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Interference and Diffraction

 Optical Path
 The shortest physical distance L between two points is known as geometric
path.(independent of medium)
 Optical path is the product of the geometric length of the path followed by
light through a given system, and the refractive index of the medium through which it
optical Path = L
= refractive index of medium
If two waves traves distance X2 and X1 in the medium, then corresponding optical path is
 X1 and X2 then optical path difference = ( X1 -X2 ) = (X1 – X2 )

 Phase Difference
Path difference between two waves introduces phase difference between two waves
= 2/ (phase difference)
=2/ 
Conditions for Interference
 In order to get permenant or stationary interference
1) Condion for sustained interference
2) Condition for observation of fringes
3) Condition for good Contrast between maxima and
Condion for sustained interference
 The two sources must be coherent
The resultant intensity at the point is given by
I=a12+a22 + 2a1a2cos
I will remain constant if  remains constant
 The two sources must emmit continous waves of same
wavelength and time period.
Condition for observation of fringes
 Seperation between two sources must be
small. Fringe width is inversly proportional to d
 Distance between source and screen should
be large
Condition for good Contrast between maxima and
 Amplitude of interferring waves should nearly
be equal
 Imax =(a1 + a2 )2
 Imin =(a1 – a2 )2
If a1 = a2 then minima will be zero and there will
be good contrast
Sources must be narrow
If source is not narrow than the interference between waves
from different parts of same source will take place and
contrast will be poor.
Sources should be monochromatic
Each separate colour will produce its own interference
pattern with its own spacing. The different set of fringes
due to different colours will overlap on each other and
net effect would be white light
A transparent thin film of uniform thickness bounded by
two parallel surfaces is known as a plane parallel thin
Important Points
[1]According to Stokes, when a light wave is reflected at the
surface of optically denser medium, it suffers a phase
change of  i.e. a path difference of /2.

[2]A distance ‘l’ traversed by light wave in a medium of

refractive index ‘’ has it’s equivalent optical path ‘l’.
When the film is observed in reflected light

= film (BF+FD)–airBH
From Geometry,
ABN1 = i is the angle of incidence,
BFG = r is the angle of refraction,

Also from the geometry of figure, BDH = i and BFG = r,

The ray Ray2 traveled a distance BFD in the film of refractive
index , and the ray 1 has traveled a distanced BH in
air, so the total path difference between ray1 and ray2 is
given by
Path difference= Path in film – Path in air
= film (BF+FD)–airBH (as air =1)

= film (BF+FD)–BH
=(BF+FD)–BH In triangle BFD
BF= FD BG=FG tan ( r )
 =2(BF)–BH BG= t tan ( r )

In triangle BHD
BH=BD sin ( i )
= 2BG sin ( i)
= 2t tan (r ) sin ( i )
Fron snells Law sin ( i ) =  sin ( r )
BH = 2 t tan ( r ) ( sin ( r )
BH= 2t sin2 ( r )/ Cos ( r )
 =2(BF)–BH

As reflection in ray 1 is occuring from denser

medium to rared medium
The effective path difference between Ray 1 and 2 ,

=2tcosr + (/2)
When the film is observed in reflected light
Condition for brightness: The total path difference should be an
integral multiple of 
 = n where n=0,1,2,3,…..
2tcosr + (/2)= n

2tcosr = (2n+1)/2

Condition for darkness: The total path difference should be odd

multiple of /2
 = (2n + 1)/2 where n=0,1,2,3,…..
2tcosr + (/2)= (2n + 1)/2

2tcosr = n

Some important points

[a] The conditions of interference depend on three parameters i.e. t,  and r.
In case of parallel film, t and r remain constant.
The conditions of interference solely depend on the wavelength ‘’.
[b] When parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident normal to the film, the whole film will
appear uniformly dark or uniformly bright.
The film will appear bright in reflected light when the thickness of the film is /4, 3/4,
The film will appear dark in reflected light when the thickness of the film is /2, /,
[c] A change in the angle of incidence of the rays leads to a change in the path difference.
Consequently, if the inclination of the film with respect to the light beam is changed
gradually, the film appear dark and bright or bright and dark in succession.

