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Automatic recognition of Indian vehicles license plates using machine

learning approaches
Ashok Kumar Sahoo
Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun, India

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A proposed method for automation of Indian vehicles number plate conversion is presented in this paper.
Received 26 August 2020 Many vehicles are plying on Indian roads with varying in size and structure and hence there are a number
Accepted 3 September 2020 of variations in number plates too. Although there are strict norms to be followed for number plate
Available online xxxx
designs, however, it can be seen many deviations in actual number plates of many vehicles. It can be also
observed that the number plates are written in many Indian languages, but the prescribed norm is Hindu-
Keywords: Arabic numerals with Latin letters which is prescribed by the licensing plate issuing authority. The num-
Indian vehicle number plate
ber plate designs are varied according to types of vehicles, like, personal, commercial, public transport,
k-nearest neighbor
Decision tree
etc. In order to design an automatic vehicle number plate, considerations of these factors are taken into
Neural network account. The steps in the design include segmentation and character extraction from number plates and
Local histogram recognition of segmented characters in order to extract the complete information from number plates.
Hierarchical centroid The work in this paper is focused on Hindu-Arabic numerals with Latin letters. For feature extraction,
Prewitt filter technique is used to extraction of characters from the vehicle number plates and connected
component analysis is used for segmenting characters. Three different classifiers, namely, k-Nearest
Neighbor, Artificial Neural Network and Decision Tree, are used in the experiments. Recognition accuracy
up to 98.10% is achieved and is a promising factor for future research in this direction.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the National Conference on
Functional Materials: Emerging Technologies and Applications in Materials Science.

1. Introduction seen in India that there are different models of number plates so it
is difficult task to recognize all types of number plates in India.
Automatic Vehicle Number Plate Recognition (AVNPR) system The work of AVNPR is generally wrapped into the following
[1] is an essential technique that is used in intelligent systems in steps: Extract the region of interest of a number plate, segment
transportation systems. Actually, this system uses the progressive characters and recognizing characters followed by the generation
technology of machine vision that uses the number plate of vehi- of a string which contains the actual characters in the number
cles without any straight forward interference of humans. Because plate of a vehicle. The system captured the image of the number
of its many applications, this is an important area for research plate from vehicles which is treated as input image and that can
work. The evolution of the intelligent systems is provided by the be used in further processing. In next step, segmentation of charac-
data of number plates of the vehicles that can be used for further ters is done. In this, every character is segregated and disjointed
reasoning and supervising. There are many important areas where according to segmentation algorithm. The character recognition
the AVNPR is used such as in traffic problems for collecting the is done on the basis of choice of the characters of outstanding fea-
tolls on highways, for security at border areas and customs where tures by using a recognition engine.
there is a need of high security in the premises and so on, when the
number plate is standard then the AVNPR system will not have any
2. Literature survey
difficulty for reading and recognizing the number plate. As it can be
In Parasuraman, et al [2], the method proposed is for the
recognition of Indian number plates. Images are the only input
E-mail address: for the system which is acquired by a normal digital camera.
2214-7853/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the National Conference on Functional Materials: Emerging Technologies and Applications in
Materials Science.

Please cite this article as: A. Kumar Sahoo, Automatic recognition of Indian vehicles license plates using machine learning approaches, Materials Today:
A. Kumar Sahoo Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

