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Surviving the Storm

Brianna Bennett

First, I would like to thank God for being with me from the start and giving me the strength to finish
writing this story. Also, I’d like to thank Mrs. Palmer-Newby for assigning this to us, as it has given us the
opportunity to learn how to better our writing. And last but definitely not least, I’d like to thank my
wonderful mother for giving me pointers to make this story better.
Dark clouds surrounded the sky, causing the environment to be as
dark as the night. The waves were rolling wildly, with the boat swaying
side to side. “Do you see anyone?”, Sally shouted. I responded back to
her with a no. I could feel the tension rising as the minutes passed.
There was no one in sight to help us out of this dreadful situation. This
was supposed to be a trip to catch some fish, but it turned out to be the
complete opposite of what I imagined. I looked over my shoulder at my
Sally to see her struggling to keep the boat from sinking. I started to
panic when the boat felt slower than it was a minute ago, which means
the engine is dying. “Just wanted to let you know” Sally started “If
anything happens to us, just know I'm grateful that I got to meet you
and that you’re one of my closest friends.” I wanted to tear up at that
moment, but I managed to stay calm. “I’m glad we met too” I
responded. “Nothing is going to happen to us. We just have to remain
calm, okay?” “Okay.” We remained silent for the next minutes, with me
holding on for dear life(literally) and Sally steering the boat. The next
thing happened so suddenly, I just stood there in shock, watching it
happen, the boat turned sideways, making Sally fall in. She tried to
push her legs up as I felt the tears streaming down my face. After a few
seconds, I didn’t see any movement in the water. I called and called
with no response as I was now in charge of steering the boat. “Great,” I
thought sarcastically to myself while trying to steer the boat. “Now I
have to try and get through this by myself.” I felt water on my feet, and
I realized the curse of a boat was sinking. Right at that moment, I was
going to give up, but it was when I saw light from nearby, I shouted and
waved my hand aggressively until whoever it was could see me. I
continued for 30 seconds, and then the large boat started coming
towards me and then a woman threw the rope down in the water and I
grabbed it and she tugged it until I was on the boat. As soon as I got
there safely, I started to thank her and God for having me saved. I
looked around the boat as soon as I was calm to see if I saw anyone
else on it and my eyes landed on someone I never expected to see
again. Sally. I screamed with joy. I had never expected to see Sally
again. She jumped clearly not expecting that. She looked around to find
the culprit and when she saw me, she threw her blanket to the ground
and jumped up to hug me. I immediately wrapped my arms around her,
so tightly I think she couldn’t breathe, but whatever. “How? I literally
saw you fall in the water. I thought you were gone” I said. “The water
dragged me up to this boat and when I saw someone on it, I got them
to notice me by kicking and waving.” she responded. I sighed and
nodded at her and hugged her again, never wanting to let go. I’m just
glad we’re safe.
Copyright © 2021 by Brianna Bennett.

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced
or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission
of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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