Midterms Module

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(GEC 1)
First Semester, S.Y. 2022-

Prepared by: Checked by:


Instructor College Dean

“’Committed to your
SISTECH Bldg., Corner Alvarez & Gov. Gaffud St., brighter future through
Villasis, Santiago City, Philippines quality education”’
Tele. Fax. No. (078) 305-0849  Email: sistech_santiago@yahoo.com

Before you start readingand answering the module, please set aside other tasks that will
distract you while enjoying the lessons. Read the instructions given to successfully enjoy the
objectives of this module. Focus but don’t forget to have fun.!
Remember these:
1. Follow carefully all the contents and instructions indicated in every page of this module.
2. You are allowed to have your notebook and/or any sheet of paper to write the concepts about
the topics that you want to develop and analyze.
3. Perform all the provided activities in the module
4. Let your Facilitator assess your answers.
5. Analyze the concepts and apply what you have learned.
6. Enjoy Learning!


 Objectives- these are what you will be able to know after completing the lessons in the
 Discussion- this section will give you an overview of the lesson.
 Activities- these are activities designed to develop critical thinking and other competencies.
 Remember- this section summarizes the concepts and applications of the lessons.
 Checking your Understanding- it will verify how you learned from the lesson.
 Post-Test- this will measure how much you have learned from the entire module.


 Course Code: GEC 1

 Descriptive Title: Purposive Communication
 Course Description: This Subject will help the students to give a deeper understanding
regarding the purpose and function of the English language so that they might be able to
communicate through the language effectively which is now essential in the rapid changing
 Credit: 3 Units
 Pre-requisite: None
 Course Objectives:

Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:

1. Value the importance of communication skills as an instrument for their career development;
2. Express ideas clearly, accurately, persuasively through proper use/choice of words;
3. Respond through written or oral communication ;
4. Construct correct sentences for more effective and meaningful communication;
5. Develop self-confidence by applying communication skills learned.

Purposive Communication
(GEC 1)
First Semester, S. Y. 2022-2023

Name: ________________________________ Year Level: ______________

Course: _______________________________ Score:_________________


Let’s achieve these!

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
a. Differentiate informative, persuasive and argumentative communication in terms of
preparation and delivery;
b. Demonstrate mastery in obtaining, providing and disseminating information; and
c. Create a public service announcement regarding environmental disaster preparedness
employing the concepts of informative, persuasive and argumentative communication.
Communication is made for numerous purposes. The way messages are crafted depends highly
on the intention of the sender. In a supermarket, a sales agent makes sure that a way product is
promoted gets consumers buying. A news anchor delivers information in such a way that all facts are
clearly stated doing away with words that may cause confusion. On the other hand, criminal lawyer
must design his arguments supported by facts to convince the Judge and the Jury.
 Informative Communication involves giving than asking. As an informative communicator,
you want your receivers to pay attention and understand, but not to change their behavior. By
sharing information, ignorance is reduced, or better yet eliminated. The informative value of a
message is measured by how novel and relevant the information is or the kind of understanding
it provides the receivers.

Osborn (2009) purports that informative communication arises out of three deep impulses;
A. We seek to expand our awareness of the world around us,
B. We seek to become more competent,
C. We have an abiding curiosity about how things work and how they are made.

When preparing for an informative exchange, ask yourself the following questions:
1. Is my topic Noteworthy to be considered informative?
2. What do my recipient already know about my topic?
3. What more do they have to know?
4. Am I knowledgeable enough of my topic to help my receivers understand it?

 Persuasive Communication is an art of gaining fair and favorable considerations for our point
of view. As it follows the Guidelines;
a. Provides a choice among options.
b. Advocates something through a speaker.
c. Uses supporting material to justify advice.
d. Turns the audience into agents of change.
e. Asks for strong audience commitment.
f. Gives importance to the speaker’s credibility.
g. Appeals to feelings.
h. Has higher ethical obligation.

 Argumentative Communication relies heavily on sound proof and reasoning. The nature of
proof has been studied since the Golden Age of Greece and has been improved through time.
According to Aristotle, LOGOS, ETHOS and PATHOS are the three primary forms of proof.
In our time, whoever, many scholars have confirmed the presence of a fourth dimension of
proof, mythos, which suggests that we respond to appeal to the traditions and values of our
culture and to the legends and folktales that embody them.

