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Cwnp. Biarhm Phnzai. Vol 7OA. pp. 387 to 395. 1981 030%96?9,81 011387-OW2.

Printed in Great Brick. All rights rewed Copyright 0 1981 Pergamon Prrrc Lid




Department of Anatomy, College of Medicine. University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85724 and ‘Section of
Genetics and Development. Bradfield Hall, Cornell University. lthaca, NY 14853. U.S.A.

(Receired 30 Murc,h 1981)

Abstract-i. The fructose content of the reproductive tracts of M&s /ff~~~~~.~and M. relifer was
recorded at intervals throughout the annual reproductive cycle.
2. The data indicate that seminal Ruid ~parti~ulariy the ampullary glands) contributes to the uterine
fructose cuntent and that the uterus is also fructo~eni~.
3. Preliminary experiments tested the role of steroids and of stress-related hormones on uterine
4. Fructose was not present in the epididymides.
5. While fructose of seminal and uterine origin probably plays a role in prolonged sperm survival, the
possibility that other metabolizable substrates are present and of use for spermatozoa retention in the
female reproductive tract should be investigated.

Since spermatogenesis, copulation and fertilization Racey & Potts (1970) did not reveal any unique cyto-
are closely synchronized events in most mammals, logical features of intrauterine sperm as compared
spermatozoa are not usually called upon to maintain with epididymal sperm (Fawcett & Ito, 1965) that
their viability for long periods of time. However, might be responsible for their prolonged survival in
many species of vespertilionid and rhinolophid bats the female tract.
deviate from this theme, interposing a long period of The alternative, that bat spermatozoa or the repro-
sperm storage between copulation in autumn and fer- ductive tract separately or in consort, may possess
tilization in spring (Hartman, 1933). One of the most special physiological adaptations that allow for their
intriguing reproductive adaptations of these bats is active participation in the phenomenon, finds support
the remarkable ability of the spermatozoa to survive from observations that spermatozoa are orientated
for long periods, up to several months in torpid bats. towards and assume a close intimacy with the endo-
without loss of viability or fertilizing capacity metrial and oviductal epithelium (Courrier, 1921:
(Matthews, 1937; Folk, 1940; Wimsatt, 1942, 1944; Nakano, 1928; Rendez, 1929; Hiraiwa & Uchida,
Kleiman & Racey, 1969; Racey, 1972. 1973, 1975. 1955; Racey et ul., 1975; Krishna & Dominic. 1978).
1979). Prolonged sperm survival, although not unique In some instances, spermatozoa have been seen
to bats, reaches its greatest development in this order indenting or penetrating the epithehum. bringing
of mammals where both the male (epididymides) and them close to cellular organelles (see Plate 8. Fig. 17,
female (uterine corpus, tubo-uterine junction and Wimsatt ef ill., 1966) and glycogen granules (Napoli-
vagina) reproductive tracts participate in the phenom- tano et ul., 1963). This relationship has also been con-
enon. firmed in several additional studies (Racey & Potts,
Early suggestions that prolonged viability may be a 1970; Racey et ul., 1975; Mori & Uchida, 1980;
direct (and passive) response to hypothermia have Richardson CI al., 1980). Sperm orientation towards
largely been refuted by the realization that many spe- the adjacent epithelium has also been recorded in
cies may be more active during hibernation than pre- other sperm-storing vertebrates (e.g. guppy: Jalabert
viously supposed (Strelkov, 1962; Ransome, 1971: & Billard, 1969; domestic hen: Van Krey ef ul., 1967;
Racey, 1973) and by the recent discovery of sperm garter snakes: Fox. 1956; Hoffman & Wimsatt, 1972).
storage in several species of tropical and neotropical Although there is no proof that the survival of these
nonhibernating (but not necessarily nonheterother- spermatozoa is in any way favored by this relation-
mic) VerspertiIionids (~opalakr~shna & Madhavan, ship, it appears that their structural integrity is main-
1971, i978; Medway, 1972; Racey PI ul., 1915: Myers, tained during storage.
1977; Krishna & Dominic, 1978). Crowding of stored Racey (1975) has cautioned against ascribing
spermatozoa, producing local high pC02 levels that special significance to the spermatozo~~n-uterus orien-
may favor reduced motility and metabolism (Rendez, tation after having simulated a similar tropism by
1929; Schwab, 19.52) is unlikely to be the principal confining semen in drops of paraffin oil. Nevertheless,
mechanism favoring prolonged longevity. Electron considerable evidence has accumulated which lends
microscopic studies by Wimsatt et ~1. (1966) and support to the existence of a functional interrelation-

