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7 Travelling

People travel because

they have to: - it is a part of their job, for example, sales representative, travel agent, estate
agent, pilot, flight attendant, soldier, sportsman, politician, driver…
- they travel to and from work or school (they commute, they are commuters
they want to: (for pleasure) – on holidays, where they (= positives of travelling)
 learn about the country, its people, their way of life,
 learn about their traditions, history and culture,
 learn, improve or practice a foreign language,
 meet new people
 see unusual and interesting places
 get experience which shapes their personalities
 relax and take a break from work and stress

Kinds of holidays:

Package holidays – if you have a lot of money you can choose a holiday at a travel agency
and use their services. They arrange everything for you, you just pay (destination, transport,
accommodation, catering, program, insurance) it is called all-inclusive. It is the most
expensive, but the most comfortable kind of holiday.
Examples: hotel stay, language course, sightseeing trip, safari (a holiday in Africa where you
look at wild animals), cruise (you travel on a large ship visiting a lot of places), adventure
holiday (you spend this holiday doing a lot of extreme sports and other exciting outdoor
Holidays on your own - it is less expensive, you have more freedom, because you can do
whatever you want. You arrange the destination, transport, accommodation, program, self-
catering and insurance.
Examples: fishing, camping, hitch-hiking, hiking tours, renting a house or a cottage,
backpacking holidays (you travel around the country carrying your luggage in a bag on your
back. It is adventurous but only for young healthy people and it can be dangerous.)


When you want to stay in a hotel, you can book your room in advance. You can have
a single room (for one person with one bed),
a double room (with a double bed for couples),
a twin-bedded room (two separated beds for two people) or
a suite (a bedroom with a bathroom).
If you have a full board, you have hotel accommodation with all meals included. Or you can
have a half board which is accommodation with breakfast and evening meals.
There are some other services or facilities you can use, for example room service, wake up
call, tourist information desk, reception, air conditioning, central heating, satellite TV,
internet access, mini-bar, phone, car park, gym, swimming pool, sauna, massages, hotel
restaurant, hotel bar, tennis court, golf course, skiing and hiking trails…

Other kinds of accommodation:

Motel is like a hotel, but you can park your car near your room.
Hostel and youth hostel is a very plain and cheap hotel.
Guesthouse or pension is a small hotel in a private house usually in a quiet area.
Bed and breakfast (or B& B) is a place where you can spend the night and have breakfast in
the morning then you continue on your journey.
Campground / Campsite is a place in a recreation area where you can pitch up your tent.
Self-catering apartment is an apartment with a kitchen where you cook for yourself.


Destination People Attractions and activities

mountains For young people, for older they go on trips, in summer they go
people, for families with children climbing, trekking, hiking, walking,
For people who like adrenaline, biking, in winter they go skiing,
nature, fresh air snowboarding
seaside For families with children, older they sunbathe, do water sports like
and young swimming, diving, snorkelling, surfing,
For people with health problems windsurfing, sailing, they sunbathe,
like asthma or allergy play beach volleyball, go fishing…
For people who like warm
weather and water sports or
countryside For older people, families with they go for walks, go horse-riding,
children, young people fishing, hunting, picking mushrooms,
For people who like peace and have parties, barbecues…
quiet, privacy, fresh air, nature
historical city For school excursions, older They visit historical buildings like
people, people who are interested
museums, palaces, castles, galleries,
in history and culture churches, theatres, historical places like
squares, bridges…
home For people who like staying at They read books, work in the garden,
home play PC games, watch TV, surf the Net,
For people who haven´t got go on trips and garden parties, visit
money or time for travelling friends, do the shopping, do some
For people who are very ill or sports, go to restaurants, cafés, bars, go
very old to the cinema, theatre…

Means of transport
On the one hand there are some advantages of travelling by ..., for example /for instance …
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages like / such as …

Means of advantages disadvantages

Car It is the most common means of It is expensive (we have to buy
(travelling by transport, very comfortable, you can petrol), polluting nature, and the
car) stop where you want, it is fast most dangerous means of transport
Plane It is very fast, comfortable and the It is expensive, polluting and
(travelling by safest means of transport, it is for dangerous because of terrorist
air) long distances attacks
Bicycle It is nature-friendly, clean, cheap It is dangerous on roads and
(riding a bike) and healthy, it is for short distances, streets, it is tiring and bad for our
it is good for muscles and fitness knees and back
Train Fast trains are comfortable, they Slow trains are dirty, cold and
(travelling by have got restaurant and sleeping cars, overcrowded, they are slow, they
train) they are cheap, less polluting and stop at every station, they are for
fast, they are for longer distances shorter distances

Arguments for the trip to the seaside:

 There is hot, sunny weather and warm, clean sea

 We can do water sports like diving, swimming, scuba diving, surfing
 We can play beach volleyball and sunbathe on the beach
 We can go to local shops and buy some souvenirs
 We can visit some interesting historical places
 In the evening we can go to a restaurant to have dinner
 After dinner we can go for a walk or to a disco
 We can meet some interesting people

Planning a holiday:

When planning a holiday, money and time are the biggest factors. Besides you should decide
where you would like to go (destination),
how you would like to go (means of transport),
where you would like to stay (accommodation),
what and where you would like to eat (catering),
what you would like to do there (activities).
Then you can start packing. What you take depends on
how long your trip will be (For a long trip you will need a suitcase, for the weekend you can
use a backpack.),
what the weather will be (You will need warm clothes if you go skiing or trekking in the
mountains and light clothes, swimming costume and sunglasses if you go swimming and
sunbathing to the seaside.),
where you will go (If you go abroad you should take your ID, passport or visa.)

Describe your best holiday. Use past tenses and positive opinion adjectives (great, excellent,
superb, terrific, brilliant, unforgettable, exciting, perfect, top, lovely, outstanding, unusual,

Describe a typical holiday for you and your family (where you usually go, who, how, what
type of holiday, activities). Use present tenses.
My family usually go to ….

Tell what countries you would like to visit if you travelled round the world and give reasons.
Talk about 5 countries.
I would like to visit … because
 It is…
 There are…
 I want to see…
 I´d like to visit…
 I´ve read about…
 I´ve watched a film / documentary about…

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