Doka Stronghold in The Middle East

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The Formwork Magazine

1/2012 ME ·

Doka Stronghold in the Middle East

New Innovations Safety First

Dokaflex 15 & Dokadek 30 … page 3 Lusail LRT Underground … page 8

Epic Stadium Social Infrastructure

Saudi Arabia … page 6 Kuwait Prestige Hospital … page 11
2 Doka Xpress

Doka News
Doka Training Seminars 
Doka Middle East supports fast and
safe assembly and deployment of its
formwork by offering site supervision
and onsite training, plus informative
theoretical seminars.

u Seen here, training conducted in Saudi

Arabia for the ongoing stadium build.

Dear Customers,

Innovation and active part-

nering with you were the
benchmarks for Doka’s suc-
cess in 2012. Based on your
feedback and high demand
we launched Dokadek 30, a
seamless and efficient panel-
floor formwork system which p Doka is supplying all the formwork solu- p Flexible Doka forming solutions for
radically speeds up forming in tions including safety systems for the 300 m mosque domes and minarets.
large areas and offers the saf- Lamar Towers.
est way to form slabs in the
region. Let’s Talk Formwork Safety Formwork for Minarets
Lamar Towers in KSA gets a high Doka is proud to contribute to social
Further we introduced
safety rating using Doka safety sys- and cultural projects. Doha's West
Dokaflex 15, a brand-new
tem – protection screen Xclimb 60. The Bay mosque is just one of many Doka
professional handset system
for affordable housing con- full enclosure round the uppermost levels community enhancement projects. The
struction which is already of the building enables all work to be car- minaret was formed with Staxo 100 and
receiving major accolades. ried out safely, protected from all climatic Large-area formwork Top 50, systems
To greater cater to your influences. that adapt perfectly to the architecture of
bridge and road infrastructure this Islamic place of worship.
projects and maximize effec-
tiveness of our Load-bearing
systems Staxo, we increased
Doka site-supervision sup-
port to include the new onsite
Contents page
assembly service.
New Innovations Middle East ������������������������ 3
The past year resulted in
even better customer support
Energy Demands Yield 6 LNG Tanks ������������ 5
since we expanded our team Epic Saudi Football Stadium with Doka ��������� 6
with experienced key account
sales managers and engi- Seven Underground Stations
neers in many of our Middle Ruwais LNG Tanks with a 2-Day Cycle � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 8
East offices. Our innovations
and people are exactly on Sama Beirut Surging Toward Completion ����� 9
track with the Middle East’s
planned growth and we will
Prestige Retail Project for Muscat �������������� 10
swiftly and confidently move Social Infrastructure Expansion in Kuwait ��� 11
with the region’s massive
construction challenges. Ahmadi Hospital The Formwork that Adapts by Itself ������������ 12
Twin Towers Qatar: Double
Impact on Doka Climbing Tasks ������������������ 13
Doka Formwork Service Management ������� 14
Peter Vogel Philanthropic Vision for Education �������������� 15
Director Middle East
Doka Group JLT Bridges Dubai In Brief ��������������������������������������������������������� 16
October 2012 3

New Innovations
Middle East
Coupled with unparalleled service offerings
Dokaflex 15, Dokadek 30 and Staxo 100 are

Doka launches the ultimate Staxo 100 for all Middle

housing formwork solution East infrastructure
Dokaflex 15 is the newest cost-effec- Load-bearing tower Staxo 100 proves
tive Doka solution for affordable hous- itself over and over with its flexibility on
ing construction. Compared to tradition- irregular layouts, high stability and rug-
al formwork, Dokaflex 15 offers a major ged load capacity of more than 100 kN
reduction in the price of panel and slab per leg. Customer accolades are reflect-
formwork systems and speeds up con- ed on its ability to safely handle trans-
struction workflows, especially since fer slabs in the building sector, provide
the system can be assembled by semi- ultimate stability for shoring (including
skilled laborers. Using Dokaflex 15, con- large shoring heights), and for applica-
tractors can expect to halve assembly tions in the industrial and petrochemical
time, weight of material and number of sectors. The system features integrated
individual components. The unique fea- access ladders, gapless assembly decks
tures allow for more reuses, faster form- with planking units inside the towers and p High-capacity and high-per-
ing times, and minimal onsite adjust- between frames, integrated connectors formance Staxo 100 for shoring
ments. Dokaflex 15 boasts optimized and logical color coding for assembly. and structural support.
lifespan and maximum cost savings
when used for up to 25 cm thick slabs. Continued on page 4 >>

tp Great news for housing-

project contractors, Dokaflex 15
is affordable and gets the job
done faster.
4 Doka Xpress

