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(BRU Research Unit Boundary & Territory Briefings This cuthorttative sertes offers a unique insight mto key territorial issues around the world Each briefing focuses on a specific regional territorial problem or —bouindary-related technical issue. An expert analysts of the issues 1s offered including the geographical context, the legal and historical background, the military, strategic and security implications, and a summary of the current situation with an assessment of future prospects. There are three volumes of the Boundary & Territory Briefings composed of eight briefings per volume, each one written dy an Internationally acknowledged expert ti the fla. Volume 1 Who Owns Antarctica? Governing and Managing the Last Continent Vol.1 No.1 Peter Beck In spite of its inhospitable environment and isolated position, Antarctica consistently attracts the attention of | the most powerful counties in the world. The continent acts as the exvuonmental engine which daves the ‘ocean cumrents, and possesses untold resource potential Antarctica also plays host toa vast spectrum of valuable scientific research which has e-defined our understanding of geologic history and climate change — eats SS) alike’? svfrmauns No fewer than seven states claim sovereignty over puts of the ce-covered continent which accounts for some 10% ofthe worlds lad surface. The exception to aay of the noms of soveeigaty, Antscic x maintained by ‘complex teatonial regune ude the Antzcbe Trey System. This buefing examines the backgzound to those femitonel cain end tunes the evoluon of, and lorpcts fr, the Antec Tieay Systm. Ths Sytem ovules e fiamework for the preivation of peace, Ftebsty and selene cooperation in the ‘ast gieat wwidereeson can oP * Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-05-5, 1994, S7pp Boundary & Territory Briefings Ceuta and the Spanish Sovereign Territories: Spanish and Moroccan Claims Vol.1 No.2 Gerry O' Reilly Both Morocco and Spain claim sovereignty aver the five temitones of Ceuta, Melilla, Penon de Vélez de Ja Gomera, Penon de Alhucémas and the Chaferines Islands in North Africa. The most important of these 4s Ceuta which is located at the eastem entrance to the Suit of Gibraltax. Spain claims these temitories on Ingely historical grounds: right of conquest, terra nulls jpunciples and longevity of occupation. Spain stresses that the majonty of residents there axe Spanish and wish to vemain under Spanish rule. It also axgues that military ‘bases in the temitories are important for Spanish national secuity. Morocco argues that United Nations principles of | decolonization shouldbe applied, that Spanish occupation obstructs the economic and political independence of the Jangcom, and that the Spanish bases threaten Moroccan ational security Morocco also stresses that Spanish ‘anguments for the recovery of the British Crown Colony of Gibralter substantiate Morocco’s claim. Both counties attempt to justify their claims in tems of the UN principle of the terntorial integrity of the state, This dispute has fon occasion reached boiling point, such as the face-off ‘between Moroccan and Spanish forces in July 2002 over the islet of Perejil near Ceuta, ‘This briefing exemines the Spanish and Moroccan axguments conceming the disputed temitones from Iustoricel, geograplucel, demographic and legal perspectives. It argues that, fundamentally, temitonal ‘conflicts in the region axe the legacy of the historical ‘geopolitical oxgenusation of the area, and that the dispute ‘cannot be seen as a purely bilateral affex. In this context it also considers issues such as economic and stategic secuity, the impact of the dispute on the issue of Gibraltar, the potential for confit, and possible scenarios for the futwe. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-06-03, 1994, 36pp Territorial Proposals for the Settlement of War in Bosnia-Hercegovina Vol.1 No.3 Mladen Klemenéié Witten over the course of the fst two yeats of the war in Bosnie-Hercegoving, this briefing represents a unique record of the vatious proposals for the partition of the country put forward between the spring of 1991 and ‘May 1994, Drawing on local soucces which were langely overlooked by Westem media, Mladen Klementi¢ paints ‘a vivid picture of the disinfegvation of the ‘and of hidden ated’ and the political machinations which undermined every attempt to resolve the conflict. The research is drawn fiom the temtonal claims and jroposals of the Bosnian communities (made first to one another and later to intemational mediators) and the proposals assembled by infemational organisations in search of ‘ solution fo the ‘Bosnien knot’. This briefing explores the justifications for those tenitorial claims and positions taken by the infemational community The study is a systematic analysis of the femitorial dimensions of the struggle, within the greater chaos of events in Bosnia dung this entical period, Containing thirty specially-prepared maps and detailed demographic statistics drawn fiom over « hundzed years of population censuses, this study is essential reading for ‘anyone who wishes fo understand the tragedy of Bosnia Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-15-2, 1994, 7épp Boundary & Territory Briefings The Boundary Between Ecuador and Peru Vol.1 No.4 Ronald Bruce St John Ronald Bruce St Jobn fst visited Ecuador and Peru in 1968 and hes been a regular commentator on Andean affeizs since then, publishing more than 100 books and articles. His timely and authonitative briefing traces the historical roots ofthe boundary dispute between Ecuador ‘and Peru, analyses the legel cases of the two sides, and discusses the various attempts that have been made to resolve the confct from the Spanish azbitration of 1887 to the present day. ote: Much of the material in this briefing has been Incorporated into the updated study in Boundary & ‘Tenitory Briefing Vol. 3 No.1 Paperback, ISBN 1-897663-12 8, 1994, 24pp Cross-Border Crime in the Former Soviet Union Vol.1 No.5 Mark Galeotti “For you [Westerners], borders represent barners and termvia, for us thay represent epportuaties.” (Chechen gangster, 1993) From the assassination of a respected Russian television presenter to Moscow’s guenilla war in Chechaye, there have been numerous wamings indicating the extent to which crime has exploded in ell the post-Soviet states. ‘This is not only a problem of domestic politics, it has dzect implications for the rest of the would: + for business executives looking towards investment ‘and operation within Eurasia, + for insurance firms being called upon to make risk assessments in the 1egion, + for financial institutions facing illegal money Inundering operations, + for security analysts considering the potential dangers posed by the new gangs, and their rade in guns, narcotics and even nuclear matenals, + for every Westemer faced with the implications of | crimunal penetration, fiom the eastwards flow of stolen cats to the impact of cheaper eastem drugs on the streets ‘This fascinating contribution to the Boundary & Teritory Briefings series offers @ timely and concise assessment of the scale and implications of cross-border crime im, fiom and through post-Soviet Eurasia. Written by. ‘an acknowledged intemational expert in the field, it actresses both the activities of the criminals and their sain theatres of operation, with maps end charts sho the ‘soft boners most af nak he peneteton of genet from the former Soviet Union into Europe and their Jpncipal routes in Ewope end Asia as well asthe global ‘criminal economy’. Its conclusions should be required. reading for anyone seeking an informed assessment ofthe region's prospects Paperback ISBN 1-897643-16-0, 1995, 26pp Boundary & Territory Briefings The Bolivia-Chile-Peru Dispute in the Atacama Desert Vol.1 No.6 Ronald Bruce St John ‘The Atacama Desert, situated on the central-west coast of South Americe, is one of the more remote and inhospitable azeas in the world In spite of its location this arid, sparsely inhabited region occupies a unique place in the contemporary pantheon of outstanding boundary and