A Descriptive Essay About The United Nations Organization - Edited

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A Descriptive Essay About the United Nations Organization 1

A Descriptive Essay About the United Nations Organization

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A Descriptive Essay About the United Nations Organization 2

The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization founded on 24 th October 1995

in San Francisco, California, United States. Its current secretary-general is Antonio Guterres. The

organization was founded by 51 countries, including the United States, India, United Kingdom,

which were committed to enhancing global peace and security. The United Nations have its

headquarters in New York, United States. The organization comprises six bodies, including the

general assembly. It's made up of all member state representatives. The general assembly debates

major issues and decides through voting, whereby each member has one vote. The general

assembly is the primary establishment of the United Nations, where all joint decisions are made.

Secondly, the security council whose purpose is to ensure international security and peace. It

comprises 15 members, each with a single vote. It seconds the decisions made by the general

assembly, which are bound to be followed by each member state as mentioned in the charter.

The economic and social council has fifty-four members whereby the global economic,

social and environmental issues are outlined and discussed to find solutions. It involves

researching the different global challenges and taking the necessary actions to offset them. It

aims to enhance a conducive environment and ensure good health and equality for citizens of

member countries. It also provides stability in commodity prices for favourable living conditions.

The trusteeship council is the fourth body whose sole purpose was to supervise eleven trust

territories and ensure adequate self-independence preparation. After the territories gained self-

governance, it suspended its operation in November 1994 and resulted to meeting when need

arises. Another body of the united nations is the international court of justice which is the

primary judicial part of the organization. It has to solve legal disputes between states and advise

the organization and its specialized agencies on legal matters. It is situated at the enormous

palace in The Hague, Netherlands. The final body of the United Nations is the secretariat which
A Descriptive Essay About the United Nations Organization 3

consists of staff representatives from all member countries coordinating workstations with daily

administrative work. Additionally, it services the other components of the United Nations and

manages the policies and programs established by them.

The United Nations has its membership open to all peace-loving countries in accepting

the United Nations charter and is willing to comply with their policies. A state attains

membership after the decision by the general assembly is made and supported by the council of

security. Currently, United Nations has 193 member states, including the 51 founding states. The

countries are scattered worldwide, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, India, Bolivia,

Belgium, Denmark, Panama, South Africa, Japan, Morocco, Israel, Indonesia, Zambia,

Zimbabwe Spain, and others. Each member country has a representative in the general assembly

who has only a single vote. The latest country to join the united nations was South Sudan which

declared its membership in 2011. The organization recorded the highest number of memberships

in 1955 when sixteen countries joined the United Nations.

The United Nation's primary purpose is to maintain international peace and security by

ensuring peaceful relations between states. The united nations advocate for peace and protection

by sending troops to the chaotic areas. It also ensures that human rights are not violated by

helping the countries work together to raise the citizens' living standards. It has also set up a

court whereby the state leaders of member countries can face trial and be charged for their

injustices. Additionally, the United Nations' purpose is to solve environmental challenges like

climate change and health issues like the provision of vaccines for pandemics. The United

Nations' goal is to ensure the member states' well-being by issuing relief food to fight hunger and

provision of free health checkups and vaccination against diseases. The United Nations' purposes

drive its mission to build a more sustainable world by addressing global challenges like poverty,
A Descriptive Essay About the United Nations Organization 4

inequality, peace, environmental degradation and justice. It also focuses on reducing the effects

of climate change by reducing the emission of greenhouse gases. The organization aims to

achieve a better global environment.

The United Nations' purpose is similar to the united states constitution in that they are

both determined to serve the people. Both the organization and the united states constitution

focus on eliminating inequality, enhancing liberty and minority rights and protecting the interests

of majority rule. They ensure peaceful relations between the states and help in solving their

challenges. Additionally, their primary purpose is to ensure peace and security, eliminate global

challenges like environmental pollution, and reduce climate change. Like the united nations, the

united states constitution also guarantees the implementation of justice through the court and

upholds human rights. The organization has components or parts within, similar to the united

states constitution. The united nations revised its charter three times to accommodate the new

developments with the changing times. Additionally, the US government has amended its

constitution twenty-seven times to accommodate the changing times. The United Nations is more

similar to the United States constitution as it helps achieve the constitutional goals.
A Descriptive Essay About the United Nations Organization 5

Nations, U. (2022). About Us | United Nations. United Nations. Retrieved 7th May 2022, from


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