Children S Conscious Control Propensity Moderates The Role of Attentional Focus in Motor Skill Acquisition - 2017 - Psychology of Sport and Exercise

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Psychology of Sport and Exercise 31 (2017) 35e39

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Children's conscious control propensity moderates the role of

attentional focus in motor skill acquisition
Andy C.Y. Tse a, *, Wouter F. van Ginneken b
Department of Health and Physical Education, The Education University of Hong Kong, Rm D4-2/F-03, Block D4, 10 Lo Ping Road, Tai Po, N.T., Hong Kong,
School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong, Room 305, 3/F, The Hong Kong Jockey Club Building for Interdisciplinary Research, 5 Sassoon Road,
Pokfulam, Hong Kong, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: We investigated whether conscious control propensity moderates the role of attentional focus in motor
Received 15 August 2016 skill acquisition of children. The propensity for conscious control of elementary school children was
Received in revised form determined using an adapted version of the Movement Specific Reinvestment Scale (MSRS) (Masters,
28 March 2017
Eves, & Maxwell, 2005). They then practiced a darts task using an internal (focus on limb movements),
Accepted 30 March 2017
Available online 31 March 2017
external (focus on the target) or non-specific focus of attention and performed a transfer test (i.e. 20%
increase in distance). After one week, they engaged in a delayed retention test. Results were analyzed
using ANOVA with repeated measures. During the initial practice phase, no significant effects were
Conscious control propensity
found. However, during the transfer test and delayed retention interactions between conscious control
Attentional focus propensity and group emerged, such that children with a high conscious control propensity performed
Children better in the internal focus group and ones with a low propensity did better in the external focus group.
Motor learning These findings suggest children's motor skill acquisition is most effective when instructions align with
their personality predispositions.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 
throw-in (Wulf, Chiviacowsky, Schiller, & Avila, 2010), beanbag

throwing (Chiviacowsky, Wulf, & Avila, 2013) and tennis forehand
Coaches, teachers and physical health practitioners often rely on strokes (Hadler, Chiviacowsky, Wulf, & Schild, 2014), it did not do so
verbal instructions to guide motor skill acquisition (Perreault, 2013; for basketball free-throws (Perreault, 2013) and internal (not
Schmidt, 1988; Williams & Hodges, 2005; Wulf, Ho € ß, & Prinz, external) foci benefitted learning of a darts task (Emanuel, Jarus, &
1998). With regard to verbal instructions, the influential con- Bart, 2008). These findings indicate that the role of attentional
strained action hypothesis proposes that it is more beneficial to focus in motor performance may be more complex for children
focus on the outcome of a movement than on the movement itself1 than for adults.
(Wulf, 2013), because an external (i.e. outcome directed) focus of The literature contains two disparate explanations for the ben-
attention enhances movement automaticity (Wulf, Shea, & Park, efits of internal and those of external foci in children. Compared to
2001). Therefore, verbal instructions geared towards external foci adults, children possess limited cognitive resources (Gallagher &
may be more beneficial than instructions that prompt internal foci. Thomas, 1980, 1986; Pollock & Lee, 1997; Tipper, Bourque,
Although for adults the benefits of external foci are well docu- Anderson, & Brehaut, 1989), but also lower levels of movement
mented (for a review, see Wulf, 2013), studies have found mixed automaticity (Ruitenberg, Abrahamse, & Verwey, 2013). Together,
results regarding children. Even though external focus instructions these two facts can explain any difference between the foci. When
were found to promote children's balance (Thorn, 2006), soccer studies show benefits of external foci, authors tend to argue that