Ready-to-Use with powder-coated frames and proven

saves space, costs and time Xlife sheet with built-in plywood, make
By listening to and acting on proactive it excel in safety, ease of handling and
feedback from customers, Doka facili- high speed for onsite use. Large 3 m2
ties in the Middle East are offering the panels are ideally sized for forming large
exclusive and cost effective Ready-to- areas fast, and they greatly reduce the
Use (RTU) preassembly service. RTU number of separate parts that need to
simply means that Doka plans, designs be shifted.
and expertly custom-builds the form-
work units for your jobsite requirements. Results using Dokadek are that con-
Then, instead of sending out materials tractors can make their entire forming
for onsite assembly by a contractor's operation quicker, also due to the fact
crew, working to a tight JIT schedule that no crane is needed during setup.
Doka trucks the units to site fully preas- With the suspension clamp, infill zones
sembled and ready for pouring to start. can be formed quickly as Dokadek 30
The bottom line: RTU is in high demand combines seamlessly with the adapt-
across the region because it saves able floor-slab system Dokaflex. Safe-
p Ready-to-Use is by far the costs, time and space on construction ty - a topic of utmost importance - is
most effective method of speed- sites. defined in the workflow as Dokadek 30
ing up a formwork project. is deployed from floor level and erected
Huge panels and highest safety with from below with no need for anyone to
new panel-floor formwork Dokadek 30 step on to the slab formwork itself. For
Brand new for clients in the Mid- the best end result, the tried and tested
dle East, Dokadek 30 is the beamless Xlife sheet offers immaculate concret-
handset system for speed and safety on ing results and durability for many reuse
site. Its lightweight steel construction cycles.

up Virtually error-free erection

as the Dokadek 30 system has
only three different components:
panels, heads and props.
October 2012 5

t 50 cm concrete walls cast

outside steel tanks for 6 LNG
tanks in Ruwais, UAE.

The facts
JoBSiTE Civil Works-Ruwais
GASCO Storage Tank, Pro-
pane & Butane Storage Tank
LoCATioN Ruwais, U.A.E.
CUSToMER Granite Construc-
tion Company
SYSTEMS iN USE Large-area
formwork Top 50 + Crane
Climbing 150F

Energy Demands
Yield 6 LNG Tanks
To meet ever-increasing market demand, Joseph Chacko,
Project Manager,
government-owned and operated Borouge is Granite Construction
executing a multi billion dollar expansion in the city
of Ruwais, a sprawling green oasis 350 km away
from Dubai.
The professional
The Borouge 3 project is a key part of platform on top of the climbing system What impressed us
the Abu Dhabi government strategy for was necessary to enable installation of most was the full-time
growth, tripling production capacity and the reinforcement (rebar). Besides the Doka site supervisor
consolidating the global market posi- forming, Doka supplied expert consul- stationed at our project, and
tion. The project comprises an ethane tancy to ensure that the strict require- the swift logistics in delivering
cracker, polypropylene and polyethylene ment of fair-faced concrete was met to large amounts of material to
our remote site.”
plant, offsites and utilities and marine the satisfaction of the client.
facilities. After completion, total produc-
tion capacity will increase to 4.5 million Safe transfer of concrete pressure
metric tons a year. The construction process for form-
ing the LNG tanks was a single side
Granite Construction looked to Doka’s pouring whereby the contractor erect-
engineering expertise in LNG tanks. ed the steel tank first, followed by a
Practical tip
50 cm reinforced concrete wall against
6 massive tanks it on one side only. Due to the exist- Eliminate the need
in fair-faced concrete
The scope of the build is a total of
ing steel structure, it was possible to
place weldable couplers for sheet walls
for scaffolding
6 LNG tanks, each having a height of on the outer surface of the frame for Providing rebar platforms on
36 m and radius of 35 m. The challenge safe transfer of the concrete pressure the crane-climbing system
for the contractors and Doka was to through the tie-rod system. For this was one of the highlights,
cast 50 cm concrete walls outside the huge petrochemical project a record because these extra plat-
steel tanks. A portion of the total techni- 53,000 weldable couplers for sheet forms saved the client rent-
cal solution deployed by Doka is supply walls were fixed to the steel tanks by al cost and time. The solu-
and installation of a total of 528 brack- the contractors. tion eliminated the need for
ets of the crane climbing system 150F the scaffolding that would
in combination with Large-area form- 100 % Doka formwork otherwise be necessary for
work Top 50. Furthermore, due to the Doka Abu Dhabi was the sole formwork rebar placement.
construction methodology an additional supplier on this project.
6 Doka Xpress