Lucas (2007) claims that to avoid defective argumentation, the following must be avoided:
1. Defective use of Evidence includes:
a. Misuse of facts
b. Statistical fallacies
c. Defective testimony
d. Inappropriate evidence

1.In your own words, what is the DIFFERENCE between an informative communication
and a persuasive communication ? Which do you think is more challenging in terms of
preparation and delivery?

2.In a table, list essential preparations when communicating to inform, to persuade, and to
To Inform To Persuade To Argue

3.Through a simple script (instead of a video), create public service announcement

regarding environmental disaster preparedness. Employ the concepts learned about
informative, argumentative and persuasive communication.


Let’s achieve these!
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
a. Conduct a public speaking based from your chosen mode of delivery (speech, reading from a
manuscript, memorized extemporaneous and impromptu)

Activity 2
Do these statements apply to you? (Just put YES or NO)
____1. I am excited at the thought of speaking in public.
____2. I see myself speaking in public often in the future.
____3. I think I can be a very good speaker.
____4. The thought of public speaking terrifies me.
____5. I would avoid speaking in public as much as I can.
____6. No amount of practice can make me a better speaker.

Items 1,2 and 4,5 determine your public speaking anxiety. If you answered items 1 and 2 a YES, you
probably have a low anxiety. If you answered items 4 and 5 with YES, you most probably have a
high public speaking anxiety. Items 3 and 6 determine your attitude toward public speaking. If you
answered item 3 with a YES, you have a growth mindset. If you answered item 6 with a YES , you
have closed mindset.

You have probably delivered a speech before an audience once, twice, or thrice in high school in
the forms of reporting, research presentations, or creative presentations. How did the experience make
you feel? If the experience made you wish to speak more in public or made you confident of yourself,
then you belong to the few who do not fear public speaking or who have overcome it. If the experience
made you feel the opposite, you are not alone. Jerry Seinfield was quoted saying:

“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death.
Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person. If you go to funeral,
you’re better off in the casket than delivering the eulogy.” Fear of public speaking is, therefore,
common to most people, but despite this fact, many have turned public speaking into their ticket to
success. Brian Tracy phrases this idea in his statement below.
” Your ability to communicate with others will account for fully 85% of your success in your
business and in your life”. What apparently matters is your reaction to fear of public speaking. How
should you handle fear. Mark Twain suggests “Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear- not
absence of fear.”

Your Awareness of your fear of public speaking is a good starting point. With your
awareness, you acknowledge that you need to take actions to overcome that fear. You might also need
a strong reason to overcome that fear. While it is true that not all professions require public speaking
skills, you must consider the fact that public speaking is an essential skill in your academic life. Also,
in many professions such as those in business, education, mass media etc., public speaking skills are
an advantage. Most importantly, public speaking has long been the toll for activism that paved way for
social and political changes.

By this time, you must have decided that public speaking is highly relevant to your

What is Public Speaking?

Public Speaking is a process of speaking in a structured, deliberate manner to inform,
influence or entertain an audience.

1. SPEECH – is the term used to refer to the body spoken expressions of information and
ideas. A speech may be delivered extemporaneous or impromptu. The choice of mode of
speech delivery is determined by factors such as length of preparation, complexity of
message, purpose, and occasion.

2. READING FROM A MANUSCRIPT - is appropriate when the speech is long and when
details are complicated and essential such as that they need to be given completely.
Reading is also appropriate when one is asked to deliver a prepared speech on behalf of
another speaker. Reading may pose the least challenge in public speaking but the speaker
may be tricked into thinking that no preparation is needed. When a message is delivered
through reading, the force, naturalness, and eye contact may be diminished because the
eyes have to travel from page to the audience and vice versa.

3. MEMORIZED – speech requires a speaker to commit everything to memory. This method

is excellent for short messages although it is also used for long pieces in oratorical,
declamation and other literary contests. Just like a read speech, a memorized speech also
possess challenge in naturalness. The worst experience one could have in delivering a
memorized speech is to forget the lines and fail to shift smoothly to another model of

4. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING- may have a short or long preparation. The speaker

may use an outline to guide him through his speech to achieve better organization and to
avoid leaving out details. But unlike reading, extemporaneous speaking necessitates the
speaker to formulate his sentences while he is speaking. Extemporaneous is a method that
most lecturers and teachers use. A good extemporaneous speaker must be spontaneous.

