already proposed in the past. locomotive. In Section III, the benefit of hybridization is studied
For example, the New Energy Train performed by the JR-EAST by introducing a battery/supercapacitor ESS in simulation. A
or the Green Goats developed by the Canadian company Rail specific control is proposed. Finally, the simulation results are
Power combines a diesel-based generator with a battery storage provided to highlight a consumption gain for a real driving
system [1], [5]. Many other systems such as hybrid vehicles cycle and prove the interest of the development of a new hybrid
[6]–[9], trains, tramways, and subways [10]–[12] also used an locomotive.
ESS to improve their efficiencies.
To reduce the fuel consumption of its diesel-electric locomo-
tives, the French National Railway Company (SNCF) investi-
gates on a hybrid powertrain [2], [13]. Preliminary studies are
required to prove the interest of hybridization before the devel- The studied locomotive is the BB 63000 (see Fig. 1). This
locomotive is composed of a traction subsystem and a genera-
Manuscript received March 6, 2013; revised June 27, 2013; accepted tion subsystem (diesel-based generator of 600 kW) connected
September 2, 2013. Date of publication October 4, 2013; date of current on the dc bus (see Fig. 2). A simulation model is developed for
version March 14, 2014. The review of this paper was coordinated by
Dr. M. Kazerani.
an evaluation of its energy consumption.
C. Mayet, A. Bouscayrol, and W. Lhomme are with the Laboratory of Elec-
trical Engineering and Power Electronics, Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq
596555, France (e-mail:; Alain.Bouscayrol@univ- A. EMR of the Diesel-Electric Locomotive;
J. Pouget is with French National Railway Company, Paris 75611, France EMR is a graphical description, which organizes the system
(e-mail: into interconnected basic elements: sources of energy (green
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at ovals), accumulations of energy (orange crossed rectangles),
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2013.2284634 monophysical (orange squares) or multiphysical conversions

0018-9545 © 2013 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

identical and provide the total traction current itrac and the total
traction force Ftot , i.e.,
 u common
itrac = 4ich
train common
Ftot = 4Ftract .

The dc bus and the environment are represented by two

energy sources (green oval), which impose voltage uc to the
Fig. 2. Structural description of BB 63000 diesel-electric locomotive.
subsystem and resistive force Fres to the motion in function of
train velocity vtrain , i.e.,
Fres = F0 + Fvisc vtrain + Faero vtrain + Mtrain gα (3)

with F0 as the static friction force, Fvisc as the viscous friction

force, Faero as the aerodynamic force, Mtrain as the mass of
the train, g as the gravity coefficient, and α as the slope. The
auxiliaries are represented by an energy source, which absorbs
current iaux . A coupling element (double orange square) repre-
Fig. 3. Traction subsystem. sents the parallel connection to the dc bus. It delivers the current
of the whole traction subsystem its from traction current itrac
and auxiliaries current iaux , i.e.,
 u common
its = itrac + iaux .

The dc machine is modeled by a static model and is rep-

resented by a controllable multiphysical conversion element
(orange circle). Current ich is determined from voltage uc ,
rotation speed Ωma , torque Tma [equal to its reference (static
model)], and efficiency ηma [21], i.e.,