Epic Saudi Football

p Doka Saudi Arabia has major
influence on speed and fair-faced

Stadium with Doka

concrete finish of the stadium.

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the dreams

of football fans are about to come true. The city of
Jeddah will soon welcome by the end of 2014, a
brand-new, state-of-the-art, 60,000-seat football
stadium in a modern architectural design.
The facts
JoBSiTE Stadium build at King
Abdullah Sports City Contractors MSX are working swiftly otherwise have been needed for assem-
LoCATioN Jeddah, Kingdom toward completion of the stadium. The bly of timber-beam formwork and elim-
of Saudi Arabia build is sited in King Abdullah Sports City inating the outlay for the logistics of
CUSToMER MSX, a joint and supported by 100 % Doka formwork onsite storage of materials in colossal
venture of Besix and supply and service. The stadium complex quantities. Doka Jeddah’s warehouse,
Al Muhaidib Construction
also includes a 2,000-seat multi-sports located just 15 minutes from the site,
SYSTEMS iN USE Large-area
facility, an outdoor athletics track with a handled the full industrialized custom
formwork Top 50 + suspen-
sion platform WS10, Load- 1,000-seat stand, a mosque, a parking assembly of the Large-area formwork
bearing towers Staxo 40, structure with room for 45,000 cars, ten- Top 50 panels and column formwork
Staxo 100 stair towers, nis courts, football pitches and general Top 50 which were chosen for the form-
framed formwork Frami Xlife sports training facilities. ing operations.
Engineering, Planning & Doka Jeddah's Ready-to-Use service Effective workflow saves costs
Logistics, Ready-to-Use was a key factor, engineering huge sav- When it came to quantity surveying,
Top 50 & Working Platforms ings on the time and labor that would the cost-effective approach was to
October 2012 7

In numbers
FoUNDATioN 5,000 m2 of
formwork with 600 RTU
Top 50 panels & corners
6,000 m2 of formwork
with 1,100 RTU Doka panels,
2,600 m2 of platforms,
400 sets of platform units
27,500 m2 of floor-slab form-
work set with 220,000 m3 of
shoring towers

t The MSX and Doka Saudi

Arabia teams work out the most
efficient solution.

supply initially complete sets of mate-

rial for only three of the eight construc- Structural analysis and technical
tion sections. The planners knew that drawings arepart and parcel of every
the material from those three zones Doka engineering service package.
could then be re-utilized for the other
five zones, reducing total cost for the

The solution

Staxo 40 delivers structural support Immediately after excavation,

The slab support shoring heights Doka Saudi Arabia moved to
ranged from 7-15 m which meant that supply the full engineering,
a flexible system was necessary. The logistics and formwork serv-
lightweight frames and easy color-cod- ices for the build. The scope
ed assembly sped up the workflow by included all vertical columns,
the contractors manpower onsite. Load floor slabs, and core-walls.
requirements of 3.5 metric tons load Due to the versatility of tim-
capacity per single leg were met safely. ber-beam formwork, preas-
In addition to a site resident engineer sembled Large-area formwork
& Doka coordinator, two dedicated site Top 50 panels were ideal for
the straight runs and curves
supervisors continue to support facili-
of the foundations. The ver-
tating correct assembly and safe erec-
tical columns and core walls
tion of the towers.
were cast using column form-
work Top 50, preassembled
100 % confidence in and used together with sus-
Doka stadium builds pension platforms WS10. This
Doka Saudi Arabia is the exclusive was the ideal combination on
formwork supplier on this project, account of complex column
and due to superior performance, and cross-sections and the height
Doka’s well-known references such as of the columns. This form-
the Green Point Stadium, South Africa, work is designed to be used
and the Allianz Arena, Germany, is one and re-used and to meet high
of the strongest contenders for upcom- fair-faced concrete specifica-
ing stadium builds in the Middle East. tions.
October 2012 9

t Doka SkE enabled the entire

exterior climbing formwork to
be raised as a single platform,
bringing all 4 sides of the core
wall safely to the next level in
20 minutes or less.

