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Waiting for Godot

Waiting for… Story Board
-opening in silent establishing the court room (like we started in the beginning)
-waiting for the judge

-first introduce the two lawyer

-family member bugs into the lawyer conversation

-One lawyer tells the family to go to the stand.

-low lawyer tells the other to wait for godot. High lawyer brushes it off.

-family lawyer say their testament (possible lucky monologue)

-defendant and low lawyer call objection to the family member

-call the defendant to the stand

-hat/bible with defendant and accuser

-defendant get up to the stand (audience finds out he lost his memory) reveal a peace of
-everyone is in shocked

- Being very persistent on calling Accuser to stand but schemes way out.

-Accuer goes to stand

- lawyers get caught up in the argument and the accuser doesn’t get to speak (cut offs)

- Accuser + family member speak their minds on having murderer hung
- lawyer join in

- As murderer is preparing to get hung, they revealed that maybe they didn't do it out of

- Lowbrow lawyer steps in, suggests they wait till tomorrow, wait for godot


HBL, sitting on a fancy chair playing with their tie. Looking in this tiny mirror, continuing fixing his
tie and hair rests, tries again. As before.

In hushed tones:
ACC: Well? What do we do now?

HBL: Let’s wait and see what he says.

ACC: Who?

HBL: Godot. I'm curious to see what he has to offer. Then we’ll take it or leave it.

ACC: So tell me. And what did he reply?

HBL: That he couldn’t promise anything. That he’d have to think it over. Before making a
decision. It’s the normal thing.

People in court hear someone approaching, think its Godot so they stand as custom when in
fact it is LowBrow lawyer.
Enter LowBrow running late, scrambling with papers, disorganized. Everyone else is seated.

HBL: What kept you so late?

Low brow lawyer : (advancing with short, stiff strides, legs wide apart). I'm beginning to come
round to that opinion. All my life I've tried to put it from me, be reasonable, you haven't yet
triedieverything. And I resumed the struggle. (He broods, musing on the struggle. Turning to
Estragon.) So there you are again.

HBL: I'm glad to see you back. I thought you were gone forever.

LBL : Me too.

HBL: Together again at last! We'll have to celebrate this. But how?

LBL: (irritably). Not now, not now.

LBL: (hurt, coldly. Pausing to look at Godot’s empty stand). May one inquire where His Highness
spent the night? (gestures towards the gavel)

HBL: In a ditch.

They both laugh.

More rustling to get ready.

LBL: You're sure it was here?

HBL: What?

LBL: That we were to wait.

HBL: He should be here. What did we do yesterday?

LBL: In my opinion we were here.

ACC: Ah stop blathering and help me off with this bloody thing (gesturing towards DEF)

HBL: Calm yourself.

LBL: Calm . . . calm . . . The English say cawm. We’re waiting for Godot.

ACC: If it hangs you it'll hang anything.

FM : I beg your pardon? There's man all over for you, blaming on his boots the faults of his feet!

ACC: Such is his miserable scheme.

FM: Go to hell!

DEF: That would be too bad, really too bad. There’s no good harking back on that.

HBL: Oh, pardon. Come, Didi. Tell it to me (nobody moves). Don't be stubborn!

DEF: Wait. Well?

LBL: Stay where you are!

DEF: No . . . I'm afraid I . . . no . . . I don't seem to . . .

LBL: Don't let's do anything. It's safer.

HBL: Boasting to the jury: That's why they shriek when you pull them up.

LBL: You’re sure it was this evening? I must have made a note of it.

HBL: That makes no difference

LBL: as DEF gets up and goes to the stand. Think twice before you do anything rash.

FM : (irritated) Nothing to be done.

HBL: What is your name?

DEF: Cain.

HBL: Cain. Where would you be?

DEF: Mumbled. Where am I? Wait. (Pause. He shakes head). What was it you wanted to know?

HBL: Where would you be?

DEF: I've forgotten. (Chews). That's what annoys me.

HBL: (He takes a breath talking to the jury) He looks tired. He’s panting. And his eyes! Goggling
out of his head! What age would you say he was? 60? 70? But- but- behind this veil of
gentleness and peace night is charging and will burst upon us pop! Like that! Just when we
least expect it.

DEF: overlapping monologue, confused. tennis . . . the stones . . . so calm . . . Cunard . . .

unfinished . . .

HBL: (takes another breath) It’s a disgrace. But there you are. How long have you been here?

DEF: A good while, Sir.

HBL: You were afraid of the whip? (gesturing towards gavel)

DEF: Yes Sir.

HBL: The roars?

DEF: Yes Sir.

HBL: The two big men.

DEF: Yes Sir.

HBL: (gesturing towards ACC) Do you know them?

DEF: No Sir.

HBL: That’s all a pack of lies. Tell us the truth!