Tma Ωma −1 when Tma Ωma < 0
ich = with k = (5)
uc ηma 1 when Tma Ωma ≥ 0.
Fig. 4. EMR and control of the traction subsystem.
The transmission converts the rotational variables (torque
(orange circles), and distributions of energy (double orange Tma and speed Ωma ) into linear variables (force Fwh and
squares) (see the Appendix). All elements are connected ac- velocity vtrain ). It is represented by a monophysical conversion
cording to the action-and-reaction principle [14]. The product element (orange square) with ηgear as the gearbox efficiency,
of the action-and-reaction variables between two elements leads Kgear as the gearbox ratio, and Rwh as the radius of the
to the instantaneous power exchanged. Furthermore, all the wheel, i.e.,
components are described respecting the physical causality, i.e.,  K k
the integral causality [19], [20]. Fwh = gear Rwh Tma −1 when Fwh vtrain < 0
k= (6)
EMR of the Traction Subsystem: The traction subsystem Kgear
Ωma = Rwh vtrain 1 when Fwh vtrain ≥ 0.
consists of four dc machines supplied by four choppers con-
nected in parallel with the auxiliaries on the dc bus. Each The mechanical brakes are represented by an energy source,
machine is associated with a mechanical transmission, which which imposes a braking force. A coupling element (dou-
contains a gearbox, wheels, and a mechanical brake (see Fig. 3). ble square) couples the traction force and the braking force
Some assumptions are done to model this part: 1) no slipping Fbk , i.e.,
phenomena; 2) no curve; and 3) no mass transfer. Moreover, v
train common
the electric drives are modeled by static relationships, which (7)
Ftract = Fwh + Fbk .
are sufficient for an energy evaluation [21]. The complete
dynamical model of the traction subsystem has already been The chassis is an accumulation element (orange crossed
studied in [22]. rectangle) that yields the train velocity from total force Ftot
The EMR of the traction subsystem is described in Fig. 4. and resistive force Fres with Mtrain eq as the mass of the train
Considering the assumptions, only one traction drive is mod- taking into account the different inertias of the train, i.e.,
eled with a single equivalent wheel. To provide global EMR
of the real system, adaptation elements (triangle inside orange d
Mtrain eq vtrain = Ftot − Fres . (8)
square) are used to indicate that the four traction drives are dt

Fig. 7. Tuning path of the traction subsystem.

Fig. 5. ICE model.

The dc bus is represented by an accumulation element (or-
ange crossed rectangle). Voltage uc is the state variable and the
output of this element, with Cbus as the capacitor, i.e.,
Cbus uc = −ibus . (12)

B. Control of the Diesel-Electric Locomotive

An inversion-based control is deduced from EMR using in-
version rules (see lower part in Figs. 4 and 6). The tuning paths
of each subsystem are defined and link the tuning variables
to the objectives of each subsystem. These tuning paths are
inverted step-by-step, assuming that all variables are measur-
able. For real systems, simplification of the control scheme and
Fig. 6. EMR and control of the whole diesel-electric locomotive. estimations of nonmeasured variables can be achieved [18]. As
this paper is focused on fuel consumption estimation, this last
EMR of the Generation Subsystem and the DC Bus: The step is not studied.
generation subsystem is composed of a synchronous machine Conversion elements are directly inverted (blue parallelo-
(SM) supplied by a rectifier. An internal combustion engine grams), and accumulation elements are inverted using closed-
(ICE) transforms chemical energy (from the fuel) into me- loop controllers (crossed blue parallelograms). Moreover,
chanical energy. The generation and traction subsystems are inversions of coupling elements require distribution coefficients
connected in parallel on the dc bus. In this part, the traction (double blue parallelograms), which allocate the distribution of
subsystem is represented by an equivalent current source (green energy within the system [14], [15].
ovals) (see Fig. 6). As in the traction subsystem, a static model Control of the Traction Subsystem: The objective of this
is used for the SM. The real system has already been studied control part is to impose the velocity of the train. This objective
using EMR in [23] and [24]. Current ism is then deduced from is achieved by acting on the reference torque of the dc machine
the voltage of the dc bus uc , rotation speed Ωsm , efficiency ηsm , Tma_ref and the reference braking force Fbk_ref . The tuning
and its torque Tsm , which is considered equal to its reference path is a cause-and-effect chain from the inputs (Tma_ref and
(static model), i.e., Fbk_ref ) to the output (vtrain ) (see Fig. 7). The control is
 assumed by inverting this tuning path.
Tsm Ωsm −1 when Tsm Ωsm < 0
ism = with k = (9) The inversion of the chassis (8) requires a controller (blue
uc ηsm 1 when Tsm Ωsm ≥ 0.
crossed parallelogram) to provide the total force reference
The SM is described by a multiphysical element (orange Ftot_ref from the velocity measurement and reference vtrain ,
circle). The mechanical shaft (between the ICE and the SM) using compensation of resistive force Fres , i.e.,
is represented by an accumulation element (orange crossed Ftot_ref = Cv (t)(vtrain_ref − vtrain_meas ) + Fres_meas (13)
rectangle), which determines rotation speed Ωsm from torques
of the SM Tsm and of the ICE TICE with Jsh as the inertia of where Cv (t) is the velocity controller, which can be
the mechanical shaft and fsh as the friction coefficient, i.e., proportional-integral, or other kinds of controller. The adap-
d tation element (2) is directly inverted and provided the refer-
Jsh Ωsm + fsh Ωsm = Tsm − TICE . (10) ence traction force Ftract_ref from the reference of total force
Ftot_ref , i.e.,
The ICE is represented by a controllable torque source (green Ftot_ref
oval). It is modeled by a quasi-static model using a first-order Ftract_ref = . (14)
system and a static map to determine its instantaneous brake
specific fuel consumption (BSFC) (see Fig. 5). The inversion of the coupling element (7) requires a distribu-
The EMR of the dc bus (see Fig. 6) requires a coupling tion criterion kD to distribute the braking energy between the
element (double square) to represent the parallel connection electric machines and the mechanical brakes. It allows for the
between the generation and the traction subsystems. It yields determination of the reference of the wheel force Fwh_ref and
the current of the dc bus ibus from traction current its and the reference of the mechanical brake force Fbk_ref from the
generation current ism , i.e., reference of the traction force Ftract_ref , i.e.,
 u common 
c Fbk_ref = kD Ftract_ref
(11) with kD ∈ [0, 1]. (15)
ibus = its + ism . Fwh_ref = (1 − kD )Ftract_ref