The facts
JoBSiTE Sama Beirut
LoCATioN Lebanon
CUSToMER MAN Enterprise
area formwork Top 50,
Dokaflex tables, automatic
climbing formwork SKE50
and SKE100 for CPB

Sama Beirut Surging

Toward Completion
Beirut will soon have the new tallest tower in
the country – SAMA Beirut, standing at 186 m. The solution
For this luxurious high rise
Doka engineered a solution for the highest tower consisting of 8 office
number of re-uses with a design adopted from floors and 75 apartments,
Doka supplied all formwork
Burj Khalifa. The building will be the city’s first for typical floor beam & slab
landmark of this caliber. support and 100 % of all
corewall formwork + SKE50
For this build which started in 2011 with Equalizing speed of vertical
an expected completion in 2014, form- and horizontal elements
work planning challenges included tak- The perfect combination of SKE50 &
ing into account assembly at an offsite SKE100 climbing brackets has been
location, an extremely tight construction chosen, to meet the requirements of an
schedule, and coping with heavy steel economical system. Also meeting the
reinforcements (seismic design) and requirement for lifting the very heavy
deep excavation work. loads wherever required, such as a con-
crete placing boom or large inside shaft
Sami Mekanna
Hydraulic system the perfect choice cells. The high load capacity of 10 metric Project Manager
Doka automatic climbing formwork tons per bracket and the tall formwork- Sama Beirut
SKE50 was the key formwork solution platform scaffolds allow work to pro-
for the project. With the system’s utmost ceed simultaneously, making it possible
flexibility, it gave the client the abil- to “de-link” the forming and rebar opera-

The professional
ity for fast and efficient climbing of the tions. Each shaft cell has it's own auto-
main core wall. A cycle of seven days matic climbing platform - allowing the
was reached easily, taking into consid- time-intensive rebar installation works for MAN Enterprise was
eration how quickly the site crew famil- the next level to start immediately after able to reach the
iarized themselves with the system. curing of concrete - without waiting for project’s requirement
Around 750 m2 of the Large-area form- formwork stripping, cleaning & climbing. because the Doka system
work Top 50 panels were coupled with More than 2,000 m2 of Dokaflex table- used less manpower. We
the SKE system to give the shafts very forms were utilized in order to keep cast- were able to achieve on time
easy forming sequences, and fair faced ing the horizontal elements in step with the pouring of vertical and
concrete as well. the rate of vertical progress. horizontal elements as well.”
10 Doka Xpress

u Doka Muscat was awarded

the contract in December 2011
to supply the formwork design
and A-Z requirements for the
entire project.

Prestige Retail Project

for Muscat
S. Velupandian,
Senior Project
Lulu Hypermarket, the retail division of the mul-
Manager tidimensional and multinational company, is known
Dolphin Trading
as a trendsetter within the GCC retail industry.

