The Power of Drinking: The Ultimate Guide To A Full Life

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by Tornado Phil, philosopher and poet

Summer 1997

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Confusion is clarity1 Chapter 2: Absolution from the three Sins: Responsibility, Commitment and Guilt..5 Chapter 3: How the Power of drinking will Make Your Life Better7 Chapter 4: The Enemy: AA.....9 Chapter 5: Mantras & Conclusion11 Appendix: A Practical Guide: Enthusiasm and Experience Book flaps written by Dick Buckhorn

The Power of Drinking

CHAPTER 1: CONFUSION IS CLARITY: THE CENTRAL CANNON OF THE POWER OF DRINKING We begin our journey through the Power of drinking with its central cannon. That tenet is confusion is clarity. I can almost hear the novices asking: how can such a counterintuitive statement make sense? Well this concept is what everyone else has overlooked. Only through a deep understanding of this cannon can an individual hope to obtain and realize the Power of drinking goals. Only then can your life goals (which you do not know yet) be achieved. However, do not get discouraged if you do not immediately reach this ultimate level of understanding. Perhaps it will take many attempts until you realize the depth of this key tenet. It should also be pointed out that the author still stands in awe at the power of this key insight of the Power of drinking. Just recently, Dick Buckhorn hit like a ton of bricks by the full power of confusion is clarity, and he has been practicing for years. Because of the difficult nature of this material I recommend that the reader reread this chapter after digesting the remaining contents of this book. Keep the faith and keep drinking until you achieve the purity of knowledge that the ancients have always searched. Once this knowledge is acquired you can live your life as you should, and as your God given potential demands. Mind pollution In order to explain confusion is clarity, let me begin with a discussion of the human brain. Our minds are wonderful and weird machines. The neural network involves billions of nerve cells, each interconnected hundreds of times in a seemingly random spider-web. These nerve cells interact by firing or passing chemical and electrical messages between themselves. While this complexity allows us to reason and think, qualities that have made the human race master of his domain, there is a downside to the structure of the human brain. There are so many thoughts generated randomly that we often begin to perceive certain concepts and ideas as reflecting reality. In addition, suggestions by others can stimulate warped ways of thinking. These thoughts soon turn into memories and get mixed up in the maze of nerve cells with our experiences. These junk thoughts I call mind pollution. Before you realize it, the amount of pollution in our minds is huge and indistinguishable from true concepts and experience. By the age of eight we have so much mind pollution, it is no wonder that so many lives fall into misery and emptiness. The pollution of the mind is further complicated by institutions and other individuals who reinforce our own mind pollution with their own. Churches and schools are full of good intended people who, without realizing it, damage young minds. Advertisers lock into ego, greed, and develop mind pollution to sell goods. The effect can be dramatic. Fairly soon unnatural thoughts become accepted as truth. However, because you have in your possession the Power of drinking you can

The Power of Drinking change this unfortunate fact of life. Through the Power of drinking you can change the current script from which your life is read and begin again. In short, you can achieve clarity. Drinking and Mind pollution Alcohol affects the human brain in a wonderful way. It flows into the nerve cells and begins to work at the molecular level. Alcohol re-programs the firing and interaction of the nerve cells. It is this incredible ability of alcohol to change the human mind that allows us to see the truth. As the firing of nerve cells, which produce corrupt and harmful thoughts due to mind pollution, is slowly diminished by alcohol, mind pollution is purged from the brain. As the alcohol content of your blood increases, more and more mind pollution is purged from your brain. The feeling induced by this process is commonly referred is as a buzz. It is as though the body, at a deep level, realizes the benefits of alcohol. It is the case, at the molecular level, we understand the true nature of the good work of alcohol. So, as the nerve cells rearrange their thoughts to align with our true and honest nature, we begin to feel different. Because we are so used to the wrong way of thinking (i.e., to mind pollution) we say that we are clouded or confused. However, this confusion or way of thinking is exactly what we need desperately in our lives. If we continue to drink, what are we left with when exactly one single thought remains? Clarity! Confusion is clarity! In the single pure moment when our minds have been prepared by alcohol, tremendous insight is generated. You will indeed discover that reality is an illusion that occurs due to lack of alcohol.1 That single remaining thought is the true essence of your nature. It represents those goals that we want because of who we are. When we can look through the mind pollution the way is clear. It does matter which choices we make, but only if we know where we must go. The wisdom generated in a moment of clarity can last you a lifetime of proper directions! Once clarity is achieved, your live will fulfill itself. Your unique golden rule will be spelt out. The logical consequence of confusion is clarity! is: make all your decisions in moments of clarity. Following this principle of truth, your life will reach its powerful potential. However, I leave these important facts to Chapter four, which explores this aspect of the Power of drinking more deeply. Again, what we mistakenly call confusion is actually preparation for clarity. The paradoxical nature of the statement Confusion is clarity is due to centuries of Although this statement is self-evident to the author, I acknowledge the contribution of an anonymous Power of drinking disciple in coining this phrase. 2

