Mark The Statements T For True

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Mark the statements T for true, F for false.

1. My sister is going to surf the internet on Sunday.

2. The weather is going to be very cold.
3. I am not going to relax, because I will be very busy.
4. We are going to make some sandwiches and go to the park.
5. I am going to spend Sunday evening at home.
6. We are not going to eat out on Friday evening.

3. Match the questions in Column A with the answers in Column B.

Are you going to visit your grandfather on Sunday? The Tigers. They are the best.
Who is Ann going to invite to her party? No, I visited him last weekend.
When is it going to stop raining? John, Ben, and Mariko.
Are you going to go camping with Christina? He will bring a tent for sure.
Who, do you think, is going to win? I guess next week.
What is Manolo going to pack for the trip? Yes, I promised her.

Grammar Box
We use To be going to Verb (inf.) when:

1. we want to talk about a planned action for the future.

For example: I am going to visit you on Wednesday.

2. we are making a prediction.

For example: It’s really cold. I’m sure it is going to snow tomorrow.

1. Rewrite the sentences.
For example: I will visit my grandfather on Sunday. = I am going to visit my grandfather on

1.  I will play chess with my friend Manolo next Monday.

2.  My father will take my little sister to the doctor tomorrow.
3.  My brother and I will travel to Europe next month.
4.  My friends will go to the dance club without me.
5.  We will buy a new house next year.
6.  My grandmother will read me a bedtime story before I go to bed.
7.  David’s teacher will take the class to the park for a lesson.
8. Marina will paint a very beautiful picture with flowers.
2. Complete the sentences with the phrases from the box.
on the weekend | birthday party | going to go | buy her a present | concert ticket
Silvia is a university student. During the week she studies very hard. ___________________,
she usually does something fun. Next Saturday is her birthday. She is going to have a
___________________ and is going to invite all her friends. Usually, she likes camping but
this time they are ___________________ dancing because the weather is going to get colder.
On Friday Silvia’s friends are going to ___________________. She likes music, so a
___________________ will be a good idea.

3. Underline the correct verb phrase.

1. Sofia is going/ are going to go shopping on Sunday.
2. My parents is going/ are going to visit me tomorrow.
3. They is going/ are going to go camping this summer.
4. It is going to/ are going to get warmer.
5. We is going/ are going to invite many people to our party.
6. The snow am going to/ is going to continue over a week.
7. I is going/ am going to play tennis the day after tomorrow.
8. Sue and Ivan am going/ are going to go skiing this winter.
9. Paula am going/ is going to start swimming lessons.
10. It is going to/ am going to rain tomorrow.

1. Check the pictures. Make predictions.
To Be - Past Tense
English Grammar Notes
The past tense of To Be in English has two forms: WAS and WERE

To Be - Affirmative
To BeExamples

I was I was tired this morning.

You were You were very good.

He was He was the best in his class.

She was She was late for work.

It was It was a sunny day.

We were We were at home.

You were You were on holiday.

They were They were happy with their test results.

To Be - Negative Sentences
The negative of To Be can be made by adding not after the verb (was or were).
To Be Examples

I was not I was not tired this morning.

You were notYou were not crazy.

He was not He was not married.

She was not She was not famous.

It was not It was not hot yesterday.

We were notWe were not invited.

You were notYou were not at the party.

They were notThey were not friends.

To Be - Negative Contractions
The can make negative contractions of the verb To Be in the Past tense by joining
the verb (was or were) and nt (e.g. were not = werent). We dont make a contraction of
the subject and the verb (e.g. I was).
I was not tired this
ORI wasnt tired this morning.

You were not crazy. ORYou werent crazy.

He was not married. ORHe wasnt married.

She was not famous. ORShe wasnt famous.

It was not hot yesterday. ORIt wasnt hot yesterday.

We were not invited. ORWe werent invited.

You were not at the party. ORYou werent at the party.

They were not friends. ORThey werent friends.

To Be - Questions
To create questions with To Be, you put the Verb before the Subject.
You were happy.


Question Were you


Affirmative Question

I was late Was I late?

You were sick. Were you sick?

He was surprised. Was he surprised?

She was from

Was she from Italy?

It was a big house. Was it a big house?

We were ready. Were we ready?

You were early. Were you early?

They were busy. Were they busy?

Before the verb you can also have a WH- Question word (Why, Who, What, Where etc.)
Were you happy? Yes, I was.
Why were you happy? Because I was promoted at work.

To Be - Short Answers
In spoken English, we usually give short answers in response to questions.
Was he from Japan? - Yes, he was (from Japan). The last part (from Japan) is not necessary.
We use shorts answers to avoid repetition, when the meaning is clear.
Question Short Answers**Short Answers

Was I late? Yes, you were. No, you werent.

Were you sick? Yes, I was. No, I wasnt.

Was he surprised? Yes, he was. No, he wasnt.

Was she from

Yes, she was. No, she wasnt.

Was it a big house?Yes, it was. No, it wasnt.

Were we ready? Yes, we were. No, we werent.

Were you early? Yes, we were. No, we werent.

Were they busy? Yes, they were. No, they werent.

** With To Be, We dont use contractions in affirmative short answers.

See more about Past Tense Short Answers

TO BE in the Past Tense - Summary Chart

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