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A.C.Y. Tse), (W.F. van Ginneken).
The proposed underlying mechanism for this effect is that “conscious attempts to control movements interfere with automatic motor control processes, whereas focusing
on the movement effects allows the motor system to self-organize more naturally, unconstrained by conscious control’’ (Wulf et al., 2001, p. 342).
1469-0292/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
36 A.C.Y. Tse, W.F. van Ginneken / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 31 (2017) 35e39

external foci promote automaticity (Chiviacowsky et al., 2013; 2.3. Materials

Hadler et al., 2014; Thorn, 2006; Wulf et al., 2010) or circumvent
reliance on scarce cognitive resources (Capio, Poolton, Sit, Eguia, & Ten standard darts (12 g Dart Dual) and a standard size and
Masters, 2012; Capio, Poolton, Sit, Holmstrom, & Masters, 2011).2 height dart board (Unicorn Eclipse Pro) were used. In line with
Conversely, benefits of internal foci are interpreted as indicating Emanuel et al. (2008), the height and distance of the board was
that internal foci are reasonable alternatives in the absence of adjusted for children's height as prescribed by (Eoff, 1985)). Sta-
sufficient movement automaticity (Bernstein, 1996; Emanuel et al., tistical analyses were carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics Version
2008; Ruitenberg et al., 2013). The next challenge is to predict when 18.
which focus trumps the other. This is the novel contribution of the The MSRS for Chinese children (MSRS-CC (Ling, Maxwell,
current study. Masters, McManus, & Polman, 2015),) was used to record
Personality predispositions may provide a window into the conscious control propensity. The MSRS-CC measures children's
question which children may benefit from internal foci and which propensity to be self-conscious about one's style of movement (e.g.
from external ones. For example, conscious control propensity e ‘I am concerned about my style of movement’) and their subse-
which can be measured using the Movement Specific Reinvestment quent propensity for conscious control (e.g. ‘I reflect about my
Scale (Masters, Maxwell, & Eves, 2005) e captures people's ten- movement a lot’). Each item is rated on a six-point Likert scale from
dency to use explicit, verbalizable knowledge to control their 1 (strongly disagree) to 6 (strong agree). At the scale comprises 10
movements and hence adopt internal foci of attention (Masters & questions, scores can range between 10 and 60 points.
Maxwell, 2008). As this propensity has been found to moderate
the effects of attentional focus in adults (Maxwell, Masters, & Eves, 2.4. Procedure
2000; Van Ginneken, Poolton, Masters, Capio, Kal, & van der Kamp,
2017), it is worthwhile to investigate whether it also does in After 102 children and their parents provided written informed
children. consent, the children completed the MSRS-CC. In line with (Uiga,
We investigated whether children with high conscious control Capio, Wong, Wilson, & Masters, 2015)), only the 30 children
propensities would learn a darts throwing task better under in- with the lowest MSRS-CC scores (M ¼ 14.2, SD ¼ 1.0) and 30 with
ternal focus conditions and whether children with low propensities highest MSRS-CC scores (M ¼ 48.8, SD ¼ 0.4) were requested to
would benefit from external foci. Children may develop high engage in darts skill acquisition.
conscious control propensities for two reasons. One, as suggested The experiment consisted of three sessions: 1) acquisition, 2)
by Emanuel et al. (2008) they may possess low levels of movement transfer and 3) retention.
automaticity, which prompts them to rely on the alternative Prior to acquisition, each child received instructions regarding
strategy e i.e. internal foci. Two, they may possess larger cognitive handgrip and standing position (e.g. “stand behind the position
resources allowing internal foci to be more effective. Conversely, line”, “hold the dart with your thumb and index fingers”). They then
high levels of automaticity and low cognitive resources may received either internal, external or non-specific focus instructions.
prompt the development of low conscious control propensities in The instructions were similar to Emanuel et al., (2008), but trans-
children. For these reasons, children with a high propensity for lated to Chinese (see Appendix for detailed instructions). Children
conscious control were expected to learn the task better when in the external focus group were instructed to focus on the dart's
adopting an internal compared to an external focus. Those with a flight path, while those in internal focus group were instructed to
low propensity were expected to fare better under conditions of focus on the movement of their throwing arm. Children in the
external focus. control group did not receive any attentional focus instruction. The
number of children with high and low conscious control propensity
was counterbalanced between these groups. The children were
allowed six warm-up throws, after which they performed 5 blocks
2. Methods of 10 trials separated by 3-min of rest. The focus instructions were
repeated prior to each block and adherence was verbally checked at
2.1. Ethics the end of each block by asking what the participants focused on
while performing the task.
Ethical approval was granted by the ethics committee of the first
author of this paper. 2.4.1. Transfer
Right after the acquisition phase, children engaged in a transfer
test in which the distance was increased by 20%.