388 ELIZABETH G. CRK-HT~N et cd.

ship between the female reproductive tract epithelial became visible for removal (April to June). Anlpuilary
lining and the orientation of stored spermatozoa (see glands, seminal vesicles. prostate glands and caudae epidi-
review by Racey, 1979). While a function in capacita- dymides were analyzed separately, either individually or
pooled into groups of up to five depending on organ
tion has been attributed to the close sperm-uterine
weight. Samples were homogenized in cold IO”.,, trichloro-
relatioIlship in some species (Austin, 1969), obser- acetic acid (TCA) and filtered. The filtrate was then ana-
vations suggest that a nutritional interrelationship lyzed for fructose according to the resorcinol calorimetric
may more likely underlie intimate sperm-uterine as- procedure of Roe (1934). as modified by Lindner & Mann
sociations. Evidence giving credence to this specu- (1960). No allovvance was made to correct for the small
lation relates to the presence of glycogen in the uter- amount of phosphofructose probably lost due to its cxtrac-
ine (and epididymal) epithelium (Nakano, 1928; Wim- tion by TCA (Mann. 1964).
satt, 1949: Racey & Potts, 1970; Racey, 1975) while
certain enzymes of glycolysis and the pentose and sor-
To determine the effect of arousal on the uterine fructose
bitol pathways have been located in the spermatozoa
levels. bats were removed from hibernation and kept active
as well as the epithelia from both the epididymides
at room temperature (72’ F) for 24 hr prior to sacrifice.
and uterus (Pipi.~tre~lus p~F~.str~l~~s, Racey, 1975;
Myofis /ucifugu.s, Wimsatt, 1969). These pathways to
sperm nutrition are well defined in some vertebrate Sex steroid hormones were dissolved in a 0.2 ml aliquot
(Hers, 1957: Lorenz, 1958; Lake et cd., 1962; Mann, of absolute alcohot and brought to final dilution with corn
1964) and invertebrate systems (Anderson & Per- oil. Injections (O.l~ml) were given subcutaneously in the
sonne, 1969). It is possible that the intimate sperm.. interscapular region. Animals received a total dose of
uterine contact may represent a means whereby either 30 I_cgestrogen (5 pg/day per 6 days); 750 gg pro-
nutrients from the endometrium are accessible to gesterone (250 ng/every second dayithree times); 20 fig
estrogen (5 pg/day per 4 days) plus 500 btcg progesterone
stored spematozoa.
(250 &day per 2 days) or 1500 pg testosterone (250 &day
It is well established that spermatozoa utilize ex- per 6 days). Control animals were given oil alone in similar
ogenous fructose for their nutritional needs under schedules. Bats were kept active and fed for the duration of
conditions where oxygen supplies are too low to these experiments, except in one instance when the experi-
maintain the aerobic utilization of certain endogenous mental protocol required the animals to be returned to
substrates (i.e. intracellular lipids). Since fructose is a hibernation.
principat constituent of the male accessory reproduc-
tive organs (Mann, 1946, 1949, 1964) and as such,
Bats were ovariectomized or sham-operated under ether
becomes available to sperm upon ejaculation, it is
anesthesia. Oviducts were ligated with silk thread at the
Logical to implicate this nutrient as a possible sup-
utero-tubal junction and the ovaries removed. Animals
porting substance for uterine (ejaculated) spermato- were stabilized for several days prior to further experimen-
zoa. Bats are no exception to many other mammals in tal procedures.
containing fructose as a component of the seminal
plasma (Rajalakshmi & Prasad, 1970; Racey. 1974; Adrend trnd pifuifrtry hormone supplemrniufion
Krutzsch et al., 1976; Mokkapati & Dominic, 1976). In an experiment performed in November, IOOpg epi-
Wimsatt (1969) and Racey (1975) suggest that the neahrine or 0.10 iu ACTH (Armour) were iniected (0.10 ml)
uterus of hibernating bats may also contain fructose. in~ra~rit~neaily into active (n = 17) or hibernating
The present study therefore was undertaken in order (n = 20) bats which were sacrificed 4 hr later.
to confirm the presence of fructose in the female
reproductive tract and to determine if this fructose is
To exclude the possibility that the fructose being
uterine-generated (as opposed to male-contributed via measured in the uteri during the sperm storage period
semen) and if it exhibits an annual cycle which is was that deposited in seminal plasma as a result of autum-
influenced by the steroid milieu. nal and later copulations, a population of presumed nonin-
seminated M. ~~~~~~~~~us was collected on August 19. These
aMATERIALS AND METHODS bats (n = 10) were mduced to hibernate in the laboratory
and later (October 2) were sacrificed and their uteri ana-
lyzed for fret fructose alongside a uterine sample obtained
Four hundred adult A4rofi.s /t~c~~igus (New York State) at that time from a naturally hibernating population
and 250 adult M. t&fir (Arizona) were used in this study. (n = 5, presumed inseminated). In another experiment,
Each month, excepting May and June, bats were removed M. relifrr collected on August 23 (n = 5) were hibernated
from nature into the laboratory, where they were main- in captivity until sacrificed and analyzed alongside a
tained in an environment chamber simulating the con- sample collected fresh on November 29 (n = 5, presumed
ditions from which they had been collected. Water was inseminated).
provided U& fihirtrtn, and the bats were usually sacrificed
within a day or two of their collection. Those intended for of tisswfiw
P r~~~~~~ffi~J~1 light micwscopy cmd fiisfclchetnistr?
retention in captivity in an active state for a longer period Fixation was by immersion in lo”,, buffered formalin.
were provided meal worms (larval Tcnehrio) and water url cold Rossman’s fluid or aqueous Bouin’s fluid prior to de-
lihirmr. hydration, clearing in benzene and paraffin embedding.
Serial sections were cut at 6b(rn and stained with Harris’
haematoxylin and eosin or by the Ma&anus PAS tech-
Bats were removed from the environment chamber to nique for polysaccharides (Pearse, 1968). Diastase drgestinn
room temperature about an hour prior to sacrifice. Repro- was carried out on alternate slides to establish that PAS
ductive organs were removed from sacrificed animals, freed reactivity was due to the presence of glycogen.
of extraneous tissue and weighed on a torsion balance to Tissues for enzyme analysis were removed from the ani-
the nearest tenth of a milligram. Female tracts were ana- mal, placed immediately on a microtome chuck. sur-
lyzed minus the ovaries and embryonic mass when this rounded by OCT compound (Tissue TEK) and frozen.
Fructose in sperm storage 389