DEF: It is the truth sir.

HBL: You dreamt it.

DEF: I tell you I wasn’t doing anything.

HBL: Speaking to jury: Lift your trousers. There’s the wound! Beginning to fester!

ACC: I’ll never walk again!

HBl: In other words? Question of temperament.

LBL: I suppose I might as well sit down.

HBL: Where would you be? You want to get rid of him?

DEF: That's to say . . . you understand . . . the dusk . . . the strain . . . waiting . . . I confess . . . I
imagined . . . for a second . . .

HBL: Waiting? So you were waiting for him?

LBL: Under breath. No good will come of this

HBL: You want to get rid of him? You've had enough of him?

FM: Don’t you believe it sir don’t you believe it! Whatever you like, but not that!

HBL: I hope I'm not driving you away. Wait a little longer, you'll never regret it.

FM: Rubbish!

HBL: Here we go. Be seated, Sir, I beg of you.

FM : No, no I wouldn't think of it

DEF, to the jury, increasingly louder: He used to be so kind… so helpful….. Have you not done
tormenting me with your accursed time! It's abominable! When! When! One day, is that not
enough for you, one day he went dumb, one day I went blind, one day we'll go deaf, one day we
were born, one day we shall die, the same day, the same second, is that not enough for you? A
Pause. I lost my head. Forgive me. It won’t happen again. To LBL: Tell me what to do.

LBL: There’s nothing to do. We’re waiting for Godot.

FM: How dare you!

HBL: (pressing) There you are again again! Why don't you help me?

Family Member goes up to stand, DEF leaves.

LBL: Well now isn't that just—

HBL: (snapback at LBL) It’ll pass the time

FM, To the jury: It's a scandal! Let us not waste our time in idle discourse! (Pause. Vehemently.)
Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not
indeed that we personally are needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To
all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place,
at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it,
before it is too late! Let us represent worthily for once the foulbrood to which a cruel fate
consigned us!
What do you say? It is true that when with folded arms we weigh the pros and cons we are no
less a credit to our species. The tiger bounds to the help of his congeners without the least
reflection, or else he slinks away into the depths of the thickets. But that is not the question.
What are we doing here, that is the question. And we are blessed in this, that we happen to
know the answer.

LBL: Yes, in this immense confusion one thing alone is clear. We are waiting for Godot to

HBL: Are you alluding to anything in particular?


ACC: Did you hear him? He wants to know what happened!

FM, pointedly: ….It's the start that's difficult

LBL: interrupting questioning He said Saturday (pause) I think.

HBL: turns towards LBL. He didn't say for sure he’d come. Back towards FM. Did you see?

FM: Personally, I wouldn't even know him if I saw him.

HBL: You didn’t notice anything in particular?

FM: What is there to recognize? All my lousy life I've crawled

about in the mud! And you talk to me about scenery! (Looking wildly at their glasses). Look at
this muck heap! I've never stirred from it!

HBL: But be a little more attentive, for pity's sake, otherwise we'll never get anywhere. Look! (All
look at the sky except FM). Will you look at the sky, pig! (FM looks at the sky). Good, that's

ACC: I find this really most extraordinarily interesting.

LBL: I’ve been better entertained.

HBL: Do you remember the story? Shall I tell you?

FM : I'm going.

HBL : This is not boring, I hope. Of the other three, two don't mention any thieves at all and the
third says that both of them abused him.

DEF : Who?

LBL: What?

FM: What's all this about? Abused who?

HBL: Why it's absolutely certain! Who believes him?

LBL: What do we do now?

DEF: We’ve lost our rights?

LBL: Hold that. We’re waiting for Godot.

HBL: No need to shout.

LBL: Oh pardon!

HBL: Carry on

LBL: No no, after you

HBL: No no, you first

LBL: I interrupted you

HBL: On the contrary

They glare at each other angrily.

LBL: (towards ACC) Abel! You go and stand there.

FM: Hes puffing like a grampus.

HBL: Ah! Why couldn't you say so before? Why doesn't he make himself comfortable? Let's try
and get this clear. Has he not the right to? Certainly he has.

FM: For each one who begins to weep somewhere else another stops.

(Accuser, on the stand, addresses)

(whisper chat between DEF & LBL)

LBL: Didn’t you see them?

DEF: I suppose I did. But I don’t know them.

LBL: Yes you do know them.

DEF: No, I don't know them.

LBL : We know them, I tell you. You forget everything-

HBl: A Little attention if you please.

ACC: Good. Is everybody ready? Is everyone looking at me? Good. I remember a lunatic who
kicked the shins off me. Then he played the fool.

DEF Desperate: I can’t bear it…. Any longer…. The way he goes on…. You’ve no idea… it’s

LBL: Stop!

