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Richard C. Becherer
University of Tennessee – Chattanooga

Marilyn M. Helms
Dalton State College


“Green” environmental goals play a role in a firm’s decision making and goal setting. Large
firms typically consider being socially responsible or more environmentally oriented as part
of their mission, but are these initiatives the same for small businesses? Surveying a U.S.
small business sample, this exploratory study finds firm size and industry type are the two
demographic variables related to the importance of environmental business issues in small
business decision-making processes. Company “Expertise,” an internal resource advantage,
and the external factors of “Competitiveness” and ‘Environmental Hostility,” were found to
influence small firms’ environmental goals. When examining business outcomes and small
firms' satisfaction with achievement of their environmental goals, all measures studied (cash
flow, market share, sales, and earnings) were related to having such goals. This study extends
the dearth of literature studying small firms and the role of environmentally friendly strategies
in these ventures.

Keywords: corporate social responsibility, small business, strategic decisions,


INTRODUCTION shareholders and other invested

stakeholders, small businesses are often
While large firms are often public privately held or are responsible to one or
corporations and must answer to only a few shareholders. The owner’s

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
values drive many of the goals in small to external social responsibility activities
midsized enterprise (SME) (Elizabeth, occur less frequently. Also, in their study
Martens, & Cho, 2010). When a small covering 1,300 firms over eight Latin
business stresses sustainable development, American countries, medium-sized firms
it is largely due to the small business owner were shown more socially responsible and
personally having sustainable development involved in more activities than the smaller
as a business priority or a highly-motivated firms. Obstacles to CSR in the smaller
manager as a champion (Jenkins, 2006; companies included lack of resources,
Beaver, 2007). Kechiche and Soparnot knowledge, and perceptions of
(2012) believe the economic, social, and environmental impact, but perhaps greater
environmental impact of small business is attention to social responsibility is part of
significant given their number and size. the maturity process as small firms grow to
Their study found a dearth of literature on medium size and gain in resources and
the dynamic dimensions of corporate social knowledge.
responsibility (CSR) for SMEs, which
limits understanding the evolution of life SMEs too often have a very casual business
cycle stage of CSR-related practices. culture and structure, and they may not use
formal strategy tools to measure or audit
In small businesses, CSR may take on a effective sustainable development practices
different character in that the small business (Fassin, 2008; Jenkins, 2004). Small
owner’s resources to act environmentally businesses may not have the budget or time
and socially responsible and the culture and to address sustainable development, which
pace of their business is vastly different is often perceived as being outside of the
from large corporations. For the purposes of core business activities (Walker & Preuss,
this paper, CSR and the subcategory of 2008). This lack of time, or “discretionary
“environmental” or “green” issues is the slack,” has been found to be an important
focus of our investigation. While the “antecedent for innovative and
broader CSR framework is more inclusive, environmental behavior” but extremely
with the dearth of small company literature lacking in SMEs (Lepoutre & Heene, 2006,
focusing exclusively on green issues, a p. 262).
review of small firm CSR at least provides
some insight into the role of social Media and public opinion are less
consciousness in strategy among SMEs and significant motivators for SMEs who are
smaller firms. Furthermore, Kechiche & less visible than large firms (Jenkins, 2005).
Spoarnot (2012) note a lack of studies Williamson and Lynch-Wood (2001) found
within the small business sector comparing SMEs employing up to 250 employees are,
implementation of CSR, and they confirm by nature, environmentally reactive with a
the lack of resources is an obstacle. low commitment to environmental issues;
Furthermore, they also recommend that although, many would like to improve their
tools are needed to measure the impact of environmental performance. This study
campaigns and initiatives in CSR for SMEs. found less than three percent of available
time was spent on environmental issues in
Similarly, Vives (2006) found company smaller firms.
practices and procedures for internal
environmental and social responsibility
were the most common in SMEs, while