Sections were cut from these preparations at iOpm m a

cryostat (- 20°C) and mounted on glass slides. For the
analysis of acid and alkaline phosphatase activities, the
azo-dye coupling techniques of Pearse (1968), were used;
the enzymes were localized by Fast Garnet GEK and Fast
Red TR salts, respectively.

The Student Newman-Keuls test was applied to deter-

mine whether differences between the data from the
various sampling times were significant. Differences were
considered significant at the P < 0.05 level.


Attnuul fiuctogeniccycle Months

Mules. Male M. lucijiigus exhibited a fructogenic Fig. 2. Annual fructose cycle in the accessory organs of
cycle in the accessory sex glands (ampullary, prostate male M. uelifir. n-----O Ampullary gland; B---N Pros-
tate gland; #+...+ 0 Seminal vesicles. Rec. = recrudes-
and seminal vesicles) that varied seasonally (Fig. 1).
cence; Cop. = copulation; Invol. = involution. Vertical
The ampullary gland was the major fructose-produc- bars represent the standard error of the mean. Numbers at
ing accessory sex organ. In this gland, fructose each point represent the number of samples (sample = l-5
reached its maximum levef (September/October) at bats pooled).
the onset of hibernation (almost 5.0mg fructose/g
tissue). Fructose remained significantly elevated until
male bats emerged from hibernation (April). Follow- values), a small elevation in fructose was recorded in
ing the return of bats to an active metabolic state, the prostate and ampullary glands, from trace levels
ampullary gland fructose content decreased markedly during July and August to 2.0-3.0 mg fructose/g tissue
(I .4 mg fructose/g tissue during May and June) in at the onset of hibernation in October (Fig. 2). Levels
keeping with the involution of the entire gland. The were reduced in May (1.S mg fructose/g tissue).
prostate gland also showed an annual fructose cycle- Seminal vesicle fructose values, though much lower,
not as dramatic, however, as the ampullary gland, and demonstrated a similar though less well marked trend
furthermore, the organ produced less sugar. Fructose in annual cyclicity. An analysis of the differences
content of the prostate rose at the beginning of hiber- between monthly means revealed no significance
nation (2.2mg fructose/g tissue in September) and, (P < 0.05).
with some fluctuations remained higher throughout Fructose was not identified in the caudae epididy-
the sperm storage period than at other times in the mides in either species.
year. The seminal vesicles also elaborated fructose, Fe&es. An analysis of the female reproductive
but at even lower levels (0.5-1.5 mg fructose/g tissue) tracts of both species demonstrated fructose in the
and with less seasonal fluctuation than the ampullary uterus, although at much lower levels than recorded
and prostate glands. When .the differences between from the accessory sex glands in males. Fructose
seasonal levels of fructose in either the prostate or underwent cyclic changes seasonally (Figs 3 and 4). In
seminal vesicles, were analyzed, no significance was M. velifrr, uterine fructose levels rose from baseline
recorded (P < 0.05). values in June (0.03 mg fructose/g uterus). July
Although our annual data from M. velifer were not (0.06 mg fructose/g uterus) and early August to a
complete (we lacked late winter and early spring maximum level in late August (1.26 mg fructose/g