This method consists of following stages: RGB or colored to gray 255. After segmentation, the characters are normalized for refine-
scale conversion, detection of vertical edges and binarization of ment for no extra white pixels.
image, analysis and dilation of image, vertical projection and The research work by Ram Lingam et al. [6], reports UK number
thresholding, extraction of actual location of the number plate, plates recognition and the misread of number plates. Their work is
apply filters and enhancing the image, binarization and smooth- based on three defined parameters, failed to capture misreads;
ing process and segmentation of characters for horizontal and Spacing of characters fro he input required data and character
vertical division. spacing in real world data.
In this method, the speedup is achieved in processing of input The automatic number plate recognition system is failed to get
images. The colored images are converted to the gray scale images the picture from the camera when the vehicle is moving. The ‘‘mis-
based on RGB to gray scale conversion technique. Then the resulted read” is that when the OCR engine has failed to read the number
images are converted to the binary images. Binarization is done to plate correctly.
extract the number plate region from the acquired images [3]. The There are records of the images that are captured, some of them
filtration is used to remove the unnecessary objects from the num- are legal and some are illegal. Illegal number plates are those
ber plates. In analysis, it looks for the appropriate size of image, it which have illegal fonts, spacing. So, these numbers are analyzed
calculate the values of height and the width. There are certain fixed from the police data.
height values, that is, maximum height and minimum height. If the In the third phase, they have data from the real world that is they
object height is in the range then the object is retained and other- experimented with two thousand two hundred number plates
wise it removes other object. After that, there are fixed width val- which were photographed by a digital camera. They have taken
ues for maximum and minimum width. If the object is in the width the data of two major airports car parking and send them to the
limit then the object is retained otherwise it removes other objects police for safety to check them randomly and get the proportion
which are not part of the interest of the system. The process of dila- of legal number plates and the number plate that have the illegal
tion is used to get the rough location of the number plates. After fonts.
getting the accurate location, the extract and only required region In this research, Chi et al. [7], the input vehicle number plate
of the number plate from which the starting and ending position of image is standardized before processing. Scaling and again evalua-
the number plates are identified. tion are tested for erasing the exception and ascertain clear speci-
In Du. et al. [4] in the recognition system of license plate shows fications for Support Vector Machine (SVM) process. For character
the accuracy of automatic license plate recognition system. They recognition, the SVM process has been used. SVM process have
employed various techniques for license plate extraction, namely, higher correct detection rate than the neural network systems as
Boundary/Edge information, global image information, texture fea- reported in the paper.
tures, and color features. Lopez. et al., 2007 [8] designed a system which is suitable in
As the number plates are usually in rectangular shape with a when the camera is in motion. Pictures are captured through a
known aspect ratio, it can extract the number plate from all the standard webcam. The images of different size of number plate
rectangles that are in the image. It uses the Sobel filters as used are localized. When the number plate is localized, then the seg-
to detect the edges. As there is the difference in color of car body mentation of the characters in the system is done. For character
and number plate, so the boundaries of number plate are shown recognition, a number of neural network techniques are applied.
by the edges. The outcome of this method yields 96.2% on images The modification rate in these methods is 95%. The University of
under the various conditions. The Connected Component Analysis Malaga (Spain) implemented this application on the entry gate
(CCA) technique is used in binary image processing. It scans the of their building of Computer Science Department.
binary image and the pixels of the image are labeled into compo- Bo Li. et al in their work have used to detect edges by Sobel
nents that are based on pixel connectivity. The texture feature color edge detector technique and after that the false edges are
method depends on the text or the characters that are present on eliminated. Then the pattern matching search the number plate
the number plate, which results the difference in gray scale level region of the vehicle is applied. For analysis the following methods
between the colors of the characters and the background color of have been applied, namely, mathematical analysis and connected
the number plate. Some countries have the specific color for their component analysis. Neural network and Radial basis function
number plates. By this, the number can be extracted from the for character detection have been applied. This system is also use-
image by locating their respective color. ful in night in real environment.
According to Rajput and Som [5], the method they have fol- Telatar and Camasircioglu [9] used the background of number
lowed is consisting of three phases, namely, image capture, plate of the vehicles and the color of the character with the color
license plate localization and number recognition. In image cap- of the vehicle for locating the position of number plate. The column
ture phase, the captured image of the vehicle is normalized. The sum vector is used after segmentation for recognizing characters in
standard dimension to normalize an image is 400  300 pixels. the number plates. In this research, for character detection, Artifi-
Then the image is converted to the gray scale. In plate localiza- cial Neural Network has been applied.
tion phase, the wavelet decomposition is performed to get the Feng Yang and Fan Yang [10] have designed for system for
approximation. The number plate is located by the vertical and Chine number plate detection. This system transformed the num-
horizontal frequency energies. A Gaussian filter is used to mod- ber plate images into the binary images. After that the destructions
ify the incoming signal with a Gaussian function. There are in the image are eliminated from the vehicle image. This frame-
many benefits for using the Gaussian filter as it is rationally work is applied for producing the better quality of the characters
symmetric, there is decrease in variation of filter weights from in the number plate. The standard size of the characters 8*16 pixels
the central peak; the central pixels have the highest weight, this is used in the experiments. For recognition of characters, the Back -
filtering is separable, this means that the filters rotate the image Propagation Neural Network is used in experiments after the stan-
with one dimensional horizontal filter and after that convolves it dardization of number plate images.
with one dimensional vertical filter. Syed, Y.A. and Sarfraz [11] have applied two scheduled algo-
In the number plate recognition phase, to get the number plate rithms for vehicle number plate recognition: locating the plate
of gray colored image, the image are converted into black and and plate segmentation schedule. Fuzzy geometry is applied for
white image and sets the pixels intensity in the range of 0 and the first schedule. The second schedule is the Fuzzy C mean