The Power of Drinking misguided and misunderstood interpretations of the world by our leading thinkers and institutional leaders. Only through alcohol can we strip away the burden of mind pollution. It is in these moments of clarity that the Power of drinking is realized. If we make all our important life decisions in this so-called confused state, our lives are improved tremendously. Although the tenet of confusion is clarity can be fairly easily understood, it is not as easy to achieve in practice. You will know it when you experience it, but only after careful application of the methods explained later in the book. Persistence must be pursued. Relationship of the Power of drinking with Other Beliefs and Religions The list of other types of belief systems that are designed to achieve clarity is tremendously long. Although some are close to the Power of drinking concept they lack the essential tool: heavy drinking. There is also another advantage to the Power of drinking: it is much more comfortable to sit with a drink in hand in front of a big screen TV, than to starve yourself for weeks, or pray on bended knees for years. The closest belief system is that of the Buddha. The moment of clarity can be considered as the state of nirvana that Buddhists attempt to achieve through starvation and staring blankly into space and producing strange sounds. By starving their bodies of important nutrients and, by sheer willpower, Buddhist monks try to eliminate mind pollution to achieve clarity (nirvana). However, this strenuous process may not be successful, even in a lifetime. The Power of drinking allows a quicker and more sure method to achieve clarity. After clarity your life will take care of itself. Other belief systems have also recommended substances to achieve clarity. American Indian tribes used magic mushrooms and mesquite cactus, among other substances, to purge mind pollution. However, they lacked experience with alcohol and their visions were hopeless. With the Power of drinking the American Indians may have been able to actually defeat the white man by organizing themselves together. For this reason, it is important to answer some questions concerning drugs and the Power of drinking. The Power of Drinking and Drugs Although other drugs can help us on our journey to clarity they are not recommended. Some drugs actually cause more mind pollution. This type of state often induces many harmful conditions such as paranoia, and only adds to your confusion. So, in the case of some drugs the confusion is paradoxically caused by more mind pollution. Therefore, it must be realized that, in general, drugs will pollute and dilute the clarity obtained through alcohol-induced confusion. Only in special situations, say, if the user experiences stomach problems (see the appendix) should other drugs be used. However, the concept of using drugs and

The Power of Drinking alcohol to achieve clarity is best understood from the following analogy. Powerful herbicides kill weeds by using hormones to accelerate plant growth beyond what they can sustain. In effect, the plants burn themselves out. Drugs in a similar way can cause mind pollution to build and burn itself out, but only in limited situations and only under careful supervision. Of course, the brain damage that you risk is considered to be a downside from using drugs in this way. I am considering writing another book to deal with these issues but much experimentation is still left to be done. It is strongly recommended that the user explore the methods of the Power of drinking before attempting any desperate drug measures. Our Lives Are Our Laboratories So why do we claim that the Power of drinking is the best way to live your life? Because we have stood on the mountain and seen. Because our lives have been revolutionized and our minds purified of pollution. Because we have experienced the clarity of confusion. Because we know. Our lives are our laboratories. Only if you acquire clarity through confusion can you understand its power. Confusion is clarity!

