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wish they had a bigger apartment.

wishes he were taller wish they had two TVs.

wishes he were a better cook. wishes she didn´t live in the city.
lived would have

were would score

had wouldn´t have

weren`t could eat

lived would be

were taller.
were taller, I would be a volleyball player.

could travel more often.

could travel more often, I would be happier.

weren`t so busy all the time.

weren`t so busy all the time, I would spend more time with my family.

weren't so strict with me.

weren`t so strict with me, I would not be so hard with myself. .

weren`t such a picky eater.

weren`t such a picky eater, we would go to different restaurants.

had better habits.

had better habits, I would have better health.

had not to do so much homework on wekeends.

had not to do so much homework on wekeends, I would have more time for me.

lived near the beach.

lived near the beach, i would be happier.


My friends always thank me for helping them.

I never share books with my neighbors.

remind about

borrow from
worry about

buy for
talk to

lend to
pay for

ask for
think about
saw would you do
Would you call
would you do had

Would you scream?

would you feel Would you offer

would you react won

Would you feel
would you say
complained Would you apologize

If a saw an accident, I would try to help,

I would call an ambulance.

If I had a large spider on my leg,

I would try to shake it off gently, I wouldn't scream at all.

If I broke my best friend's camera, I would feel guilty and

I would offer to buy them a new one as a replacement.

If my best friend won a trip to Hawai my reaction would be

one of happiness for her, I wouldn't feel jealous.

If my neighbors complained about my music, I would

say that I understand their concerns and I would apologize.

you could

if I were you I wouldn't

You could

You might want to

You could use the bus or try to walk

You might want to put a band on it You could take it off and then washed it with Vanish
sunbathe If I were you

I were you might want to

I'd close the window take a jacket with you

Yes.That would be nice!

Definitely. That would be great!

That would be fun!


4 3
probably wouldn't work
'd definitely buy
'd definitely invite
probably would not invite

'd probably try

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