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References and Bibliography

 Books
Last Name, Initial (Year) Name of Book, Publisher, Place
Kamath, A. (2015) Industrial Innovation, Networks, and Economic Development in India, Routledge, London
and New York

 Book chapters
Last Name, Initial (Year) ‘Title of Chapter’, in Author (ed.) Name of Book, Page Numbers,
Publisher, Place
Neethi, P. (2016) ‘Labour Control and Responses: Women Workers in an Apparel Park in Kerala’, in Raju
and Jatrani (eds.), Women Workers in Urban India, Cambridge University Press, UK

 Journal articles
Last Name, Initial (Year) ‘Title of Article’, Name of Journal, Volume (Number): Page Numbers,
Kamath, A. (2013) ‘Interactive Knowledge Exchanges under Complex Social Relations’, Technology in
Society, 35(4): 294-305, Elsevier

 Working papers / Discussion papers

Last Name, Initial (Year) ‘Title of Paper’, Working Paper Number , Institution Name, Place
Neethi P. (2009) ‘Globalisation Lived Locally: New
AnantForms of2016
Kamath ItR Control, Conflict and Response among the
Labour In Kerala, Examined through a Labour Geography Lens’, Working Paper 417, Centre for
Development Studies (CDS), Trivandrum
References and Bibliography

 Theses
Last Name, Initial (Year) Name of Thesis, unpublished PhD thesis, Institution Name, Place
Sen, A. (1959) Choice of Techniques, unpublished PhD thesis, University of Cambridge, UK

 Newspaper or Magazine articles

Last Name, Initial (Year) ‘Name of Article’, Column, Name of Newspaper, Date
Krishnaswamy, S. (2014) ‘Freeing the Undertrial’, Opinion, The Hindu, 22nd September

 Internet sources
Last Name, Initial (Year) ‘Name of Article’, <Link (or Name of Site)>, Date Accessed
Behar, A. (2015) ‘Prioritizing Education Reforms’, <>, accessed 6 th April 2015

 Government Documents, Reports, etc.

Acronym (Year) Name of Report/Document, Ministry/Dept. in Full, Government of [State/Country]
MoT (2012) Annual Report 2011-12, Ministry of Textiles, Government of India

 In the body of the text, use (Behar, 2015) or Behar (2015); not (Behar, LiveMint)
 Use ‘et al.’, for >3 authors [Natrajan et al. (2012)] only in the main body of the text
 There are different styles – APA, MLA,AnantTurabian, Chicago, IEEE, Harvard, etc.
Kamath ItR 2016

 Use any established format, as long as it is consistent!

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