A. Kumar Sahoo Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

algorithm. In this method for image segmentation the recognition 3.2. Pre-processing step
percentage was 94.24%.
After collection of database, the pre processing is done on the
3. The proposed architecture images for improving the processing speed, the noise of the images
are reduced to some extent, the pre processing of the images boost
Analyzing the shape is the main issue in the recognition of char- the diversity of the image. The RGB images are firstly, converted
acters in a vehicle number plate. The characters which are seg- into binary images. After that, filtration is used to remove the
mented are used for the process of recognition. The pattern unnecessary objects those are present in the number plates. After
matching algorithm is used with computational intelligence and that, the process of dilation is used to get the rough location of
this automatic vehicle number plate recognition (AVNPR) system number plates. For edge detection, canny edge detection technique
is basically divided into three phases. The detailed work is shown is used. After getting the accurate location of the number plate,
in Fig. 1. extract region of the number plates are extracted.

 Extraction of number plate. 3.2.1. Feature Extraction

 Segmenting the characters. The aim of the feature extraction [12-14] step is to identify and
 Recognition of segmented characters. extract the geometrical or structural features from the images in
order to provide them for further processing. As the input images
3.1. Input image of number plate data are characters A-Z and digits 0–9, therefore a total of thirty six dif-
ferent characters are used. Each character, whether a digit or an
The images collected are taken under differing in illumination alphabet, is different from each other. The work of the feature
conditions, backgrounds, weather conditions and varied distance extraction step is to extract the feature of any character which is
of the vehicle from the camera. The camera resolution is up to 16 distinguishable from features of other characters. This is also
Mega Pixel, images are captured from the camera and can be known as dimensionality reduction step because an image is con-
zoomed up to ten times. The captured images are in JPEG format verted into a one dimensional feature vector. The direct pixel value,
because this format is light in nature. The database collected is local histogram and hierarchical centroid feature extraction tech-
divided into one thousand images for digits and two thousand niques have been employed in the experiments and are described
six hundred images for alphabets, that is, hundred images per in the next section.
input character. A total of three thousand six hundred images are
available in the database. The size of each image is 640  840 pix- 3.3. Extraction of number plate
els and an approximate size of 152 KB memory space per image is
required. For designing a better database, the images are resized The crucial step in the process of AVNPR system is to extract the
into 32  30 pixels and it makes an efficient database. This data- number plate from the image that has been captured from the
base has been created from six hundred personal four wheeler vehicle itself. The results show the effect on the efficiency of the
vehicles. After that the database is divided into two sets. One set system. The objective of this stage is when an image is taken as
is assigned for training and another one is assigned for testing in an input then the assignment is to find the number plate and verify
the experiments. the accurate number plate.

