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TY || No. 419 EGF a HA-3 -. SERVICE MANUAL [Gitaroo ‘CONTENTS INHALT - SOMMAIRE seecincanons reciusens paren SPECIFICATIONS AND PARTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE FOR IMPROVENENT. STEREO AMPLIFIER _ August 1984 TOYOKAWA WORKS HITACHI _HA-3 SPECIFICATIONS Powar output ‘20 Wats per channel mi {Beth ante rman asa tom 20 eo Sone ss wisn ect, ihe bam Powe aman rin hm TECHNISCHE DATEN ‘eStnanis a5 wanna fhcom somes ‘sp, rumen, aes? aernoots) in cae Bee Trew (at 1/20 tatoa ouput or USAL oo S heuss CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES “sour cenau fae iconic ‘eran soos Boctblentonboe, Ren aus So ibe 19308 {Snr sown ome pace Samorimament 21 me inant" Roe aeeyee ap i (evince nei rami 008% Eonecionprmtooslve £38100") ion stemoion Thao howe emme de quence ore Simon" Ao ei, —2a0v soo Breas ove acomne|-sa) WoW 0a pune gor Ge st overtone SNe oe 20m Stobew Teen kr.09 99 om FEATURES ies smote pageeee 1 Magn Power Supa Great 15. Latpcenaly nower supply epecton, 10000 F 2 -MERKMALE i Bes Pinecinvesromiocs CARACTERISTIQUES: ‘5. Comameateur @aiimentation de grande capaci, 10000yF <2 HITACHI HA DISASSEMBLY AND REPLACEMENT : ZERLEGUNG UND AUSTAUSCH - DEMONTAGE ET REMONTAGE + Removing the cover, escutcheon ass'y { Atsbau dor Abdechang und der Seitanbringung 1 Déposer te couverci, fe c Audo PMB. Aas, ie i “harass do ioe 6X8 0F bind soe (3) fe Audio P.W.B. hos. HITACHI HA: SERVICE POINTS - WARTUNGSPUNKTE - POINTS DE SERVICE ‘As this unt uses a large capacity power supply, be coral of the following points whan check: In and repairing. the poner captors by towing wih a Testo ‘t aporox Taba. Swat capecy at fhe pos Hone 6804 ana 6808 (2 Bo not tach he fominale of near pas with 1 voter whan comecing fir eet and check (0) Fur das Pat saw Repareran dor Scnatpinine “nbecinge de Stomersorgung abecnaton nd Gas: Neztebel von Ser Nanastckdose absehen ‘ion Porton CBD4 und, CAO mt ener Wie Stand ven ‘twa 10 Ohm (8 atu werden (Baraat Sa le, enact rungemessare Sarit worden’ wenn cise fr (0) Pour eantdier et ver Nes plaques & excut prima. re p86 oubler de coupe" ampimsnston FaugtPH8 et abeshrger ne condensers (@) Ne pea tovear les bores proenes det conden + Parts instalation method ft win tuber tey are Kot sty or te red Scorer su stungen women tonne Den + Finbau der Ts fle Tote boson ciauenendbertogen ode" ander Aesiauschen baw. “Repareen von Tuan st Saher Gavaut 20 sehen, data springienan Scher hatemadnanmen wissen singanalsn ween es" gitrasons Manpuer dewonent le ‘olive & courant contin, + Procéaé de montage des places ee poss sont monies en vine avec le pls grand fein pow sautr une séeuisiagrale 8 appar Erretonpn ees son cite pds bes Ststurer que cos precautons. son! épulament CHECKING THE OPERATION OF THE PROTECTION CIRCUIT When the but tuts raped by reptacing the Power IC oper an operation check ont ASO (avea ol Sate Operation) detcton crete 1. Operation check of the ASO datecton cru for Connect he aus oscil the CD IN teriais ‘ninth speaker trnale unloaged epeaner ae ‘Sonne, Set he tequeny f te ac Ostia ‘Scns angst te lve ofthe nput signal £0 at ‘ne oltagral ha epeaertorinasesporoe Va Under ine conditons show creut te speaker er ‘ind Usinja lad ieee ts norcrect makes [Re ASO winston set opaata no opt appears Next tum off to power switch and. ater aprox. 