You Are Going To Give A Talk About LANGUAGE

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Chemodurov Artem, 3530904/20004

Monologue on LANGUAGE

You are going to give a talk The text of the monologue Vocabulary,
about LANGUAGE. Grammar
Linking Words
and Phrases
Step 1. Introduction Language takes an important 83
1. Start with a hook sentence that
will attract the listener’s attention (a place in our life. The well-known
quote, a proverb, etc.). Austrian philosopher Ludwig
2. Lead your speech steadily to the
main part of your talk.
Wittgenstein said that the limits of
3. The introduction may consist of his language meant the limits of his
3-6 sentences. world. I think that it is about
everybody. In reality, it is impossible
to communicate without knowing
the language. People start learning
their native language from birth,
hearing some words around
themselves. The world is huge,
technologies develop very quickly, if
you want to catch on everything
around you, then you should start
learning a foreign language.
Step 2. Learning Languages There are different reasons 175
2.1. Speak about the reasons for
learning foreign languages. why people start to learn a foreign
language. Some of them do it for
2.2. What sort of people do you
think make the best language
develop their brains. In addition,
learners? there are people, who likes to
develop relationships with people
from other countries. Language
enable people to communicate
between cultures. Another people
take up learning foreign language for
travels. If you become fluent in a
language, it won’t be a problem for
you to ask somebody about
something in other countries. It is
really great! However, there are
people who decides to acquire a
language for job. Our world
develops quickly, so, if you don’t
know a widely spoken language you
will fall behind in a career.
In my opinion, the native
speakers make the best language
learners, because with them you
learn as grammar rules, as everyday
expressions and how to use every
word properly. By the way, speaking
with native speakers, you develop
good accent. As a matter of fact,
some people even move to another
country where people speak this
language to start to speak a foreign
language fluently.
Step 3. The future of English Learning English language 91
3.1. Speak about the benefits of
knowing English in contrast with could give you benefits in many
other foreign languages. aspects, because today this language
3.2. What language do you think
dominance diplomacy, science and
may become a global language in other spheres of people’s life. You
future? will be understood by people from
many different countries, because
English is a widely spoken language.
Moreover, this language is simple
for learning.
It is widely known, that
Chinese language is very popular
today. Chinese goods are very well-
known because of their cheapness.
As a result, this language is
prominent in international business. I
think that it can be that Chinese
language may become a global
Step 4. Avoiding Online Mistakes Now we all spend a lot of time 136
4.1. Speak about the problems a
person may have online. on the internet. Today people often
sing up for online courses to
4.2. Give some tips that may help
you to avoid mistakes online.
complete a language training
programs and to get certificates. It is
not always safe. Person can face a
lot of problems online. You can be
ripped off by somebody. Moreover,
you can lose your money, personal
information or create confusion.
By the way, I know some tips
that may help people to avoid
mistakes online. Firstly, you
shouldn’t post personal information
because it can be stolen by
scammers. Secondary, use the secure
passwords and don’t share them with
anyone. Last but not the list, you
should be polite. You usually don’t
know who is a person, with whom
you communicate, so it is very
important to find the right balance
between being formal and informal

Step 5. CREATIVE THINKING I think that the most important 70

Introduce your own extra idea(s) on
the topic that hasn’t/haven’t been thing in learning foreign language is
mentioned before. Justify your not to stop, when you have some
difficulties. If you try to master a
foreign language, it is normal.
However, you shouldn’t give up.
There are many ways how to
improve your language skills: you
can visit language schools or take a
full supported course. However,
everything depends on you. If you
work hard, you will be successful.
Step 6. Conclusion In conclusion, I would like to 55
Summarise the ideas of steps
2,3,4,5. say that knowing foreign language,
especially English, gives you many
opportunities. There are many
methods for learning languages, you
can choose the one that suits you
best, otherwise there is a risk of
falling behind in learning. Many
people prefer online courses, but you
should be careful with them.
Total - 612
Lexical units – 30
Grammar constructions – 10
Linkers – 17

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