tenitorial disputes, In @ continent awash with temitonal contoversy the dispute in the Atacama Desert stands ‘apart as one of the most involved and intractable. The dispute reflects the conflicting geopolitical ambitions of Bolivia, Chile and Peru, It began before two of the disputants won their independence from Spain, end itis stl active today, although the salient issues have changed considerably aver the last century Anumber of interelated concems combine to distinguish the Atacama Desert dispute from neighbouring temnitonal questions. Post-independence Bolivian politicians almost uimmediately chamctenised the istue asa question of national survival. Faced with a highly disadvantageous geopolitical position, the Bolivian government placed improved sezess to the Pacific coast at the very top of its early foreign policy agenda. With the discovery. of, fist, guano and late, mitrete deposits, the actual or potential Wealth of the region subsequently influenced the diplomatic claims of the goverments of both Chile and Peru. Consequently, the dispute soon involved a wide range of infenelated temitorial, economic, and Political issues which defied energetic, creative atempts Xt settlement Over tine the contoversy eached beyond. the original thes protagonists to repeatedly involve other regional powers, incluing the government of Argentina, Brea, and the United States This briefing provides a detailed overview of the ‘Atacama Desert question, tacing the development ofthe dispute from the early nineteenth century tzough to the [resent day. Territorial changes and proposals ete clearly Lustated ina series of speeally-drawm maps, and DrSt John’s commentary highlights the key events and actors in this log and seemingly intactable dispute Paperback, ISBN 1-897663-14-4, 1994, 32pp Boundary & Territory Briefings Boundaries in Flux: The ‘Green Line’ Boundary Between Israel and the West Bank - Past, Present and Future Vol.1 No.7 David Newman 1 ey re ae a sete agar as et etn seen fe nate divers gatacgme ee eed a yee ia ee enc tastier iecieod ames maby poy, Mao Reis crate A, ae eesti aan ips Salty a cai alt cece naib mtn She eaulmencemroenieia fanaa ‘The study also touches on the role of the ‘Green Line’ within Jerusalem, probably the single most complex, and, at this stage, seemingly insoluble aspect of the condict ‘The history of the “Green Line’ in Jerusalem closely auors the functional changes which have taken place along the remainder of the couse of the boundary While ‘both sides to the condlict see Jerusalem as the political and administrative cente of their respective state! ‘auionomous entities, neither side supports the idea of a city physically redivided, Paperback, ISBN 1-597643-25-X, 1995, Sipp The Evolution of the Egypt - Israel Boundary: from Colonial Foundations to Peaceful Borders Vol.1 No.8 Nurit Kliot ‘The formation of the present Egyptian-Ieraeli border thas taken place over a period of elmost 80 years during which four wass have been fought between Israel and Egypt themselves, as well as two world wars involving the colonial powers which formerly ruled Egypt and InaelPalestine. The final border line thus reflects three aajor factors + The colonial struggle which took place between Great Britain and the Ottoman Exipue, with the ‘putcipation of such bystanders as Russia, Germany, France and Austria. ‘The ws between Bgypt and sre, the most sunportet being the 1948-9 wa (We nae War of Independence)” ‘The Peace Teaty whch was signed between Israel sual Egypt in 1979 and which provided the Boal fumed cognition of he border ine os a mtualy recognised pemuanent and peacefl border between the tro nations ‘This briefing is divided into two main parts. The fst ‘pat examines the development of the border between 1906 and 1948. The second deals with developments in the period 1949 to 1982 and the ‘cold peace” which developed along the boundary thereafter. In addition, f special section is devoted to the Taba dispute and ite settlement, Paperback ISBN 1-897643-17-9, 1995, 2Ipp Boundary & Territory Briefings Volume 2 Positioning and Mapping International Land Boundaries Vol.2 No.1 Ron Adler ‘The architects of international boundaries axe the statesmen and politicians who negotiate and eventually reach an agreement on the choice of boundary site and its definition within the framework of delimitation, In this process they ave aided by diplomats, lawyers and political advisors with backgrounds in felds such as political science, law, history and economics. Ideally, they: should also be assisted by boundary engineers sllled in geography, geodesy, cartography and computer science, Who can provide the treaty negotiators with reliable information about the potential boundary site and, subsequent to delimitation, supervise the demarcation of the boundary on the ground. Unfortunately, this rarely happens, and all too often mattezs dismissed by. negotiators as “technical issues’ later to re-emerge as souices of serious political friction. ‘The pupose ofthis briefing i twofold: sty t provides snovervewof he sientife and techaucal sevice offered by boundny engineers todey, secondly, it proposes a rodel for the inconponstion of these services into the vera bounary-malang process, thereby helping to ‘dg the gapbe teen boundary rchitects end boundary fngineens As the fast senous study of the technical ‘specs of land boundary delintation fo be published for than fifty yeas, Dr Adler's briefing is essential reading for anyone oth an interest an the establishnent and rnanagenient of international boundaries Note: Much of the material in this briefing has been incorporated into an updated study in Boundary & ‘Tenifory Briefing Vol. 3 No.4. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-19-5, 1995, 6lpp The Territorial Dispute Between Indonesia and Malaysia Over Pulau Sipadan and Pulau Ligitan in the Celebes Sea: a Study in International Law Vol.2 No.2 Renate Haller-Trost Palau Sipedan and Palau Ligiten axe two stoall islands 4m the Celebes See off the south eastem coast of the ‘Maleysian state of Sabah, whose sovereignty ave disputed ‘between Indonesia and Malaysia. The cispute faxed up 4m 1991 when Indonesia discovered that Malaysia had ‘bull some towistfecities on Palau Sipadan. Indonesia claimed that the two govemments had made a verbal ‘agreement in 1969 to discuss the question of sovereignty later date; Malaysia deed this, maintaining that the islands have elways been pat of Sebeh ‘The dispute is significant as it was the fiast south-east ‘Asian tenitonel dispute to be settled at the Intemational Court of Justice. Dr Haller Trost’sthoroughly-researched legal analysis of the claims of the two parties examines the origins of the dispute, zelevant international treaties, cartographic evidence and state practice. This befing provides a unique overview of «hitherto little understood Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-20-9, 1995, 40pp Boundary & Territory Briefings The Riau Islands and Economic Cooperation in the Singapore - Indonesian Border Zone Vol.2 No.3 Karen Peachey, Martin Perry and Carl Grundy-Warr Inthe early 1990s, Indonesia's Riau islands tothe southof ‘Singapore expenienced an investmentboom. Singeporean investuent in infastructue and management combined with low operating costs in Indonesia produced dramatic growth. Between 1988 and 1993, Batam, the closes Riau sland to Singapore, experienced population growth of over 50%, an eight-fold increase in the value of its exports and a fifteen-fold increase in annual private sawestment, Similar rates of growth have also taken place fon the neighbouring islands of Bintan and Kanimun, ‘The transformation of the Indonesia-Singapore border region is of more than local interest for several reasons Fust, the investment strategy employed by Singapore in Batam has become the model for a much laxger regional programme. Second, the Indonesie-Singepore cooperation in the Riau has become part of a tapartite inihative im subregional cooperation with the inclusion of the Malaysian state of Johor. Thirdly, the experience of Batam and neighbowing islands is a test of the Indonesian development model. Fowthly, the Rieus also provide a case study of the constraints on seeking to ‘fast track’ development in a low-income country with high levels of population migration, ‘This briefing provides a deteiled analysis of the Riau Islands project end its consequences. It begins by discussing the context for Indonesian Singaporean cooperation in the area and outlines the development strategy being followed, It then examines the flagship yrojeeis and their impact on the Riau islands. Finally at considers the influence of the project on the Indonesia- ‘Malaysia Singapore Growth Thangle and the zegion in general. