Regular and Irregular Verbs English IV

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Regular e irregular verbs

Regular verb:
Present: She closes the door / Ella Cierra la puerta
Past: She closed the door / Ella Cerrò la puerta
Perfect tense: She has closed the door / Ella ha
Cerrado la Puerta.

Terminaciones verbos regulares:

Present: we bet the money / nosotros apostamos

el dinero
Past: we bet the money yesterday / nosotros
apostamos el dinero ayer
Perfect tense: we have bet the money / nosotros
heos apostamos el dinero
-y / 1 silab /-ed/ -d/ p,t,r

Enjoy ( disfrutar)
Past : Enjoyed
Perfect tense: Enjoyed

Pray ( rezar)
Past : prayed
Perfect tense: prayed

Study (estudiar)
Past : Studied
Perfect tense: Studied

1 silab:

Stop ( parar) flat ( aplanar)

Past : stopped flatted
Perfect tense: stopped flatted

Smile: ( sonreir)
Past : Smiled
Perfect tense: Smiled


Past Perfect tense:

admit admitted admitted
refer referred referred
worship worshipped worshipped

verbos regulares:
present: He writes a book.
Past: He wrote a book
Perfect tense: He has written a book.

present: you swim in the pool.

Past: you swam in the pool
Perfect tense: you had swum in the pool.

present: I go to home.
Past: I went to home.
Perfect tense: I have gone to home.

Lista de verbos:


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