Describe A Favorite Learning Experience or Your Favorite Part of The School Day

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My favorite part of the day is the moment when I say “Good Morning” to my teacher and

set foot into homeroom. The stimulation that hits me when I think about what awaits me in the
day is the most dazzling feeling ever. That new topic in geometry, or new piece in band class
really excites me, but not for the actual content. It’s the same reason that I don’t have a favorite
subject. That’s why I love the structured thinking in entrepreneurship. I don’t usually care for the
thing that I will learn, but more so the experience and stimulation that I receive when I go
through the critical thinking process of learning. It’s when you are thinking of those trig-
identities and they suddenly become second-nature, or when the notes start playing in your head,
moments before your fingers hit the hard keyboard surface.

My favorite part of the school day is the moment right before, which is a bit vague, so let
me explain. It’s the feeling you get when your fingers are about to hit the piano, when your
pencil is about to hit the paper, or when the words are about to come out of your mouth. Those
are the moments who truly define who we are as people, and those are also the moments that get
my adrenaline rushing. We all feel nervous on that first measure, first problem, or first sentence,
but it’s the two seconds before you start when we make the decision to strike out or hit the ball
out of the park. Fear is not a bad thing. We’ve all felt it. The mistake that we make is in the
choice of letting it take control when we need to step up to the plate and ignore it. When that
choice arrives though, I am quite grateful that I have ability to make it.

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