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
Small versus Large Businesses founder’s values in implementing CSR
Most businesses are SMEs; yet, the primary programs in SMEs and found that these
thrust of research into social responsibility founders have much room for improvement
focuses on large organizations and their in informing their internal and external
practices and behavior. Even the acronym stakeholders of their best CSR practices.
“CSR” seems to imply the behavior takes Wincent and Westerberg (2005) noted that
place in large “corporations.” The large personal traits of the CEOs in SMEs should
corporations are more likely to identify be studied to better understand small firm
relevant stakeholders and meet their CSR behavior and performance, and they
requirements through formal, specific suggested inter-firm networking among
strategies (Perrini, Russo & Tencati, 2007). SME participants is dependent on these
In their research, Baden and Harwood traits.
(2011) did find examples of positive CSR
practice among SMEs, but the burden of Within SMEs, Ahmad and Seet (2010)
imposed standards creates more studied gender variations in socially
bureaucracy and costs and caused a “ceiling responsible considerations and ethical
effect” with lower overall CSR engagement practices of entrepreneurs in Malaysia and
by small businesses. found variations in the magnitude of the
green practices. More specifically, women
Similarly, Laudal (2011) studied the main perceived social responsibility and ethical
drivers and barriers of CSR as they related conduct to be more important in running
to the size and internationalization of firms. their businesses than their male SME
This study found SMEs differed from larger counterparts.
multinational enterprises. Smaller firm
barriers to CSR activity included capacity Gadenne, Kennedy, and McKeiver (2009)
or the cost-benefit ratio of making a lasting found that despite strong “green” attitudes
environmental impact and the risk or degree of owner-mangers in SMEs, the level of
of external control that could be realized. implementation of environmental practices
Similarly, drivers for CSR among SMEs remains low. Legislation was found to
included their sensitivity to local increase awareness of such practices, but
stakeholders, their reputation in the SME owners have little awareness of the
community, and their geographic scope, benefits that might arise from the cost
particularly if the SME has international reductions of such green practices.
competition. Suppliers may assist them in reducing
waste, but most SMEs lack a formal
Impact of Owner/Managers environmental management system. S MEs
Given the impact of SME owner-managers also do n ot use environmental messages
on the culture of their enterprises, Fassin, when marketing their products or services.
Van Rossem, and Buelens (2011) agree that SME owner/managers do seem, however, to
corporate responsibility and ethics take a be committed to environmental practices
different route in small businesses. Owner- with their financial contributions to
managers of small businesses are able to environmental organizations. Lee and
shape the corporate culture and enact values Klassen (2008) agree the limited resources
other than profit, often recognizing and capabilities within many SMEs limit
interrelationships. Similarly, Murillo and their effective responses to environmental
Lozano (2006) highlighted the role of the pressures.

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
Environmental Burden on Small SME’s continue to constitute a major
Businesses element in the world’s economy (Ansoff,
Lewis and Cassells (2010) assert the 1965) but have been left out of the
implementation of responsible sustainable development initiatives
environmental practices is more (Labonne, 2006). In his study of
burdensome for SMEs, and thus, they often environmental assessment tools, Labonne
lag rather than lead in their green initiatives (2006) found SMEs were far less likely to
(Studer, Welford & Hills, 2006). But, examine their environmental impact, largely
because SMEs comprise the largest number due to financial limitations and costs
of businesses in most countries, the impact associated with measurement tools designed
of this lack of environmental engagement for large firms. Also noted is that SMEs’
may be problematic. Chen (2008), in his lack of financial knowledge and employee
study of the information and electronics resources limit the adoption of sustainable
industry in Taiwan, found the green core practices (Condon, 2004). SMEs tend to be
competence, green innovation performance, reactive in adopting sustainability
and the green images of SMEs were all strategies, largely reacting only to strong
significantly less than large corporations, pressures from external stakeholders
further supporting the advantage of firm (Bianchi & Noci, 1998). SMEs face less
size for green performance. In a pressure about their sustainability and may
contradictory study of SMEs in the perceive that engaging in sustainability
Philippines, Roxas and Chadee (2012) practices is too difficult or complex
found a p roactive environmental- (Dressen, 2009).
sustainability orientation does not depend
on financial resources, and they call for Many SMEs consider the environmental
government policies and programs to impact of their firm to be negligible
encourage SMEs to emphasize sustainable (Simpson, Taylor & Barker, 2004) and
issues and not just financial assistance. believe environmental responsibility should
rest with the government (Rutherfoord,
Russo and Perrini (2010) agree that Blackburn, & Spence, 2000). It is
idiosyncrasies of large firms and SMEs interesting, however, that other research
explain the various approaches to CSR and suggests that SME’s small size and
found SMEs are more focused on social flexibility should make their environmental
capital where large firms adopt a responsiveness easier to achieve than for
stakeholder approach to CSR. I n their larger firms (Condon, 2004).
2010 study of engaging small and mid-sized
businesses in sustainability, Elizabeth, Environmentally and socially responsible
Martens, and Cho found SMEs need conduct implies careful consideration of the
particular attention to business strategies for external environment surrounding a firm.
sustainable development since their strategy The dominance of economic concerns can
is not the same as large firms. They further be seen in the SME literature, and financial
assert that tools to support sustainability in strength is alluded to as the major factor in
SMEs should consider that these small small business survival (Schafer &
businesses have fewer resources and a Talavera, 2009). Ascigli (2010) found size
different profile than larger firms. as a d etermining factor in CSR activities.
For example, due to their more extensive
financial and human resources, larger firms

