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The Enchanted Castel Summary

One time,there were three children named:Gerald Jimmy and

Kathleen.They were meeting at Miss Hervey's house for the duration of the
school and in the summer holiday they were going home.
When the holiday started their cousin,Betty, got to the Hampshire home first,
and the moment she got there she began to have measles, so that the three
children couldn't go home.They were so sad because they couldn’t play in the
Miss Hervey's house. Their parents sent them at Kathleen’s school to stay there
with a French teacher until they will be able to go home (that means 7 weeks).
The children got allowed to stay in the forest for some days and the
teacher was going to give them food.They travelled in the forest and they found
a cave.After some time they saw a girl who was sleeping but she was wearing an
old dress so they tought she was a princess.Jimmy kissed her because they
tought she was sleeping for a long time and the kiss of a prince will wake her
up .Suddenly she woke up and thanked them .She showed them her enchanted
palace but Jimmy was pretty suspicious of all of those things she said that were
The princess took a ring and told them it is magic.Unfortunately it really
was and she said that she wants to be invisible.After she realized that there is
no way back to normal she recognized that she is not a princess and in fact she
was the niece of the housekeeper of the palace.The children tried to help her so
they took her from the palace to their home.After 21 hours she got back to
normal and she went home.Her aunt was very happy to see her again but
Gerald took the ring and he got invisible too! The weird thing was that Gerald
got invisible only for 14 hours.While he was invisible Gerald saw the statues of
the castel alive.So he understood that at night the statues get alive and if you
have the ring you can see them.Then,Eliza,a girl who was cleaning the house
and helping the teacher,got the ring.She got invisible so the children had to help
her.Eliza got invisible only for 7 hours so Gerald tought that the ring has no
power anymore but he was wrong.
To make the teacher happy (because they scared her with their
missing)they made a play.They made some men from clothes,umbrellas and
sticks.In the final of the play Gerald put the ring on Mabel’s finger and he said
that she can wish something and it will become real.Unfortunatelly it worked
and Mabel’s wish was that those fake men to be real.Suddenly the men woke
up and the teacher ran away with Eliza because they were scared.Gerald got
upsat so he took the ring and went with those men out.He tricked them and
locked them in Mabel’s palace but a man helped them because they weren’t
able to close the door.That man asked them some questions and in the final
they got agree to meet in the next morning to show the man that those were
just some clothes.
Next morning they saw that man on the ground hitted with a knife.When
he woke up he tought everything was a dream so the children left him.Then
they saw one of those men but the rest of them were chlotes again so they
couldn’t understand why one of them is still alive.After some
time ,Jimmy,Kathleen and Mabel said their wishes and they got what they
wanted but in the wrong way so Gerald had to fix everything.They also talked
with the statues at night because Kathleen said that wish to the ring.And that is
how the time passed until the day the owner of the enchanyed castel came to
rent somone the castel because he had no money to maintain it.
The children showed him the power of the ring but he didn’t trust them
until a man got scared by a ghost made with that ring.He took it back and he
saw the statues moving so he tought he got mad.So the children showed him
that he is not mad and that man got married with the teacher (she being in fact
an old girlfriend).At the end the children showed the treasures from the castel
and the teacher took the ring and wished that the magic won’t exist anymore
and it happened!

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