Fig. 8. Tuning path of the generation subsystem.

A braking strategy (dark-blue parallelogram) is required to

determine kD . Finally, the inversion of the transmission (6)
(blue parallelogram) yields directly the reference of the ma-
chine torque Tma_ref from Fwh_ref , i.e.,
Tma_ref = Fwh_ref . (16)

Control of the Generation Subsystem: In this part, the trac-

tion system is considered and represented by an equivalent
current source (green oval) (see Fig. 6). The EMR and
inversion-based control of the traction subsystem (as defined in
Fig. 4) are contained in this source. The objective of this control
part is to impose a constant dc bus voltage uc on the traction
subsystem. Rotation speed Ωsm also has to be controlled. These
objectives (uc and Ωsm ) are achieved by acting on reference
torque Tsm_ref and reference ICE torque TICE_ref , which are
the tuning inputs. Two tuning paths are chosen in this control
(see Fig. 8).
The first tuning path establishes the connections from ref-
erence SM torque Tsm_ref to dc bus voltage uc . It is inverted
step-by-step. The dc bus (12) is inverted using a controller to
provide the dc bus current reference, i.e.,

ibus_ref = −Cv (t)(uc_ref − uc_meas ). (17)

Fig. 9. Simulation results for a transport operation of the diesel-electric
The inversion of the coupling element (11) requires a com- locomotive. (a) Train velocity. (b) Traction power. (c) Fuel consumption.
pensation of traction current its_meas , i.e.,
profile consists of a transport mission of 58 min with a covered
ism_ref = ibus_ref − its_meas . (18) distance of approximately 50 km. The measured velocity train
is imposed as a reference for the simulation (vtrain_ref ). The
The inversion of the SM is achieved by a power conversion power and fuel consumption deduced from the simulation is
between the instantaneous electrical and mechanical power, i.e., compared with the experimental measurements (see Fig. 9).
uc_meas ism_ref The model is validated because the final accuracy on the fuel
Tsm_ref = . (19) consumption is 98.5% (even if some important errors occur
sometimes on the traction power due to the slope profile α). At
The second tuning path links ICE reference torque TICE_ref this stage, the traction and generation subsystems are validated
with rotation speed Ωsm . The inversion of the mechanical shaft and can be used to study the energy and fuel consumption of
(10) requires a velocity controller (blue crossed parallelogram) the locomotive. The next step consists in introducing ESSs in
to provide the ICE torque reference, i.e., the simulation model to study the benefits of hybridization on
this kind of locomotive before the development of a prototype.
TICE_ref = Tsm_meas − Cv (t)(Ωsm_ref − Ωsm_meas ). (20)
Rotation speed reference Ωsm_ref is determined by max-
imum efficiency point tracking from the power reference
(pICE_ref = ism_ref uc_meas ) [25]. A battery/supercapacitor ESS is now added in the simulation
model of the diesel-electric locomotive (see Fig. 10) (the EMR
of the traction and generation subsystems is the same). The
C. Model Validation of the Diesel-Electric Locomotive
obtained simulation allows the study of the benefit of hy-
The simulation is based on MATLAB/Simulink and the EMR bridization of classical diesel-electric locomotives and different
library [15]. Because no recovery of energy is possible in energy management. The diesel-based generator is downsized
the diesel-electric locomotive, the braking strategy (dark-blue to provide only the average power required for the mission [2].
parallelogram) is defined to have only mechanical braking. The rest of the required power is provided by the ESS. Previous
Some experimental measurements have been achieved on line works have already designed and sized the generation and the
on the BB 63000 locomotive (with a mass of 229 t). The test ESS [2].