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
are expected to allocate resources for CSR work with, the nature and aggressiveness,
activities more easily than SMEs. Eilbirt and uncertainty of the external environment
and Parket (1973), in their seminal research the small business faces, or the level of
on the topic, found an association between financial and market success currently
annual sales and the extent of CSR-related being realized by the small business? These
activity. Chrisman & Fry (1982) found issues could determine the extent to which
SMEs indicated more concern for social environmental considerations become
responsibility as compared to the general integral in the small businesses’ strategy,
public. Yet, the SME literature on CSR and including goal setting, response to external
related business, financial, and market opportunities, and their long-term
outcomes needs further confirmation and aspirations.
replication (Thompson & Smith, 1991;
Enderle, 2004). HYPOTHESES

Others have found SME survival depends It is difficult to categorize small firms based
on networks and relationships developed at exclusively on the size of the company, as
the firm’s local level and that social there are a n umber of other characteristics
responsibility can act as insurance within that differentiate small firms. These often
networks to develop sustainable business include their industry, scope of operations,
relationships (Curran, Rutherfoord, & Lloyd and a host of descriptive characteristics and
Smith, 2000). Fraj-Andres et al. (2012) psychographic factors associated with a
found owner/managers’ values, laws, and small firm. Traditionally, firms with 250 or
market pressures to be key drivers of CSR fewer employees are categorized as “small
in SMEs and that managers expect positive businesses,” but this employee number may
outcomes from the implementation of CSR. vary depending on the industry. P erhaps
Yet, their study found proactive firms may the size and nature of a small firm
benefit from an improved image and influences the extent to which
positioning, but reactive or opportunistic environmental factors affect their decisions.
firms may be penalized by stakeholders.
Small firms that have a broader reach may
Hence, the role, importance, and strategic be more sophisticated or more influenced
implications of environmental/social by environmental awareness trends. The
responsibility in SMEs and small businesses scope of a s mall firm’s operations –
are an issue warranting further study. Of whether it only services local, statewide,
particular significance is that the literature regional, national, and international
identified here largely focuses on SMEs, customers — may influence the degree of
which are often much larger than “small” the small firm’s environmental awareness in
companies. This study’s research focus making their business decision. It is
exclusively examines the role of “green” in possible younger businesses may be more
the strategy of only “small” businesses. environmentally aware than businesses
More specifically, to what extent does established for a longer time — before
consideration of environmental decision environmental and social topics were such a
making in a small business depend on the major consideration. Conversely, it is
nature of the company relative to things, possible more established small businesses
such as size or scope of operations, the can better factor environmental concerns
resources the small firm has available to into their goals and strategy.