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-27-6, 1997, 5%p Boundary & Territory Briefings How to Prove Title to Territory: a Brief, Practical Introduction to the Law and Evidence Vol.2 No.4 John McHugo ‘This monograph is developed fiom a lecture given by. John MeHugo of Trowers and Hamlins at the IBRU workshop on negotiting international boundaries in December 1997. Its pupose is to show readers how to ‘assess the strength of a claim to @ temitory and how to rove it before an intemational tribunal (or in mediation fr negotiations) Itis based on eleven yeaus’ experience ‘by the author assembling end collating evidence, writing objective assesments of the strength of temitorial claims, ‘ancl preparing pleadings to substantiate them ‘The author sets out the basic rules for acquiring and zaintaning tile to temtory im infemational law, giving concrete examples of how the conduct states has affected the strength of their claims, He then tums his attention to the evidence which can prove @ claim, including the use and] value of archival material, maps and expert evidence Before concluding, he takes the reader through tro of the leading cases conceming title to temitory this century, andl examines which axguments by the parties convinced the ‘Tnbunal. This well thought out and cleanly waitten paper is designed in penticuler for diplomats and others who have not previously acquired an in-depth background in ‘but wish to develop quickly a grasp of how to vette to temitory It concentrates onthe practical, and Explains concepir etd fechascel temas an epee language, avoiding complicated jargon Paperback ISBN 1-897643-29.2, 1998, 23pp War or Peace on the Line of Control?: the India - Pakistan Dispute over Kashmir Turns Fifty Vol.2 No.5 Robert G Wirsing ‘The Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India passed the fifteth anniversary of its formal origins in mid- Angust 1997. It is one of the world’s longest-ranning ‘boundary conflicts, with @ record of intersiate violence which continues to justify maintenance of the United ations’ second oldest peacekeeping mission. Efforts by the intemational community to mediate the dispate stretch, back nearly the entze fifty yeass, and the two feuding govemments of India and Pakistan have themselves for the same length of time repeatedly atempted to sort out their differences through bilateral talks. The dispute's imhactability in the face of all these efforts, warrant it ‘being clubbed amongst the world’s ‘conflicts unending” ‘The aim of this briefing is sty to explain why progress in regard to Keshmur up to this point in South Asian history has been so painfully dificult. Secondly, it hopes to evaluate the prospects under cument conditions for India and Pakistan to negotiate an agxeement on ‘ashmur that would finally place this dispute on the road to peaceful resolution. The importance of an agreement over Kashnur has been dramatically underscored by the ‘back-to-back series of nuclear tests conducted by the two countries in May 1998 ‘The briefing includes sections on: the origins of the dispute; the evolution of the Line of Contol, the Aksai (Chin question; the Siachen Glacier dispute; the Kashmiri ‘upnsing of 1989, diplomatic moves to negotiate a solution for Kashmir, and proposals fora setlement. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-31-4, 1998, 40pp Boundary & Territory Briefings The Land Boundaries of Indochina: Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam Vol.2 No.6 Ronald Bruce St John ‘This briefing explores the history of the delimitation and demarcation of the land boundaries of Cambodie, Laos and Vietnam, ‘The indigenous rulers of the pre-modem states which constituted Southeast Asia at the begining of the auneteenth century were unable to resist either the modem armaments of a determined Ewopean power or the ‘hegemonic thrust of European concepts of politica space France began ils occupation of the azea it designated Indochina’ with the Treaty of Saigon in 186) and concluded it with the addition of Laos to the Indochinese ‘Union in 1893. Where the former ruezs of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam were generally content with shared sovereignty, leaving their frontier axees fluid, French authorities insisted on the delimitation and demarcation of administrative boundaries thuough fixed lines drawn fon maps and border markers implanted in the soil. As a result, the colonization of French Indochina wentbeyond ‘exe nineteenth century power politics to redefine and reconstruct spatial realities throughout the region. ‘This resolution of fundamental differences in conceptual approaches to geography and sovereignty, and the spatial reconstruction which resulted, produced an enduring and ‘paradoxical legacy Colonial rule sparked headyvintage of Asian nationalism, but the new wine was poured info old wineskine in the form of colonial boundaries Consequently, the cunent boundaries of Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam amount to only smell deviations from colonial boundaries albeit with the notable difference that they were concluded between equal and independent sites, Boundary by boundary, ths, buefng examines ‘each of the land boundaries between these thvee states, in addition to discussing their respective boundaries with China, Paperback, ISBN 1-897643. 2, 1998, Sipp The German - Danish Border: A Successful Resolution of an Age Old Conflict or its Redefinition? Vol.2 No.7 Norman Berdichevsky ‘The Danish-Germen frontier is one several European bordevlands that have undergone vigorous competition for the ‘hearts and minds’ of individuals regarding their ‘ethnic origins and future loyalties ‘This briefing explowes the conflict over South Jutland ‘becuse it demontites that national and eta identity se not necesmanly fhe same ting and because itz ‘esoluion ws base on the pinesplesof anual spect for musonty nhs, insbeed of Se move ural “thc cleansing’ patter and wholesale exchange of popalatons Iehghlghts cunent dsgieemeat over how much EU regional, economic and political c¢ sration should be SEght by both ss ate enpese 2 Jeopendang he ‘fun ecogaston of mixaity nghis ‘The author also considers the change in status of the Danish minonty in the Schleswig-Holstein region. ‘Although it felt abandoned following Denmark's refusal to press fora plebiscite or annexation of South Schleswig, in 1945, ithas re-established a firm footing inthe cultual, social and political life of the region, and is considerably stronger than the German mizonty in Denmark, «reversal of the situation that revailed in 1920 or 1939, Paperback ISBN 1-897643-34.9, 1999, 42pp Boundary & Territory Briefings Estoppel, Acquiescence and Recognition in Territorial and Boundary Dispute Settlement Vol.2 No.8 Nuno Sérgio Marques Antunes International law is based on the concept of the state, with a stable intemational teritonl order one of its cazdinal is, teritonal changes only taking place, prima facie, in accordance with the principle of consent’ Acquiescence, recognition and estoppel aze judicial concepis to which international tubunals have frequently resoxted in order to zeach decisions in situations where the evidence based on tneaties and custom is found inadequate or the application of ui posaddets is seen tobe inconclusive The pupose of this study, igluding an enlysis of relevant case law, it 10 descube how ese concepts Inve been ured in both tet end boundaxy dsp setlennent, ado look at sonse ofthe robles that ay rerul the fom. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-35.7, 2000, 42pp Volume 3 The Ecuador - Peru Boundary Dispute: the Road to Settlement Vol.3 No.1 Ronald Bruce St John ‘Thwoughout Latin America, the exact borders of the anewlye-foned republics atthe outset of the independence em were often a highly controversial subject. In consequence, bitter temtonal disputes, often involving vast tacts of land and considerable weelth, soon developed. Many of these temtitorial questions were in fact boundary disputes resultng fiom the failure of the ‘Spanish government to delineate its administative wits ‘dining the colonel period with precision, ‘The emotionally charged and highly involved boundary: dispute between Ecuador and Peru, sometimes referred to as the Zarunille-Marafion dispute, was one of the lest uuesolved issues dating from this peniod. After ‘complicating and Inter-American relations tHuoughout most of the nineteenth and twentietheentwies, the dispute was finally settled with the signing of the ‘package of accords known as the Brasilia Agreements in October 1998. Containing 27 highly detailed maps, this study should be required reedong for those interested in Latin America tenttorial issues or dispute resolution, Paperback ISBN 1-897643-36-5, 1999, 65pp Boundary & Territory Briefings Boundaries, Borders and Peace - Building in Southern Africa: the Spatial Implications of the ‘African Renaissance’ Vol.3 No.2 Richard A Griggs Border end boundary problems have enomous implications for peace-building and demultensation in the Southem Afticen Development Community (SADC). ‘On one hand, secessionist movements, conflicting state clains to teratory, ethnic claims to stale powels and temitores, en the illegal movement of people and goods ‘bung instbility and conflict tothe region. On the other hand the spatial plans associated with the concept of an ‘Afican Renaissance propose opportunites for bulding stebilty, peace and rospenty through regionalisetion, cooperative management of resowces and transport comidors thet ink Southem Affican economies War and Peace on the Danube: The Evolution of the Croatia - Serbia Boundary Vol.3 No.3 Clive Schofield and Mladen Klemenéié ‘The Croatia-Seibia border was the scene of some of the most intense fighting that accompanied the disintegration of communist Yugoslavia in 1991. This Briefing offers historical overview of the evolution of the Croatia « Serbia boundary, detailing events in Eastem Slavonia ‘between 1991 and 2001. The authors examine the success of UN efforts to defuse ethnic and nationalist tensions, and bring about dispute resolution thxough the peaceful reintegration of Eastem Slavonia into Croatia. Events in the region in the aftermath of the UN's withdawal are also studied to identify remaining points of dispute, explore the prospects for the region and analyze whether ‘and how new bordevland regional identities axe being zed in Eastern Slavonia. In addition, the authors outline the prospects for the emergence of a borderlands sdentity in the region. Including detailed maps and colour images, this briefing is essential for understanding the historical and political aspects of the Croatia-Sexbia boundary specifically, as well as the variety of complications associated with a meandering river boundary. ‘This briefing uses geographic analysis and maps to ‘assess the potential of the African Renaissance to provide ‘peaceful solutions to boundary problems affecting the SADC region. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-37-3, 2000, 30pp Paperback, ISBN 1-897663-41-1, 2001, pp Boundary & Territory Briefings Geographical Information in Delimitation, Demarcation and Management of International Land Boundaries Vol.3 No.4 Ron Adler Positioning and mapping techniques have advanced greatly in recent years, puticularly positioning by global positioning systems (GPS or satelite methods) and geographical information systems (GIS) tools. This ‘briefing provides an overview of the state-of-the-att of ‘boundary making on land, ‘The technical aspects of infemational bourdary elimitetion and demarcation axe considered, including what a boundary consists of, what a boundary agreement involves, what demarcation involves and the role of the ‘boundary engineer at all stages. ‘The technologies of boundary engineering axe described in deta, including boundary coordinates, maps, remote sensing applications, end global posiboning systems ‘The natue and importence of geogzephicel information systems is considered in depth ‘Two case studies of modem demarcation and recording ssuveys- the Iag.Euveit boundary end the Isael-lordan boundary - provide comprehensive examples of the considerations end technigues deseubed in the Briefing ‘being put into prectice Paperback, ISBN 1-897663-40.3, 2001, 7pp The International Boundaries of East Timor Vol.3 No.5 Neil Deeley ‘The purpose of this briefing isto serve as an introduction to the recent crisis on the island of Timor, and to provide a background to the history of the infemational boundary between Indonesia and the most recent addition to the imtemational community, the independent state of East Timor. This analysis provides an insight into the relevant historical, geopolitical, resource and functional factors applying to, and at, the boundary between these neighbows, dating back to the period of the Dutch and Portuguese colonists ‘The land boundary elignment on Timor is examined in deta, relative to the recognised treaty materials, according to the cunent principles of intemational law, and ageinst the best geographic sowce materials at a variety of scales. The evolution of the manitime ig also examined in some detail, and a nuuber of llustative figures are included. All ofthis information is set firmly within the historical context, and a full chronology of key events is provided as en appendix Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-42-X, 2001, 6lpp Boundary & Territory Briefings Towards a Framework for Resolution of the Territorial Dispute over the Kurile Islands Vol.3 No.6 Seokwoo Lee ‘Temitorel disputes arising from the aftermath of World ‘Wer Il continte to hamper international selations in the ‘Ania Pacific region. Japan is a cigputant in three such cases involving islands in East Asa. Inthe fist of thuee ‘buefings focusing on these disputes, Dr Le examines the ‘unl slenls cose in deta, strtng with the geographical ‘and histoncal background to the dispute. Both clamants, Japan endl Russia, mashal support for their cases fiom Iustoncal souces, and these aze the decisions teken on ‘boundaries andl teitorial dispositions et the end of World Wer I, chiefly within the Sen Francisco Peace Theat Interpretation of the texitonal clauses of that treaty and their implementation aze pivotal to an understending, and even an eventual solution, ofthe dispute oe bene Drawing upon intemational lew, together with a study of the recent history and developments in the dispute, this buiefing assesses the respective claims of Japan ‘and Russia fo the Kurle Islands and the Likelihood of « resolution to the dispute in the near future ‘See also Boundary & Tenttory Briefings Vol3 No.7 and Vol 3. No$ for information on two addtional island disputesin East Adainvoling Japan. Paperback ISBN 1-897643-44-6, 2001, 5Spp Territorial Disputes among Japan, China and Taiwan Concerning the Senkaku Islands Vol.3 No.7 Seokwoo Lee ‘The ongoing tenitoriel disputes between Japan, the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Taiwan over the Pumacle Islends/Senkal Islends/Diao-yu-tai anwolves @ number of significant issues, including futwe offshore oil development. The dispute has impeded the romotion of stability in East Asia and, in peuticules, ‘bilateral relations between Japan end China and Japan, ‘and Taiwan. This briefing, the second in Dr Lee's series concerning East Asian island disputes, begins by ‘examining the geographical and historical background to the dispute. It then analyses the legal eagument made ‘by each of the three claimants conceming sovereignty over the islands. This analysis includes assessment of @ ‘potential eritical date in the dispute and the implication of existing treaties between