3.4. Image procurement

Input Image of Number Plate
In the AVNPR system, for acquiring the image, a digital camera
that is of high resolution is used. Different illuminations conditions
are used for taking the image, different backgrounds are used for
capturing images. Grayscale images are used for further processing
Pre-Processing Step steps. As the images contain noise; for reducing the noise, to make
the contrast better and boosting the processing speed; histogram
RGB Edge Detection equalization is used for enhancing the image as there are problem
of contrast and quality of image that is low.

3.5. Vertical edge detection

Feature Extraction Step
The number plate has the printed characters on it and those
Pixel Value Local Histogram Hierarchical Cent.
characters have plenty of edges in comparison of the rest of the
area of image. The area of candidate plate has been located from
the input image and this is employed by this component [1]. For
finding the regions, Prewitt edge detection technique is used which
Classification Techniques gives the high value pixel variance. Threshold technique is used for
extracting the area of number plate from the whole image.
kNN Decision Tree Neural Network
3.6. Candidate plate area detection

For removing the unwanted matter from the image, morpholog-

Output ical process is used. For extracting the candidate area from the
(Text Extracted from Images) number plate, dilation and erosion techniques are used. It is possi-
ble that area of background is also included in the area of candidate
Fig. 1. The proposed architecture for automatic vehicle number plate recognition plate; therefore, for removing the false candidate plate, validation
system. by the aspect ratio of plate is used.
A. Kumar Sahoo Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

3.7. Character segmentation Mathematically total number of pixels can be calculated as the
product of number of rows and the number of columns. These two
The segregation of characters from the region of number plate dimensional pixels are converted into one dimensional data and is
in the AVNPR system is an essential step; it has a great impact used as feature vector representing that image.
on accuracy of characters recognition. The main objective of this
section is segmenting the number plate characters and the charac- 5. Local histogram
ters did not lose its features of character region enhancement, con-
nected component analysis is the operations that are performed in Histogram [13] is the visual display of the numeric value or
this section. data. To design a histogram, the initial step is to ‘‘bin” the domain
of the values, i.e., the domain should be divided into the fixed
3.8. Character region enhancement intervals, after that calculation is required to put how much data
into each interval. Usually, the bins are specified as successive,
For segmenting the characters, the region of characters should one after another interval. These intervals are of same size.
be enhanced and for this histogram equalization (also known as Histogram Equalization is used extensively for contrast
gray level scaling) is used. By application of enhancement of region improvement method. The contrast of the complete image has
of characters, there is also enhancement in noise [2]. For segment- been improved by the global histogram, most of the times many
ing the correct characters, only character pixel are needed and can of the images are improved by the local histogram by taking the
enhance, however, the pixels of background remained to be information of various forms of the same type of gray level at dis-
depleted. tinct areas in the authentic image. Basically, the mechanism of
local histogram gives the conclusion which has inadmissible cor-
rection of the appearance of the authentic image.
3.9. Connected component analysis Suppose ‘‘f” is taken for representing the image as a ma  mb
matrix that shows the intensities of pixel that ranging from 0 to
This technique is used for the elimination of noise from the N-1. Where ’N’ is the number of intensity values that are possible,
number plate leaving characters unaffected. Threshold area is used can be up to 256. Suppose ’p’ is used to express the established his-
for the evaluation of pixels that are labeled by a matrix of eight- togram of ‘‘f” with a fixed interval for each possible values of inten-
connectivity. sity. The values mentioned in equations. (1), (2), and (3) are very
useful in order to find the local histogram features of the input
3.10. Character recognition image.
For recognition of characters two steps are followed; number of pixels with intensity n
pðnÞ ¼
total number of pixels
a) Normalization of characters and feature extraction.
n ¼ 0; 1 . . . . . . N  1 ð1Þ
b) Character classification using Neural Network, k-Nearest
Neighbor and Distance tree classifier. The equalized histogram image ’g’ is expressed as
The sizes of the characters having much variation in segmented X
f ði;jÞ
g ði; jÞ ¼ floor ðN  1Þ pðnÞ ð2Þ
through normalization of character. Each character had been nor- n¼0
malized by image mapping technique to the size of 60  60. Fea-
ture extraction is the technique that can transform the large where floor() it rounds to the nearest integer. That is equivalent
processed input data into a featured set that is reduced in quantity. to the reconstruct the intensities of pixel, k.
The features that are extracted must contain the proper informa- X
tion from the input data. Therefore, the task can be completed by T ðkÞ ¼ floor ðN  1Þ pðnÞ ð3Þ
using the required reduced data instead of using the complete data n¼0