the internal resistor of the battery cell, and ebt represents the
open-circuit voltage. Both parameters depend on the state-of-
charge (SoC) SoCbt with SoC0 as the initial SoC and Cbt as
the nominal capacity of the cell. The effects of the temperature
and the charge/discharge hysteresis are neglected in this study.
The model represents an approximation of the real battery
behavior, which limits the analysis of the steady-state and the
low-frequency behavior of the system, i.e.,

ubt = ebt (SoCbt ) − rbt (SoCbt )ibt (21)

Fig. 10. Structural description of the hybrid locomotive. SoCbt = SoC0 − ibt dt. (22)
3600 Cbt

The battery cells are considered exactly identical, and no

balancing load is taken into account. To represent the series
connection of the cells, an adaptation element is used. It then
defines the voltage of all the battery cells in series ubt_tot from
the voltage of only one battery cell ubt , i.e.,

ibt common
Fig. 11. One battery module of the energy storage subsystem. (23)
ubt_tot = 290ubt .

In the same way, an adaptation element is used to indicate

that the four modules are identical and provide battery pack
current ibt_dc from battery module current ibt_mod , i.e.,
 u common
ibt_dc = 4ibt_ mod . (24)

As in Section II, for the electric machine, the buck-boost

chopper is considered with static relationships to neglect the
fast dynamics of the smoothing inductor [24]. Current ibt is
Fig. 12. EMR and control of the battery pack. then deduced from the voltage of the dc bus uc , the voltage of
the battery cells in series ubt_tot , efficiency ηch , and battery
module current ibt_mod , which is considered equal to its refer-
The considered cells of the battery are Ni-Cd (135Ah/
ence (static model), i.e.,
1.2 V), and the supercapacitor specifications are 5000 F/2.5 V.
The main characteristics of the supercapacitor pack considered 
ibt_ mod uc −1 when ibt_ mod uc < 0
are a maximal charge/discharge power of ±3.4 MW and a max- ibt = k
ubt_tot ηch
with k =
1 when ibt_ mod uc ≥ 0.
imal storage energy capacity of 6.94 kWh. The characteristics (25)
of the battery pack are a maximal charge power of 194 kW, a
maximal discharge power of 485 kW, and a maximal storage EMR of the DC Bus: The generation, traction, and energy
energy capacity of 194 kWh. storage subsystems are connected in parallel on the dc bus. In
this part, they are represented by four equivalent current sources
(green ovals) (see Fig. 13). The EMR of the dc bus requires
A. EMR of the Hybrid Locomotive a first coupling element (double square), which is already de-
scribed by relation (11). A second coupling element represents
EMR of the Energy Storage Subsystem: The battery and
the connection of the ESS on the dc bus. It yields current
supercapacitor packs are, respectively, composed of four and
istor from battery pack current ibt_dc and supercapacitor pack
eight modules, all connected in parallel on the dc bus. Each
current isc_dc , i.e.,
battery module is composed of a buck-boost chopper and
290 battery cells in series (see Fig. 11). The supercapacitor  u common
modules have the same structure but with 200 supercapacitors istor = ibt_dc + isc_dc . (26)
in series. Because the structures are the same, only the battery
pack is presented in this part (see Fig. 12). The dc bus is represented by an accumulation element that
The dc bus is represented by a voltage source, which imposes yields dc voltage uc from currents istor and ibus , i.e.,
voltage uc to the subsystem. The storage devices are repre-
sented by another voltage source, which imposes the voltage d
Cbus uc = istor − ibus . (27)
of the battery cells (21). The model used is of RE type: rbt is dt