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
Additionally, the industry the small firm firms, internal resource advantages will
competes in may have more established impact environmentally friendly company
cultural norms relative to environmental goals.
concerns. Perhaps the differences between
the distributor, services, and marketing H2: A firm’s internal resource
industry categories may be reflected in how advantages affect the importance of
environmental issues influence the way being environmentally friendly as a
small businesses make decisions and company goal in a small business.
develop strategy. The size of “small
business” has a wide range of definitions, In addition to the internal resource
and size too may influence goal setting environment of a small firm, the
practices. Do firms at the micro-enterprise external macro-environment is both
level respond differently than larger SMEs widely diverse among small businesses
due to the resource disparity, or does the and vastly different than larger
personal perspective of the owner in the businesses. Firms in highly competitive
very small business have more influence in environments may have difficulty
how much concern there is for turning their attention to environmental
environmental issues? These issues lead to concerns as they focus on maintaining
the first hypothesis, H1, which considers the market share. Firms that compete in a
extent to which a company’s descriptive very hostile environment, where
characteristics influence the importance of regulatory and other forces outside their
environmental factors in a s mall business’ control continually make their decision
decision-making process. process more challenging, may not have
the broad view to accommodate
H1: The importance of environmental impacts in their goal
environmental (green) business setting. Also, in businesses with very
environment issues in a small turbulent environments, where change
businesses’ decision-making is the norm, decisions have to be made
process is related to the descriptive quickly because circumstances are
characteristics of the company. continually in flux and green goals may
not be a priority. Thus, the third
Secondly, large firms generally have a hypothesis focuses on the impact of the
broader, more diverse, and richer resource external environment on the importance
base than small companies. The literature of environmentally friendly small
indicates the ability of large firms to company goals.
recognize environmental issues in decision
making is, and is enhanced by, the H3: A small firm’s external
resources available for engaging in environment affects the
environmentally conscious decision importance of being
making. Not only are green issues a environmentally friendly as a
function of financial resources, but also of company goal.
issues including the level of expertise large
businesses have in their employment base, It has been established in a number of prior
the depth of their technical skills, and their research studies that satisfactorily achieving
competitive advantages. This leads to the environmentally oriented goals is an
second hypothesis, H2, that among small effective part of a l arge company’s

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
achievement of financial and other market of the study and its anonymity. A second
share related outcomes. This relationship complete mailing was sent to the entire
has not been identified in small businesses sample three weeks later encouraging
however and is an important issue for completion of the survey if they had not
further examination. If small businesses already done so.
have satisfactory earnings and sales, and
maintain their market-shares and cash Completed questionnaires were received
flows, the small business feels confident from 240 recipients. This was a response
and secure about these positive outcomes. rate of 9.6%, which is typical for mail
The question remains if there is a link surveys with no previous connection with
between being satisfied with the the respondents. The first 20% (n=48) of
achievement of their financial outcomes and the 240 responses were compared with the
their environmental goals. Thus, the fourth last 20% (n=48) on key variables, and no
hypothesis: significant differences in response patterns
were identified. According to Armstrong
H4: There is a relationship and Overton (1977), this provides evidence
between how satisfied a small that non-response bias was not a problem.
business is with their achievement As shown in Table 1, the sample is diverse
of environmental (green) goals and in company size, scope of operations,
the financial and business company age, and industry type.
outcomes they are experiencing.
To investigate the role of environmental
issues in small company decision making, Environment (Green) Company Goals
green strategy development, and goal and Decision Making Processes
setting, a study was undertaken utilizing The primary focus of this research is how
many of the same variables identified in the environment plays a role in a small firm’s
CSR literature on SMEs and large decision making and goal setting. To assess
companies. the role of environmental issues in decision
making, each small business respondent
METHODOLOGY was asked to indicate on a five-point scale
how important “environmental (green)”
The Sample issues were in the small firm’s business
Using addresses obtained from a national environment and in the small firm’s
mailing list, a stratified random sample of decision making processes. The Likert-type
2,500 owner/operators of small businesses scale’s values ranged from “Very Little” (1)
in the United States was created. The to “Very Much” (5).
stratified sample included manufacturing,
service, and distributor/wholesale/retail Secondly, company goals were examined in
businesses with up to 50 employees (the a similar fashion. First, each respondent was
less than 50 employee/small company asked how “Important” environmentally
category was constrained by the mailing friendly goals were in their small business.
list). Each business was mailed a cover Respondents were asked to respond on a
letter addressed to the owner/operator, a five-point scale from “Very Unimportant”
survey, and a postage-paid return envelope. (1) to “Very Important” (5). In a third set of
The cover letter explained both the nature items, each respondent indicated on a five-