[d] If a parallel beam of white light is incident on the film, those wavelengths for which the path
difference is ‘n’, will be absent from the reflected light. The other colours will be reflected

Equidistant fringes
on the inclined surface
 N1 and N2 are normals on upper and lower surface
 DF, DE and DP are perpendicular dropped on BR, BC and GH
BC is extended to P
N1 and N2 are extended to meet at S

BDF= i
BSC = 
BPD=r + 
BCN2 =r + 
CPD=r + 
CDP=r + 
BDF =i
 BDE =r
= (BE+ EC+CD)- BE BF=BE
= (EC+CP)
= (EP)

Effective path difference between

two reflected rays

=2tcos (r+)  /2


Condition for brightness: The total path difference should be an integral multiple
of 
=n where n=0,1,2,3,…..
2tcos(r+) + (/2)= n
2tcos(r+) = (2n+1)/2

Condition for darkness: The total path difference should be odd multiple of /2
=(2n + 1)/2 where n=0,1,2,3,…..
2tcos(r+) + (/2)= (2n + 1)/2
2tcos(r+) = n
Condition for brightness: 2tcos(r+) = (2n+1)/2
n= 0,1,2,3……..
n= 0-----------t=/4
Bright fringes are obtained for Reflected

t= /4, 3/4, 5 /4……

Condition for darkness: 2tcos(r+) = n

Dark Fringe is obtained for
t= 0, /2, /, 3/2------
 Salient features of the Interference Pattern due to
wedge shaped thin film:
Fringes are
1)Equidistant Reflected

2) Straight
3) Parallel
4) Alternate bright and dark when monochromatic
light is incident
Nature of Interference Pattern from Wedge shaped film
 Fringe at the apex is always dark
At the Apex of the Wedge, thickness of the film
is very small compared to 
ie t 
Or t=0 Reflected
Path Difference 2t cos (r+)  /2
If  is very small and for normal incidence Cos
(r+ )  Cos (r ) =1
= 2t  /2
   /2
Which shows that the interfering waves are out of
phase and interfere destructively and hence the
wedge shape pattern always begins with dark
Seperation between fringes
AK, CL and EM represent dark fringes
Lets say thickness of wedge at A is t1 and
B is t2
Condition for dark fringe is
2t cos ( r + ) =n
If  is very small
2t cos ( r ) =n
For Normal Incidence r=0 and cos r=1
At A
2t1 =n-----------(1)
Next Dark Fringe at c will occur where
thickness is t2
At C
2t2 =(n+1)-------------(2)
Subtract eqn 2 from eqn 1
2(t2 – t1 )=
2 BC=
 BC= AB tan
 2 AB tan =
 AB= / 2 tan
 AB is distance between two successive fringes
= / 2 tan
 If  is small, tan  
 = / 2 = / 2

Important Points
 is constant for given wedge angle 
Fringes are parallel
  fringes get closer and pattern vanishes
  seperation increases
Nature of Interference Pattern from Wedge shaped film
Fringes are straight and parallel
Each of the fringes is produced by interference of the
reflected rays from sections of the wedges having same
thickness. Fringes are on the locus of points having
same thickness
Fringes of equal thickness
As the fringe is the locus of constant film thickness,
Fringe is called as fringes of equal thickness.
Fringes are localized
Localized at the top surface of wedge film.
Wedge angle 

Dark Fringe at Q
2t1 =m
t1 = x1 tan --------- as  is small t1 =x1
2 x1 =m------------(1)

Dark Fringe at R
2t2 =(m+N)
N= no. of dark fringes between Q and R 2 (x2 - x1 )  = N 

tan  = t2 / x2
t2  x2 
2 x2 =(m+N) -------------(2)

Subtract equation 2 from equation 1

Spacer Thickness
 If t= thickness of spacer used to form air film between
glass plate
 t= L tan ( ) L
 Or  =t/L
 Also

Number of Dark Fringes
Also =t/L
=L/2t (1)

Number of dark fringes (N) observed

Is relatated to L by relation
L=N =L/N (2)

Equating equation 1 and 2

Question 1
Air Wedge of angle 0.01 radian is illuminated by
monochromatic light of  (600nm) falling normally on
it. At what distance from the edge of the wedge will the
10th fringe be observed by reflected light?
Question 2
A beam of monochromatic light of =5.82 x 10-7 m falls
normally on a glass wedge with the wedge angle of 20
sec. of an arc. If the refractive index of glass is 1.5, find
the total number of fringes per cm.
Question 1

Question 2
Condition for dark fringe

Question 3
=20’’ = 9.69 x 10 -5 radians
Number of fringes per cm = 5/cm
Question 1
A parallel beam of light (=5890 x 10-8 cm) is incident on
a thin glass plate ( =1.5) such that the angle of
refraction into the plate is 600. Calculate the smallest
thickness of the glass plate which will appear dark by
Question 2
White light falls normally on a film of soapy water whose
thickness is 5 x 10-5 cm and =1.33. Which wavelength
in the visible region will be reflected strongly.
Question 1
Condition for dark fringe
2t cos (r)=n
Smallest thickness of glass plate which will
appear dark by reflection is for n=??
t= 3.92 x 10-5 cm
 Question 2
Condition of maxima is given by
2t cos (r ) =(2n+1)/2
=4tcos (r )/(2n+1)
=4 x 1.33x5x 10-5/(2n+1)
 n=0------- = 26.66x10 -5cm
 n=1------- = 8.866 x 10-5cm
 n=2------- = 5.320x10-8cm
 n=3--------= 3.800 x 10-8cm

(2) A beam of monochromatic light of wavelength 5.82 x 10-7

m falls normally on a glass wedge with the wedge angle of
20 secs. If the refractive index of glass is 1.5, find the total
number of fringes per cm.