1 9

,',,'s'o'N'D'J' F’,.,‘A’M’J
Fig. I. Annual fructose cycle in the accessory organs of
male M. ~f~~~~~~.~. O-----Cl Ampullary gland; m----II Fig. 3. Annual uterine fructose cycle in female M. ~~~~~g~,~.
Prostate gland; 0.1 .O Seminal vesicles. Rec. = recru- O-----O Monthly fructose levels. An. = anestrus;
descence; Cop. = copulation; Invol. = involution. Vertical Cop. = copulation; Preg. = pregnancy; Lact. = lactation.
bars represent the standard error of the mean. Numbers at Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean.
each point represent the number of samples (sample = l-5 Numbers at each point represent the number of samples
bats pooled). (sample = l-5 bats pooled).

analyzed I hr after arousal. When these experiments

were performed near the end of natural hibernation
(April), bats aroused from hibernation 24 hr prior to
analysis and bats that remained hibernating until the
time of sacrifice in each case contained significantly
less uterine fructose than bats brought to room tem-
perature about an hour prior to analysis (Table 1).

Results of experiments to determine the role of the

ovary in the fructogenic cycle are given in Table 2 (M.
~~~~~~gus)and Table 3 (M. celifh). Ovariectomy at the
end of the sperm storage period, without subsequent
steroid therapy, reduced uterine fructose levels below
those to be expected at this time of the year, whereas
Fig. 4. Annual uterine fructose cycle in female M. wlfcr. uterine fructose was raised after supplementation by
Cl-----U Monthly fructose levels. An. = anestrus: testosterone and by progesterone alone or in combi-
Cop. = copulation; Preg. = pregnancy; Lact. = lactation. nation with estrogen. The fructose values obtained
Vertical bars represent the standard error of the mean. were not significantly different (P < 0.05). except in
Numbers at each point represent samples (sample = f--5
the one experiment in which testosterone was admin-
bats pooled).
istered to ovariectomized bats.
uterus). Eighty percent of specimens of M. luc$uguyus In February (during the sperm storage period), only
sampled in July were without uterine fructose. The estrogen in combination with progesterone effected a
remaining two lactating samples (n = 6) from July marked rise in uterine fructose levels of active intact
and four nonlactating samples (n = 20) from early bats. Progesterone alone reduced fructose below con-
August contained more than 1.2 mg fructoseig uterus, trol levels, while estrogen alone raised fructose
while the other 11 samples assayed during August slightly. A comparison between fructose values
contained smaller amounts of fructose. Uterine fruc- obtained after hormone treatment and normal values
tose decreased in September in both species, but once showed that none of the differences was significant.
again rose in November, attaining a maximum value Towards the end of the sperm storage period (April).
of 1.36 mg fructose/g uterus in December in M. luci- all steroid hormone treatments lowered uterine fruc-
fiqus. Fructose values dropped sharply in January in tose below the control value in intact. aroused or hi-
M. lt~~~~giis, while 804, of ,M. wlifer sampled at this bernating bats, testosterone producing the least
time contained no uterine fructose. Levels rose again reduction.
during February in M. wlifer, but remained low in M. A sample of eight M. rle[fer obtained in August and
lucifugus until April, the time of arousal and concep- used as oil-injected controls for a steroid supplemen-
tion. A comparison of the averages of monthly uterine tation experiment contained no uterine fructose.
fructose levels showed that, although differences Ovariectomy at this time did not alter these values,
existed, they were not significant. but hormone supplementation to intact bats pro-
Specimens of M. vei$'er assayed in May included duced small increases in uterine fructose, with pro-
two nonpregnant animals with greatly elevated fruc- gesterone effecting the most pronounced elevation
tose levels (4.5 and 1.4 mg fructoseig uterus). If these (Table 3). A comparison between means showed that
two bats are treated as a separate sample. their uter- none of the differences was significant.
ine fructose content was significantly elevated above
other bats (all pregnant), obtained at the same time
(X = 0.54 mg fructose/g uterus). ACTH and epinephrine were ~ldministcred to active
and ~libernatin~ female ;M. ~I~~~~~~~~~s.These hormones
significantly depressed uterine fructose levels in active
During the early sperm storage period (November- bats; in hibernating animals. ACTH depressed uterine
December), M. luc@gus brought from the hibernating fructose, but epinephrine significantly raised it
state about an hour before analysis had significantly (Table 4).
more uterine fructose (x = 1.063 mg fructose&
uterus) than bats sacrificed immediately from hiber-
nation (x = 0.323 mg fructoseig uterus). Bats ana- In an assay performed on October 2. presumed
lyzed after 24 hr of arousal had slightly less uterine noninseminated M. !~ccifu~rr.s held captive since
fructose (x = 0.986mg fructose/‘g uterus) than those August 19 (at which time a sample contained 0.46 mg