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
point Likert-type scale, how “Satisfied” response on a scale which ranged from
they were with the company’s achievement “Very Dissatisfied” (1) to “Very Satisfied”
of their environmentally friendly goals. (5).
Respondents were asked to indicate their

Table 1: Importance of Environment (Green) in Decision Making Process (ANOVA)

Company Size
Number of Employees Sample Size (n) Mean
1-5 (Micro) 89 2.64 F=2.251
6-10 (Extremely Small) 61 2.82 p≤.08
11-20 (Very Small) 53 2.83
21+ (Small) 31 3.29
Scope of Operations
Sample Size (n) Mean
Local 130 2.76 F=.32
Statewide/Regional 67 2.87 Not Significant
National/International 37 2.92
Company Age
Sample Size
Years (n) Mean
1—10 37 2.65 F=1.19
11—20 59 2.64 Not Significant
21—35 93 2.95
36+ 47 2.96
Sample Size (n) Mean
Distributor/Wholesale/Retail 107 2.83 F=2.604
Services 88 2.65 p≤.08
Manufacturing 35 3.20

Internal Resource Advantage Factors their small company. The scale ranged
To assess a f irm’s relative resource from a “Great Disadvantage” (1) to a “Great
advantage or disadvantage as an internal Advantage” (5).
factor, potentially impacting the role on
importance of environmentally friendly Using factor analysis of the thirteen items,
company goals, thirteen items were three underlying internal resource factors
included on the questionnaire representing were identified and labeled as “Expertise,”
the resources used by the small firms. “Tangible Resources,” and “Low Cost.”
These items included such resources as the Table 2 presents the factor analysis that
“availability of capital,” “marketing created the three internal resource factors.
expertise,” or “access to low cost labor.” The factor loadings on the “Expertise”
For each resource item, respondents were factor include seven resources including
asked to indicate on a five-point Likert-type “Technical Expertise” and “Expertise in
scale if each resource was a r elative Customer Service.” The Tangible
advantage or a relative disadvantage for Resources factor had three resource

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
variables including “Leading Edge Plant/ such as “Access to Low Cost Labor” and
Equipment/ Production Facilities,” and the “Access to Low Cost Raw Materials.”
third factor “Low Cost” included resources

Table 2: Factor Analysis of Resource Availability Advantage/ Disadvantage Items

Item Expertise Tangible Resources Low Cost
Technical Expertise 0.633 0.387 -0.227
Expertise in Product/ 0.738 0.233 -0.122
Service Development
Marketing Expertise 0.552 0.445 -0.341
Highly Productive Employees 0.723 0.231 0.191
Expertise in Customer Service 0.798 0.074 0.274
Managerial Expertise 0.613 0.07 0.412
Employees Trained to Provide Superior 0.789 0.117 0.114
Customer Service
Availability of Capital 0.195 0.685 0.217
Leading Edge Plant/ Equipment/ 0.131 0.817 -0.016
Production Facilities
Innovative Marketing People 0.483 0.562 0.304
Access to Low Cost Distribution 0.192 0.493 0.528
Access to Low Cost Labor 0.122 -0.035 0.845
Access to Low Cost Raw Materials 0.031 0.229 0.62
Alpha Reliability Coefficient 0.86 0.7 0.64
Alpha Reliability Coefficient 0.86 0.70 0.64

A Chronbach’s Alpha Coefficient was to the level of difficulty the firm faces in
calculated for each of the internal resource their business environment. T he
factor measures. E xpertise (.86) was the Environmental Hostility measure was
highest, but Tangible Resources (.70) and developed using items from previous
Low Cost (.64) were still quite acceptable research (Chandler & Hanks, 1994) and
for exploratory research. modified for this study. I tems in the
Environmental Hostility measure are in a
External Environment Factors five-point Likert-type scale in the Agree/
To assess how external environment Disagree format and include “Low profit
impacts the importance of environmentally margins are characteristic of my industry,”
friendly goals, three external environment or “The failure rate of firms in my industry
variables were identified that have the is high.” The Environmental Hostility scale
potential to influence the role of “green” included six items with a Chronbach’s
priorities in a small business. T he first Alpha Coefficient of reliability of .62.
variable, “Environmental Hostility,” relates