Given: = 20 secs= 20x /60 x60x180 radian

=/2 = 2mm

No of fringes per cm= 10mm/2mm=5 per cm

3) Suppose a wedge shaped air film is made between two sheets of glass
with a piece of paper 7.618 x 10-5 m thick used a the spacer at their very ends.
If light of wavelength 500nm is incident normally. Determine the number
of fringes that will be seen across the wedge.

Given: t= 7.618 x10-5m

= 500 x 10 -9 m
=/2 tan ----(1)
Number of fringes N= L/
N =L2tan /-------(2)
From figure, tan= t/L
or L=t/ tan ----------(3)
Substitute L in eq (2) and =1
N= 2t/

N= 2x 7.618x 10-5/500 x 10-9= 300 fringes

Newtons Rings
When a Plano convex lens of large
radius of curvature, with its convex
surface is placed on plane glass plate,
a thin air film of gradually decreasing
thickness is formed between plano
convex lens and glass plate
Thickness of air film at the point of
contact is zero.
If monochromatic light is allowed to
fall normally on this system of lens and
plano convex lens and the film is
viewed in reflected light, alternate dark
and bright rings concentric around
point of contact are seen.
Experimental Arrangement
Experimental Arrangement
 L is planoconvex lens of large radius of curvature
 Lens with its convex surface is placed on glass
 Lens makes contact with glass plate at C
 Light from monochromatic source falls on glass
plate G, which is held at an angle 450 with
 Glass plate reflects light normally on the air film
between glass plate and lens
 Part of light is reflected from curved surface of
lens and part is reflected from plane surface of
 These two reflected rays interfere and give rise to
interference pattern in the form of circular rings
 These films are localized in air film and can be
seen with microscope
 N.R. are formed due to
interference between the waves
reflected from top and bottom
surface of air film
 Path difference between between
ray 1 and 2 is
=2tcosr /2
 At the point of contact t=0, Path
difference =/2
 For air film =1 and for normal
incidence r=0, hence path
difference is =(2t  /2)
Conditions for dark and bright Fringe
 For nth maxima(Bright Fringe)
2t  /2= n
This shows that maxima for particular order occurs for
constant value of t and t remains constant along the
circle thus maximum is in the form of circle. For
different values of t different maxima will occur
 For nth minima( Dark Fringe)
2t  /2= (2n+1)/2
Minima will also occur in the form of circle.
Diameter of Dark and Bright fringe
 Let R be the radius of
curvature and r be the
radius of newtons ring
corresponding to
constant film
thickness t
For Bright Fringe
Similarly for dark fringe
In Triangle CXP
CP2 =CX2 +XP2
R2 = (R-t)2 + r2
R2 = R2 -2Rt +t2 + r2
As t is very small t2 can be neglected
t= r2 /2R

For Bright Fringe( substitute in equation 1)

2(r2 /2R)=(2n-1)/2
r2 =(2n-1)R/2
D2/4=(2n-1) R/2
D= (2R)1/2 (2n-1)1/2
Diameter of bright ring is proportional to square
root of odd natural number
For Dark Fringe------- Substitute in eq 2
2(r2 /2R) = n
r2 = nR
D2 /4= nR
D= 2 (nR)1/2  (n) ½
Diameter of dark ring is proportional to square
root of natural number
Characterstics Features of Newtons Rings

D3-D2  0.318
D4-D3 0.268

Fringes Get closer and Fringe width

decreases as order increases
Applications of Newtons Rings
Determination of Wavelength of Light
Diameter of mth ring

Diameter of (m+p)th ring

Determination of Refractive Index of
The liquid whose refractive index has to be determined is filled
in the gap between the lens and the plane glass plate.
Condition for interference of Dark Fringe
2t cos (r )=m
For normal incidence
2t =m
Diameter of dark fringe in Liquid of RI 
[D2m ]L = 4mR/
Similarly diameter of (m+p)th Fringe in Liquid of RI 
[D2m+p ]L= 4(m + p)R/
Relation in air
D2m+p - D2m = 4 p  R
Relation in Liquid of RI 
[D2m+p ]L - [D2m ]L = 4 p  R/ 

1/ = [D2m+p ]L - [D2m ]L / D2m+p - D2m

Antireflection Coatings
Thin Transparent film Coated on surface in
order to
suppress the reflections from it is called an
antireflection film (AR Coating)
Conditions for Antiferlection Coating:
1) Phase Condition (Waves Reflected from top
and bottom surface are 1800 out of phase)
2) Amplitude Condition (Waves have equal

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