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Ohana CAFE


Hello, everyone! This will be the guide for OH! Here I will state the
essential commands.

- Add points | !addpoint (username) (amount)

-Open A-B Training | !open ab

-Close A-B Training | !close ab
-Open C-D Training | !open cd
-Close C-D Training | !close cd


m 🍋| Hello, my name is (Username), and I will be your host for today’s
session! At this time, I will have my Co-host say some important things before
we commence the session!

Co host:
m 🍋| Hello, my name is (Username), and I will be your Co-host for this

m ✏️
| Before we begin the session, I will state some important information! I
would appreciate it if you gave me your undivided attention!

m 🐢| If you see a staff member not following the rules, please make sure to
contact an MR+ as soon as possible!

m 🚫| Trolling as staff should be reported, and no warnings should be

received. You must contact an MR+ through the group wall or communication

m 🍉 | Now, I will state the rules. Listen carefully, and take notes if needed!
m 📜 Rule I | Follow all instructions given from any MR+ rule here at Ohana

m 📜Rule II | Staff Assistant+ are required to use grammar at all times here at
Ohana Cafe! LRs are not required to use grammar but if you're aiming to
become an Intern you are required to use grammar.

m 📜 Rule III | Don’t go AFK during this session without informing your trainer,
or it will lead to a dismissal from this session.

m 📜 Rule IV | If you fail this session, don’t get angry at your trainer, as you can
always attend another session!

m 🦩 | Those are the rules! We will now commence the session, please wait until
we group and teleport you. This will happen momentarily!

Group A:

Troller/Greeting Training


State the open doors (A-B and C-D) groups command.


Behind the registers, please!

Greetings! My name is (Username), and I will be your trainer today

accompanied by my shadow(s)!

To begin the session, we will start with your greeting! As you are approached
by a customer and before they order, make sure to state your greeting!

An example may be "Hello, welcome to Ohana Cafe! My name is (Username),

and I will be taking your order today! What would you like to order?", however
you may change it up as you want!

Your greeting is how you welcome each customer! Do not be afraid to make it
personalized and friendly, and add what information you see fits!

Adding too many emojis/too much text can be distracting, and sometimes
lead to the customer choosing someone else to order from! Make sure to have
fun, but not too much!
Now after we gave you that information, we will now begin the greeting test! My
shadows and I will now come up for your greetings, and you will state yours.

Great job everyone! We will now move on to the final training section, the troll

When working at the café, you may be approached by trollers or rude

customers, who will have to be dealt with immediately!

Before you give them any warning, they will get a chance to be asked to stop!
Ask them to stop before taking any action.

My shadows and I will come up to you and pretend to be a troller or rude

customer. You must first give us III warnings, one for each rule that we break!

An example may be "Warning I - Caps abuse, trolling, rudeness, not listening to


Once you have given a customer III warnings, you must then call an admin to
kick them from the server! For now you can just say -Calls MR/HR-.

We will now begin the Trolling section! State your greeting when approached,
and please be patient while you wait your turn.

Great job! Now, we will head to the cooking lab. Please form a line as we head
there momentarily!

—---- Kitchen training

Ok, now, let’s move onto the kitchen training!

For this section you will be given an order to make! Then, you will create it, and
bring it back.

After they told you their order, make sure to ask them if they wanted anything

If you have any questions about the cooking process, please ask now since
you will not be allowed to ask for help during the orders!

We will now begin the orders! Please retrieve them and then return to your
spot as soon as you have done so.

After you create their order, make sure to give them goodbye greetings!

An example may be “There you go, I hope you enjoy your meal and thank you
for choosing Outmy Cafe!“ - You may also change this up as you please!
Order 1 - Vanilla icecream! (Trainer)

Order 2 - decaf and Peaches juice! (Shadow)

Order 3 - oreo milkshake, banana ice cream and orange

juice! (Trainer)


State the close doors groups (A-B and C-D) command.


Congratulations, you passed! Does anyone have any questions before I

teleport you to the promoter?

Sorry, you didn’t passed! You can join again for a new session when it starts!

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