DEF: he must go… I’m going mad…

LBL: Pah!

LBL snaps in DEF’s face. DEF calms down.

DEF: I’ve forgotten.

ACC: And where were we yesterday evening, according to you?

DEF: I don’t know.

LBL: You don't remember any fact, any circumstance?

DEF: Don’t torment me, Didi.

LBL: We must have thought a little.

HBL: You're going the wrong way.

LBL, taking a breath: You didn’t notice anything out of the ordinary?

ACC, incredulous: Certainly they beat me.

LBL seems to accept a bit of defeat. Collecting papers, slow rise to a panic.

LBL: Use your intelligence can't you? Say anything at all. Towards Godot’s stand: Forgive me

FM: Old dogs have more dignity.

ACC: Will you stop it, you! Pest! No one ever suffers but you. I don’t count. I’d like to hear what
you’d say if you had what I have. Why don’t you help me?

FM: Nothing happens, nobody comes, it’s awful.

LBL: Yes yes, let your friend go, he stinks so.

ACC: OH the brute! Don’t let him go!

DEF: Please sir…

ACC: To treat a man…. Like that…. I think that… no… a human being… no…. It’s a scandal!

LBL: Hsst!

FM: We didn’t intend any harm.

LBL: Let us not speak of it at all!

ACC: Never!

DEF: Let me go!

LBL: Were waiting for Godot. Does that name mean nothing to you?

ACC: There are things that escape you that don’t escape me, you must feel it yourself.

DEF: I tell you I wasn’t doing anything.

LBL crumples onto his desk in defeat.

ACC: You want me to get up?

FM: You’ll kill him!

ACC: Me! After what he did to me!

FM: To be dead is not enough for them!

ACC: To hell with him!

ACC raises his hand to bring down the gavel, the FM rushes up to stop him. They wrestle for
the gavel. Seemingly unbothered, the lawyers meet in the middle, lighting their pipes. The fight
continues, DEF hopeless in their chair.

HBL: In the meantime let us converse calmly, since we are incapable of keeping silent.

LBL: You’re right, we're inexhaustible.

HBL: It’s so we won’t think.

LBL: We have that excuse.

HBL: It’s so we won’t hear.

LBL: We have our reasons.

HBL: In the meantime nothing happens. SILENCE!

The fighting stops.

LBL: We have to come back tomorrow. We’re waiting for Godot. I’ve had about my bellyful of
your lamentations.

Silence. FM rushes to DEF and they talk in hushed, worried voices.

LBL: We came too soon

(Both lawyer look lost looking at the space)

Both lawyers : Do you-

LBL: Oh pardon

HBL: (Scoff) carry on

LBL: No no, after you

HBL: No no you first

LBL: I interrupted you

HBL: On the contrary

(they glare at each other angrily)

LBL: Ceremonious ape!

HBl: Punctilious pig!

LBl: Finish your phase I tell you!

HBL: Finish your own?

LBL: Moron!

HBL: Vermin!

LBl: Abortion!

HBL: Morpion!

LBL: Sewer-rat!

HBL: Curate!

LBL: Cretin!

HB: Critic!

Def : Ah! Stop it!

(They don't listen)

Def: Stop it!

Silence, all look at DEF.

DEF: Gentlemen, I don't know what came over me. Forgive me. Forget all I said. (More and
more composed) I don't remember exactly what it was, but you may be sure there wasn't a word
of truth in it.
(DEF burst out the room dragging out the FM)

ACC: Well? What do we do now?

HBL: Wait.

ACC: I sometimes wonder if we wouldn't have been better off alone, each one for himself. We
weren't made for the same road.

Exit through the same door. (All “in the same boat”)

HBL: How long have we been together all the time now?

LBL: I don’t know. HBL waits. Fifty years maybe.

HBL : When I think of it . . . all these years . . . but for me . . . where would you be . . .
(Decisively.) You'd be nothing more than a little heap of bones at the present minute, no doubt
about it.

LBL: And what of it? He’s going mad. How terrible.

HBL:: (gloomily). It's too much for one man. (Pause. Cheerfully.) On the other hand what's the
good of losing heart now, that's what I say. We should have thought of it a million years ago, in
the nineties.

They sit against the judges stand.

LBL: That passed the time.

HBL: It would have passed in any case.

LBL: Yes, but not so rapidly.

HBL: How they’ve changed.

LBL: They all change. Only we can’t.

HBL: Why not?

LBL: We’re waiting for Godot.

HBL: We have to come back tomorrow.

LBL: And if we dropped him?

HBL: He’d punish us. And now it’s too late.

LBL: Yes, now it’s night

HBL: What do we do now?

LBL: I don’t know.

HBL: Let’s go.

LBL: We can’t.

HBL: Why not?

LBL: We’re waiting for Godot.


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