2.2. Participants
2.4.2. Retention
The delayed retention session was conducted one week after the
One-hundred-and-two elementary school children (66 boys and
acquisition and the transfer test. The children performed 10 dart
36 girls, aged M ¼ 10.0, SD ¼ 4.1 years) were recruited, 60 of which
throws from the same distance as during acquisition. However,
(36 boys and 24 girls, aged M ¼ 10.4, SD ¼ 1.8 years) received darts
they received no instructions shortly before or during this retention
practice based the following inclusion criteria: (1) had not been
diagnosed with any developmental disorders (e.g. developmental
coordination disorder); (2) had normal or corrected to normal
2.5. Measures and statistics
vision; (3) had no experience in throwing dart and (4) had no motor
deficits reported by parents.
Similar to Emanuel et al., (2008) study, throwing performance
was measured as mean radial error (MRE) (see Table 1). MRE in-
dicates the average deviation (in centimeters) of the darts from the
Although technically Capio et al. (2011) and Capio et al. (2012) studied the
effects of explicit and implicit learning, these have been found to be high similar, if
center of the dartboard. The measurement was taken after each
not equivalent, to internal and external foci (Poolton, Maxwell, Masters, & Raab, trial block.
2006). A 2 (Reinvestment Group) x 3 (Instruction Group) x 5 (Block: 1
A.C.Y. Tse, W.F. van Ginneken / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 31 (2017) 35e39 37

Table 1
Means of (Standard Deviations) of Analysis of Variance for MRE interaction of Reinvestment Group x Instruction Group during the acquisition and test sessions.

Reinvestment group Attentional focus instruction Acquisition Tests

1 2 3 4 5 Transfer Retention

High Internal 14.89 (2.80) 13.36 (1.71) 13.09 (2.98) 10.52 (3.56) 10.07 (2.10) 9.42 (2.99) 10.90 (1.34)
External 13.61 (2.32) 13.61 (2.12) 12.46 (3.32) 11.28 (2.45) 10.64 (2.86) 13.76 (1.83) 12.72 (1.73)
Control 14.11 (2.08) 12.86 (3.53) 13.29 (2.56) 11.62 (1.97) 10.62 (2.73) 12.54 (2.41) 12.30 (1.06)
Low Internal 13.29 (3.21) 13.53 (2.13) 12.43 (2.41) 11.79 (2.17) 9.81 (2.09) 11.28 (1.46) 13.23 (1.52)
External 13.78 (2.20) 13.38 (2.32) 12.37 (2.45) 11.61 (3.87) 10.25 (2.44) 9.82 (1.02) 10.68 (1.49)
Control 13.63 (2.76) 12.97 (2.88) 12.63 (2.74) 11.40 (3.21) 10.24 (2.13) 12.74 (1.30) 12.13 (1.86)
MRE ¼ m1 i¼1 REi
RE ¼ x þ y2

Where MRE ¼ mean radial error, RE ¼ radial error (distance between the throw and the center), m ¼ number of trials, and i ¼ a particular trial.

to 5) repeated measures ANOVA tested for differences during SD ¼ 2.41) (p < 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-5.22, 1.01]), whereas no difference
acquisition. Baseline equality (i.e. MRE in Block 1) and MRE in was found between external focus and control group (p ¼ 0.45, 95%
transfer and delayed retention was tested via 2 (Reinvestment CI ¼ [-3.32, 0.89]) (Fig. 1). For the children with a low conscious
Group: High vs Low) x 3 (Instruction Group: External vs Internal vs control propensity, the external focus group (M ¼ 9.82, SD ¼ 1.02)
Control) ANOVAs. Chi-square test was used to test for adherence to performed with higher accuracy than the internal focus group
the verbal instructions. Post hoc tests with Bonferroni adjustments (M ¼ 11.28, SD ¼ 1.46) (p < 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-2.91, 0.01]) and control
were performed to follow up on significant effects. Greenhouse- group (M ¼ 12.74, SD ¼ 1.30) (p < 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-4.37, 1.46]),
geisser was used for the correction of heteroscedasticity. Effect whereas the internal focus group also performed with higher ac-
size was expressed as partial eta squared. curacy than control group (p < 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-2.93, 0.01]) (Fig. 1).