The Power of Drinking

CHAPTER 2: ABSOLUTION FROM THE THREE SINS: RESPONSIBILITY, COMMITMENT AND GUILT As your experience with the Power of drinking grows and enthusiasm increases, novices normally experience the danger of committing one of the three sins. Again, mind pollution is to blame. However, as we have discussed, mind pollution is a powerful but defeatible force in the Power of drinking disciples life. Mind pollution for the experienced and enthused drinker manifests itself in three big obstacles. These three forces are so harmful that they are the three sins that we face every day: responsibility, commitment, and guilt. Responsibility Responsibilities are walls that imprison you. These are the external forces of law, order, and employment that pollute your mind and undermine your enthusiasm for the Power of drinking. For example, concerns about drinking and driving, or holding down a job, cannot interfere with your drinking. It is important to note that the author does not condone drinking and driving. In moments of clarity, taxis can be taken. Work, unfortunately, is the curse of the drinking classes.2 However, if decisions are made in moments of clarity, careful planning strategies will be developed. For example, drink during the weekend. My advice to the reader is to always be aware of the potential for committing the sin of responsibility, and plan your drinking so that you are free of responsibilities. Commitment Commitment is an anchor that you throw on the shore. It stops us from riding the waves of life. It prevents us from seeking new lands of opportunity. It allows other polluted minds to interfere with the Power of drinking. Commitment represents those friends and family in our lives, particularly spouses that will try to prevent us from obtaining clarity. The people that you feel committed to must be free themselves before they can offer you any help. Do not listen to non-Power of drinking commitments. Do not fall for the sin of commitment. Guilt Guilt is a scarecrow. Polluted minds with guilt will scare away their appetites from the lush food of the fields of the Power of drinking. Guilt is the internal realization of years of mind pollution. Only drinking can vanquish guilt. Since guilt is internal it is perhaps the easiest to deal with. Find another Power of drinking disciple to help you through the rougher effects of guilt caused by a lifetime of mind pollution. The three sins must be understood in order to be confronted. The Power of

To paraphrase Oscar Wilde 5

The Power of Drinking drinking, however, offers the only way to obliterate the three sins: drink more. In the times of your greatest weakness, turn to the bottle. Drink and repeat until the three sins are vanquished from your mind and life. Once these dragons are slain, the path to clarity lies beckoning.

The Power of Drinking

CHAPTER 3: HOW THE POWER OF DRINKING WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE BETTER Yet again I repeat: the Power of drinking offers the simplest and easiest to remember advice. In fact, it is so fundamental that once you obtain clarity through confusion, the effects of the Power of drinking on your life will obtain naturally. However, in order to explain the concepts of the Power of drinking to the novice, a brief discussion is necessary. In order for your life to reach full potential remember one simple rule: make all your decisions in moments of clarity. If you follow this simple rule your life will change so dramatically for the better, you will not be the same mind polluted person you once were. Each persons life path is different, so each person will make different decisions. But with your mind free of pollution, you will surprise yourself and your unbelieving peers. Here are a few examples of disciples of the Power of drinking, and some of their famous quotes: Always remember that I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. Winston Churchill, who defeated Hitler by considerable use of expensive drinks and by always making his decisions in moments of clarity. He was a wise man who invented beer. Plato, who invented logic after a particularly heavy drinking session. Boris Yetsin led Russia through a difficult period of transition from an evil communist regime by being a dedicated practitioner of the Power of Drinking. One moment of clarity was so powerful that while visiting Ireland he could not leave his plane. Unfortunately, the author does not speak Russian, but believes Yetsin capable of a good quote or two. Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy. Benjamin Franklin, who did some famous things around the time of U.S. independence, though no-one is quite sure what he actually did. 24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? Stephen Wright, although unknown to the author, must be a stand-up guy. Virtually every Nobel prize in literature is awarded to some drunk poet or author. The author hopes that this trend continues and this book will one day get its proper accord. Although, a whole book can be filled with examples of great stories, it is your life that concerns me, Tornado Phil. Just remember to make all decisions in moments of clarity.

The Power of Drinking What About The Misinformed and Those Who Stray? All right brain, I dont like you and you dont like me so lets just do this and Ill get back to killing you with beer. Homer Simpson. This is the type of opposite thinking exhibited by non-Power of drinking people. If only Homer would (or could) read this book! Unfortunately, the world is filled with similar examples of those who stray from the path of the Power of drinking. Homeless people who committed one of the three sins, or who lack the willpower to drink through The wall, or who fail to properly binge to achieve a moment of clarity, are littered on the worlds streets. Unfortunately, mind polluted individuals (experts) recommend reducing their alcohol consumption. The Power of drinking can save these lost souls and the solution is again simple: give them more drink. Do not give a cash handout to the homeless give them a fifth of whiskey and the problem would begin to solve itself. In fact, all of these lost souls failed because they committed one of the three sins. Haunted by these sins they have not recovered. But having glimpsed the possibility of the Power of Drinking they continue to drink but are racked with guilt or The wall. They need help: they need to apply the Power of Drinking. I, Tornado Phil, drink for their salvation on a regular basis.