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
Similarly, “Environmental Turbulence” FINDINGS
(sometimes referred to as Environmental
Dynamism) was derived from Chandler and Small Firm Descriptive Characteristics
Hanks (1994) and adapted to this research. To investigate the differences in the
It too was a five item, five-point Likert-type importance of environmental issues in a
scale in the Agree/Disagree format. Items in small firm’s decision making processes
the Environmental Turbulence scale relative to the descriptive characteristics of
included “The set of competitors in my a company, an ANOVA was calculated
industry has remained relatively constant across firm size, scope of operations,
over the past three years” and “Actions of company age, and industry type. Relative
competitors are quite easy to predict.” This to size, the small firms were categorized as
scale had a Chronbach’s Alpha Reliability “micro” (1-5 employees), “extremely
Coefficient of .60. small” (6-10 employees) “very small” (11-
20 employees) and “small” (21+
The third measure of external environment, employees) businesses. A significant
“Environmental Competitiveness,” was difference was identified (f = 2.251, p ≤
adapted from the Competitiveness scale of 0.08). This indicates there is a difference in
Green, Covin, and Slevin (2008). This scale the importance of green issues in a small
contained ten items such as “We emphasize business’s decision making relative to the
strict quality control to remain competitive firm’s size. A review of the mean
in our business” and “We engage in novel importance scores across the four categories
and innovative marketing techniques to of small firm size indicated that the largest
remain competitive in our business.” The of the small companies (21 or more
Environmental Competitiveness measure employees) believe environmental issues
was also in a five point Likert-type are much more important in their decision
Agree/Disagree format and had a making processes.
Chronbach’s Alpha Reliability Coefficient
of .68. Scope of operations was assessed by
dividing firms into three categories – local
Financial and Business Outcomes (businesses that operate within their
The financial and business outcome immediate vicinity), statewide or regional
measures are based on self reports by the small businesses, and small businesses that
owner/ operators regarding how the small operation on a national/international scale.
business is performing in four outcome No significant difference in the mean
categories. The measures are based upon a importance of environmental issues was
five-point Likert-type scale ranging from indicated based upon their scope of
“Decreasing Significantly” (1) to “Holding” operations. Today, breath of operations
(3) to “Increasing Significantly” (5). among small firms may not create
Respondents were asked to indicate the distinctive perspectives as very similar
response which corresponds most small businesses can use technology to
accurately with their business regarding compete anywhere.
“Cash Flow,” “Market Share,” “Sales,” and
“Earnings.” Relative to company age, firms were
categorized into four groupings relative to
the age of the business (1-10 years, 11-20
years, 21-35 years, and 36 years and over).

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
No significant difference was indicated environmentally friendly goals and goal
across firm ages; hence, the longevity of a setting in small businesses. One variable
firm does not appear to impact the emerged as significant. As shown in Table
importance of environmental issues in a 3, only Expertise, as an internal resource
small company’s decision making advantage, emerged as significant (t = 3 .27
processes. Age of a small firm may not be and p ≤ 0.00), thus providing some support
an influence on environmental awareness, for the influence of internal resource
but some firms may evolve into more green advantages on the importance of being
awareness as the firm matures in other environmentally friendly as a small firm
ways. goal. H2 is thus partially supported.