that is available initially.

6. Hierarchical centroid
4. Direct pixel
In hierarchical centroid feature extraction technique [14,15],
The image that is stored in the computer or the system has been the method to calculate the centroid of any image is used. The cen-
represented by the pixels; those pixels have some numerical value troid for finding the centre of mass of a two dimensional plane is
which is used to describe the image. It tells about the brightness of calculated. By doing this, the image is splitted into four different
the pixel and tells about the color of the pixel. When binary images zones. The initial image is divided into four different images, and
are considered, the value of pixel is one bit number and for the gray then by using recursive function of hierarchical centroid, the seg-
scale images the value of pixel shows the brightness that is the sin- mented images are also divided into four images in next level. At
gle number of the pixel. The range of the possible pixel values lies level ’i’ (starting at 0), the number of images is 4i+1. The number
between ‘‘0E” to ‘‘255”. Actually, the zero is considered as black of features is the centre coordinates of the image and hence, the
and 255 is considered as white and the in between values lies number of features at level ’i’ is 2  4i.
are considered to be the different shades of grayscale. The color
image is made up of three components, i.e., red component, green 7. Classification techniques
component and blue component (RGB) and the value is the vector
of these three planes. The image is made up of the large number of The segmented images, after extraction of features, are required
pixels. More the number of pixels, more the image is clear, large to undergo in the last step of pattern recognition process called
number of pixels reduces the blurrness of the image and the image classification. The classification step requires training and testing
having less number of pixels is not cleared image or it is a blur samples. The training samples are used to train the system for
image. effective classification. The testing samples are helpful for effec-
A. Kumar Sahoo Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

tiveness of the proposed system. In the proposed work the follow- decision tree is Classification And Regression Tree (CART). The fact
ing classifiers are used. that is represented by the fact is that binary trees are constructed
by it. And there are two outgoing edges at the internal nodes. The
 k-Nearest Neighbor [12] twoing criteria are used for the selection of splits.
 Decision Tree [12] and
 Neural Network [12] 7.3. Neural network classifier