3. Results 3.5. Retention

3.1. Instruction adherence During the retention test, no significant effect of conscious
control propensity (F (1, 54) ¼ 0.13, p ¼ 0.91, h2p ¼ 0.59) and no
Most of the children (95%) adhered to the focus instructions. significant effect of focus instruction were found (F (2, 54) ¼ 7.10,
Two participants, who had high propensities for conscious control, p > 0.50, h2p ¼ 0.26). However, a significant interaction was found
had inadvertently shifted from their instructed external focus to an between conscious control propensity and instruction group (F (2,
internal focus of attention. For the participants who did not receive 54) ¼ 12.03, p < 0.001, h2p ¼ 0.31). Post hoc tests showed that for
any attentional focus instruction (n ¼ 20), one child with a high children with a high propensity for conscious control, the internal
propensity for conscious control reported having focused internally focus group performed with higher accuracy (M ¼ 10.90, SD ¼ 1.34)
and one child with low propensity had focus externally. than the external focus group (M ¼ 12.72, SD ¼ 1.73) (p < 0.05, 95%
CI ¼ [-3.42, 0.21]) and control group (M ¼ 12.30, SD ¼ 1.06)
3.2. Baseline (p < 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-3.01, 0.21]), whereas no difference was found
between the external focus group and control group (p > 0.05, 95%
Performance at baseline (i.e. MRE in Block 1) was equal for all CI ¼ [-1.19, 2.02]) (Fig. 1). For children with a low propensity for
focus instruction groups and both groups of children with either conscious control, the external focus group performed with higher
low or high conscious control propensity (ps > 0.1). accuracy (M ¼ 10.68, SD ¼ 1.49) than the internal focus group
(M ¼ 13.23, SD ¼ 1.52) (p < 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-4.17, 0.93]) and control
3.3. Acquisition group (M ¼ 12.13, SD ¼ 1.86) (p < 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-3.07, 0.17]),
whereas no difference was found between internal focus instruc-
During the acquisition session, there was a significant effect of tion group and control group (p > 0.05, 95% CI ¼ [-0.52, 2.71])
block (F (3.53, 190.46) ¼ 70.24, p < 0.001, h2p ¼ 0.57) (Fig. 1). No (Fig. 1).
significant differences between reinvestment groups (F (1,
54) ¼ 1.15, p ¼ 0.29, h2p ¼ 0.02) or between instruction groups (F (2, 4. Discussion
54) ¼ 0.04, p > 0.96, h2p < 0.01) were found. Moreover, no significant
interaction between the groups was revealed (F (2, 54) ¼ 0.20, In this study, we investigated whether the propensity for
p ¼ 0.82, h2p < 0.01). conscious control of children moderates the effects of attentional
focus (internal versus external) on motor learning and perfor-
3.4. Transfer mance. Children, selected for having either high or low propensities
for conscious control, engaged in a practice phase, a transfer task
During the transfer test, no significant effect of conscious control and delayed retention of a darts task. During practice, they were
propensity (F (1, 54) ¼ 2.36, p ¼ 0.13, hp2 ¼ 0.42) was found. given instruction to adopt either an internal or an external focus of
However, a significant effect of focus instruction (F (2, 54) ¼ 10.66, attention or a non-specific focus. Results revealed no effects during
p < 0.001, h2p ¼ 0.28) and a significant interaction between practice, but significant interactions between propensity for
conscious control propensity and instruction group (F (2, conscious control and instructions in the transfer and delayed
54) ¼ 32.97, p < 0.001, h2p ¼ 0.55) were found. Post hoc comparisons retention task. In line with our hypotheses, children with a high
indicated that for children with high conscious control propensity, propensity for conscious control performed best when they had
the internal focus group performed with higher accuracy (M ¼ 9.42, practiced the task using an internal focus of attention and those
SD ¼ 2.99) than the external focus group (M ¼ 13.76, SD ¼ 1.83) with low propensities performed best when they had learned the
(p < 0.001, 95% CI ¼ [-6.43, 2.22]) and control group (M ¼ 12.54, task using an external focus of attention. These results indicate that
38 A.C.Y. Tse, W.F. van Ginneken / Psychology of Sport and Exercise 31 (2017) 35e39