The Power of Drinking

CHAPTER 4: THE ENEMY: AA Without a doubt the most polluted, avarice and dangerous organization to the Power of drinking is Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Their literature is concerned with the evils of drinking. And until this book, reading about the evils of drinking simply encouraged Power of Drinking disciples to give up reading.3 Here is a list of some of the activities that AA recommends to their misguided and misgiven flock of disbelievers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 12 steps of misery Writing letters to friends and family telling them what a fool you are. Teaching that you are a powerless twerp that has to thank a higher power for preventing them from realizing the Power of drinking. Telling people that they have a disease, that they need help, that they are sick.

Each of these examples are discussed in order, although a companion book is necessary to entirely deal with the great enemy. The 12 steps is the most evil program that ever emanated from the brains of polluted minds. It is the antithesis of the Power of drinking, and is remarkably like Big Brother in George Orwells 1984" - for they want to control you through mind pollution. Not only is the 12 steps as complicated as the Power of drinking is simple (drink and repeat), but each step is a recipe for disaster. Each of the 12 steps involve separate and independent actions. This greatly multiples the mind pollution among the poor lost souls who lose their way in their journey to the Power of drinking. Their lives are opened up to pure mind pollution and become dominated by the three big sins of responsibility, commitment, and guilt. In most cases, the 12 steps reinforce the three big sins and cause, to some, irrevocable damage in the form of increased mind pollution. At all costs avoid the 12 steps and take the one true step of the Power of drinking: drink and repeat. Remember the words of Ambrose Bierce, Abstainer: a weak person who yields to the temptation of denying himself a pleasure. One of the 12 steps involves the writing of letters to friends and family. These letters ask these people to forgive you for being, in AAs opinion, a big screw up. The damage and humiliation is supposed to help the letter writer. Clearly this is designed to develop guilt. What sort of logic is that: they may as well recommend anal sex with a baseball bat. It would seem a reasonable extension of AAs logic. In any case, your personality, your soul, and your short glimpses of the moments of clarity are being raped through humiliation and mind pollution. Yet AA claims it is helping their members. It is like a doctor bleeding their patients, or administering lethal poison to cure a cold. As well as humiliation comes destruction of the ego from AAs teaching. You are powerless according to their teachings. You are an idiot unable to control the Power of drinking. Only a fool believes that he is an idiot. All AA members believe they are

The author recognizes Henry Youngman for creating this truism. 9

The Power of Drinking powerless and so believe that they are idiots. Therefore all AA members are .....(use the Power of drinking to make the conclusion If you believe (and drink) youll understand). The most serious crime AA performs against humanity is to proclaim that there is a disease associated with drinking. Well, after they are done with their members, their members are certainty sick. They administer a disease by telling people they have a disease. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy. Increase the pollution in peoples minds and their minds are more polluted. They are more screwed up. No wonder these poor souls believe they have a disease. The AA organization is so harmful and destructive that beginners to the Power of drinking should not read AA literature, or listen to their heretic teachings. Often one will find an AA member infiltrating the ranks of Power of drinking disciples at bars. They can be easily identified by their moronic and boring conversation. For example, they will begin their speech with shit such as, I used to be a wild and crazy guy till I hit bottom. It has been x years since I last had a drink.... This initial line will be repeated many times and will be more painful each time it is heard. Do everything possible to get away as quickly as possible. Never accept a drink from these people. If one is purchased for you by mistake, immediate skull it back4 and ask for another. Tell them how good it tastes and feels. It all else fails, run away. Lost souls on their way to AA can be identified by similar moronic statements such as see that woman over there [who happens to be really attractive], she looks just like my ex-wife.... or Ive had a lot of bad luck recently,.... Here, it is time to run and seek out fun loving, non-mind polluted Power of Drinking disciples. Do not attempt to try to change these fools nothing is worth the pain that they will (happily) inflict upon you. Even 15 minutes of these types of conversations may cause novices to wander from the path to clarity and the Power of drinking. As William Bulter Yeats once said, The problem with some people is that when they arent drunk, theyre sober. However, heavy drinking and experienced Power of drinking indoctrinates have nothing to fear from any words or teachings. Therefore, those experienced in the Power of drinking must do all to warn further converts from the evils of AA. However, rereading this book is the best way to prevent AA mind pollution.