the parties. Lastly the author seeks to discem which of the paaties has the best legal claim to the important Pinnacle Islands Senkaku Islands! Diao-yutai. ‘See also Bowulary & Tentitory Briefings Vol3 No 6 and Vol 3. No$ for information on two adéhtional island disputesin East Aaainvoluing Japan. Paperback ISBN 1-597643-50-5, 2002 37pp Boundary & Territory Briefings The Resolution of the Territorial Disputes between Korea and Japan over the Liancourt Rocks Vol.3 No.8 Seokwoo Lee Concluding Dr Lee's suvey of island sovereignty. isputes in East Asia, this buefing provides a detailed Iustoricel and legel analysis of the dispute over @ cluster of tiny islands which lie midway between the Korean and Jepanese mainland. Veriously called Liancowt Rocks, Tokdo (in Korea) and Takeshima (in Jepan) the islands have a potentially dramatic effect on the division cof maritime space in the East Sea! Sea of Japan. In spite of their small physical size, if the Liancourt Rocks were deemed to be islands under the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea their possession could affect some 16,600 square nautical miles of maritime space between the two countries. With such high stakes involved, both Japan end Korea are keen to estebish their respective claims. With indepth research the author critiques the legal exguments of both partes, particularly in the wake of the San Francisco Peace Treaty of 1951. This briefing 5 a unigue analysis of this strategically important ‘but little-known dispute pomp ‘See also Bowndary & Tenstory Briefings Vol3 No 6 and Vol 3. No.7 for information on two addtional island disputesin East Adainvoling Japan. Paperback, ISBN I-897643-5-9, 2002 5 pp Maritime Briefings ‘The Maritime Briefings sertes presents detatled case studies and expert techintcal guides to ‘maritime boundary issues. The 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) finally entered into force in 1994 and, as its full implications are recognised ‘maritime boundary issues are becoming mereasingly contentious. —_‘Teciologtcal developments have unlocked a wealth of ocean resources and the subsequent scramble for ‘maritime space has yielded a new generation of disputes. This series 1s designed to reflect developments in geographical, legal and technical approaches to questions of maritime sovereignty and boundary deitmitation, and to provide a detatied assessment of the changing status of maritime boundaries. Volume 1 Historical Legal Claims: A Study of Disputed Sovereignty over Pulau Batu Puteh / Pedra Branca Vol.1 No.1 Renate Haller-Trost Sovereignty over the “white rock” of Pulau Batu PuvivPeda Bronce is depute between Malaya and Singapore. ‘Site a the case entence of he Sat af Singepore is sgaicnce it rly state, tithogh it iso hag an input on the deinutaion of tema su boundanee ine are, Singspore' lai ie baged pomanly on en Angle Dutch tet of 18244nd tRPhct dette euhonuee &Singepn have maniened ‘lighthowe on te rock sine 1651 However Malan fugues hat it has exercised sovereignty over Put Bata Path since tte fondaton of the Joho Ri Linggs Sultan he ey 6th century ‘This detailed briefing examines the competing claims of Malaysia end Singapore fiom a historical end legal perspective. Analysing xelevant documents and state ‘pacice, the euthor concludes that Singapore has the stronger case but emphasises that the dispute is a complex fone whose resolution will requize careful political as well as legal judgement. The aigument put forward by the author will be of particular interest considering that ‘Malaysia and Singapore took theix dispute over Pulau ‘Batu Puteh to the International Court of Justice in 2003, Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-04-7, 1993, 36pp Maritime Briefings Technical Aspects of Maritime Boundary Delimitation Vol.1 No.2 Peter Beazley Following the entry into force of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1994, many states are seeking to define the limits of their zones of maritime Juisdiction and any maritime boundaries that need to ne ‘agreed witht their neighbows. ‘This expert briefing offers a clear and concise guide to the Key technical issues associated with manitime ‘boundary delimitation. Topics covered include: zones of junsdiction; charts, basepoints and baselines; map and chart projections, geodetic and tidal detuns, rethods of boundary determination; and matters arising from jurdicial decisions such as relevant area and propoitionality coastal configwation, the relationship ‘between the continental shelf and EEZ, and the importance of geological, geomorphological and economic factors. Paperback ISBN 1-897643-08-X, 1994 32pp The Brunei - Malaysia Dispute over Territorial and Maritime Claims in International Law Vol.1 No.3 Renate Haller-Trost ‘This briefing enalyses an issue which has been widely neglected im anfermatonal law, namely the lend and manitime claims of the south-east Asian Sultanate of Brunei Darussalam towards its only teitorial neighbour, ‘Malaysia. There aze two areas of dispute between the two ‘countries: the frst concerns land claims originating from the colonial period which, if decided in Brunet’s favouy, would affect the maritime zones in Brunei Bay, the second wolves overlapping maritime areas in the South China Sea, Since both governments refuse to discuss the details of their competing claims, Dr Heller-Trost’s meticulously researched study teyresents a major contribution to our ‘understanding of the Brunei-Malaysia disputes ‘This briefing provides a detailed historical overview of Brunei's lend and maritime claims, together with ‘an analysis of the status of the disputes in the context of cuzent infemational law and the prospects for their ‘eventual resolution. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-07-01, 1994 63pp Maritime Briefings Acts of Piracy in the Malacca and Singapore Straits Vol.1 No.4 Robert Beckman, Carl Grundy-Warr and Vivian Forbes No less then 69 per cent of worldwide piracy attacks in 1992 occuned in south-east Asien watets. This bnefing examines the issue of pracy in the busy waters of the Strats of Malacca and Singapore, and the juasditional rights of « coastal state with Zegard to. puacy. The changing hustoncel natwe of precy in these steights is examined, but the main focus of the study is on recent efforts by the ioral states of Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia, as well es venous othe intentional bodies ‘and shipping companies, to combat pracy in the region ‘The authors axgue thatthe cunent coopertive measures Dy the ttre states seem to be having the deszed effect of reducing incidents of paracy attacks in the stats Suggestions axe also offered on how intemational ancl transboundary cooperetion may be enhanced in future should the cunent measwes prove insufficient Paperback, ISBN 1-597643-09-8, 1994 37pp Some Problems Relating to the Definition of ‘Insular Formations’ in international Law: Islands and Low-tide Elevations Vol.1 No.5 Clive Symmons (Of the many possible souces of disagreement between states overiantes of mantine sovereigntyend juisdiction, the treatment of insular formations (Le. sland, low-tide elevations, islets, rocks, reefs, ceys, ete) is robably the aost complex and problematic. In some atstances, the wayan insular formation is defined can affect juisdistion cover terally thousands of square mules of ocean space ‘This briefing sets out to highlight the key issues in the definition of insular formations. Written by one of the world’s leading legal experts in this area, the briefing covers issues such as: the regimes attached to insular formations in international law, insular sub-categories, the effect of goverment or estoppel on insular status, analysis of the ‘above-tide requirement” in infemational law, the optimal tidal choices for insular definition, and the importance of locational permanence of an island. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-10-1, 1995 32pp Maritime Briefings AGeographical Description of the Spratly Islands and an Account of Hydrographic Surveys Amongst Those Islands Vol.1 No.6 David Hancox and Victor Prescott Unlike most of the recent literature dealing with the Spratly Islends, this study by Caplam Hencox and Professor Prescott avoids polities. In this buefing the authors jrovide infomation on two topics which contribute to the foundation for any historical, legal, political or economic analysis ofthat area, ‘The fist put consists ofa geographical description ofthe features that are called the Spratly Islands. These features compe islands and rocks that stand ebove high water, reefs that uncover at low water and shoals that reach near the surface of the sea but ae alivays submerged ‘These desemptions have been besed on the best avalable saling dxections and charts which have been published by Amencen, Bush, Chinese, Fiench, Japanese, ‘Malaysian, Philippine and Taiwanese authorities. Wheve there are tauesolved discrepancies in these sowzces they have been noted. ‘The second pat reviews the history of charting the Spratly Islands fiom the end of the 18th century to ie present. This account reveals the extent to which suveys produced by hytkographers of one county were incorporated, with or without acknowledgement, onto the charts of other countries. Appendices attached to this peut list ell published chavts of the Spratly Islands and unpublished surveys and sketches made by Captain Hancox or other salvage maste inthis region The infomation in this briefing provides a valunble research tol for thse interested in the plies and evelopment of the Spratly Islands, which can be foyproved in he fuhwe ts moze information becomes vale Paperback, ISBN 1-597643-18-7, 1995 SSpp Transit Passage in the Russian Arctic Straits Vol.1 No.7 William V Dunlap ‘With Russia secking to develop the Northem Sea Route ‘and open it to intemational commercial shipping, this timely study explores the effect that such an action would have on the legal status of the North-east Passage straits elong the zoule. The recent increase in Russian Ihydrocesbon production could make the Northem Sea Route a vital transport link for oil and ges destined for North America. From the Barents Sea, through the Kara, Laptey and Siberianseas onto the pacific, this study provides detailed ‘analysis of the specific straits and various islends that will be affected by the Norther Sea Route. It examines the new regime of intemational staits and hansit nights defined in the 1982 United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea, both in a general sense and specifically they apply fo the wateis of the Russian Arctic. In addition, this briefing fakes a look at Soviet and Russian Juisdiction policies towards the Arctic xegion, Paperback ISBN 1-597643-21-7, 1996 SIpp Maritime Briefings The Maritime Boundaries of the Adriatic Sea Vol.1 No.8 Gerald Blake and Duéko Topalovié ‘The disintegration of Yogoslavia has led toa proliferation in the number of Adnatic Littorl states and thus an increase in the number of potential maritime boundaries ‘and. almost inevitably - maritime boundary disputes. i Q CBO) | trans % & Sey gle Fae IS SET meee ‘This briefing provides en overview of manitine bowndary agreements and outstanding claims of the Adnatic states Particular attention is paid to the consequences arising from the emergence of Bomia Hercegovina, Croatia, Slovenia end Yugoslevia Serbia/Montenegr) es distinct states, but consideration i also given to the mentine ‘boundenes of Albenia and Italy. Although a number of thomy issues have yet tobe fully resolved - for example the Bay of Puan dispute between Croetia and Slovenia, the Croata-Yugoslavie boundary onthe Previeka peninsula and the Bay of Kotor, as well as the question fof Bomian access to the sea - ihe study concludes that the prospects for peaceful cooperation in the Adiatc ‘are Quite good, pariculavly with regard to exvzonmental collaboration Paperback, ISBN 1-897643. 5, 1996 67pp Volume 2 The Spratly Islands Dispute: Who's on First? Vol.2 No.1 Daniel J Dzurek ‘The Spuatly Islands, scattered over a UK-sized area of the South China Sea, axe the most contested real estate in the would, This briefing by one of the world’s leading ‘experts on this dispute, analyses the claims of Brunel, China, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam, ‘and describes how those claims have been reinforced by island-hopping, conducting marine research, ishing, and contracting with multinational oil companies, The study ‘emphasises legal positions and politcal developments since 1990, meluding the 1995 PRC occupation of ‘Mischief Reef - the 4th outpost to be taken by one of the claimants ‘The author angues that none of the claimants demonstrates clear title. China, Taiwan end Vietnam assert strong claims, but Vietmam’s position is weakened by its 1958 recognition of Chinese sovereignty. Although the contesting countries have begun preliminary negotiations and adopted confdence-bulding measures, the author Delieves that a settlement in the Syatlys is unlikely until well into the twenty-Sust century. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-23-3, 1996, 67pp Maritime Briefings Maritime Boundaries in the Baltic Sea : Past, Present and Future Vol.2 No.2 Erik Franckx sernncr J amen [8 Hee ‘This detailed and informative briefing provides an overview of boundary-making in the Baltic Sea. The author fast desenbes the background to the cument situation, and then discusses the manitime boundary processes at workin the zegionbetween 1945 and the ealy ‘put of the 1990s when dramatic world events led to the Baltic Sea gaining several new littoral states. In addition, the author assesses the impact of the xe-emergence of the tluee independent Baltic xepublics and the reunification of Germany on the delimitation process. Acclear and concise chronological averview of maritime ‘delimitation in the Baltic, this briefing should be requixed reading for those interested inthis region, Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-24-1, 1996 25pp The Falkland Islands and their Adjacent Maritime Area Vol.2 No.3 Patrick Armstrong and Vivian Forbes ‘This briefing documents the origins of the sovereignty dispute over these emote islands in the South Atlantic, ‘and traces its development over 200 years up through 1997. The British govermment’s efforis to promote the islands’ economic development in the post-1982 era ‘based on fisheries and hytkocazbons exploitation, are also discussed. In adehtion, the authors examine recent moves toward cooperative offshore development such as the two counties’ ‘Joint Declaration on Cooperation aver Offshore Activities inthe South West Atlantic’, signed on 27 September 1995 \ \ exe | eset ! 1 Paperback ISBN 1-597643-26-8, 1997 43pp Maritime Briefings Island Disputes and the Law of the Sea: An Examination of Sovereignty and Delimitation Disputes Vol.2 No.4 Robert W Smith and Bradford L Thomas ‘The use, or non-use, of islands in establishing national junsdiction over ocean space has been somewhat Inconsistent andl troublesome on a global scale for many yetis. While on the one hand, islands axe tobe tested in the same manner as any mainland tertory, the extent of thas ‘equal’ treatment is offen disputed. Consideration of islands inthe law of the sea is often influenced by their size, locaton, politcal status, end the nafue of the island abel. Basic Legal Issues of Joint Development of Offshore Oil and Gas in Relation to Maritime Boundary Delimitation Vol.2 No.5 Masahiro Miyoshi ‘Matitime boundary negotiations between coastal states have become amereasingly complicated, especially when hytrocarbon resowces aie present. This buefing show how joint development anangements around the world have been reached in comection wath efforts towards maritime boundary delimitation. It begins with a bnef history of joint development before dealing with the following Key issues: the basic concept of joint development, eight precedents of joint development in the absence of boundaries and six precedents as part of boundary delimitation, a theoretical review of the jpecedents, discussing the yresence or absence of Joint ‘boundaries, definition of joint development, powers of Joint commissions, other legitimate ures of the sea and the interests of thurd counines, the outlook for joint development. ‘This briefing provides an overview of islands and the law ofthe see, highlighting the major disputes volving islands around the would. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-264, 1998 73pp Je sf ooh Pesogen Gm ‘This study represents the most up-to-date exposition available of joint development arrangements in Telation te mantime boundary delimitation, Paperback ISBN 1-597643-30-6, 1998 50pp Maritime Briefings When is an ‘Island’ Not an ‘Island’ in International Law? The Riddle of Dinkum Sands in the Case of US v Alaska Vol.2 No.6 Clive Symmons ‘This briefing deals with the problem of defining an sland’ in international law arising fiom the United States Supreme Cout case of US'v Alaska conceming the status ofa smal formation in the Beaufort Sea known ‘as ‘Dinkum Sands’. Dispute between Federal and State authorities centred on the meaning of “above water at Ihigh tide” (past ofthe definition of en island under Article 10 of the 1958 Geneva Convention on the Teritonal Sea) and its application to an offshore featwe which steel goes upand down. The debate also addressed other issues ‘concerning islands, such as the relevant tidal datum, the ‘meaning of the term ‘land! and the possible necessity for locational permanence ‘A cental notion in the case was whether there is such ‘ phenomenon in international law as a ‘seasonal’ or ‘occasional’ island. Although this was not intemational Ligation, it did dueclly ivolve intemational legal considerations Iti suggested, therefore, thatthe case has future importance for other insular disputes throughout the world as, to date, such issues conceming the lew of the sea have never been judicially determined in any snfernational tribunal, Paperback, ISBN 1-597643-33-0, 1999 32pp The Importance of the Tidal Datum in the Definition of Maritime Links and Boundaries Vol.2 No.7 Nuno Sérgio Marques Antunes ‘The periodicel rise and fall of oceanic waters in coastal areas - the tides - isa phenomenon that has been observed for centunies. However, their practical effects concemed only seamen and those whose life was somehow directly related to the sea. The relevance ofthe tidal phenomenon in the infemational law of the sea only emeyged recently, alongside other developments dung the twentieth century, namely the appropiation of vast oceanic exeas ‘by states and the need to define the spatial imuts of their juisdiction at sea ‘The existence of tides and ther effects were addzessed in both the 1958 Convention on the Temitorial Seal Contiguous Zone and the 1982 United Nations Convention ‘on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS). Both conventions refer toconcepts suchas ‘low-water line’, ‘low-ide elevations ‘and ‘high tide’. These concepts play an important part in ‘establishing the limuts of state jurisdiction over manitime zones. In tm, the accwate defimtion of these lines and featues is dependent upon the tidal datum adopted in a ‘puticuler area ‘The main aim of thisbriefing is to discuss the significance of the tidal datum in the unilateral defisition of manitime limuts and in bilateral maritime boundary delimitation, ‘The author first provides some elementary notions related to tides. The concept ofa tidal datum is then introduced, ‘and its relationship with nautical charts examined. The relevant rovisions of UNCLOS are analysed, with special ‘emphasis placed upon the importance of tidal datums to the intexpretation of these provisions. Finlly, examples of state practice and junspradence aze examined in order to determine whether theye isa ‘more suitable’ or legelly ‘binding tidal datum, Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-36-1, 2000 35pp Maritime Briefings Undelimited Maritime Boundaries in the Pacific Ocean Excluding the Asian Rim Vol.2 No.8 Victor Prescott and Grant Boyes ‘This innovative briefing is the fst of a two-part series to consider boundaries thet remain to be delimuted in the region around the would’s largest body of water, the Pacific Ocean, The fusst review looks at the 43 ‘undelimited boundaries within the Pacific Ocean proper, from the westem shores ofthe Americes, though the mid- ‘ocean archipelagos to Australia, The range of boundary situations addzesssed in the briefing varies fiom the :more or less compact groups of islands in the central and southem ocean to the adjacent states on the west coast of | Central America lacking offshore islands ‘The analysis of each undelimited bilateral boundary. Degins with a short intoduction that notes the status of each country and the types of marine regimes (such as tenitorial waters and exclusive economic zones) that aight eventually be seperated by a delimited boundary. ‘The second section defines the line of equidistance related to all appropriate base-points located on the mainland or islands, The final section explores the possibility that cucumstances might pesuade one or both countries to argue that the line of equidistence would create an inequitable maritime boundary Notable disputes which ae considered include the Canada-USA disagreements in the Dixon Entrance and Juan de Fuca Strait, and maritime claims around Tonge Note: See also Maritime Briefing Vol3 No for information concerning widelimted maritime boundaries of the Asan Rimin the Pacific Ocean Paperback ISBN 1-897643-39-X, 2001 50pp Volume 3 Undelimited Maritime Boundaries of the Asian Rim in the Pacific Ocean Vol.3 No.1 Victor Prescott and Clive Schofield ‘The second ofa two-pat series, this briefing provides syptemab review of 10 undelinited maze boundaries ‘the sees end gulf ying betieen the mailanl of Asin ta the chain of exlupelegosstetching font Indonesia to Japon van the Phiipanes and Then. For each potential delintain the anny nots the tat of ach Eountry and fhe types of manone segues that might fventally be sepurted by a denied boudnry The Gir ofequaiomibe ieted to all mopaete bessyomis sgtoted and the authors give consdemton tthe poonble theation of inequitable atime boundesies ung ine afequidistance Additionally, the authors take into account ell relevant dsputes (eluding disputes over rocks and islends) Shouglowt fe epi end hex subsequent effets fon fate bomdery delimitation, Comprehensively- researched, this being gives a clear impression of how the undelinuted boudavies in this lage andl induental region might look in yeats to come Note: See also Maritime Briefing Vol2 NoS for information concerning wndetimated maritime boundaries of the Pacific Ocean excluding the Asan Rim. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-43-8, 2001, 68pp Maritime Briefings Parting the Red Sea: Boundaries, Offshore Resources and Transit Vol.3 No.2 Daniel J Dzurek ‘The Red Sea has been a pivot of international seletions since the dawn of recorded history It divides Africa from the Middle East and exhibits many of the salient issues of aarine policy. Linking the resources of the Persian Gulf with Westem Ewope and North America, the Red Sea is also avital component of the world’s energy and transport system, in addition to having w-explored resowees of its In spite of it global importance, there aze only thee setled mantie boundaries in the Red Sen. Boundasyby Yousdary the aloe exenines the island and temmtoel izputes” which have complicated. efforts “owns dkelnitaon, pasiulsiyin the bight of ie 1998 and 1999 Enies-Vemen abil decisions Excessive orambighous stright baseline clans by the lor stater alo pest ‘nabicunng boundary mys, Tensions continue over Shshow reucea th af yehocubons en fale. ‘Manne evozonmenfaldegiadation endangess ingle com tefs end tounstattachons,Tanatdxpes dating tothe ArabInaeli cont raise the querbony of innocent tne strats passage Overnsching all ese ares ae the Inger regicnal tensions fat init eooperstion sn Bis criil senivencloaed sta Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-46:2, 2001 37pp Developments in the _ Technical Determination of Maritime Space: Charts, Datums, Baselines, Maritime Zones and Limits Vol.3 No.3 Chris Carleton and Clive Schofield In the delimitation of maritime boundaries, technical issues play a enitcal role. Even small technical mistabes in delimitation can lead to