5. IMPROMPTU- means speaking at the spur of the moment. Since there is very minimal or
no time for preparation given for impromptu, the content and organization may suffer.
Impromptu may not deliver the best thought in the best way but it brings out the most
natural thing to say at the moment.

Activity 3

Directions: Choose ONE from any of the following subject and your own mode of delivery, record
yourself with a maximum of 3 minute-video to deliver your speech.(Where to submit: Post in on
Edmodo; When to submit: NOVEMBER 19, 2021.
You will be graded by a rubric.
1. Read a 2-3-minute inspirational story.
2. Answer ONE question below through an impromptu speech
A. What is the most difficult part of being a teenager or a college student today.
B. How has the social media affected you?
C. Are there times when you feel people misjudge you?
D. Was there an instance when you misjudge someone? Give details of that instance.
3. Prepare a topic outline of a highly relevant topic nowadays and deliver your extemporaneous

Rubric for Speech Delivery:

Criteria 8-10 5-7 4-3 1-2
Content Fully developed Developed Some Vague sense of
topic/ idea with topic/idea with understanding of the topic or idea
unified substantial unified supporting the topic with few
supporting details details supporting details
Language use Excellent Good command of Understandable Inaccurate words
command of the the language, language yet lacks and marked with
language, uses somewhat accuracy and with grammar errors
varied and accurate and with some grammar that affect the
accurate words to few grammar errors message
express ideas, errors
Spontaneity and Very natural and Natural and Somewhat natural Marked with long
Naturalness spontaneous with spontaneous with with some awkward pauses.
appropriate pauses
some awkward awkward pauses
Vocal clarity and Very Clear and Clear and Varied Somewhat clear Monotonous and
dynamics appropriately voice and varied voice lacks vocal clarity
varied voice.
Eye contact/ Maintains eye Maintain eye Inconsistent eye Avoids eye
connection contact with the contact most of contact contact with the
audience the time audience
throughout the
Relevance of the Very relevant and Relevant to the Somewhat Of the little
chosen topic useful to the majority of the relevant to the relevance to the
majority of the audience majority of the audience
audience audience


A shortened form of weblog, blogs are personal journal websites on which a user can type an entry and
add images, videos and links to other websites. Readers of a blog can post comments. The main
purpose of a blog is to connect you to the relevant audience.

1. Be short and Direct.
2. Ask a thought-provoking question.
3. Ask a multiple- choice question.
4. Share a shocking fact or statistic.
5. Share something personal.
6. Withhold a compelling piece of information.
7. Refute conventional wisdom.
8. Lead with a success story.
9. Start with reader’s question.
10. Share a quote.

Blogs and Websites:

Blog need frequent updates. Blog promote perfect reader engagement. Readers get a chance to
comment and voice their different concerns to the viewer. Websites, on the other hand, websites
owners rarely update their pages. Blog owners update their site with new blog posts on a regular basis.

Additional Activity

Search at least 5 Blogs and Websites and Identify the purpose of it.


After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

a. Identify the ways on how to make inquiries.
You probably texted or called people to obtain information you needed several times already.
internships, scholarships, or job vacancies offered by companies, associations, or individuals. An
inquiry may also be in the form of telephone or personal interview. Both interview and letter require
correct and appropriate language use.
 Emails- most frequently used now in inquiry are emails. Emails gained popularity because of
speed and convenience. Generally, email messages are less formal than letters, although there
are still expectations for appropriate and effective email communication. The formality is
determined by the sender’s familiarity and relationship to the receiver, the classification and
objective of the message to be sent, and other factors that shape the context of communication.
In academic emails, for example, it is more appropriate to sound formal and professional. The
use of “ wanna, gonna”, and abbreviations such as ”tnx” and emoticons is inappropriate.
 Interview- is a special type of purposive conversation. Interviews are classified into different
types according to purpose, but basic to all types of interview is to obtain desired information.
Interview requires real time for both the interviewee and interviewer. Whatever your specific
purpose is, it is always advantageous to consider the following tips in conducting an interview.

Activity 4
Directions: Find information about the following, choose only 3 below and verify your answers by
finding reliable internet sources or individuals. Do not forget to cite your references.