As part of the company’s planned Top 50 was used for all the round col-

The professional
expansion in Oman, the Lulu Hypermar- umns. Framed formwork Frami Xlife
ket in Bowsher extended their building panels were used to construct the walls
With Doka formwork to approximately 30,800 m2 reaching 5 for 7 elevator lifts & staircases. The flex-
materials, ideal solu- storeys high. ibility of Frami Xlife panels is guaranteed
tion, safety and effi- efficient regardless of the complexity of
ciency are guaranteed in pro- optimizing logistics the wall’s shape. Additionally with the
viding valuable support to the for a tight schedule tried and tested Xlife sheet with built-in
construction site. Through Doka Muscat was awarded the contract plywood, longevity is guaranteed for up
this, it helps us increase our in December 2011 to supply the form- to 200 reuse cycles.
productivity and optimal sup- work design and A-Z requirements for
port in the planning phase.” the entire project. To meet the dead- Due to the vast area of floor slab on
lines, the Oman operation ensured that each storey, substantial quantities are
the large volume of rented formwork being used. The total of approximate-
material was supplied right on sched- ly 86,000 m2 of concrete floor slab with
ule. For forming the 770 m reinforced headroom varying between 5.50 and
concrete external walls in the basement, 6.50 m were formed by 9,000 m2 of
The facts Large-area formwork Top 50 in combi- Dokaflex tables and 3,000 m2 of Load-
JoBSiTE Lulu Bowsher Stage nation with Doka supporting construc- bearing towers Staxo 40. These were
2 Extension tion frames was used for the straight shifted quickly and safely to the next
LoCATioN Muscat, Oman and curved 6 m high walls. location with Doka transportation fork
and shifting trolleys. The Dokaflex system
CUSToMER Dolphin Trading &
Investment LLC Maximum flexibility gave full proof of its adaptability when it
SYSTEMS iN USE Large-area
for different column sizes came to forming the curved beams.
formwork Top 50, single- There are 415 reinforced-concrete col-
sided supporting construction umns of varying size on each floor. All For the external façade of the build-
frames, Frami Xlife, Dokaflex the rectangular columns were formed ing, the 11 m high suspended slabs
tables, Dokaflex and Load- with framed formwork Frami Xlife uni- are being shored with Load-bearing
bearing towers Staxo 40 versal panels and Large-area formwork Staxo 40 frames.
October 2012 11

Social Infrastructure
Expansion in Kuwait
The elaborate plans for social infrastructure
in the Middle East include designing and building p Universal Frami Xlife panels are
the most ergonomic and aesthetic hospitals in the ideal for varied cross-sections of
column in a 5 cm grid – including
world. forming special 6 m columns.

By October 2014 Kuwait will welcome a bahani, the biggest anticipated chal- Walid Barakat,
300-bed acute care hospital for Kuwait lenge from the beginning was securing Project Manager
Sayed Hamid
Oil Company in the prominent Ahma- adequate manpower for the job, plus a
di district. The structure's parameters stringent requirement for fair-faced con-
are unique in every way - sensitive to crete.
regional and Islamic principles; reflect
local environmental conditions; incor- Long-standing Doka customer bene-
porate state-of-the-art technology, sus- fits from familiarity and cost efficiency
tainable design; and facilitate a future As a longtime Doka customer, with
expansion of 100 beds. The footprint of proper Doka added value maintenance
the hospital is actually derived from the and the contractor's storage of its own Bashar Dib,
Islamic geometric form of a circle evolv- Doka formwork stock of floor props, tim- Site Engineer
ing into a rotated square into an eight- ber beams and standard steel parts,
sided star. The project boasts the four- cost efficiency on the floor slabs was
storey hospital with a combined area of maximized.

The professionals
80,000 m2 plus construction of five two-
storey residential buildings for medical For the retaining walls and special struc-
staff with a combined area of approxi- ture walls, plus the special shaped walls Our engagement with
mately 10,000 m2. the flexible Large-area formwork Top 50 Doka resulted in the
was used for speed, partly because in accurate solution for
Securing manpower Kuwait, the crew is well used to work- maximum effectiveness of the
For all forming operations commenc- ing with this system. For casting all systems deployed, combined
ing in February 2011, Doka Kuwait was standard columns including the special with strict cost control and
the exclusive formwork partner. Working requirement of 6 m columns, Frami Xlife overcoming any manpower
with main contractor Sayed Hamid Beh- column formwork was used. resource issues.”

The facts
New Ahmadi Hospital Project
LoCATioN Ahmadi, Kuwait
Sayed Hamid Behbahani
SYSTEMS iN USE Large-area
formwork Top 50, framed
formwork Frami Xlife, Doka
birch plywood for fair-faced
concrete, Eco 20 floor props,
H20 timber beams

t A combination of readily
available material from Doka
kuwait's yard and contractor-
owned material benchmarks
12 Doka Xpress

u The SkE100 climbing form-

work for the core has already
arrived at the site. 144 automatic
climbers will lift the formwork
and three concrete placing

The Formwork
That Adapts by Itself
Doka has scored yet another sales success by
winning the formwork contract for the 555 m Lotte
World Tower.