7.1. The k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) A different classifier for solving the problem of classification of
pattern recognition is the neural network classifier. It is one of the
The k-NN is a classification technique that used for pattern tools to solve the problem with twisted output neurons by using
recognition for many applications. Actually, feature space tech- pattern network of two layer feed-forward. The feed-forward net-
nique is used to classify the items by the classifier. The learning works are the network for recognizing the pattern which is used to
adopted here is known as lazy learning as the classifier has the train the data for analyzing the inputs actually according to their
problem of forgetting the previous learning for a new set of data. target classes. Basically, the data that is used for recognition of pat-
The simplest algorithm of machine learning technique is k-NN. It tern networks should have all the zero values that are considered
comes under the supervised learning methodology. The metric by the vectors except in element ’i’ for 1 where ’i’ is basically is a
space has the data points. It is not sure that data is only of one type, class which they have to represent.
it can be multidimensional or even scalar. The data is divided into The classifier has:
training and testing samples. The number of columns must have
been same in sample and in training. There must be same number  Hidden layers, in this, the user can choose the number of hidden
of rows in training and group and ’k’ is a single number. This ’k’ units.
influences the generalization of that number which decides the  Both the resultant and hidden functions are activated in
number of neighbors. If k = 1 then it is simplest nearest neighbor. coordination.
’k’ is an even number when more than two groups are needs to  Algorithm used is backpropogation.
be classified. In case, there is a tie to break, the majority voting rule
will be applied to break the tie. For such systems, the common The input data is categorized into three different zones that are
approach is the k-NN algorithm. The ’k’ is more alike to users as validation data, testing data and training data.
nearest neighbor and the user is predicted by its rating basically
according the information which is related to the neighbors that  Training data: For adjusting the weight of network, the training
are selected. algorithm is used on this data.
Actually, there are two points on which all the variations is  Validation data: Used to terminate the training process.
depended on the algorithm.  Testing data: This data is used to calculate the efficiency of clas-
In this, we have to calculate the distance which is measured by sifier. Training process does not use this data.
implementing the Euclidean Distance as shown in equation . (5).
vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 8. Experimental results
u n
Dða; bÞ ¼ t
ðbi  ai Þ ð5Þ
i¼1 The dataset created are divided into two groups one for digits
and the second for alphabets. The total number of segmented
Where ‘‘a” and ‘‘b” are two points on an n-dimensional space repre- images on digits is 1000 and is divided into 80 images per digit
sented by, a=(a1, a2, a3, . . .an) and b=(b1, b2, b3, . . .bn). for training and 20 images per digit for training. Similarly a total
of 2600 segmented images are divided over training (80%) and
7.2. Decision tree classifier testing (20%).

The decision tree classification technique applies the proper 8.1. Accuracy for digits using different feature extraction techniques
organized approach for input set of data to generate the classifica-
tion model. To resolve the problem of classification, a straight for- The experimental results show that, number plates are
ward approach is used. The decision tree classifier plotted extracted faithfully based on canny edge detection technique and
questions carefully in such a manner that they are in series and connected component algorithm. Character segmentation phase
are about the aspects of the test report. Every time when an answer using connected component analysis works well. For feature
is received, the question next to it can be asked as far as the report extraction, pixel value, hierarchical centroid and local histogram
of the class label is not reached to its conclusion. The decision tree methods are used. Earlier Multiclass Support Vector Machine is
classifier arranges the question and conditions in a sequence in the used for character recognition and the recognition rate is 79.84%
form of a structure of tree. and the neural network which gives the recognition rate 99.00%,
This classifier is expressed on the instance space that is recur- k-NN gives the recognition rate 99.00% and decision tree classifier
sively partitioned. The tree is made up of different nodes, which gives the recognition rate of 99.00% on hierarchical centroid fea-
are used to form a rooted tree, that is, also known as the directed
tree. There is only one incoming edge on other nodes. The test node
Table 1
or the internal node is those nodes which have the outgoing edges. Classifiers recognition rates on number plate digit data on various feature extraction
And rest nodes are leaves or known as the decision nodes. The techniques.
instance space of each internal node in decision tree is divided into
Feature extraction Accuracy of classifier (in %)
two or more than two sub-spaces depending on the values of input
attributes with certain discrete function. kNN Decision tree Neural network
When one takes numeric attributes, range is the condition that Local histogram 99.00 94.50 96.10
is to be referred. The target value that is more suitable to the rep- Hierarchical centroid 99.00 99.00 99.00
Direct pixel 99.00 95.50 98.00
resenting class is assigned to each leaf. One of the inducers of the
A. Kumar Sahoo Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Neural Network

Direct Pixel
Decision Tree
Hierarchical Centroid
Local Histogram


92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

Fig. 2. Comparison of accuracy rates of hierarchical centroid, direct pixel and local histogram over various classifier.

