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Skill Transfer
Outline What is a DFM?

Why is it important?

How do I do it?

Lets role play

What is a DFM?
Develop rapport

Indicate the focus

Recognize and reinforce

Engage in self discovery

Create a plan

Tweak, test, timeline

It increases the feedback

Why do you think effectiveness.

Helps you keeping all feedback

that giving positive.
feedback with this Gives structure to your
structure is conversation.

important? Self discovery based

Creates an SMART action plan.

How do I do a It is really easy we just need to
follow the DIRECT model steps
DFM session? through the conversation with our
Incredyble. Lets see those steps one
by one.
Develop rapport
❖ Start the conversation talking about
something non-work related.


❖ Facilitates the two ways

❖ Builds confidence between
supervisor and incredyble
❖ It helps to identify the incredyble’s
mood and gives hints for the possible
AOO root cause..
❖ Conclude the non work related conversation
and indicate the name of the tactic to apply
❖ Mention what specific behavior is going to be
main conversation focus.
Indicate the ❖ Summarize the steps of the tactic and set time
expectations (20 minutes maximum)

focus ❖ Read the interaction (e-mail) with the

incredyble as a role play(The incredyble will be
the customer and the supervisor will be the


❖ Improves the time management.

❖ While you read the e-mail the incredyble has a
new perspective.
❖ Brings the incredyble’s attention to an specific
behavior with areas of opportunity.

❖ Use open questions to engage in self discovery

and force the incredyble to look for those went

Recognize and
wells Ej. What did you like the most about this
❖ If the Incredyble fails to find went wells, dont

reinforce point out the answer, instead ask: “what about”

questions. Ej : What about your empathy?
❖ Highlight all the possible went wells in the
e-mail even if they are little details.


❖ Select the most relevant behavior that was

properly applied and challenge the Incredyble
to tell you why is it important highlighting
several WIIIFM levels. Ej. Why is so importnat
to apply empathy in your e-mails.
❖ Transition to even betters. “Now that we have
seen all the good things you do in your e-mails
let's talk about those little AOO you may have”
❖ Do not point out what the AOO is, instead of
that ask the question “what could be better in

Engage in self ❖
your e-mail?”
If the incredyble is having a hard time finding
the AOO do not despair, instead ask “what
discovery about” questions. Ej: what about the quick text
you have used?
❖ Keep It positive: The rule is 5 went wells and 1
even better.
❖ Determine if it is skill or will issue by asking
the question: How do you apply the behavior?
❖ Remove obstacles by asking the question: “why
is it so important to start applying this behavior
in your e-mails?”
❖ If the gap is will issue then ask: “why is not
happening?” (Use 5 why’s to find the real root
❖ If the gap is skill, perform a role play to polish
the knowledge.
❖ The action plan must be created between the
Incredyble and Supervisor combining their
ideas to make It work.
❖ Start asking the question: “what can we do to
make sure that we will start applying XYZ

Create a plan behavior from now and on in every single

❖ Add your ideas in terms of coaching to the
(SMART) action plan and set It up following the SMART
metodology. Ej


Camilo will start using the empathy snippets found in

the team’s folder in every single ATO scenario to
increase the CSAT and EPH. I will follow up on this
everyday with hotlaps checking a random ATO e-mail
to celebrate success. He is committed to do it starting
tomorrow at 10:00 AM.
Tweak, Test ❖ Ask questions to check and test the
Incredyble’s knowledge. Ej. what is It

Timeline. that you are going to start applying in

your future e-mails?

❖ Set time expectations for success:

when are you going to start applying
this behavior?

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