fructose/g uterus) contained 0.71 mg fructose/g uterus
Table 1. Effect of hibernation and arousal on fructose while presumed inseminated bats collected on
levels (mgig uterus) in the bat uterus. Each value rep- October 2 had 0.81 mg fructoseig uterus. These values
resents the mean of 3-7 samples (sample = 5 bats pooled) did not differ signi~cantly.
In another assay performed on M. u~i+r, the
Time Aroused Normal Hibernating
August-collected, presumed noninseminated bats still
April 0.055 0.710 0.183 contained no uterine fructose, whereas the November-
November 0.986 1.063 0.323 collected, presumed inseminated bats contained
0.66 mg fruct0se.g uterus.
Fructose in sperm storage 391

Table 2. Uterine fructose levels (mg/g tissue) in response to ovariectomy and to steroid
administration to intact and ovariectomized bats (Myotis lucifugus) during the mid-sperm
storage period (February) and towards its termination (April). n = number of samples
(sample = 3-5 bats pooled)

Aroused Intact Intact Ovariectomized
_(Feb) Aroused Hib. Aroused
Hormone n X range n (Apr) n (Apr) n (Apr)

Estrogen 5 0.32 2 0.56 3 0.18 1 0.16

(GO.70) ((M.36)

Progesterone 3 0.04 3 0.19 2 0.34 1 0.72

(0.17) (O-0.33)

Estrogen & 5 0.76 4 0.39 3 0.17 1 0.72

progesterone (fS2.72) (0.21LO.56) ((rO.34)

Testosterone 3 0.63 3 0.55 1 2.86

(0.51LO.76) (0.31LO.71)

Control 4 0.25 1 0.73 2 0.62 1 0.14

Normal, 7 0.32 22 0.78

Table 3. Uterine fructose levels (mg/g tissue) in response to ovariectomy and to

steroid administration to intact bats (Mq’otis uelifer) just prior to the sperm storage
period (August). (Each value represents the average of 3-5 analyses)

Estrogen &
Ovariectomy Estrogen Progesterone progesterone Testosterone Control

0 0.28 0.79 0.13 0.22 0

(SO.43) (Ck1.69) (crO.50) (W.49)

effect of steroids on ocarian histology Histochemical localization of enzymes

Ovaries from active M. lucfugus that served as con- Histochemical analysis of the female tract during
trols in steroid supplementation experiments con- the sperm storage season demonstrated the presence
ducted in February contained many multilaminar fol- of acid and alkaline phosphatases in the epithelia of
licles, some of which were antral. In contrast, there the utero-tubal junction and uterine corpus. Glyco-
were no antral follicles in the ovaries of bats sacrificed gen, however, was only present in the epithelial cells
following steroid therapy. Estrogen administration in the utero-tubal junction and caudae epididymides.
alone or in combination with progesterone strongly The caudae epididymides reacted strongly for alkaline
stimulated the growth of interstitial cell tissue. There phosphatase when spermatozoa were present, but
were few follicles present in the ovaries of estrogen- were negative for this enzyme when spermatozoa were
supplemented bats. Exogenous estrogen and pro- absent. Conversely, acid phosphatase was absent
gesterone together and progesterone alone resulted in when spermatozoa were present, but the epididymal
the formation of many large bilaminar and multi- epithelium was positive for acid phosphatase once the
laminar follicles. sperm storage season had ended and the caudae epi-
didymal lumina were empty of spermatozoa.


Table 4. Effect of ACTH and epinephrine on fructose We have demonstrated fructose in the reproductive
levels (mg/g uterus) in the bat uterus during the sperm tracts of both male (epididymides excepted) and
storage period. (Each value represents the mean of 3 female Myotis in amounts that vary seasonally. In the
analyses). male, we find that the annual fructogenic cycle corre-
lates positively with accessory gland hypertrophy.
Metabolic state ACTH Control Epinephrine Fructose rises near the end of the spermatogenic
phase and maintains maximal levels throughout the
Active 0.15 1.04 0.06
Hibernating 0.11 0.32 1.13
hibernation (sperm storage) phase of the male repro-
ductive cycle, a time when accessory glands are hyper-

trophied. Fructose levels are lowest in June and July, females had already been inseminated at the time of
a time when males are undergoing their annual sper- capture, M. cd@, however, is unlikely to mate as
matogenic cycle but are yet without epididymal sperm early as August; thus bats collected at this time and
and enlargement of the involuted accessory sex glands shown lacking in uterine fructose in November prob-
has not begun. Contrary to many other mammalian ably had not received a seminal contribution.
species and the tropical bat Cynopterus sphinx (Mok- Nevertheless, we believe that some of the fructose
kapati & Dominic, 1976), the seminal vesicles of recorded is of female reproductive tract origin. This
Myoti,s contribute the least amount of fructose to the belief arises from experiments in which bats were
seminal fluid. In M_rotis, as in Scotophilus heuthi, allowed to remain hibernating until the time of sacri-
Tuphozous 1ongimunu.s and Pteropus gigunteus (Raja- fice. These experiments (November and April) showed
lakshmi & Prasad. 1970; Mokkapati & Dominic, that bats activated about an hour prior to sacrifice