ture vector for recognizing the digits. The detailed results are Table 2
shown in Table 1 and Fig. 2 below. From the table it can be con- Classifiers recognition rates on number plate alphabet data on various feature
extraction techniques.
cluded that the hierarchical centroid feature vector produced high-
est recognition accuracy on all classifiers. Feature extraction Accuracy of classifier (in %)
kNN Decision tree Neural network
8.2. Accuracy for alphabets using different feature extraction Local histogram 83.26 69.23 89.26
techniques Hierarchical centroid 92.69 92.69 93.42
Direct pixel 94.42 90.57 95.10

The results obtained from number plate alphabet data are

shown in Fig. 3 and Table 2. In these experiments, maximum accu-
Table 3
racy rate is achieved on direct pixel value feature extraction tech-
Classifiers recognition rates on number plate data (Combined) on various feature
nique over k-NN classifier, hierarchical centtroid feature vector extraction techniques.
over decision tree classifier and again direct pixel value feature
Feature extraction Accuracy of classifier (in %)
extraction technique over neural network classifier. This is due to
26 numbers of classes present in the classification phase of the pro- kNN Decision tree Neural network
posed system. Local histogram 86.94 73.47 91.12
Hierarchical centroid 95.55 89.86 95.31
Direct pixel 95.55 91.38 96.11
8.2.1. Accuracy for combined data using different feature extraction
The digit and alphabet dataset are combined and experiments Fig. 4. The results obtained from all three feature extraction tech-
are conducted on these combined data on various classifiers niques are above 95% except for decision tree classifier. This result
against different feature extraction techniques. The results indicates that a working system can be designed with these feature
obtained from these experiments are shown in Table 3 and extraction techniques and classifiers.

Neural Network

Direct Pixel
Decision Tree
Hierarchical Centroid
Local Histogram


0 20 40 60 80 100

Fig. 3. Comparison of accuracy rates of number plate alphabet data on hierarchical centroid, direct pixel and local histogram over various classifier.

A. Kumar Sahoo Materials Today: Proceedings xxx (xxxx) xxx

Neural Network

Direct Pixel
Decision Tree
Hierarchical Centroid
Local Histogram


0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Fig. 4. Comparison of accuracy rates of number plate combined data on hierarchical centroid, direct pixel and local histogram over various classifiers.

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Ashok Kumar Sahoo: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal fuzzy object similarity tracking, Ninth International Conference on
analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project Information Visualisation, 2005.
administration, Resources, Software, Supervision, Validation, [12] A.K. Sahoo, G.S. Mishra, K.K. Ravulakollu, Sign language recognition: state of
the art, ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci. 9 (2) (2014) 116–134.
Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing - review & editing. [13] A.K. Sahoo, K.K. Ravulakollu, Indian sign language recognition using skin color
detection, Int. J. Appl. Eng. Res. 9 (20) (2014) 7347–7360.
Declaration of Competing Interest [14] A.K. Sahoo, K.K. Ravulakollu, Vision based indian sign language character
recognition, J. Theor. Appl. Info. Technol. 63 (3) (2014) 770–780.
[15] Mir Aman Sheheryar, Pradeep Kumar Mishra and Ashok Kumar Sahoo, ‘‘A
The authors declare that they have no known competing finan- review on CAPTCHA generation and evaluation techniques”, Journal of
cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared Engineering and Applied Sciences. vol. 11, no. 9, pp: 5800-5811, 2016.
to influence the work reported in this paper.
Further Reading
[1] B. Li, Z.Y. Zeng, J.Z. Zhou, H.L. Dong, An algorithm for license plate recognition
using radial basis function neural network, Int. Sympos. Comp. Sci. Comput.
[1] C.N. Anagnostopoulos, I.E. Anagnostopoulos, I.D. Psoroulas, V. Loumos, E. Technol., pp. 569-572, 2008.
Kayafas, License plate recognition from still images and video sequences: A
survey, IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst. 9 (3) (2008) 377–391.

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