Fig. 15. Frequency strategy.

inputs variables, which will allow the achievement of global

control (energy and braking management) of the locomotive.
The chosen energy management is based on a frequency
strategy to respect the intrinsic characteristics of the storage
devices to increase their lifetimes [7], [26]. The batteries assure
low-frequency components of the mission, and the remainder
of the mission is devoted to the supercapacitors. This energy
Fig. 13. EMR and control of the hybrid locomotive. management is achieved using distribution criterion kD2 . A
low-pass filter is used to distribute current istorref in two terms:
isc_dc_ref , the supercapacitors current (high frequency), and
ibt_dc_ref , the batteries current (low frequency). Previous work
has already defined the cutoff frequencies of the filter [2].
Coefficient kD2 is defined by dividing current ibt_dc_ref by
current istor_ref (see Fig. 15).
Note that with this method, using a distribution criterion,
Fig. 14. Tuning path of the hybrid locomotive. different energy management can be implemented and tested
while keeping the same control (only the dark-blue pictogram
B. Control of the Hybrid Locomotive has to be changed).
Furthermore, the diesel-based generator operates only at its
The objective of this control is to impose a constant dc bus rated power PICE_nom (at its best working point in terms of
voltage uc on the traction drive and the generation subsystem. efficiency). It is used to control the SoC of the batteries. A
This objective is achieved by acting on the battery and the “thermostat” strategy is adapted for the diesel generator [27].
supercapacitor module current references. The tuning path links Indeed, the ICE is turned on when the batteries SoC falls below
the objective uc to tuning inputs isc_mod_ref and ibt_mod_ref a minimal value (SoC_ min) and is switched off when the SoC
(see Fig. 14). The control scheme is obtained by inverting this is above a maximal value (SoC_ max), i.e.,
tuning path (see lower part in Fig. 12 and Fig. 13).  PICE_nom
The dc bus (27) is inverted using a voltage controller to uc_meas when SoCbt < SoC_ min
ism_ref = (31)
provide current reference istor_ref from dc voltage measure- 0 when SoCbt > Soc_ max .
ment uc_meas and reference uc_ref using a compensation of the
generation and traction current ibus_meas , i.e., However, to favor the recovery of the braking energy, the ICE
works only when the traction power is positive or equal to zero.
istor_ref = Cv (t)(uc_ref − uc_meas ) + ibus_meas . (28) Concerning the braking management, it is achieved by acting
on distribution criterion kD to share the braking energy between
The inversion of the coupling element (26) requires dis- the mechanical brakes and the electrical brake (using the dc
tribution criterion kD2 to distribute the energy between the machine). If regenerative braking is not activated, kD = 1 in
supercapacitor pack and the battery pack, i.e., braking mode and kD = 0 in traction mode. If it is activated,
 kD has to be determined to recover maximal energy braking
ibt_dc_ref = kD2 istor_ref respecting machine limitations (torque or current limitations for
with kD2 ∈ [0, 1]. (29)
isc_dc_ref = (1 − kD2 )istor_ref example).

Energy management is required to define kD2 . Finally,

adaptation element (24) is directly inverted to provide battery IV. I NFLUENCE OF THE E NERGY S TORAGE S YSTEM
module current reference ibt_mod_ref from battery pack current
reference ibt_dc_ref , i.e., The two locomotives are simulated on the same transport
mission [see Fig. 9(a)]. Fuel consumption is compared between
ibt_dc_ref the diesel-electric and hybrid locomotives. Furthermore, the
ibt_ mod _ref = . (30)
4 hybrid locomotive is studied with and without regenerative
braking by changing the braking strategy using distribution
criterion kD . To achieve a good comparison, the batteries and
C. Energy and Braking Management
the supercapacitors are recharged at the end of the mission
The inversion-based control provides a local control of the [see Fig. 16(f)]. Furthermore, the mass of both locomotives is
different elements and subsystems. It therefore highlights the considered as identical.


Fig. 17. Zoom on the rotation speed, torque, and specific consumption for
the diesel locomotive and the hybrid locomotive without regenerative braking.
(a) ICE torque. (b) Rotation speed of the ICE. (c) BSFC.