10 Scum tha power wen on again nen spat Gomes out et he spanker termina. mis iets ‘hatte ASO dolecton orevt@ opeatng Moma, 2 Operation chack of the spesker protection clr Make sure mat me rly operas (alk sound is Fear) approx 6-10 seconde ars power swith (pester discomect Noe when 8 easter win & resistance of approx irate 1Okohme and two 1S ery baeor ae omer pad wing board 1600, te lay ee ot ater approx YO. urn tne power awich on again When conducting tis operabonal check, take care ‘otto crate shonetute wih pars close at hand 3. Operation check of temperaturedtection clr out ‘have ne spenersagconnacad witout oa sat the power sient ON and chock Bel sickng ‘und shear by ne rely being energized ater a Now warm up be CASO Boay using a saldringion Sra hai ayer Once ti lompertue of he body Teaches higher than 10d, te protection ie! i cova and he egy stared OFF. Even he body Is no engor warmed vp, the Yeay isnot ese Nox ft the power such to OFF and ar allowing ne body coo! down suficenty. seh ON the power gam. i he reay 1 erage maans at te lempentureseecton sracon ckeut i opersing ronan ‘caution (ong pete of one KONTROLLE DER FUNKTION DER SCHUTZSCHALTUNG Fale ole Auegangsschatung reparen wurde, indem £8. dr Leuunges 15 intgrorer Schall) usw ‘neuer ude, carn md de Taga dor ASO” Schutsohanung (AGO=rea Sate" Operation) ir ton LactunelS une de Stomosee Wr Lauuprecher ‘ohutz wie Tacolgen beachraben kool werden 1. Funktionspratung der ASO-Schatung far den Cottuness ‘'Focuersosiator an oie CO IN anseniebon, Webel "de Lautsprechotienien Keine List ‘isan Siren aeprecher ht anpescosber le" Feqient des Mequersceiats aul 1 HH Sboliche, da le Spannung an den caveprechor Kemiman sve SV (Milner bower betag. In ‘Goze Zosan sind. se Lavaprechesionmen Kevnauronten. nd zwar che Kerman. Jones Kanan ane wncnan das Elagangtignl angelog trrde. Fae ser Kuehl 1 enem Atepecton Ser ASOSchtscratung foe auth escheat ren ‘erwenden Ort enter wd {0"Setundon wiser sacha.” Wenn nun e fesigenet mira Deceit den dah le ASO. ‘Schoeseatung ng arbetet Lautapracher Dara acon, da) otea 6-10 Sekunden nach dem Esonaten er Newsenatar in Schapetusch tit “ar ‘Sen Laulsprecneniemmen anogt (Boome ch agen Werden dip Trockenbanesen wiser enter, dann ‘roster das ems wiedoum Dar Rains or Seecrate nston, wenn cn Tockenbeterion ener ‘anna ea Latsprechor Sealing a Oweune Ber ctor Ptung is betondors dau! chien Wir das Relais dacuren org, Beso es a ie ‘Schzecaiireise der Lauper nomal Tune Woon dese Furkoneelung wergeremnen Ww ‘ahelogenaen faien ensianen 3. Funitloneprotung” doe” Witmeentdeckungs- Schatireaoe Bio autores ohne Bastin sbgetent faesen fen Netachatir enschaton und Uberruen. ab Sn Krackgrebuseh gonoe wre DDanaon aan Koper Jes SCID! mt nem Letotbon ‘er Haurvockneranaimen Wenn ce Temper ee Keipar mindesons TOG. eriet wird ‘Schuss lever und dan Role aurgarenaat Setbet wenn Ger Ke teh wer or wi ‘rot hoi Rucisetung des Rola. Als nets ‘Sen Netechaer ausscraten, un nachdem sich ‘Ser Korper genigens abgekOht hat des Gert ‘Moon echo Wd das Reis rept bedeviet (Co's Sr trmeurtaciange Senuzsonaieee ‘Yor dom Erwamnan des Keer de Klee abnehmen linden SC30" von ser Stanungaiope enleren. Ber vemendng eines Latsbens der 30 Wat asso. Ua wonn er Ker 2u sta arnt wre Koen HITACHI HA-3. CONTROLE DE FONCTIONNEMENT DU CIRCUIT DE PROTECTION reparé 8 a suite {ie vertotion as fonelonnemant du cheut oe ‘ttecton ASO tZone dOpstaten Protgée) peur CI Ge puatance et ou reuit e. protection de haut 1. controle. de fonctonnement du_cicut de rancher un oucaour Gonse none aux Boros TUNER'IN quira aucune chuige est pave aut glee Tk taster fe mveau ou saa! Gani de Sera quo la tension appa aur bores haut panauraotendron de eieace.Guans ce cond Fone sont ooienvencourtecutar lee bores de havtpareur du canal recevant le signal Zentue et esonnt du fe oneton ee Sile court Ie ie stout de setacton de ype ASO