Fig. 1. The interaction effect among reinvestment propensity (high versus low), instruction (internal focus versus external focus versus control), and block (B1-B5) during the
acquisition, transfer and retention for the MRE measurement.

children's motor learning if most effective when focus instructions questionable whether the children were complete novices before
match natural inclinations. engaging in the procedure. It is likely that they had experience with
The most obvious explanations for these effects are that children throwing objects. Therefore, it is unknown whether the results of
with high conscious control propensities possess either relatively this study apply to completely novel tasks. Furthermore, a small
low levels of movement automaticity and/or high cognitive ca- number of children did not follow the attentional focus instructions
pacities e and conversely that ones with a low propensity possess and focus in an opposite manner. However, like Emanuel et al.,
high automaticity and/or lower cognitive capacities. However, the (2008) study, we did not exclude those participants as they had
exact nature of the underlying mechanism(s) cannot be determined been assigned to the different instruction groups randomly. Lastly,
based on the current study. the target group of the current study was children. Even though it is
However, there may be other factors than automaticity and likely that the results transfer to adults, further research is neces-
cognition at work. In fields related to motor learning beneficial sary to examine this possibility.
effects of confluence between predispositions and learning condi-
tions have been reported. In educational psychology, it has been 5. Conclusions
proposed that individuals have their own strengths and learning
styles (Felder & Silverman, 1988; Hawk & Shah, 2007). For example, This study shows that the effects of internal and external focus
verbal learners may prefer learning through hearing and speaking, of attention on motor learning and performance in children is not
while visual learners may learn better through pictures and dia- straight forward, but depend on predispositions for conscious
grams (Felder & Silverman, 1988). If teaching style does not match control. Motor learning appears to be most effective when focus
with learner's natural style, learning may be degraded (Hawk & instructions match the natural inclinations of the child. Future
Shah, 2007). These findings indicate that a more general effect of research may examine which mechanisms (e.g. automaticity,
fit between predisposition and circumstance might exist that is not cognition and/or distraction) govern this effect.
specifically mediated by automaticity or cognition.
Furthermore, Emanuel et al. (2008) pointed out that children are Appendix A. Supplementary data
prone to being distracted. This may explain why children did less
well when they were instructed to adapt a focus that contradicted Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http://
their predisposition. It may have been difficult for them to sustain a
non-natural focus of attention, as their predispositions distracted
them away from the instructed focus. Further, research is therefore
required to determine which mechanisms govern the positive ef-
fects of a confluence between personality predispositions and Bernstein, N. A. (1996). Dexterity and its development. Hove, United Kingdom: Psy-
attentional focus instructions. chology Press.
Capio, C. M., Poolton, J. M., Sit, C. H., Eguia, K. F., & Masters, R. S. W. (2012). Reduction
Practical implications of this study are that practice environ-
of errors during practice facilitates fundamental movement skill learning in
ments should be adapted to the characteristics of children. children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research,
Although to a degree this point may go without saying, previous 57(4), 295e305.
literature suggested that environment and personal characteristics Capio, C. M., Poolton, J. M., Sit, C. H., Holmstrom, M., & Masters, R. S. W. (2011).
Reducing errors benefits the field-based learning of a fundamental movement
could be viewed as separate. Based on the current study, it can be skill in children. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 23(2),
argued that children fare best under learning conditions that fit 181e188.

Chiviacowsky, S., Wulf, G., & Avila, L. (2013). An external focus of attention enhances
their personality predispositions. Physical education teachers or
motor learning in children with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual
sports coaches may therefore use information on these character- Disability Research, 57(7), 627e634.
istics to adapt learning conditions accordingly. 2788.2012.01569.x.
Limitations of the present study regard the novelty of the task, Emanuel, M., Jarus, T., & Bart, O. (2008). Effect of focus of attention and age on
motor acquisition, retention, and transfer: A randomized trial. Physical Therapy,
adherence to the instructions and age of the sample. It is 88(2), 251.
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