1. The most popular brand of cellular phone in class.

2. The most visited site in the internet.
3. The place that recorded the coldest temperature in the Philippines.
4. The most in demand work abroad.
5. The most expensive course in the country.
6. The ten highest paying jobs in the world.
7. Five jobs that you can apply for after finishing your course.


LIBRARY CLASSIFICATION- is the arrangement of library holdings in a logical order,

from the general to specific, based on the main subject of the resources.
The card catalog was a familiar sight to library users for generations, but it has been effectively
replaced by the Online Public Access Catalog(OPAC). The original purpose of the card catalog
was to provide library users with multiple ways to search for books. It is the index to the collection
of the library. It contains cards alphabetically arranged. Traditionally there are the following types
of catalog:
 Author Catalog- a formal catalog, sorted alphabetically according to the names of authors,
editors, illustrators, etc.
 Subject Catalog- a catalog that sorted based on the subject.
 Title catalog- a formal, sorted alphabetically according to the article of the entries.

Parts of a book:

 Title- Every book has their own title. A title signifies or is the main topic for a certain
 Author- They are the ones who wrote the book. It’s important to write the author, it
signifies that he was the one who wrote it and it was his idea.
 Publisher- This is the company that prints the books.
 Illustrator- Illustrators are the ones who draw pictures for a book.
 Preface- This is an introduction written by the author- it usually has acknowledgement
for those who assisted the author in his work.
 Table of contents- This contains list of all pages. This can really help if you are looking
for a certain page.
 Appendix- This is an additional matter that the author writes at the end of the book.
This can be a document, text, etc.
 Glossary- This is commonly seen at the back end of the book. This is a list of words
used by the author. Defines difficult, important or unusual terms found in the book to
help the readers understand the material.
 Index- This is like the glossary except that it lists the names, subjects, etc. with
reference to where they occur.
 Bibliography- This is a list of the books of a specific author or publisher, or on a
specific subject.

Kinds of Reference books:

 Almanac- for looking up specific facts, statistics, tables, and list about people, places, events,
countries, organizations and popular culture such as sports and entertainment.
 Atlas- contains an organized group of pictorial or illustrated political, cultural, physical, road,
and/or thematic maps.
 Dictionary- gives an alphabetical list of words and their definitions.
 Encyclopedia- contains full coverage of information about an area of knowledge. These are
great staring points for fact, finding, getting background topic information, learning of the key
events and individuals, or starting a research project.

Checking your Understanding!

Read the following questions answer them substantially. 3-5 sentences only.
1. Do I find the lessons relevant to my future career?
2. I learned that Informative, Persuasive and Argumentative Communication.
3. In what area of public speaking, do you feel you need to the most improvement?

Directions: Read the following statements/questions below and write the correct answer on a separate
answer sheet.


1. It is a shortened form of weblog. ANSWER__________________________

2. It relies heavily on sound proof and reasoning. ANSWER______________________
3. As a communicator, you want your receivers to pay attention and understand, but not to alter
their behavior. ANSWER________________________
4. It turns the audience into agents of change. ANSWER___________________
5. It is a process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. ANSWER_________
6. Short for “electronic mail,” is one of the most widely used features of the internet, along with
the web. It allows you to send and receive messages to and from anyone.
7. It is any process that has the aim of Augmenting knowledge, resolving doubt, or a solving a
problem. ANSWER___________________
8. It allows us to take some time and take notes before entering the stage.
9. A speech that is given with little or no preparation. ANSWER___________________
10. A speech that requires the speaker to commit everything to memory.
11. It sometimes signifies the main topic of a certain topic. ANSWER________________
12. It is a book or set of books in which facts about many different subjects or about one particular
subject are arranged for reference, usually in alphabetical order. ANSWER________________
13. They are the ones who draw pictures for a book. ANSWER______________________
14. A reference book listing alphabetically the words of one language and showing their meanings
or translations in another language. ANSWER_____________________
15. This is a list of words use by the author and can be found at the back end of the book.

 ESSAY (10pts)

Explain the quotation:

1. Do you agree or disagree? Why? “Your Ability to communicate with others will account for
fully 85% of your success in your business and in your life”- Brian Tracy

“But as for you, be STRONG and DO NOT GIVE UP for your work will be rewarded.”
2 Chronicles 15:7

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