Considering their industry, firms self- Similarly, H3 was investigated using

classified their small business as stepwise regression with external variables
distributor/wholesale/retail, service, or includes in the analysis. Environmental
manufacturing. An ANOVA, relative to Competitiveness indicates how aggressive
industry type was significant (f = 2.604 and the small business competitive environment
p ≤ 0.08). The importance of environmental is while Environmental Hostility
issues among small manufacturing firms investigates the level of external forces that
appears to be higher than that of distributor can adversely impact the small business,
or services industry small businesses. Thus, and Environmental Turbulence is related to
there is partial support for H1. Both the uncertainty and unpredictability of the
company size and industry type small firm’s external environment. Two of
demonstrated significant differences. these three external environmental variables
emerged as significant – Environmental
Small Firm Internal Resources Competitiveness (t = 4.868 and p ≤ 0.00)
Small firms rich in resources have the and Environmental Hostility (t = 1.835 and
opportunity to be more environmentally p ≤ 0.05). Environmental turbulence was
conscious and participative when not significant, indicating only partial
determining their company goals. When support for H3.
firms have a great deal of financial
resources, they can use these funds in a Small businesses that enjoy positive
more environmentally friendly way. Small financial outcomes are often linked to also
firms with more expertise in technical or being satisfied with their achievement of
managerial skills, have an ability to utilize environmental goals. To investigate H4,
their knowledge base to be more four outcomes (cash flow, market share,
environmentally aware in their goals and sales, and earnings) were examined relative
decision making. S imilarly, when a s mall to the level of satisfaction a small company
business can benefit from low-cost has with the achievement of their
advantages, they have better margins built environmental goals. An ANOVA was
into their business model that can be utilized to compare the mean satisfaction
utilized in environmentally friendly ways as with environmental goal achievement
compared to small businesses that do n ot scores across each of the outcomes, relative
have these internal resources. To examine to whether the outcome was decreasing,
H2, a stepwise-regression analysis was holding constant, or increasing.
conducted to determine if any resource Interestingly, for all four outcomes the
advantages explain the importance of ANOVA was significant, as shown in Table

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
4: for cash flow (f = 2.73 and p ≤ 0.07), for holding constant or increasing. In no
market share (f = 3.810 and p ≤ 0.02), for instance was the cash flow, sales, market
sales (f = 4.08 and p ≤ 0.02), and for share, or earnings decreasing in firms that
earnings (f = 4.11 and p ≤ 0.02). An had a high level of satisfaction with
examination of the mean values of all four environmental goals. In all instances when
outcome variables indicates the highest all four outcome variables were decreasing,
level of satisfaction with the achievement of the level of satisfaction with environmental
environmental goals is always associated goals was also the lowest. Therefore, there
with small firms whose outcomes are either is complete support for H4.

Table 3: Stepwise Analysis of the Impact of Internal Resources and External

Environment on Importance of Environmentally Friendly Goals

Internal Resources Stepwise Analysis

Dependent Variable: Importance of Environmentally Friendly Goals
R²=.06 F=10.68 P=≤.00

Internal Resources
Included: Beta t Significance
Expertise 0.215 3.27 0.00

Not Included: Beta in t Significance

Tangible Resources 0.005 0.06 0.96
Low Cost Advantage 0.093 1.28 0.20

External Environment Stepwise Analysis

Dependent Variable: Importance of Environmentally Friendly Goals

R²=.15 F=18.887 P=≤.00

External Environment
Included: Beta t Significance
Competitiveness 0.329 4.868 0.00

Environmental Hostility 0.124 1.835 0.05

Not Included: Beta in t Significance

Environmental Turbulence -0.052 -0.803 0.423

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
Table 4: Impact of Satisfactory Environmentally Friendly Goal Achievement
on Company Outcomes (ANOVA)

Cash Flow

F=2.73 Mean Decreasing Mean Holding Mean Increasing

p≤.07 2.57 2.94 3.06
(n=28) (n=111) (n=98)

Market Share

F=3.810 Mean Decreasing Mean Holding Mean Increasing

p≤.02 2.89 3.36 3.29
(n=28) (n=111) (n=97)


F=4.08 Mean Decreasing Mean Holding Mean Increasing

p≤.02 2.79 3.40 3.14
(n=28) (n=111) (n=97)


F=4.11 Mean Decreasing Mean Holding Mean Increasing

p≤.02 2.54 3.17 2.96
(n=28) (n=111) (n=98)

