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I wanted to start out with congratulating Balu and his friends on their

graduation, and the entrance into a new chapter in their lives. Now you can go
enter the first stage of adulthood, and pursue your passions, but also order food on
the late nights when you shouldn’t be, and think about how to tell your parents that
you’re broke. Anyways, jokes aside, I wanted to speak about Balu, who taught me
so many things without even knowing it. How to have fun with other people, how
to be calm and tranquil, and most of all, how not to annoy everyone around you. In
fact, I think that we can all agree that Balu doesn’t have to teach because he is the
role model for us all. In fact, it gets quite hard sometimes, considering how MY
parents won’t stop bugging me to be more like him. But that’s when I always tell
them that the special thing about Balu is not about what he does, but about how he
does it. Everything that he does, he is passionate and caring about. I remember that
a couple years about, when Balu was about 14 or 15, we were sitting around a
campfire and talking about our favorite classes in school. I could see how his eyes
and face lit up when he said, “I really enjoy Computer Science class”. Now,
sometime later, and he has followed through with it, and I really admire that about
him. He does things that are in vision, and even though he is a chill dude, I can
assure you that he takes his interests seriously. I wish you a lot of luck, and I know
that big things await you.

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