The battery [see Fig. 16(c)] supplies the low-frequency

components of the traction power [see Fig. 16(b)], and the
supercapacitors [see Fig. 16(d)] supply the high-frequency
components. In the case of the diesel-electric locomotive, the
ICE [see Fig. 16(e)] supplies all the power, whereas with the
hybrid locomotive, it is only activated when the battery SoC is
under a minimal value (0.70) and is switched off when the SoC
is above a maximal value (0.90).
The hybrid locomotive without the recovery of braking en-
ergy reduces 20.57% of its fuel consumption compared with
the diesel-electric locomotive [see Fig. 16(a) and Table I]. This
reduction is due to the optimal operation of the ICE due to
the ESS. Effectively, with the classical locomotive, the ICE
operating point (rotation speed, torque, and thus consumption)
is rarely at its optimum and is always changing depending on
the power demand [see Fig. 17(a) and (b)]. With the hybrid
locomotive, the ICE works only at its optimum efficiency point
except at the starts and stops of the ICE. In fact, due to the time
constant of the ICE, the operating point of the ICE cannot be
instantaneously at its optimum, leading to an overconsumption
during a transient state [see Fig. 17(c)]. The specific instan-
taneous consumption of the ICE is thus often more important
with the classical locomotive than with the hybrid locomotive
[see Fig. 17(c)]. Furthermore, when energy recovery is imple-
mented, fuel consumption is reduced to 25.64% (see Table I)
due to the storage of the braking energy.
The benefit of hybridization is proved in these simulation
Fig. 16. Comparisons of the diesel locomotive and the hybrid locomotive results. This impact is limited and depends on the considered
with and without regenerative braking. (a) Fuel consumption. (b) Electric
traction power. (c) Battery power. (d) Supercapacitor power. (e) ICE power. mission (transport, switching, shunting, etc.) as well as the
(f) Battery SoC. portion of the auxiliaries in the power demand. On the other


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Clément Mayet received the M.S. degree from Alain Bouscayrol (M’02) received the Ph.D. degree
the Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, in electrical engineering from the Institut National
in 2012, where he is currently working toward the Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, in
Ph.D. degree with the Laboratory of Electrical Engi- 1995.
neering and Power Electronics, in collaboration with From 1996 to 2005, he was an Associate Profes-
Siemens, Châtillon, France. sor with the Université Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq,
While working toward the M.S. degree, he collab- France, where he has been engaged as a Professor
orated with French National Railway Company on since 2005. Since 2004, he has managed the Na-
the development of a simulation tool allowing for tional Network on Energy Management of Hybrid
the energy consumption evaluation and the testing Electric Vehicles. In 2000, he initiated the Energetic
of new control of a hybrid locomotive. His research Macroscopic Representation for the description and
interests include subway line simulation and energy management in traction control of energetic systems. He is currently with the Laboratory of Electrical
systems. Engineering and Power Electronics, Université Lille 1, where he is engaged
in graphical descriptions for control of electric drives, wind energy conversion
systems, railway traction systems, hybrid electric vehicles, and hardware-in-
the-loop simulation.

Julien Pouget received the Ph.D. degree in electrical

engineering from the University of Franche-Comté, Walter Lhomme received the M.S. and Ph.D. de-
Belfort, France, in 2009 and the M.S. degree in grees in electrical engineering, specializing in graph-
control of electrical systems from the Institut Na- ical description tools and methods for modeling and
tional Polytechnique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, control of electrical systems, from the Université
in 2005. Lille 1, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France, in 2004 and
For three years, he worked on the optimal design 2007, respectively.
of electrical railway traction motor systems within For ten months, he was a Hybrid Electric Vehicle
the Research Department of ALSTOM Transport. Engineer with the Department of Controls, Hybrid
Since 2009, he has been a Researcher with the In- Vehicle Technologies Team, AVL Powertrain U.K.,
novation and Research Department, French National Ltd. Since September 2008, he has been an Associate
Railway Company. His research interests include the optimal design, modeling, Professor with the Laboratory of Electrical Engineer-
control, and energy management of railway hybrid energy systems (electrical ing and Power Electronics, Université Lille 1. His research interests include the
and diesel locomotive, electrical and thermal building, and railway networks). modeling, control, and energy management of hybrid and electric vehicles.

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