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Model 19-03-23 13:00

Software Eng. 1 (CS-251) Midterm Exam Sun. March. 19th, 2023 (Time Allowed: 30 Minutes)
Attempt ALL Questions Num. of Pages: 2 Pages (1 Sheet) - Closed-book exam (Marks: 15)
Name: ........................................................................................... ID: ....................................................
Q.1 Choose the right answer: [ 15 MARKS – 0.75 POINT PER QUESTION ]
1) Which step of Software Development Life Cycle performs cost/benefit analysis? [A] Feasibility study
[B] Analysis [C] Design [D] None of the above.
2) A Use-case actor is always a person having a role that different people may play. [A] True [E] False
3) One of the metrics for specifying nonfunctional requirements is robustness which can be measured
by [A] Mean time to failure [B] Time to restart after failure [C] Probability of unavailability [D] Rate
of failure occurrence [E] Availability.
4) What is the normal order of activities in which software testing is organized? [A] unit, integration,
system, validation [B] system, integration, unit, validation [C] unit, integration, validation, system
[D] none of the above.
5) Can the requirements be implemented given the available budget and technology is called:
[A] Validity [B] Consistency [C] Completeness [D] Verifiability [E] Realism.
6) Which is more desirable? [A] Higher cohesion & higher coupling. [B] Higher cohesion & lower
coupling. [C] Lower cohesion & higher coupling. [D] None of the above is more desirable than the
7) Which of the following is not included in the Software Requirements Specification (SRS) Document?
[A] Functional Requirements [B] Non-functional requirement [C] Goals of implementation [D] User
manual. [E] All of the above.
8) In the UML notation, inside each class in a class diagram are printed: [A] Its name, attributes,
operations, and derived classes. [B] Its name, attributes and operations. [C] Its name, and
attributes. [D] Its name, and operations. [E] Just its name.
9) The verification and validation process intends to [A] Verify that all team members worked in the
project [B] Verify that the clients who require the software will fulfill their financial duties [C] Verify
that the software will be delivered to the client in time without delay [D] Show that the final system
behaves as required and conforms to its specifications [E] None of the above.
10) The first step in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is: [A] Preliminary investigation and
Analysis [B] System Design [C] System Testing [D] Coding. [E] None of the above.
11) Which one of the following is a functional requirement? [A] Maintainability [B] Portability
[C] Robustness [D] Testability [E] None of the mentioned.

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12) The waterfall model is the: [A] Best model that should be used in any software process
[B] Good approach when requirements are well defined [C] Good approach when system users do
not understand their requirements very well [D] Model where all software activities run in parallel
[E] None of the above.
13) Key elements of the use-case diagram are: [A] people, computers [B] actors, use-cases [C] people,
classes, and objects [D] uses, cases [E] scenarios in point form.
14) Software Engineering is best described as: [A] The practice of designing, building, and maintaining
off-the-shelf software from prefabricated parts. [B] The practice of designing, building and
maintaining ad-hoc software without the use of formal methods. [C] The practice of designing,
building and maintaining reliable and cost-effective software using standard techniques. [D] The
practice of designing, building and maintaining fast and flexible software specifically for
engineering applications. [E] The practice of designing, building and maintaining flashy, cheap and
buggy software engineered to generate large initially sales and an on-going market for updates.
15) The science that can focus on observing and analyzing how people actually work is called:
[A] Sociology [B] Ethnography [C] Ethergraphy [D] Metaphor. [E] Psychology.
16) Ease of use can be measured by [A] Training time [B] Number of help frames [C] Screen refresh
time [D] Number of target systems [E] A and B
17) Non-functional requirements which specify that the delivered product must behave in a particular
way are called [A] Organization requirement [B] External requirement [C] Operational requirement
[D] Product requirement [E] Environmental requirement.
18) Aggregation (encapsulation) relationships are represented in the UML notation by: [A] Nesting of
classes. [B] Lines with a solid diamond at one end. [C] Lines with a hollow diamond at one end.
[D] Lines with an arrow at one end. [E] Lines without an arrow at either end.
19) The SRS is said to be consistent if and only if: [A] Its structure and style are such that any changes
to the requirements can be made easily while retaining the style and structure. [B] Every
requirement stated therein is one that the software shall meet. [C] Every requirement stated
therein is verifiable. [D] No subset of individual requirements described in it conflict with each
other. [E] None of the above.
20) Selection of a Software Life Cycle model is based on: [A] Requirements [B] Development team
[C] Users [D] Project type and associated risk [E] All of the mentioned.
With my best wishes .. DR. Amr S. Ghoneim

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