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Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

1. Identify the fundamental skills in Arnis

2. Perform the different fundamental skills in Arnis.
3. Recognize the importance of the different fundamental skills in Arnis.
Fundamental Skills
1. Grip
The grip is the “soul of all fighting techniques” in Arnis. It is the correct grip that packs
power to and controls the cane. To do the correct grip, hold the cane an inch from the base and
tighten your four fingers around it with your thumb pressed against your forefinger. The hold
must be firm when striking. Relax your wrist a bit after a strike.

2. Courtesy
Courtesy means “respect for one’s opponent and for the cardinal rules and principles of
sportsmanship.” In the revered tradition of martial art, courtesy in modern Arnis is the trademark
that makes players worthy protagonists.
At 45 degrees angle, heels closed, body erect, hands at ½-2 inches from both bases in
holding the cane, and feet together, bow your head slightly towards your opponent.
Courtesy in Arnis can also be executed with two canes.
3. Posture
In Arnis, posture is important for the effective delivery of strikes. In executing all these
postures, the head should always face the opponent, observing all his body movement.
 Front Facing-Body facing directly towards opponent.
 Half-front Facing-Body facing 45 degrees to either left or right.

 Side-Facing- Body entirely facing either left or right

4. Stances
Stances in Arnis as in other forms of martial arts are different body positions basic to the
play of the art. These are techniques which teach a player how to maintain body balance and the
proper manner of distributing his weight on his legs. Mastery of those techniques is essential in
the perfection of the art of Arnis.
A player can never hope to fight effectively without knowing these important rudiments.
Proper body positioning gives one mobility and ability. Shift from one position to another with
strong foothold and with much agility. Moreover, this is very essential in defensive and offensive
 Attention Stance- Stand with feet at 45 degrees angle, heels closed together, hands at the
side and relaxed.

 Open-leg Stance- Stand with legs spread apart about shoulder width with toes pointing
slightly outward.
 Straddle-leg Stance- Spread legs about twice the width of shoulders and bend knees
outward, heels firmly planted and toes pointing straight forward. Distribute weight
evenly on both legs.
 Forward Stance- Move one leg forward at a distance about twice the width of the
shoulder and about 30 degrees to the side and bend frond leg at the knee with cane in the
center and in fighting form. Rear leg is extended fully with both feet flat on the ground.

 Back Stance- Stand with one foot backward with rear-foot toes pointing forward, so that
the two feet form an L-shape. The rear foot should point either left or right depending on
what foot is in front. Rear knee should be a little bent and force outward as in straddle
stance. Seventy percent of the weight of the body should be supported by the rear leg
with 30 percent by front leg.
 Oblique Forward Stance- This is executed by stepping either foot obliquely forward and
obliquely to the left or to the right. The reverse of the oblique forward stance is executed
with the withdrawal of either foot. In both movements, the L-shape position of the feet
should be maintained.
Points to Remember: In Arnis, the player should charge with the foregoing stances. He
can lunge, in which case the stride is longer, trunk leaning forward straight from the rear leg
according to his convenience in actual play.
5. Body Shifting
In Arnis, body shifting is very important. An Arnis player should be shifting in
positioning his body at a vantage point so that he can strike with the utmost power. Proper body
positioning will also enable him to be outside the effective range of an opponent’s blowor strike.
Body shifting consists of stepping, sliding, turning or combination of these movements.
Points to Remember: In shifting the body, a player must always maintain balance and
shift the weight of his body smoothly. Correct posture must be maintained at all times. A player
must not lower his hips more than necessary; they should move more or less in a straight line. He
must not raise his feet high off the ground. He must not drag them either. In both cases, he will
lose both speed and balance.

Activity 3:
Direction: Create a separate short video recording of yourself of each of following Fundamental
skills in Arnis:
The Grip
Posture (Front-facing, Half-front Facing and Side Facing)
Stances (Attention, Open leg, Straddle Leg, Forward, Backward, Oblique Forward Stance)

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