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Als SREROSRMRUOKREEE enaernenae Problems eve meat > DRE weeny ©) RAIS mT mt (6 898 ©) RAE cal expression Tr ‘eae the rots ofthe characteris equ io forthe resistance in SAL 6 4) Change the designe in Problem 8% radix H.Calelate the root of the ©) the expression for ie) a) otha the respon 4) the expresion for 2 Assume the under The ntl value oft then vale ofthe eapastor ota is R= 2001, 20 ak apacitor voltage i 15 V ‘Append H Cala The resistance in Problem 82 increased Fad the expression The resintnce in Pre 3125 01 ind he expres 2) Design pale! RLC eit (5 st to postion b Fin nent ales fom Appendix H. with res ‘esponse's ridcally damped, Damour set Frallel RLC Me TS Mir remed ton echt ©) Cate the maximum amplitude of wavs ‘£22 Theindotor in he circuit of Fig, PRD is decreased ol0HLFind (9 fort = 0 ‘The resistance inthe crating to S125 01 indi) for 820 The inductor th seit of Fig P82 isdecrcansd "RL 0641. Fiad 0) for = 0, “The esstance in the circuit i Fig ee 10280 0 Fin (0 fort = 0 32 Ps. eRe Section 83 a re OFRIBILE R= 0 pe 24 For the circuit in Example 86, find, for 10, “2 LZ, (0: (CA (0) 0, N25 For the crit in Example 87, find, for (3) eo) and ict, Fi 8.92 Se [ Ss Forte ccitin Example 8, find) foe = 0. = He AA id Dom I By (B27 Yu swt inthe cca in ig, P827 hasbeen ops Slop time befoe casing att = 0. Find 3) noes = 0 x0 i. eR ») fore = Mae Bae ee aH ee gue rar oo A The svi in the deta Fg ; for a Tong time before cesingat 828 Use the cect in Fig P827 sty 8) Fd the total energy delivered to he ind +) inde toa energy delivored tothe eauivalent ©) Find the toa energy dlvered to the epactor 835 3) For the ceuitin Fig PRS Find the total energy delivered bythe equiva: 8 ee » {CEL ©) Sow tat your soliton ford ©) Check the resus of parts (a) through (a) >) estan fort in Poa ‘gst the conservation af energy prin, © © 836)The switch inthe clit fn Assume that atthe instant the 60 mA de currents” OPE, 104 tne Before asi Soure i applied to the iat in Fig D829, the ln ay rere ae Sl current tn the $0 inductor 8 #8 A and ea ae {he ini voltage on the expaitor 18 V (postive tthe upper termina) Fa the expression foi) Fie es forr= Oi Requal 1500, an Our foo LS estes 323 7 1) change the sesitance for the cuit you cline tna ma » ae ain ccs 814) sotha he emponse ae gee sefamped. Canine tose Sonne oo Raye HCl he 208 of he detection fo is nw To futz The current in the cota Fig. 83 sknown tbe Bye cosa + Be MINIM, 1 = jor ha vc of 0 athe ina vale ‘aero and the al voltage 0 the vaso Land “The capa apni 12. cos the S00 AF capacitor forthe Problem 80. Assumé the reer Hor velage positive a init = Find the vans: is comistent with ‘uit dseibed in ace polity forthe apac a Baer recto MALE ae EE «REDO Benge cscs mmc: a A Bic eco THe pur sain or rein Prbler: 837 eens >, Pecseont after he wich nes Sh conenr esto mon le? a i The make before ek nh in the cet shown MS Wiggins hn oe wyotin a a ng im sero: he su moved posi bad) for = Fig as _ Rem AppcadixHwithare: (SV yyy es ee dns et Bielydxped Dro your eeu eee a6 The sich in he Sst in Beeson tactese ot EY eas tan nponon oaengin: At~ meses ech nevertantanecu postion 5) What she ial vale? Fees for the creat you ea Bute 04) sth he espome 1) what ist Bi Caan he cote af te treo ation for now reste: What i the museca expression for vA) 370° Sinai ty Ste Asis Problems Setion 9.1 (92, Cyd be nscidlvotage Fe) = 10c08(12021 — 6 V 8) Whats the maximum mpitude ofthe voltage? 1b) Whatis the requenyinherte? 6) Whats the frequeney in radians pr second? 6) What sth phase ane in radians? ©) Whats the phase angie in degrees? 1) Whatis the period ia miliseconds? 2) Whatistbe st tie after = that» = 170? 