1976), the ampullary glands are the most active male (normal method) generated significant amounts of
reproductive organs in fructose production. Fructose uterine fructose as compared with the small amount
is not available to epididymal sperm. as evidenced by present in the hibernating state. (Low uterine fructose
the negligible quantity of this sugar in this organ. levels during hibernation are logical concomitants of
In the female, it is likely that part or all of the rising reduced needs of any spermatozoa that may be
uterine fructose values during the early sperm storage present). A prolonged period of arousal (24 hr) was
period result from periodic infusions of seminal followed by a reduction in uterine fructose in experi-
fructose. Although insemination reaches its climax in ments performed in April. Prolonged arousal might
SeptemberrOctober (prior to hibernation), it prob- lead to a demand by stored spermatozoa for increased
ably occurs sporadically throughout hibernation, due uterine fructose; such need could only be met by ac-
to the continued proestrous state and resultant recep- celerated fructogenesis. In experiments carried out in
tivity of the female. November, fructose levels did not decline significantly
In August in M. lucifugus. uterine fructose probably following 24 hr of arousal. Thus, the capacity to toler-
reflects early copulatory activity, since it is then that ate such metabolic demand was greater at the begin-
plasma testosterone levels reach a peak and the ac- ning of sperm storage (November). At that time, per-
cessory gland epithehum attains maximum height iodic arousals normally would occur in nature, and a
(Gustafson, 1977). These indicators, as well as direct built-in mechanism to accommodate to these meta-
measurement of seminal fructose, suggest that the bolic fluctuations would be important to sperm sur-
fructose measured is of seminal fluid origin. vival.
Further evidence that some of the uterine fructose Thus, uterine fructose noted during the sperm stor-
is of male origin is as follows. In M. lucr~ugus, a deep age season could be self-generated, male-contributed,
hibernator, uterine fructose declines steeply to prehi- or both. The steady accumulation of uterine fructose
bernation levels during January and remains at this demonstrated in M. luc$ugu,s from September to
level throughout the rest of the sperm storage period. December may reflect the synthesis of uterine fructose
Copulatory activity during this time is presumably in readiness for spermatozoan maintenance, the ac-
minimal in M. lucifugus as compared with M. odifrr, cumulation of aliquots of seminal plasma fructose, or
whose intermittent hibernating behavior permits both. Conceivably also. the steep decline in uterine
copulation. That such may be the case is reflected in fructose from December to January in M. Iucjfugus,
the presence of fructose in January and February. followed by its retention at pre-hibernation levels
Since the accessory glands of Myoris remain secretory throughout the remainder of the sperm storage
and hypertrophied throughout the sperm storage period, reflects gradual dilution and dumping of
period, seminal fructose is likely supplied continu- uterine or seminal fructose. Or the drop could be
ously to those females receiving periodic insemina- explained by utilization by stored spermatozoa of
tions during hibernation. Nevertheless, successful fer- fructose at a rate that exceeded supply or synthesis.
tilization is known to operate without such additional Hibernation in M. cc/@ in Arizona would likely be
infusions (Matthews, 1937: Folk, 1940; Wimsatt, interrupted by periods of arousal. depending on local
1942. 1944; Kleiman & Racey. 1969; Racey. 1972, conditions. Uterine fructose would be expected to
1973). Further copulation may also occur at arousal show a less well marked correlation with sperm stor-
and briefly thereafter, as suggested by the highly vari- age. Thus, the highly variable results obtained during
able data obtained from female M. lucifigus at this January and February could reflect either periodic
time (April). arousals permitting copulatory activity or fluctuations
The data obtained from samples of M. cd@ in in the metabolic demands made on uterine fructo-
May similarly suggest a predominately seminal con- genesis by alternately active and torpid intrauterine
tribution to the pool of uterine fructose. Two non- spermatozoa.
pregnant bats with significantly higher uterine fruc- Preliminary experiments were designed to see if the
tose values could represent such recently inseminated ovary and ovarian steroids play a role in regulating
individuals. uterine fructose. The results were inconclusive. Never-
Female bats isolated from males prior to the mat- theless, elevated uterine fructose in M. lucifugus after
ing season also yielded data supporting our convic- administration of exogenous testosterone leads us to
tion that some female reproductive tract fructose is consider a possible role for steroids on uterine fructo-
male-contributed. For example, M. /ucifugus was iso- genesis. Androgens are known to be required for fruc-