The facts The client, Lotte Construction, rated the gapless enclosure of the under-con-
Doka concept as the “technically most struction storeys has to adapt to the
HEiGHT555 m sophisticated and best-quality formwork decreasing circumference automatically,
CiTY solution”, as it adapts more or less “on i.e. without needing any time-consum-
USE Mixed use its own” to the many changes in cross- ing modifications. To achieve this, the
PECULiARiTY section. Quite apart from the core’s enor- entire Xclimb 60 solution (screens and
Many cross-section changes mous height, then, its complex shape platforms) can be adjusted to the struc-
ARCHiTECT presents another set of highly challeng- ture with 1 m telescopic areas on both
Kohn Pedersen Fox ing requirements. In front elevation view, ends. Thus the width of the screens can
FLooRS 123 the core breaks down into three sec- be modified within a range of 3 to 5 m.
CoNTRACToR tions which are roughly equal in height The screen will be delivered in the next
Lotte Construction but which are completely different geo- few months.
metrically. From August 2011, the Doka
climbing formwork system SKE100 will Column formwork
be setting the pace on this CIP concrete with own rebar crane
core as well, raising some 2,500 m² of Gigantic CIP concrete pillars, known as
The solution Large-area formwork Top 50 and three ‘mega-columns’, run up the outsides of
concrete placing booms with the aid of the structure. Between the first and last
The Doka climbing form-
work system SKE100 is rais- 144 automatic climbers SKE100. casting steps, their quadratic cross-sec-
ing some 2,500 m² of Large- tion tapers from 3.50 m to 2.00 m. The
area formwork Top 50 and Telescopic protection screen self-climbing solution ‘SKE50 plus’ is
three concrete placing booms on rollers used here in conjunction with ‘Top 50’
with the aid of 144 automatic To enable the slab-forming work in the Large-area formwork elements. To
climbers SKE100. There is also top four storeys of the rising core to speed up the construction workflow
a telescopic protection screen take place under optimum safety con- still further, each column will have its
Xclimb 60 in use that adapts ditions, sheltered from the weather, the own crane for lifting in the rebar. These
automatically to the many self-climbing Doka protection screen cranes are ‘climbed’ together with the
changes in cross-section. Xclimb 60 is to be fielded here. This formwork solution.
October 2012 13

Twin Towers Qatar: Double

Impact on Doka Climbing Tasks
In recent years, Doha – the capital city of Qatar – has seen many
spectacular new skyscrapers rise above its West Bay business

The contractor Arabtec Construction

LLC is building two 185 m skyscrap-
ers in the brand-new business district
of West Bay in Doha. The two towers
will each house offices and hotel rooms
on 48 storeys, complete with three
podium levels of multi-storey parking
space and two basement levels. Work
began in 2010 and is scheduled to take
30 months.

keeping pace with SkE50

Doka climbing formwork SKE50 is set-
ting the pace on the building of the two
CIP concrete cores. Both cores are
being climbed ahead of the floor slabs
using a total of 94 automatic climb-
ers SKE50 and 1,800 m² of Large-area
formwork Top 50. The climbing scaf-
folds come with completely railed-in
working platforms and are anchored to
the concrete at all times – ensuring the
greatest safety for the site crew even in
high wind conditions. Arabtec Project
Manager Mohammed Ali Nada is very
satisfied with the construction progress:
“Our collaboration with Doka Qatar has
gone very smoothly, both in the plan-
ning stage and during the build itself. Doka has supplied a complete package of formwork resources for the
The economical formwork systems are Twin Towers development in Doha’s West Bay – including the automatic
easy to handle and are crucial in help- climbing formwork for the shaft cores.
ing us to work more effectively and save

Plenty of space for safe working

To form the stiffening shear walls at the storey floors, while the high slab sup- The facts
slab edges, Doka supplied its Large-ar- ports needed in the podium zone are
ea formwork Top 50. This versatile sys- being provided by Load-bearing towers JoBSiTE Twin Towers
tem, nearly 830 m2 of which is in use Staxo 40. This weight-optimized Load- LoCATioN Doha, Qatar
on each casting section, adapts read- bearing tower system is engineered for CUSToMER
ily to the structure's changing geometry. high user ergonomics, enabling fast Arabtec Constructon LLC
The 2.40 m wide platforms of the crane- assembly and dismantling times while SYSTEMS iN USE Automatic
jumped formwork system MF240, also ensuring high workplace safety. In this clibining formwork SKE50,
in use here, provide ample room for safe way, Staxo 40 makes a crucial contri- climbing formwork MF240,
working. The versatile Dokaflex floor- bution towards greater efficiency in the Large-area formwork Top 50,
slab system is being used for the typical construction workflow. Load-bearing towers Staxo 40
14 Doka Xpress

