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Name: Huỳnh Nguyễn Minh Trí


1. What is an absorption spectrum?
- It is possible to plot the amount of light absorbed by a sample at each wavelength
on an absorption spectrum. The types and amounts of electromagnetic radiation
absorbed by a chemical substance can be determined using this technique.
2. Why we need to make spectrum analysis in part 4.1.2?
- Because the signal intensity is directly proportional to the concentration, we need to
perform spectral analysis in Part 4.1.2 to figure out how much Berberine is in
commercial products. The UV-Vis spectrum of berberine can be used for spectral
analysis, which makes it easy to determine berberine concentration.
3. What law is responsible for the absorption of radiant energy?
- In spectral analysis, Beer-law Lambert's determines the absorption of radiant
radiation. The relationship between a substance's absorption of light and its qualities
is what we're talking about here.

I1 = I0 × 10εlC - A: absorbance
Absorbance: A = εlC - ε: Molar concentration (M)
- l: optical path length (cm)

4. What are the differences between qualitative and quantitative analysis?

- The concentration of the sample being analyzed is measured and identified as part of
the quantitative analysis process. It is frequently associated with numerical analysis;
however, this means that its most significant limitation is the difficulty in
generalizing the results.
- In qualitative analysis, only the presences and characteristics of analytes are
identified; there is no investigation into the concentration of the analytes.

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