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Jelly Alarcon – Summary

Nizel Molijon – Main argument

Maria Ley Castillon & Kynn Bilbar – Supporting argument
Fex Greg Rivera & Klein Rodriguez – Theological reasons
Rae ann Borbon & Gie Gentiles- Calio – Good points
Janine Rose Gumera – Bad points

Respecting Creation’s Praise for God

In respecting Creation's praise for God, the concept that all creatures worship God by
their natures and praise God collectively is celebrated by some sources in the Catholic
theological tradition. Some of the major contributors to this innovative thought include John of
the Cross, Francis of Assisi, Augustine of Hippo, and Basil of Caesarea. The recent scientific
discoveries help the faithful make their thoughts more informed and point them in the direction
of action that will help them live more in harmony with other Earth creatures. The collective is
complete when the human voice is added through actions that harmonize with all living and
nonliving beings that constitute Earth. However, human actions are inhibiting Earth's ability to
express itself. The faithful may be motivated to combine their voices with the voices of those
who are more than humans, complete the chorus, and sing joyfully through their attitudes,
thoughts, and actions by being made aware of the idea that Earth is a "chorus" that unites all the
different voices of our planet in praising God.
In Saint Augustine's confession Call for Creation to Praise God, Augustine begins by
praising God, saying that everyone is naturally inclined to do so. Augustine shows faith by
praying to God because he cannot pray to a God he does not know. God is perfect, eternal,
unchanging, all-powerful, and the origin of all goodness; God fills all of creation. It also stated
there that Augustine asks God for language to express God's magnificence because he is unable
to do so. Augustine cries out that only God can save him since he is too little and weak for God
to come to him. Furthermore, in Consonance between Patristic-Medieval Thinking and
Contemporary Science, it was stated in the introduction that an effort would be made to
demonstrate through theological justification why coherence between the sciences is biblically
and confessionally sound. The topic is based on the idea that the New Testament's and the
church's Confessions' affirmation of the Biblical confession regarding Christ has major
implications for contemporary science discussion. Throughout this topic, numerous explanations
of the triune God's all-encompassing activity as well as the importance of Christ as the
cosmological center through which an eschatological renewal of all creation occurs have been
discussed. The process of salvation influences not just the congregation of the faithful but also
the entirety of the world, which inevitably includes the natural environment and our connection
to it. In that sense, we can rejoice in the rhythms of life and the regularities of nature, which are
frequently referred to as manifestations of general providence and serve as echoes of God's
The Gaia theory mentioned that all living things on Earth are intimately intertwined with
their inorganic surroundings to form a single, complex system that maintains the conditions
necessary for life. The goal of the scientific study of the Gaia hypothesis is to determine how the
biosphere and the development of life forms affect the stability of the earth's temperature, the
ocean's salinity, the amount of oxygen in the air, and other aspects of habitability in the desired

Main Argument
Nizel Mae Molijon

Supporting Argument
The Bible and other works from the Christian tradition are rife with adorations of God, but there
are a few comments that confirm and encourage the adoration of God by natural beings. God
uses human language to communicate with humans in order to reveal himself to them: "Indeed,
the words of God, expressed in the words of men, are in every way like human language, just as
the Word of the eternal Father, when he took on himself the flesh of human weakness, became
like men. Omnipotence means that God has complete control over himself and his creation, and
Omniscience means that He is the final arbiter of truth and falsity. Many animate and inanimate
creatures' "voices" scream in pain as they are imperiled, genetically modified, or wiped out by
poisonous substances. An alarming loss of biological diversity is occurring throughout all of
Earth's ecosystems as a result of habitat devastation carried out under the pretense of
"development." The voice of Homo sapiens is also in danger because some of these species are
essential to human life and welfare now and in the future. As was aforementioned, people form
their moral ethics during their formative years when they create a code of conduct that directs
their behavior. People will appreciate and value nature if they are educated to do so from an early
age. The list of items that individuals would use recklessly and destroy won't include the things
that they value. God is said to be omnipresent because his power and wisdom permeate every
aspect of his creation, making him physically present everywhere. Together, they give a clear
definition of God's lordship and a thorough grasp of creation, providence, and salvation.

Fex Greg and Klein
Good points
Calio and Borbon

Bad points

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