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-ceas has a v strong legislative framework for the

immigratns and also respects the geneva convention

which is proven by the amouont of people that
receive protection on european soil

-after last year over 40k afghanis have been welceomed to the EU

-temp protection directive, 4M have received status in EU accesto

labour education and rights that are uniform across the EU

-this also covers ppl that may not fall direxctly into the geneva convention
that still may need protection

- se poate reclama curtiilor, thanks to the rule of

law meaning that the courts get to verify the application of the laws

-milions of euros for integration projects.

-external border management.

this leads to the exsitnece of a collective external border- the border of the EU.
countires have special duties to enforce these ppl.

common system and common laws

frontex supports the memebr states on their borders- underpinning IT system for
screening terrorists.

interoperable IT system which will allow us to recognize spies if theyre using

three passports. this will facilitate legit travel.

Frontex and the greeks pushed back migrants into the sea: frontex is goverened by
one of the most advanmced HR set of rules aqnd one of the most inportant HR
officers in order to verify any issues in relation.
Éu makes an inquiry because it is a violation and for greece for example the system
has been reformed. follow up allegations that and take action against inividuals
against the ppl that have been involved. Allegations.

the delegaiton of beligum had a Q about greece

greece has received thousands of migrants in the past year. the camps have been
refurbished, new projects of integration have been started so this taskforce has
taken up the task of ensuring that greece can withstand this migratory pressure
that greece is facing with repecting the EU legislation.

look on eurostat to see the number of migrants that greece and italy have received,
frontex and the EU agency for asylum, evidence and data to asses the actual
situation that is there on the ground.
relocating their asylum seekers to another country to rwanda: using rwanda as a
destination i not inline with the geneva conventions and interantional legilation.

how will italy proceed with its migration policy going forward?

hungary which is a member of the EU: they dont have the capacity of the funds to
accept migrants: the opinion of the institutions: repeated infringemnt procedures
that have been launched and the court has made the decision and there u can find
the clearest opinion.

congo: opinion- processing centers outside of the european territories. to

distinguish those who have the right to international protection. - this has been
discussed hundreds of times at eu level and there is a challenge in order to haev
smth of hte kind u need to have a country that agrees and there have not been any
forthcoming countries.

why does the eu expcect LICs to acept them

we dont have expectations just geography, a crisis affecting the horn of africa
will have an impact = solidarity will be offered to the countries or by prvidng
measures such as settlement pathways

the Eu helped libyans capture migrants even tho in libya there are crimes against
humanity- train and support the libyan coast guard to become a professional force
and it has its own management of its own borders, summgling from their borders is
nasty and the training is to stop the migrants from leaving.

emergcency transit mechanism.

Eu fights against NGOs that halp migrants.

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