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Julia Belvin- Professional Development Workshop Goals and Objectives

Audience: Cobb County Technology Training and Integration Specialists from elementary, middle, and
high school levels (TTIS). Cobb TTIS’s work with classroom teachers to train on the best ways to
incorporate different technology applications into classroom instruction for student engagement and
achievement. They have spend a majority of their time the last few years training on our new learning
management system as we were virtual and hybrid throughout the pandemic.

Problem Identification: When I met with one of my site supervisors, we were having a discussion with a
few TTIS’s about using Canva. They were unsure of how to best incorporate it into classroom instruction.
Since they do not teach in the classroom, they were looking for suggestions about how to tie in projects
across multiple subject areas or standards, which I used as the starting point for planning my
professional development. Based on the needs assessment given to the participants, creating videos on
Canva was identified as the highest area of need. Some participants were comfortable creating videos,
but were less comfortable creating charts, diagrams, and graphs. This workshop is going to incorporate
both areas so that all participants are able to learn some new skills on incorporating Canva into the

Topic: Incorporating Canva into classroom projects/assessments

Objective: The TTIS will create a Canva video which incorporates the following: audio and video
recording, and slides charts/graphs/diagrams, pictures, and basic text.


1. Design an assessment plan that will assess multiple standards across content areas
2. Create a Video on Canva
3. Create a chart/diagram/graph

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