Skull: to drink an entire drink as quickly as possible. 10

The Power of Drinking


Because we are human, we often need to be reminded of the way to the path. This chapter has the necessary reinforcement to keep you on your Power of drinking path. Remember, new decisions need to be made in moments of clarity and clarity should be pursued regularly. Some motivational shouts should help you with your resolve. I recommend the following 2 mantras: No Moderation! Heavy drinking! These can be repeated, the louder the better, until your mind pollution haze is overcome. The best mantra, though, which is the essence of the Power of drinking, happens to be the simplest: Drink and repeat! Be careful of innocuous sayings like bottom up, cheers or best wishes. The novice may succumb to the influence of people who say these things people that are committing the three sins and dont understand the Power of drinking. Just remember to answer back: Drink and repeat! In times of greater spiritual need we can turn to some statements by famous people: To feel the warm thrill of confusion, that space cadet glow Pink Floyd I feel sorry for people who dont drink. When they wake up in the morning, thats as good as theyre going to feel all day. Frank Sinatra. Youre not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. Dean Martin. The main thing is to find a way to focus away from the mind pollution and onto the Power of drinking. Once you have a few drinks under your belt, the Power of drinking habits you have developed should kick in. And always remember that the problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.5 Of course, the greatest asset in maintaining the Power of drinking is this book. Keep it with you at all times and re-read when necessary. (Remember novices: it is time for to re-read the first chapter.) Always remember the central rule of the Power of

Humphrey Bogart, another brilliant Power of Drinking disciple. 11

The Power of Drinking drinking: drink and repeat. Avoid the three sins of responsibility, commitment, and guilt. Make all decisions in moments of clarity and live your life to its fullest potential. Good drinking, Tornado Phil, Summer 1997.

Tornado Phil would like to acknowledge the helpful research of Tim Harms and Dick Buckhorn in developing this book.


The Power of Drinking APPENDIX: A PRACTICAL GUIDE: ENTHUSIASM AND EXPERIENCE One of the great features of the Power of drinking is that it involves one simple instruction: drink and repeat. However, there are many subtle points one must understand in obtaining superior drinking strategies associated with the Power of drinking. You must develop enthusiasm and experience. Enthusiasm is an inherent quality of the human race. Look at the bodies littered over Mt. Everest, for example, and when it comes to drinking enthusiasm is just as natural. However, many people are held back by either severe mind pollution or by inexperience in their drinking. Thus, enthusiasm and experience are interrelated ideas. One of the important results of my research into successful Power of drinking disciples is their ability to deal with three key issues of health, location and relationships. Once these are properly dealt with, it will be easy to follow the prescription to the Power of drinking experience: have another drink. Enthusiasm will be developed naturally by the body. With enthusiasm and experience, drink and repeat will become a mantra. Then the Power of drinking novice will be in a position to understand and overcome the three sins, explained in chapter two, and will be on the path to becoming a Power of drinking disciple. Health Issues There are a number of health issues that result from inexperience in applying the Power of drinking. Namely: vomiting, sleep, unconsciousness, and The wall. Let us first begin with vomiting, sleep and unconsciousness, as these can be dealt with quite simply. Young or inexperienced drinkers will often throw-up, chunder, or blow chunks. While the author has been known to enjoy a good heave down the big white phone on occasions, vomiting can interfere with the Power of drinking. Similarly, falling asleep or unconsciousness will interfere will attempts to achieve clarity. However, the Power of drinking offers the only solution to these problems: have another drink immediately. In fact, Dick Buckhorn has used the funnel and plastic tube on many occasions on the author, with invariably satisfactory results. A word of caution must be entered here, as some people have died from drinking too much. These people were never meant to be successful. Let us wish them well and hope they get what they were looking for in the next life, while helping us by clean-up and deepen the gene pool. However, if you are a Power of drinking disciple, the moment of clarity is reached well before death. Only inferior specimens will overdose in this way, so you have nothing to fear. If all the recommendations fail and unconsciousness cannot be overcome, try again tomorrow. Novices are no doubt queasy at the thought of drinking after throwing up, but that is due to inexperience. Sacrifice and transitory pain are part of the Power of drinking. If you (correctly) believe that nothing in life is gained without sacrifice, you are in tune with the Power of drinking. Throwing up, in the Power of drinking doctrine, actually provides an opportunity. Your blood alcohol will be very high to induce the vomiting and your