en loncon, Sucune torte est rowvde. aux bomes” de haut pales mime ste dentin vise pout coutt Srewtage est ee Ensule, ‘metre Tinoruptew général & rant ot pis un daalsepproxmal' de 10 seconde, met e's noweau envoneton Ova in rors perv! Sox bores ce nawvpevour cost Ia none ue le Creat ge attecton ete ASO tonetonne rormaiement ton go rntrupteur general quand ts Domes de haurpasleur ne rapowes!autune cherge faut paneur tvancnd ‘Lose resistance enon {Oonme et deur ples de 18 V sont conaciees on Ensue, moc ls polaris des pes sche prox Choer au contol precédenment Geet pout hautparaur Yontonne-nomalement Par aileur. fave ‘atnion de ne bas courier les pices ft composans evsinans au cous ge ce contsle Sil rl ost erg pa cote operation, cesta rewe quo lee creul oe protection des enceinies ‘Gnotonnen nemaiment el eta de onctennement fein’ 8 pas provoquer un courses Ser fos pans voles, fonctionnemant ucrcut de détection Sormique {iar ls nautpariuraorancns ot san charge flume eerutour delmntaion (ON) et rassue? ‘auun décle se fal ortenar par ralal oergete pres environ 6 soconoes Enaute, cnaere ones dy SCROOS 8 fide un fer roudor ou dun stone chev Une is gue le fenpsrate soosese 10UC, le ccul Se Bro fecton art atone le al est coupe OFM. Ce Ia nese rene pas, mime slo ensess de Fap- [re ist lor chau Eu, placer su OFF fie epi datrenton Gt apres aed ‘our tension (ON) Se fale ec aoe enrgttsh ont le signe que le. creut de. GBlcion de Temperature fonctonne normaloment PRECAUTION ‘an doch le cis sachet Sarat (2"Scmoo! des shetes de vecatonS1fon ute on let { souder oo clase des 90 wats et ue le chasse eat hauls op fort tes lost itrnesauxmmes ‘oem ta OY Weenie he Ee Uae e!Setes “Cah Secm vce teat mcm: Saale mais deen tre res SRS En ise duct haath nd neh le gl ek Bercimeiemteweetees asec oe SOS So mat ae Seen eats ne «ech tr es represen er Sohtachatng un tie ABion + Phinoman toni apart quand ces a protein et mi n font a oe Epo sees | om co TT eat rae io Peeeore. | | ee sci. Ese Eases = a 2 Eee. || Peer Semone snenele ora HITACHI HAS PRINTED WIRING BOARD - PRINTPLATTEN - PLAN DE BASE HITACHI HA CIRCUIT DIAGRAM : SCHALTPLAN - PLAN DE CIRCUIT HITACHI HAS EXPLANATION OF THE NEW PARTS - ERLAUTERUNG DER NEVEN REPLACEMENT PARTS LIST: ERSATZTEILISTE: TABLEAU DES PIECE TEILE - EXPLICATION DES NOUVELLES PIECES Tr Usa oS ea AT iain 27 W Geng FS. France VS Saravana KS Sanden EW: Ana Une Ararean counts (stk 4042 x1 ES i frmes WS Semarang _ 1S Suwon SS 1 One channel AF Power AMP. PP Poyeropyene inkanarAudiorequenzverstirker EL eecvonte carson tim ME Met 2 Anes aac SAP et, ate = 1. External Form 2. Maximum Rating = 1s — P| —— = ro Stina Catone acon Sa eal Simansone arclaaguen anal cra=26%e) |r Yoo onor sm] Cale cir ely || Reals tom ‘yemet [Maximum rated valve | Unk cou cuame|ccloor atow|sv || Ciitaatnms ce] Same, 2ikleoy || saa orc So, | See |i Eien comsfoanStine a ow | Sane |e smly || Rilo | ee ve ‘se eps J oe . ee AE Ey al | ermal gator ln ie TTT aes Se same a 21 || enna ci tel | TNT, esa SS eli Se | cw lenul tier salon | Gehitusetemperate Te 125, * ‘eatnna| 0230036] cc i00eF 2% |30v || crevumloamens| ce [se 23% [Sov ce feapi as cae cuneate te ial F Race conceal | ceed | er |e ules |e, || cms. |aneag Sta nw is ey SARS] Sap, ah |] See asec a, | hn | 2 nar SEAS | Sore lB |] EBT ee Gy BLOCK DIAGRAM - BLOCK SCHEMA: SCHEMA sSuaecan|at ice” fa || Soe mney || motional | eu ‘soot SSI |e SISe || ER ea ie en ar Sete ae, SE aoe i, Ble IB, Ble caval ETP srfor || St (SE BY || Salen ef owe am Biome elu -o fat_T cee | i seamen) ep ot SE em Wate no S lrnenon] | co, Tories Sele li || SRL EN aa nse came = ar Lunds