Plag Report3-Crime

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Codification of Procedural Criminal Laws

The Criminal Procedure Code for India was enacted by the British in 1862. It was amended and replaced many times to
make modern procedural laws. After Independence, recommendations were made by the Law Commission to update
CrPC. There was the abolition of jury trials and most of the changes were made to make the criminal procedure quick
and efficient. The Parliament finally in 1973 again enacted CrPC, and it has been amended several times since then.
The main object of criminal law is to protect the society from criminals .To achieve this objective it is essential that the
wrongdoers should have threat of punishments for the crimes they have committed. During all the periods whether
Hindu, Sultanate, Mughal or British, the culprit were given punishments, so the victim get justice and society remain
peaceful. For this reason the law holds out fear of punishments to potential lawbreakers as well as attempts to make
the actual offenders suffer the prescribed punishments for their crimes. Therefore, criminal law, in its broader sense,
consists of both the substantive criminal law and the procedural (or adjective) criminal law. Substantive criminal law
which defines offences and direct punishments for the same, while the procedural law manage the substantive law.

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