lated in mid-August and shown in October to have tose production in the male (Mann, 1964). Indications
uterine fructose values virtually identical to those in are that in female rats, male accessory organ trans-
uteri of bats brought freshly from the field; such cor- plants can be induced to produce fructose following
respondence suggests that the summer isolated either direct administration of exogenous testosterone
Fructose in sperm storage 393

or indirect stimulation of ovarian androgenesis by where they commonly take on a close association
steroids (Price et ul., 1949, 1955). Synthetic progester- with epithelial cells. It is not known whether the
one is held to have androgenic activity when given in luminal environment of the female reproductive tract
large doses. In some species, androgens are the princi- of the bat is aerobic (as it is for other mammalian
pal steroids secreted by the ovarian stroma during the species: Bishop, 1956; Nevo, 1965) or anaerobic dur-
follicular phase (Rice & Savard, 1966; Hilliard et nl., ing sperm storage (hibernation). Thus, the relative im-
1974) and it is through their aromatization that estro- portance of glycolytic vs oxidative metabolism has
gen is produced in the granulosa. not been determined for bat intrauterine spermatozoa
Although the testes of hibernating M. luc~figus are and the preference for fructose over other oxidizable
not spermatogenic during the winter, testosterone is substances (e.g. pyruvate, alcohols, organic acids) or
present in the peripheral plasma (Gustafson & She- glycolysable substrates (glucose, mannose) that may
mesh, 1976). The origin of this plasma testosterone is be present, is unknown. It is tempting to think that
unknow~l, since ultrastructural studies of the Leydig luminal conditions are anaerobic, since during hiber-
cells suggest that they are nonsecretory once the sper- nation the bat has very low respiratory and pulse
matogenic and mating seasons have passed (Gustaf- rates, depressed body temperature and dramatically
son, 1979). An extragonadal site of androgen synthesis slowed metabolism. These factors suggest that oxygen
during testicular involution has been proposed in is in limited supply and that intrauterine spermatozoa
studies on interscapular brown adipose tissue continue to draw upon anaerobic mechanisms for
(Krutzsch & Wells. 1960). Support has come from metabolism during their prolonged storage. It is
histochemical demonstrations of 17~-hydroxysteroid interesting to note that Bishop (1971) speculated that
dehydrogenase activity within the multilocular fat capacitation in spermatozoa corresponds to a shift in
cells during the sperm storage season, and the epidi- metabolism from post-insemination glycolysis to oxi-
dymis. an established site of androgen synthesis in the dative phosphorylation, a process that probably could
rat (Hamilton, 1971), has also been implicated in the not occur in the bat until its emergence from hiber-
bat, by A5-3 fi-hydroxysteroid and 17p-hydroxy- nation and return to a constant, active metabolic
steroid dehydrogenase activity (Crichton & Krutzsch, state, (the time of ovulation). Of further interest is the
unpublished observations). Although the origin of finding of Rogers & Yanagimachi (1975) that the
androgen in the male hibernating bat remains acrosome reaction (and therefore capacitation) is
unclear, perhaps the low levels of steroid synthesis retarded in the spermatozoa of the guinea pig by high
signify the physiologic inhibition of prolonged torpor concentrations of fructose (and glucose). These obser-
rather than the absence of appropriate synthetic path- vations suggest the possible existence of an environ-
ways. ment-controlled mechanism in the bat that would
Aside from problems associated with obtaining delay capacitation. Such delay would in turn conserve
physiologically homogeneous samples of bats, vari- energy in stored spermatozoa until they are required
ations in uterine fructose levels may also reflect the for fertilization.
effects of capture and handling stress. In order to The female bat is in persistent estrus throughout
evaluate this possibility, bats were stimulated directly sperm storage: the reproductive tract may, therefore,
by the injection of epinephrine or indirectly by the contain elevated or reduced levels of other substances
activation of the adrenals with exogenous ACTH. The that, in some mammalian species at least, are relevant
speculation that stress, through elevation of adrenal to sperm survival, e.g. hypotaurine (Van der Hors: &
and pituitary hormones, might promote carbohydrate Brand, 1969; Jones, 1978) and ~lycerylphosphoryicho-
synthesis was substantiated, but only in epinephrine- line diesterase (White & Wallace, 1961; Wallace &
stressed hibernating bats. Both epinephrine and White, 1965; Wallace et a[., 1964, 1965).
ACTH reduced uterine fructose significantly in active Racey (1973) suggests that the burden of sperm
bats suggesting that the fructose values obtained in storage in bats falls more heavily on one sex or the
this study may have been lowered as the result of our other, depending on the species. Our studies suggest