DISCUSSION of key perspectives– the descriptive

characteristics (type) of a small business,
As environmental issues continue to be an the internal resource advantages and
increasingly important topic impacting how disadvantages of the small firm, the external
all firms set goals, make decisions, and macro-level industry challenges faced, and
achieve outcomes, it is increasingly finally and perhaps most importantly, the
important to understand how environmental small businesses’ financial and
consciousness impacts decision making market/growth-related realization
specifically for small businesses. Most outcomes.. T hus, the entire spectrum of
research in this area is focused on large small business circumstances, situational,
firms. Because small businesses are the external, operations (internal), and success
largest class of firms, exploratory study on outcomes, are examined in this study to
smaller business is important. T his study provide a comprehensive and holistic view
examines four distinct factors that could of these important topics.
influence the role of environment in small
business operations, studied from a number Based on this study, small firms with more
than 20 e mployees and small businesses
Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
involved in manufacturing are more likely Firms involved in turbulent environments
to consider environmental issues as part of that are highly variable generally do not
their decision making. The “larger” small consider environmental issues as part of
firms may have more economic momentum, their goal development. The changeability
meaning that they have achieved a stability and minute-to-minute decision making
level beyond start-up that can accommodate required in these firms do not allow for a
decision issues beyond survival. Once a long-term perspective that can
start-up evolves beyond the chaotic early accommodate environmental concerns. It is
months or years, environmental issues can interesting that small businesses in highly
become a co nsideration in strategy. In competitive environments and hostile
general, manufacturing firms are likely to environments do recognize the importance
have more significant and diverse of environmentally friendly goals. It could
implications of environmental awareness, be that having an environmental
and they have more opportunities to be consciousness in a competitive environment
socially responsible in purchasing raw helps a small firm develop their strategic
materials, managing production processes, competitive advantage through their
or reducing and managing waste as environmental awareness. The more
compared to distribution/wholesale/retail or aggressive or negative the external
services businesses. The importance of the environment faced by a s mall business, the
environment in decision making may be in more environmentally friendly goals tends
part a function of having the opportunity to to be part of the goal setting process. This
support environmental concerns as a might inoculate the small firm from some of
competitive advantage. This is often the pressure that comes from legal, social,
inherent in manufacturing firms that are political, weather issues, and a host of other
further evolved. macro-level variables that could impact
Looking internally, each small firm has a
unique resource environment to call upon in As might be expected relative to the large
making their decisions and setting realistic firm literature, small firms satisfied with
goals. The resource most closely related to their achievement of green goals also
being environmentally friendly was the appear to have better financial and business
Expertise of the small business. A firm’s outcomes in earnings, marketing share,
technical prowess, marketing skills, and sales, and cash flow. It is likely these four
managerial expertise were associated with outcome measures are proxies for each
the importance in a small firm of other. Firms whose earnings and sales are
considering environmentally friendly issues increasing typically experience higher
as part of their company goals. Firms with earnings and market advantages. While
more expertise can better understand the satisfaction with environmental goals is
environmental issues and develop strategy associated with small firms that have
and decisions that are environmentally increasing outcome measures (in cash flow,
oriented. markets share, sales, and earnings),
satisfaction with achievement of
Relative to external factors, many firms environmental goals is not associated with
face difficult environments that create decreases in cash flow, market share, sales,
unique and difficult issues they must or earnings. Based upon this study, being
consider in making strategic decisions. environmentally friendly is an activity only

Journal of Small Business Strategy Vol. 24, No. 1
evidenced in firms who are stable or warranted. For example does this evolution
advancing relative to their financial or follow a l ife cycle? Is there a d ifference in
market success. processes or even a p otential gap between
“green” strategy formulation and its
AREAS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH implementation? Do small firms develop
systems for environmental management and
Clearly the data in this exploratory study recycling over time? Do such recycling and
have identified that even in small firms the reuse or reclamation practices provide
green or environmental issues influence differentiation or cost advantages to the
decision making, goal setting, and smaller firm? These are interesting
satisfaction with goal achievement. More unanswered questions that require the
research is needed to confirm and extend measurement of this transition over time.
these finding as well as identify specific
environmental concerns that are most REFERENCES
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