the loss of huge axees of ‘maritime spice or necessitate re-negotiation. The first ‘volume of two companion briefings Provides a general overview of the technical considevstions that have to be addressed in the determination of maritime space ‘The authors explain the importance of chart projections ‘and datums together with the meaning ofa ‘stsight line’ ‘Many issues are closely examined, including: the use and ‘abuse of nautical charts in delimitation; the determination of al forms of baselines (including normal, closing lines, archipelagic and steigh!); as well as the importance of | the ventical datum and low tide elevations. The generation of maritime zones is then described, covering all axeas ‘rom intemal waters fo an extended continental shelf and the respective regimes under the 1982 UN Convention for the Law of the Sea. The concluding part of the briefing deals with the definition of the limits of these zones of 1anitime jurisdiction. Using a wide variety of illustrative ‘and real-life examples, the authors clanfy many of the technical details in maritime delimitation. Note: See also Maitime Briefing Vol3 No for ‘additional information on technical issues relating to ‘manttme boindary dekimetation. Paperback, ISBN 1-897643-45-4, 2001 79pp Maritime Briefings Developments in the _ Technical Determination of Maritime Space: Delimitation, Dispute _ Resolution, Geographical Information Systems and the Role of the Technical Expert Vol.3 No.4 Chris Carleton and Clive Schofield ‘This second volume of the companion set of briefings, considers the actual delimitation of maritime boundaries Detween coastal states. The authors reveal the various methods of delimitation including an in-depth ‘examination of equidistance lines. The briefing goes on to discuss questions concerning the regime of islands, such as what does and does not constitute an island? The growing use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) applications in the calculation andl depiction of mantime spice is discussed Finally the study explores the avenues for maritime boundary dispute resolution and the role of | the technical expert in maritime boundary negotiations. Comprehensive in scope and cleazly depicted, these two ‘briefings tele the mystey out of the technical details awolved in manitme boundary delimitation, Note: See also Maitime Briefing Vol3 No3 for ‘additonal information on technical issues relating to ‘mantime boindary dekimetation. Paperback ISBN 1-597643-47-0, 2002 6Spp The Sino-Vietnamese Approach to Managing Boundary Disputes Vol.3 No.5 Ramses Amer ‘The primary objective of this study is to examine how China and Vietnam have handled their border disputes, Both on land and at sea. The analysis revolved around two main issues: fstly, how the border disputes affect the relationship between the two countries and secondly, ‘more specifically, how the two counties are tying to ‘manage their border disputes, ae “Ty ‘The briefing is divided into two main sections. The first of these traces the importance of the border disputes Detween the two states and the way in which they were ‘managed in the 1975-1991 period. The second, more substantive, section is devoted to the developments relating to the border disputes following the full xnomnalisation of bilateral relations in November 1991 to the end of 2000. The concluding section provides a critical analysis of the efforts of the two countries to smanage their teritonial disputes wath a view of explaining the progress achieved and tensions enced during the 1990s. Tt also encompasses a discussion relating 10 the prospects forthe future. Paperback, ISBN 1-597643-48.9, 2002 S0pp Maritime Briefings The Qatar v Bahrain Maritime Delimitation and Territorial Questions Case Vol.3 No.6 Barbara Kwiatkowska The Qatar vy Bahran Maritime Delimitation and Terntonal Questons case was the fst major maritime elimutation dispute settled by the International Court of Tustice (16) since the 1993 Denmark y Norway Mantime Doimtation in the Area Bebseen Greenland and Jan ‘Mayen Judgment. The latex was followed by the 1998 Terntonal Sovereignty and Scope of the Dispute Acard ‘and the 1999 Martie Dekimtaton Atsard tendered by the Entree / Yemen Avbital Tuibunal. All tvee lendwazk cases provided istences of the application of modem law of mantime boudary delimitation, es developed in what the President of the ICJ, Judge Stephen M Schwebel, descnbed as the “notably succesful” fequiteble juispradence of the ICJ end exbital tabunals Like the Enttea / Yemen aibittion end the recent Land and Mantime Boundary (Cameroon v Ngena, Eqatonal Ganea hntervening) proceedings, the Qatar v Bahan case involved issues of mantune delinafation in combination with those of temfonal sovereignty ‘and belonged to cases of particularly procedural and substantial importance ‘This briefing provides a detailed analysis ofthe Qatar v Bahrain cast, neliding the 1994 and 1995 Jiizdcton and Admeabilty Judguents andthe 2001 Mente Sdgatent and Opinions. Topics covered include the ote of the oredngs, i elvery en components of the Tudguent, the geographical Zting, tezntonal Sovereignty questions (Zebeta, the Hawa ain, Tanan Island and Qit’at Jaradah and Fasht ad Dibal); and the santine boundary denstation Paperback, ISBN 1-597643-49.7, 2003 44pp Boundary & Security Bulletins The Boundawy & Security Bulletin was published quarterly from 1993 until 2002, offering a unique combination of news and expert analysis of boundary and security tsstes around the world Drawing on a wide range of international news sources, the bulletin provided a comprehensive survey of events on a region-by-regton basis, covering topics such as boundary agreements, border imetdents, ethno-terrttortal conflicts and international peacekeeping operations. The news updates were backed up by in-depth articles on critical issues by leading academics, policy advisors, international lawyers, technical experts, soldiers and journaitsts. The bulletin also offered reviews of significant conferences, seminars and exhibitions, and provided a forum (for the review of new publications relevant to the field Boundary & Security Bulletins Listed by region and theme: AFRICA. ‘Somaliland: Passing the Statehood Test? 2000; Vol. 8 No. 3 Peggy Hoyle Caprivi Strip: World Court Awards Islands to Botswana 2000; Vol. 8 No. 2 Alan Perry Facts on the Ground: War and Peace in the Horn of Africa, May-June 2000 2000; Vol. 8 No. 2 Justin Pearce Breaking Down the Barricades 1999; Vol. 7 No. 3 John Warburton-Lee Bad Times in Badme: Bitter War Continues Along the Eritrea-Ethiopia Border 1999; Vol. 7 No. 1 Margaret Fielding Gulf of Guinea Boundary Disputes 1999; Vol. 7 No. 1 Daniel J Dzurek The Return of the Old Guard: Boundary and Security Implications of the Congo War 1998; Vol. 6 No. 3 Richard Griggs The Eritrea - Ethiopia Border Conflict 1998; Vol. 6 No. 2 Jean-Louis Peninou Creating Geographies of Peace: Provinces, Referenda and Spatial Decision-making in South Africa 1998; Vol. 5 No. 4 Richard Griggs The Boundaries of an African Renaissance 1997; Vol. 5 No. 2 Richard Griggs The Great Lakes Conflict and Spatial Designs for Peace: A Neorealist Analysis 1997; Vol. 4 No. 4 Richard Griggs The Boundaries of Afrikaner Self- determination (995; Vol. 3 No. 2 Richard Griggs Boundaries and War in Africa in 1995 1995; Vol. 3 No. 1 Richard Griggs The Boundaries of a New South Africa 1995; Vol. 2 No. 4 Richard Griggs Rwanda in Crisi 1994; Vol. 2 No. 3 AB Featherstone : Why are we Surprised? ANote on the International Court of Justice Ruling on the Chad - Libya Dispute 1994; Vol. 2 No. 1 Gerald Blake The Bondage of Boundaries 1994; Vol. 2.No. 1 Ali A Mazrui AMERICAS The World's Longest Defended Border: A Return to the Days of Militarisation 2002; Vol. 9 No. 4 David Bercuson Navassa: Legal Nightmare in a Biological Heaven? 2001; Vol. 9 No. 3 Fabio Spadi The Work and Value of International Boundary Commissions: The Canadian / American Experience 2001; Vol. 9 No. 3 Michael 0’ Sullivan The Guyana - Suriname Maritime Boundary Dispute and its Regional Context 2001; Vol. 9No. 2 Peggy A Hoyle

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