1b) The sinusoidal tunetin ie sid 125/18 ms to the ight along the tie ais What ith expres. sion for (0? ‘What isthe minim number of miliseconds thatthe function must e sifted tothe right i the expression fre) is Din 120er V> ‘What is the minimum number of illseconds thatthe runction mast be shied othe leith expression fore) 70 08120 VO [ACE = ~21s, sino voltage is knowa t be ‘zero apd going postive, The voltage tne fo 1/18 me Kao Known tha the vlage 809 a) Whats the requeney ot vin ete? 1) What the expression for 0? A sinwsoidal caren oto at ¢ = Increasing at a tate of S10 As. The maximum amplitude ofthe eusent 20 a) Whatsthe frequency in rads pr send? Wy) What the expression fr? iui voltage given by the expression y= 1Weon 654811 — S313 V, Find (a) fin her (6) 7 in millseconds; (2) Vj (@)u0)e) in degrees and acans the salt Poste value ofa which and (he smal. Est postive val of at which e/a = 0 Ina single graph sketch © = 100cos(wt + 6) ve sus fOr = 60", “30030 and" 8) State whether the vttage functions shiing to ( theright ore as g Becomes more postive 1b) Whats the ietion of shit if changes trom 96 Show that 97 Therm vae ole ul 20 ta nthe maa soidal voltage shown, id Section 92 99 JON Fk te = 0. cos (600 + 2°) EU meezan 0 RI 0BZ My A co 2 REA oy StS TS ORB RKC EH we Cle emt? ) ERE A 240 «) Verity hat Eq 9.9 isthe «can be done by subetiting hand side of Eg. 28 and sua the ih and ide ‘Att 0, Eq 99 shold Because the tamil time elapse and cat ‘the ferent! equa the steady-state compone Sststy the diferent observation by showing Da component of. 29 sais Seton 93-84 9.41 te the concep of the phasor Lb sna fotos 0 2) y = corse + 6) + 1008 1) y= 200 37H + 5") — 108 Sy) — 10 (1000 = r= a) ne Eassosor + 207) Bip sien state voltage and dias of tho cout seen Bator 95) v, epider + 23°) lance seen by he sourcs? Jesecond iste carent ot of folue as seo phase ae Bete nl tv pce macs 2) Hague on cute orion P Be oe ofthe corer? Pepcvereacancs ofthe cpa? Spence of he capacitor In mpetance oft capacitor? MY at = 0 applied across the inductor. The maximom amplitude frequon:y of the inductor eurrent angle of he voltages zero, what ang fhe carrer inductive reactance ofthe indtor? Be iaducince of the indictor in impesans of the indector? ‘ef palel Thi pra ements are energie by asin volag source ‘howe volage seco (Ne #207 8) Draw the tequcncydomain equivalent ici. 1) Reference the current in the airetion ofthe los se aoe the sts, ad in he ph «) Find the steady-state cxpresion fr) 946 A 100 sesistor and a5 pF capacitor are connected conbaton son pate Ih with he sees combination ofa #1 restor Sind a 30)yi inductor. "These. thee” pare ‘ranches are ven by sinkeodal arent rouse ‘hose err 922 coe 20,00 + 30") A 25) Draw the frequency-domain equals, 1) Reference the wotae cross the carent source save inthe diction ofthe soues caren, Sd find the phasor voltage ©) Fd ihe steady-state exroson fo 0. AT 5) EIR + SIDER P97) BE) + Re Rd Rew ss REN by EE a tH ‘URLS LO EEAD 125 1 OZ He SR 2 SERN t ag by be ‘948 ) Show that st a given frequency othe cuts in Fp P97) snd () wl have the same imped ‘sce Petco the Lemna aif whew Ri sottt BR a, (Wine The two cats will have the same Inpodaace they have the same ates) 1) Find the values of resistance andindetance that ‘when connected fe paral wil have the same Impedance at 1 rade as an 8K vesitr cor ‘ested in seis with 94 Hinder 372 Sms Sn esis 919 3) OWE» BUMP, BE) $8 25 Rt ORIN es 20 kas BRE » REAR RM Huns 100 0 WHT 50 nF ER TAS - SRE RST? Be 920 3) Show that at given teguency the ccs Fig 919(a) and (b) wil have the sate imped ma tttict a Sas (Utne Te wo cits wil ave the same Inpocance i hey hve he ane aditancs) ©) Find tie val of estas nd capac at when connected n pri wl ve the same impecineat 0 rad a tht of 61 Essar conmoted nso wh capstan ofa 921 8) Using coapesent vase tom Appendix combine atleast one restr, inductor, and Saputer in sesso cee a peda af 500 = 0 at rgcay of 1.000 ra 3) Atwhit fequency des the fom pr) ivan impedance hat purely she? 922 3) Using component valies tom Append H combi a ea oot reso and oe ico in" pant to ese an inpedanes of 40-2 