The Power of Drinking stomach is empty of food. Therefore, more drinks will place you on the road to confusion, i.e., the road to clarity, much quicker than starting afresh at some later date. The sleep barrier needs to be addressed as many novices fall asleep just before the moment of clarity is realized. Sleep must be overcome with willpower and the help of another drink. Speeding up the alcohol consumption is strongly recommended. This is especially important if large amounts of unnecessary food have been consumed. Additional blood alcohol should fire up the desire to stay awake. Further, this can induce vomiting (see above) which will prevent you from sleeping. (Never combine vomiting and sleeping, though.) The most reliable technique for increasing alcohol consumption is to drink faster or drink more in less time. Advanced users can substitute more powerful (higher alcohol content) drinks and drink at the original speed. Otherwise, the use of bongs, tubes and other innovative devices is highly recommended. If you are inexperienced it may not be possible to acquire moments of clarity every time that you drink. In my experience 10-14 hours represents the upper limit of time for trying to achieve clarity. However, the boost from speeding up alcohol consumption after 12 hours of drinking is often the best time to obtain clarity and the vision and lucidity of the Power of drinking. The Wall The last and most serious health issue is The wall. The wall refers to the pain the body feels from time to time when the Power of drinking concept is applied to it. Here again, sacrifice is part of the Power of drinking. Sufferers may experience the following symptoms of The wall: extreme heartburn, excessive or insufficient bowel movements, splitting headaches, dry sweats, sweat, and/or dizziness. The wall is particularly apparent when a shortage of alcohol, often called a hangover, occurs immediately after sleep. The wall, more than any other health issue, prevents people from drinking. There is no excuse for succumbing to the pain of The wall. It must be drunk through. I repeat the advice, because so many novices give up when faced with The wall. The wall must be drunk through, and obliterated by the Power of drinking. There is no excuse for failing to smash The wall. Tear down the wall! Location Issues In general, it doesnt matter where you attempt to obtain clarity through the Power of drinking. However, I recommend Bars, Taverns, Rock concerts and other places that kindred Power of drinking souls congregate. The reinforcement of others is often a powerful force in novices pursuit of the Power of drinking. However, noisy and fruitless conversations with extremely mind polluted individuals are counterproductive (particularly AA members see chapter five). If this becomes a problem, it is still possible to find clarity on your own. For these reasons a solo Power of drinking insight


The Power of Drinking is sometimes stronger than those obtained with others. However, I recommend that novices should drink with others, particularly experienced disciples of the Power of drinking. The only other location issue is the music. Sometimes loud music helps, at other times quiet music helps. The personal preference of the author is loud driving rock n roll. Normally the most energetic music that you like will suffice. In any case, after obtaining clarity you will, no doubt, develop a preference for live music that is loud enough so that you can enjoy the sensation of the bass notes passing through your chest. Relationship Issues Heavy non-drinking relationships should be avoided. The apparent feelings of these non-drinking relationships is miniscule compared to full bonded Power of drinking relationships. Only be close with your Power of drinking friends. Family complicates issues, and if you are doubtful that they will become Power of drinking disciples, ditch them. Relationships with people whom you want to have sex complicate the Power of drinking. The three sins (see next chapter) are much easier to commit in such circumstances. However, true love in a moment of clarity is the most beautiful thing. More people have lost their chance with the Power of drinking because of relationships than for any other reason. You can have too much of a good thing (of course, you can never overestimate the benefit of more alcohol). In fact, it is preferably that the two people involved in sexual relationships only remember the next morning that their sex act shared a common moment of clarity. That is true love. Power of drinking relationships will fulfill your needs and desires better than any other tonic. I still remember feeding a favorite disciple raw eggs after she had drunk a case of beer, or driving anothers car into a shallow lake. These experiences were instrumental in the allowing the parties involved to experience a moment of clarity. Moments like these are too precious to be wasted on other non-fulfilling relationships. Therefore, the Power of drinking way of life recommends that all relationships other than Power of drinking relationships, be paid very little attention. And if you must vomit, vomiting on non-Power of drinking people is a good place to start. In summary, health, location, and relationship issues can be overcome if the central method of the Power of drinking is remembered: drink and repeat.


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