TPR Lesson Plan

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TESOL 102 TPR LESSON “GETTING READY FOR SCHOOL” ACTION STORY, Date: May 30, 2020 Objective: After the lesson, students will be able t -comprehend the word meaning by listening and repeating -put in order the sequence of events of a story n Language Standard(s) Addressed: Communication Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. English Language Development Standards Addressed: English Language Development Standard 1 English language learners communicate for Social and Instructional purposes within the school setting Social and Instructional language Common Core Anchor Standard(s) Addressed: COSS.ELACLITERACY.L2.5.4 Identify real-life connections between words and their use (¢.g., describe foods that are spicy or juicy) ACTFL Proficiency Level Expected: INTERMEDIATE-MID Scaffolding (building on strengths): -With props, pictures, and realia the students will recognize and pick out the word that they studied in the prior lesson. -Using the same props, pictures, and realia the students will sing a song about the vocabulary words -The students will play a miming game to show their understanding of the words Min Revie The teacher will review the previous lesson with the students. They will review the 5 action words. Run, eat, jump, cook and walk. 1. The teacher will have the students sit in a circle. 2. The teacher will get in the circle and say the action words and have the students repeat them. 3. The students will repeat the action words, 4, The teacher will then do the actions as she repeats them again and asks the student to do the same. 5. The students will repeat the action words as they do the actions. The teacher will continue doing this and then ask individual students to point and say the body part she commands on their own. Time Vocabulary and Materials Vocabulary Phrases: Wake up, Brush your teeth, get dressed, eat breakfast and Get your backpack Materials: 1. “Getting ready for school” large sequence cards 2. Enough individual copies of “Getting ready for school” sequence cards for each student, 3. Enough scissors for each student. 4. Enough glue sticks for each student. 5. Enough order worksheet for each student. Time 10 Mins Teach the Material: The teacher will have the students stand in a circle. The teacher will | Notes start the lesson by saying “We are going to do a little story called “Getting Ready for School’ Teacher: “First you are going to listen, watch and then do/copy me (as she uses hand gestures to help the student understand). Teacher: will show the first picture and say, “wake up” three times (as she is pointing to the picture) ‘Teacher: will show the second picture and say, teeth” two times. Then repeat, “wake up” then teeth” (as she is pointing to each picture). ‘Teacher: will show the third picture and say, “get dressed” two times. Then repeat, “wake up”, “brush your teeth” then “get dressed” (as she is pointing to each picture). Teacher: will show the fourth picture and say, “eat breakfast” two times. Then repeat, “wake up”, “brush your teeth”, “get dressed” then “eat breakfast” (as she is pointing to each picture). ‘Teacher: will show the fifth picture and say, “get your backpack” two times. Then repeat, “wake up”, “brush your teeth”, “get dressed”, “eat breakfast” then “get your backpack” (as she is pointing to each picture) “brush your rush your Teacher: “please stand up” (as she uses hands to gesture standing up) Students: stand up. Teacher: will say “wake up” twice (as she uses hands to gestures waking up) Teacher: will say “brush your teet to gesture brushing your teeth) Teacher: will say “get dressed” twice (as she uses hands to gesture getting dressed) Teacher: will say “eat breakfast” twice (as she uses hands to gesture eating breakfast) Teacher: will say “get your backpack” twice (as she uses hands to gesture getting backpack) ‘The teacher will repeat the same process in the same order again but repeating the phrases only once. ” twice (as she uses hands ‘Teacher: “Now it’s your tum” pointing at the students. Teacher: will say “wake up” once without doing the hand gestures. Students: will do the hand gestures for that phrase. Teacher: will say “brush your teeth” once without doing the hhand gestures. Students: will do the hand gestures for that phrase. Teacher: will say “get dressed” once without doing the hand gestures. Students: will do the hand gestures for that phrase. Teacher: will say “eat breakfast” once without doing the hand gestures. Students: will do the hand gestures for that phrase. ‘Teacher: will say “get your backpack” once without doing the hand gestures. Students: will do the hand gestures for that phrase. Teacher: “Now you're going to do it again but I will change the order” (as she uses hands to gesture to change) ‘The teacher will repeat the phrases many times but in different orders and the students will do the hand gestures ‘as they hear the commands. Guided Practice: Activity "Simon says" The teacher will have the students go back to their seats and give them the instructions for this activity The teacher will explain the game of "Simon Says” to the students, Teacher: ‘We are going to play “Simon Says" with the new phrases that we have learned” Teacher: ‘When | say, “Simons Says” and then give you a command, you do it, Dut if| give you a command and | don't say, “Simons Says’ you don't do it” Teacher: Does anyone have any questions?” Teacher: ‘We are going to practice a couple of times but after we start whoever does the action when | don't say, “Simon Says” goes back to their seat. Teacher: “Ok, ready? "Simon Says, everyone stands up and come and forms a circle in front of me” Students should be able to get this fist command. The teacher will continue and eventually go a little faster until everyone is back in their seats. iz ie Time 15. 20 Mins Independent Practice: Activity "What is the order?" The teacher will have the students go back to their seats and give them the instructions for this activity. The teacher will give each student a copy of the pictures, glue, scissors, and order worksheet. Teacher: “You will cut each picture square Teacher: “You will glue the pictures in order on the order worksheet* Teacher: “After you are done putting the pictures in order, please put all the cut paper in the trash” Notes Teacher: “You will practice the phrases and hand gestures with your partner’ Teacher: Does anyone have any questions?” The teacher will start the activity. Time Differentiated Instruction Options: As optional practice activities for students of lower cognitive abilities, I can have the student work next to me or @ higher level student during the group activities so that she can follow along. As, the other students work on the independent activity I can work closely with that student and give an easier assignment if necessary. ‘Notes/Materials Time Formative Assessment: The teacher will have the students close their eyes while the teacher gives the leamed commands to assess the student’s understanding. If less than 80% of the students can not do the commands it shows that the teacher needs to teach a little more slowly or fewer items. ‘Notes/Materials Time tive Assessment ‘Notes/Materials Closure: ‘The teacher will have the students say the five commands to the teacher and the teacher will do the gestures but she will guess wrong so the students can correct her until she gets it right and finish on a funny note.

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