Doka Formwork
Service Management
Khalid Mehmood,
Project Manager
Ghulam Rasool

The professional Jumeirah Lake Towers is a collection of high-

Since this project was end residential and office buildings located oppo-
our first entry into the
infrastructure market in
site the Dubai Marina on the other side of the
UAE, we could not take any Sheikh Zayed Road.
risks on satisfying the client.
Formwork was a big factor
and the combination of Doka’s The development has flourished since milestones are met. Doka Gulf is pro-
proximity to the site, onsite the handover of many posh buildings a viding pioneering new services in the
assembly and Ready-to-Use few years ago, and this year road works scope of work to coordinate onsite form-
services has saved us a lot of have commenced surging towards com- work erection and assembly, Ready-to-
resources and time.” pletion. With the launch of the new Use preassembly, and even managing
onsite assembly service, commissioned the heavy equipment needed onsite to
by contractors Ghulam Rasool & Com- deploy and maneuver formwork.
pany Pvt. Ltd., Doka is taking Form-
work Service Management to a whole 75 % faster repositioning
new level, and is now heavily involved with Doka custom solutions
The facts in a revived project for comprehensive Ghulam Rasool, with one of its
improvement of parallel roads. first entries into market, was high-
JoBSiTE Comprehensive
Improvement of the Parallel ly impressed by the advantages of
Roads Contract 3A Jumeirah The NW-01 bridge comprises four Staxo 100 in bridge building compared
Lakes Towers post-tensioned, dual-celled spans with to local systems. Additionally Doka’s
LoCATioN Dubai, UAE an average support height of 6.50 m. preassembled Large-area formwork
SUBCoNTRACToR Ghulam Doka’s formwork supply covers the full Top 50 wall shutters with engineered and
Rasool & Company (Pvt.) Ltd. scope such as shoring, bottom slab, specially fabricated steel parts greatly
SYSTEMS iN USE Load-bearing wing and internal walls, intermediate reduced the quantity of fabricated tim-
towers Staxo 100, Load-bear- diaphragms, cantilever and top deck ber elements required for forming the
ing towers Staxo 40, Large- slabs. bridge’s shape. Finally, Doka Dubai pro-
area formwork Top 50, H20 vided a special suspended solution that
timber beams Launch of onsite assembly in UAE made the repositioning process 75 %
SERViCES PACkAGE Ready-to- Doka has greater responsibility with its faster than conventional de-shuttering
Use, Onsite Asssembly role to ensure the target schedules and sequences.

u Seen here JLT interchange, is

the second bridge project award
this year for Doka Dubai.

The solution
16,000 m3 of Load-bearing
towers Staxo 100 form the full
four spans of the bridge. The
preassembly team has fab-
ricated 1,200 m2 of Top 50
panels, which Doka’s onsite
assembly team are erecting
using spindles and a special
suspended solution to speed
up and simplify handling and
repositioning. At the outset,
Load-bearing tower Staxo 40
is utilized for forming the top
and cantilever slabs.
October 2012 15

t Staxo 40 scores high for fast

progress at the prestigious up-
coming kuwait University City.