handling of animals, but at least such handling was that factors operating in the male to promote sperm
performed in a consistent manner. survival may differ from those prevailing in the female;
Small quantities of fructose, or some fructose furthermore, different mechanisms may operate at dif-
precursor, may therefore be elaborated by the ferent points of the sperm storage period. Fructose,
female reproductive tract in preparation for or in while showing an annual cyclicity in the uterus, does
response to the presence of spermatozoa, and sperm not bear a strong relationship with the sperm storage
may derive some of the energy needed for their pro- period and it may only play a role in sperm survival
longed intrauterine stay from the metabolism of this during the initial storage phase. Fructose is not
sugar. However, it would appear that most of the present in the epididymis, and thus cannot account
fructose present in the uterus during the period when for prolonged sperm survival in the male.
spermatozoa are stored comes from seminal fluid. A recent review by Harrison (1977) points out that
smce uterine fructose levels decline rapidly in M. luci- in certain species, seminal plasma (containing fruc-
firgus once copulation has ended and torpor is under- tose) is unable to penetrate the cervix and “. . there-
way. In the anaerobic environment created by fore it cannot act as a long-term direct source of
n~lmerous recently instilled spermatozoa, such fruc- energy for the cells (spermatozoa). ” Fructose may,
tose would likely serve as the principal metabolic sub- however, contribute significantly to the acetyl stores,
strate. As hibernation continues, spermatozoa dis- which become available for normal oxidation if carni-
perse. Large numbers of them are probably voided, tine is present. For some species of bats, it is certain
while the remainder are seen in the lumen of the that spermatozoa are delivered and stored in the
uterus and its glands and in the utero-tubal junction, vagina. In Myotis. however. sperm are rarely found

there in large numbers. It may be that, in this species, ory apparatus in the hibernating vespertilionid bat,
spermatozoa are delivered directly into the body of Myotis lucifugus lucifugus during the annual reproduc-
the uterus, thereby maintaining contact with the tive cycle. Anat. Rec. 187, 595.
seminal fluid and its utilizable substrates. GUSTAFSON A. W. (1979) Male reproductive patterns in hi-
bernating bats. J. Reprad. Ferr. 56, 317--331.
These observations suggest that further research
GUSTAF~~NA. W. & SHEMESH M. (1976) Changes in plasma
might be productively directed at defining other testosterone levels during the annual reproductive cycle
metabolizable substrates present and utilizable for of the hibernating bat, Myotis fucifugus iucifigus with a
spermatozoan survival in the bat uterus. In particular, survey of plasma testosterone levels in adult male verte-
glucose should be investigated as a possible substrate brates. Biol. Reprod. 15, 9--24.
for the metabolism of stored spermatozoa. It is the HAMILTON D. W. (1971) Steroid function in the mammalian
main carbohydrate present in the female reproductive epididymis. J. Reprod. Fert. Suppl. 13, 89-97.
tract (Pedron et ul., 1975) and it has bekn implicated HARRISONR. A. P. (1977) The metabolism of mammalian
as an energy source for mouse spermatozoa during spermatozoa. In Fronriers in Reprodu~tiun und Ferfj~~t~
Conrrof II. (Edited by GREEPR. 0. & KOBLINSKY M. A.),
capacitation (Hoppe, 1976). It seems equally relevant
pp. 379401. MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
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sperm retention and survival by suppressing the meta- the female genital tract of the bat. Q. Rec. Biol. 8,
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motility and the activity of the phagocytic system Arscia, Bruxeltes.
(Hunter et al., 1971a, 1971b). Such mechanisms, acting HILLIARDJ., SCARAMUZZIR. J., PANG C., PEWARDIR. &
separately or in unison, could conceivably extend the SAWYERC. H. (1974) Testosterone secretion by rabbit
life span of spermatozoa within the female reproduc- ovary in vice. Endocrinolog) 94, 267-271.
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tive tract by providing their nutrition and suppressing Pipisrrellus abramus ubramus (Temminck) II. On the
their metabolic demands. properties of semen stored in the uterus. Sci. Bull. Fuc.
Agric. Kpushu Univ. 30, 255-266.
Acknnwledgfmenrs-This study was supported by NSF HOFFMANL. H. & WIMSATTW. A. (1972) Histochemical
Grant PCM 77-Q4020 to P. H. Krutzsch. The technical and electron microscopic observations on the sperm
assistance of Dr M. Coetzee is gratefully acknowledged. receptacles in the garter snake oviduct. Am. J. Anclt. 134,
We wish also to thank Dr Jay B. Angevine, Jr for his 71-96.
editorial assistance with the manuscript and Mr G. Kwie- HOPPEP. C. (1976) Glucose requirement for mouse sperm
cinski for his assistance in the acquisition of specimens of capacitation in vitro. Biot. Reprod. 15, 39-45.
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