Lab 1

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task 5: creat a group name sport and username tenis, football,handball,vollyball

$sudo addgroup sport

$sudo useradd football
$sodo useradd tenis
$sodo useradd handball
$sodo useradd

task 6: write a command tennis, football, handball and volleyball are member of
sprot group
syntax sudo usemod -aG group name username
$: sudo usermod -aG sport tennis
$: sudo usermod -aG sport football
$: sudo usermod -aG sport handball
$: sudo usermod -aG sport volleyball

groups tennis
groups football
groups handball
groups volleyball

tas 7: view group account information

$: cat /etc/group
$: sudo cat
$: sudo tail /etc/group

task 8: remove tennise and handball from sport group

syntax : sudo gpasswd -d tennis sport
$: sudo gpasswd -d tennis sport
$: sudo gpasswd -d handball sport
task 9: write a command to give privilage for a member of primary group or a user
$: sudo visudo
go to root usernmae ALL=?userbin/top THEN CONTROL + S --> CONSTROL + x
task 10: write a command to give privilage a primary group user
$: sudo visudo
go to sudo --->
%sport ALL= /usr/bin,ls/usr/bin/less,/usr/bin/apt

file acess models

the basic building block unix permintion are the read write and execute permission
which have declear below
task 1 $

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