Web Authoring Tools

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1.1. (What You See Is hat You Get: pronounced"wiz-ee-wig")

It is web-authoring application that let one create web pages (or HTML pages, if you like
without knowing HTML tags instead of relying on HTML or other

With a pure WYSIWYG editor, you work entirely in an interface that resembles a desktop
publishing program. These programs are best suited for those wanting a great- looking
site that’s not very hard to build. NetObjects Fusion and Drumbeat are examples of
WYSIWYG editors.


1.2. Easy to use
WYSIWYG editors allow novice Web developers to get up and running quickly.

1.3. Focused on Design

Most WYSIWYG editors allow the developer to focus more on how the page looks than
on how the HTML looks. This provides people with more creative room.

1.4. Specific Tasks Done Faster

It is possible to do specific tasks much faster using a WYSIWYG editor than a text editor.
For example, tables can be created with most WYSIWYG editors using a visual layout of
the table. This is often much faster than typing out all the tags by hand.

1.5. Less Likely to Make Mistakes

While most text editors include tag validation or integrate with a validator, if you don't
use the tools, you can still write tables without end tags that won't display in Netscape.
WYSIWYG does the tags for you, so the only mistakes you'll make are in the design.

1.6. WYSIWYG interface

Many of the features available in more commonly used office applications

1.7. Available Template

Can set up and use templates to ensure consistency between webpages


1.8. Less Employability
Employers and hiring managers want someone who can use whatever tool they are given
to create a Web page. This is sometimes referred to as a "Vanila Web Developer". When
you know HTML, you can use nearly any editor with success. When you only know a
WYSIWYG editor, you are not as easily transferrable and people don't want to hire that.

1.9. Very Product Specific

When you learn how to use a WYSIWYG editor, you are learning a software product. If
your next company doesn't use that product, you have to start all over learning a new one.

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A lot of extra HTML code is created which is unnecessary and can interfere with browser
compatibility. This is known as 'bulky code'. If the page must be edited in six months by
someone else they will have a hard time unless they are using the exact same editor you

1.11. Lack of Control

Sometimes it can be very difficult to make pinpoint adjustments to HTML using a
WYSIWYG editor. Most support all the attributes of the tags, but to make changes to
them, you have to go into option menus and other convoluted locations to find and edit

1.12. Extra Mousing

If you experience pain in your wrists (or as I do, your shoulder) this may be caused by a
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). Using the mouse is a really good way to get an RSI, and
WSYIWYG editors usually rely heavily on the mouse to position elements.

1.13. Extra Features

May not be able to create all of the features needed on the website, for example CGI


With pure code-based editor, you work directly with raw HTML tags and set your own
rules about how to lay out and organize your code. You have total control over you code.
Examples of pure code-based editors.
• TextPad, by Helios Software Solutions
• UltraEdit, by IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
• PSPad, by Jan Fiala
• NoteTab, by Fookes Software
• EditPlus, by ES-Computing
• Notepad++ by General Public License


With a compound editor, you can accomplish most tasks in a WYSIWG editing mode but
switch from the word processor-style editing window to a source code view to modify the
page’s underlying HTML. Macromedia Dreamweaver, Microsoft FrontPage, QuickSite,
Komodo Edit, First Page, KompoZer are examples of compound editors.

3.1. Features Of Web Compound Editor

WYSIWYG Web pages are created using Hypertext Markup Language

INTERFACE (HTML). Whilst it definitely helps to have some basic knowledge of
this, it is not essential when using a web authoring package because
there is the option of using a WYSIWYG interface. Generally this
works well, but unlike word processing packages, sometimes don't
always go exactly where you want them or display as you had
planned. In this case, the only solution is to switch to the HTML code
and edit that directly. 
Although many of the features in a web authoring package are similar
to those you find in standard office applications, generally you need
some technical skill in order to be able to create suitable web pages and

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use the tools effectively. 
Templates Templates can be set up to ensure that the main features on a web page
are the same throughout the site, e.g. the banner, the side menu. Many
web authoring packages contain a selection of templates. There are
plenty available on the Internet to download for little or no cost. It is
also fairly easy to create your own template.
Wizards Most web authoring software has a number of wizards to help you with
things such as setting up the site, specifying the FTP etc
Multimedia Web pages can contain text, images, animation, videos and sound
Common They can also contain interactive CGI forms (Common Gateway
Gateway Interface) which enable people to fill in their details using a form on a
Interface webpage and then submit the completed form to the website. A web
(CGI) Web authoring package makes it easy for the user to set up these interactive
forms forms.
Hyperlinks The software also allows makes it possible to set up hyperlinks and
and hotspots hotspots which when clicked will take the user to other pages, other
websites or a place within the same page. If a web page is moved to
another place in the website by using the web authoring application
then any links to that page will automatically be updated
Site Manager This is a tool which enables you to view the overall structure of your
website and to update links quickly if any pages are moved from
within the web authoring software


While word processors are not ostensibly HTML editors, the following word processors
are capable of opening, editing and saving HTML documents.
 AbiWord
 Apple Pages
 AppleWorks
 Microsoft Word
 LibreOffice Writer
 OpenOffice.org Writer
 WordPerfect
 Kingsoft Office

4.1. Advantages
 Using general application software for pages
 Very easy to create a web page, no technical knowledge required
 Do not need to pay the extra costs of purchasing web authoring software because
most computers already have general office packages which are capable of
creating web pages
 The output is compatible with most browsers
 Company does not need to employ specialist web design/development staff
 Generally faster to produce web pages using standard application software
 Using general application software for pages

4.2. Disadvantages

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 If you want to move pages there is no site manager facility to track and update the
 A lot of extra HTML code is created which is unnecessary and can interfere with
browser compatibility. This is known as 'bulky code'
 May not be able to create all of the features needed on the website, for example
CGI forms
 It can be difficult/impossible to edit the code - especially if no one understands

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