The facts
Sabah Al-Salem University,
College of Arts and Education
Arabtec Construction LLC
Joint Venture Combined
Group Contracting Company
LoCATioN Shidadiyah, Kuwait
Load-bearing towers
Staxo 40, Large-area form-
work Top 50, Dokaflex

Philanthropic Vision The challenge

for Education
One side of the building wall
features a prism shape finish,
which necessitated the cast-
ing of inclined columns vary-
ing from 62 to 70 degrees. As
a key part of the design, Doka
successfully met the require-
ments with the flexible Large-
Located south-west of Kuwait City is a six area Formwork Top 50 plus
cantilever brackets to help
million square meter plot allocated to the Univer- climb the formwork.
sity City, whose mission is to integrate facilities of
health, science and humanities into one campus. Awni El-Baraqouni,
Deputy Project
Director, JV Arabtec
& Combined Group
The vision is to develop world class edu- area formwork Top 50. Columns of dif-
cational facilities equipped with the most ferent sizes were easily formed with
advance Resources for human talent and Large-area formwork Top 50 as well
future development in the country. as retaining walls. For single height
slabs, Dokaflex slab system was used.
Four colleges supplied by Doka To ensure the highest level of safety Dr. Abdulaziz
Al Hosamy,
Doka is supplying initially for the first required by the client, certain floors of Project Director,
educational building whereby the con- drop-beam design were supported with JV Arabtec &
tractors are using both new and exist- a combination of Staxo 40 and additional Combined Group
ing Doka stocks for the University City Eurex top floor props.
which will be completed in 2015. The
first building to be constructed was the Staxo 40 scores in kuwait The professionals
College of Arts for Men. The plan is to The fast and safe Load-bearing tow-
optimize cost-effectiveness and reduce er Staxo 40 gave structural support for Due to the sheer mag-
the amount of total material required by shoring heights of approximately 7.5 m. nitude of the project,
shifting and reusing formwork in vari- The site management were extremely we are extremely hap-
py to work with professionals
ous sequential zones. Contractors did happy with the fast result of the Staxo
who recommended the cor-
not hesitate because they were confi- system, especially because it was light-
rect system, offered round-
dent that any additional material required er with an ergonomic H shaped frame, the-clock support, available
would be supplied to the site on sched- faster to erect by just two laborers for supply of material, and the
ule from Doka’s Shuwaik warehouse. one tower and with few separate com- exact training required. We
ponents. Entire towers were swiftly and were very happy to be intro-
Basement heights of the building were safely moved by crane, due to the sys- duced to Staxo 40 which
7.2 m with a single casting of Large- tem's crane safe connections. saved us a lot of time.”
16 Doka Xpress

In Brief
News, dates, media, awards

We are extremely pleased to

welcome two new dynamic
faces to Doka Middle East.

t Ralf Bürger,
Director Doka
Qatar WLL

 Global competence center support for  Doka & Dubai Municipality held a form-
t karl tunneling projects work safety seminar
Heinz Riedl,
Gulf FZE Every single project is unique and calls Dubai Municipality teamed up with
for custom-tailored services. No matter Doka Gulf FZE to present new safety
which tunnel-building method you use, innovations in formwork systems which
the Doka formwork experts will work comprehensively address all aspects
with you to find the right solution. of material quality and construction
jobsite safety. The event held at Dubai
ANoTHER HiGH-RiSE EXPERT Municipality on May 1, 2012, was
The gecko, like Doka, is synonymous for entitled “360 Degree Formwork Safety
its abilities in safe and fast climbing. Symposium”.
For more info stay tuned to for the
“gecko experience”.

Doka Middle East

P.O. Box 61407
Jebel Ali Free Zone
Dubai, UAE
T: +971 4 870 8700
F: +971 4 870 8702

Doka in over 70 countries

Impressum: Doka Xpress is a publication of the international Doka Group. Publisher: Doka GmbH, Josef Umdasch Platz 1, A 3300 Amstetten, Austria.
Editor-in-chief: Sonali Maheshwary. Layout design: Como GmbH, Linz, Austria
In some cases the site photos show the situation during formwork assembly and are therefore not always complete from the point of view of safety.

Simply give us a call! We´ll be pleased to advise you.

Doka Gulf Doka Emirates Doka Qatar Doka kuwait Doka Lebanon
Dubai Sharjah Qatar Kuwat Lebanon
Tel. +971 4 870 8700 Tel. +971 6 556 2801 Tel. +974 4 4500 628 Tel. +965 24 82 24 62 Tel. +961 1 612 569

Doka Emirates Doka Saudi Arabia Doka Muscat Doka Bahrain Doka Jordan
Abu Dhabi Jeddah Oman Bahrain Jordan
Tel. +971 2 676 5855 Tel. +966 2 669 1008 Tel. +968 244 844 45 Tel. +973 17 402 810 Tel. +962 6 554 5586

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