sas.) ame staal | te, “| ex.s sam emi |] PASH in ve recs ABSA i sc a | a peace san Ss ae rece, ‘oe, , | Se gears SSOUGESE GS zee” SOS || neon anes a axle Beal ta nee ro re to remem s | colon ram fv is S| 2 mare “age corr Bottom seen on frente ml is nae Sp ise REESE Snr be i sears eS rrorecron | | —ormones slite a it e| cash eae Eecier soo, PaNee oae Sy Hote s/s SES by ous st Peon a |e SS i || Malan fed ae Hove “5 — fl [ce [=e } steer ec mem ae || mn is sat ~ Eee" “ elie awe || ee Sele Ss My oa 1 man ae else key ("| rr ena ex || soouner 16 ofr, = aca) ssc sie Ss | ness as om SaaS, 3S OT ean a -2- HITACHI HAS aimee |alececmee| fore = Briers SS SSSR, | syoeminam meen, = ee, S [Seeman Se tt, so Be aaa SS Mm || 3 Ba Reema teem | bara ase oe Sat [amen ren mea counms lect Seal Bm sei Sur | iaoit|pmoraa seeaten, 2) age even ete 5, ‘Fai a fae S EVSSeas | SS SSeS teow cS smu Sen e6) ‘Chek hat exposed pr ae acces tls ‘mre sos creat Core erg ‘Morten ste cnr INSTRUMENT ‘checking method ‘Power sutch is set © ON. New measure the enetance value between the Dom poles of atachment cup (Power supp) a) ‘andthe exposed pate Parts such 36 Grea tein, Koo, Cover, te. where the ‘Susomer is eaty (6 Touch) and eck atthe ‘rectance valve 500 kotins o more. “(exo0eed part Inglaion fester (00500 TB HITACHI HA: FRONT AND REAR PANEL: VORDERE UND HINTERE BEDIENUNGSTAFEL : PANNEAUX AVANT ET ARRIERE Q rove sich POWER Youn conta wont & vestpnonee ci PHONES 8 censiomancuo” Tone swan §@ Ave reac ave? NUT touceas stn ROUONESS 8 fires thane @ Scbemmcinersnton SU8SONIC) & Tape! | piy cee aber PLR Move ten ODE) Tepe? rec loca are {© Funeton tenes FUNCTION, Tene? yc area ‘ape motor snc owen “Speatr tls SPEARERS) Tape copy autem are COPY Power supp oo Tape ony eer peor 1 Tepe nana omen (APE MONITOR {nge selec VOLTAGE tars ron: adcosr * & roto ° © Funeson nao -14- HITACHI HAS Q NewsenaterfoneER @ rapnaresucnse (PHONES! 1B tatsorcharsoater SPEAKERS @ Teter east anne TREBLE Kangreger TONE] © Banncmote BALANCE) {iutntrnronrachle LOUDNESS) chute trcaliter SUBSONIC) Bewibextecnater MODE! Fnac FUNCTION) 1@ TontancibemaenungrWatcchatee {© Sanaibespalmgerentar APE COM {@ ronsancberpetungeancege Tontansibewaenongeatatr TAPE MONITOR) 1B Fontionanangen ett POWER) ‘eaequ cot PHONES! @ tntoropnorenesiies SPEAKERS) @ Commanse ses grave (BASS) @ Sammars des sau TREBLE) {@ Inorg de ona TONE) ‘B Commanas de batanceAtANCE) merging gnogrertnon der sore @ lneopmr nteseousique(SUBSONIO Commuter de mose(WOOe Seacou Zeneca FUNCTION | Seactous oe conde go bande magnétoue |B imaresuu ae eproaueton ce bende magreiue ome “mein wprosucten de bane magndtiue B imorupwor de conte detente magnetave (abe onto @ Lausanaratger vou {@ Ersungroneonua (NO) pron tingangrbuehaen PHENO INPUT Co Engangabuchse CO INPUT ‘oer ingargsbuchsan TUNER INPUD, {B AUci-emgungsoucnson AUT NUT ‘AUK? Engangsbucteon AUR INPUT, ‘onoand’ aufanenouenen|TAPE1 REC) “Tonoandadmpabeouonee TAPE! PLAY Tonoand 2 Amanatuohee (APE? REO) 1 Toroand2 Wodergabeovenen TAPE? PLAY B Laiesecneranecusse SPEER {lncrator-Auspangansehias @ Soannangonser OUTAGE) @ Fuses (@ "cin cde conti de bande nagrteaue Tamara cannse {@ Commande de vue VOLUME) omega massa tore (GN Fran gene pono PHONG INPUT Fae genus CD (CD INPUT Pree Gente ine TUNER INPUT @ pron tonnes AUCH AUS INPUT Pscaamee unataunainrv Poe demegivement se bade (TAPE REC) ‘ue gerepraucron de bance! (TAPE PLA Free Gereostemen! Se ure 2 TAPE? REC (@ ao de eproucton de banca TAPES PLAY {bores donconta SPEAKERS, 8 Coron daimenton soto de lesion YOLTAGEL 1B Porstntie HA-3 TY No. 419EGF

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