R000 a a Geguecy of SO ral Hint Use ate reals Probie 9) >) in coment a in" pani to ea 407200 wage Use the reno rea 2) Using component va a singe apart tha when combined ‘ait om Problem 920 ‘rpedance thats ph e300 ©) Using component aie a single indoctor of hen combined fp trom Problem 303) Impedance tas pany e100 Three branch bain 16 72 fhand "7 Ose in pra What a eo (conductance an (ee conection in miliscmens branches ae ered fa souree where eosut amplitude ofthe caren i ranch 2) 9.25 Fe BE Coals)” S009 28S 2, Find the admitance Yo i Fp P26. Express Yin Doh 1a form, Give the value 0% rat expression fr) im the eri ins ne coc sce in 931 Findtbe teny-tale Troy eee ae shown in ssn the phasor caret 2 Posen re OY inde oat Ye =a ruts it te 2 is opratig in 0 a a0 Pine vate of z exon fo 0) resi in Fe Rise i the va sigue 932 Ct wwe WO dh yenth Se seas) sae expen fr im ibecea 938 i Saez A iyatate expression sing esac sini 204s peraing abe 234 Te ree Fd) Hi) = 352 en Anil ® jun qnserpet f 98 Find the value of nthe eit eon Fig PD fees | wl no boy © vdsa ae ate a 9.36 0) 0936 Vand = 500° seen fea eae 937 Find 2 forthe crit shown in Fig POST Fees 27 a 238 0) Te geno here vote te ia Sex|" inig P38 aja ttl yin pase wath What ste val oan persetont I y= Memo V (ore w the teqneny fous in fh whats the Meds capoann fore Of ed |e eee rae The crcult shown in Fig. Papp sinusoidal steady state The ey Unt the cate to phase 8) Spel} the capacitance iy ty 280c08 100 V. 1) Give the sted state has the value found te (2h 2) The source og in thecal tan soe i tha pn pei oy operating inthe stn ate ©) forthe ales founda The foguency ofthe saws the cca in Fig. 9.2 aoe a) Whats the value of a radon 1) Iti, = 2Sconor mA (wher il foun ine), what the steady Brine doves te ve of Bee Noe cent hy nde sof frtns 375 946 Use source anstomatons 10 fd te Norton halen cuca with respec fo the terminals 9 {eethe eal shown ag 96 jm a ps represeted in the vomnea By one 47 ge Thee equivalent se {he teminale aor the creat shown in Fig P27, tories a impedance of ~)8 4S. i ie ang l 9 948 AR a IE {even eget eu) = etiage source in the cicuit Fw at Bis svcoring 2 wotge eaual 10 ap me 949 ad the Nocon equals th ree to mi Ja inte sot FP tent % oso a-ara(t) “hy a Peirce ithe tra ab shown ia P20 when the Paihia the terminals nb 950 Find Zap the i ri eperating at a fequency of 10 kr ores BY, = S/0'V a, ORL ron equiv i) = ama ee eo OO md) wag w 92 Fiad the Thovenin impedance sen laking nto the terminal 4 ofthe cei in Fig PS? the fe «quency of operation 25/n) KH, ae ae 258 The circuit shown in Fig 9.3 i operating a fe quency of 10 rads Assume 1 real and es otmeen and +,thati “10 Sa = 1 a) Find the vale of aso that the Téveni np mc looking ito the terminal ab pueiy 1b) Waris the value ofthe Tévenin impedance for ea found in)? ©) Can a be adjustd $0 that the Thevenin impedance equals S00 50012? Ts. what i Ihe vale of? 4) For what valucs ofa wl the Thévenin imped nce be inductive? egia (Satong \\954, Ube the mode-oltage method to find the steady ‘sgl expresion for (nthe rot a Fig St by, = Moos 2H — 3687 V ya = S0sia Ono — 1626) V lene 377 ines Fe wetos tot Vand Lin the Use the node ‘cu in Fig. P9.SS, “<—_ 4 AIAN poe : (B64 Use fhe mesb-current oe (ons staye expression for uw. im the circuit seen in 7 a _Pig, P9.64. if 17, equals 72 cos S000 V. oa bon ves Use the soderotage mall t ‘eigen jon ot method to ind the sea Beeiyitecreutin Fe. . enosss 945 Use th concept of cent ison to find the SChayssate eapession for iy Ha the 00 V ion Jag DOS i, = 128081250 mA. ot method to find the sendy fori) in the cesta Fi POC se the nde ota method apne + 180°) s xpresios forthe Banc cea Shout seen in Fig. PST Hi oO t= 25H (0+ BY, OD ‘44 Use the concept of volage division to find the SH USaytte expen for) ote cain Sin Fig Pasty, = 75e0620.00% V. ferent meio 9 fd the pe POM ——- suwaze 4()

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