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Video Memory Test Software User Manual

Xianyu@frozen little fan girl

First draft March 11, 2021

Revised March 12, 2012

I. Introduction
Before watching the tutorial and practical operation, please scan the QR code below and add after-sales WeChat.

After providing the screenshot of the order, I will pull everyone into the after-sales update exchange group.

At the suggestion of the majority of customers and friends, I established a graphics card maintenance exchange group, follow-up

Updates will also be posted in this group. The group is full of computer and graphics card repairers from all over the country.

Guys, you can communicate happily when you encounter problems, everyone is very enthusiastic. It is also convenient for you to buy

Video memory test software to solve the problems encountered, I may occasionally fail to reply in time or

Many of the elder brothers in the group who have thoroughly researched the software are very enthusiastic.

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2. Directory

1. Supported graphics card--------------------3

2. About download----------------------3

3. Hardware required ----------------4

4. Installation tutorial----------------------4

5. Using the tutorial--------------------5-9

6. Troubleshooting----------------------9

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1. Supported graphics cards

1-1 A card support range: R200 series (including all vest cards of HD series) and above (cut

All new cards released through March 11, 2021)

1-2 N card support range: All graphics cards below RTX3090 (graphics cards, P series

Except for mine-specific cards)

2. About download

1-1 This software only provides Baidu network disk download links, other links are not supported.

1-2 Regarding the slow download speed, you can go to Pinduoduo to search for Baidu network disk members, 1 yuan can be rented

To 1 day membership, the download speed is full speed.

1-3 Note: Be sure to download all files, especially the compressed package, to the computer.

Because it is compressed by volume, the lack of a compressed package will cause the decompression to fail. Not recommended to use

What kind of fast compression, 360 and other three-stream compression software, Bandizip or 7-

zip, easy to use and no ads.

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3. Hardware needed

3-1 300G and above STAT solid state drive, notebook 2.5-inch mechanical hard drive or

Desktop 3.5-inch mechanical hard drive;

3-2 Recommendation: It is recommended to use SATA solid state drive and notebook 2.5-inch mechanical hard drive.

It can be transferred to the mobile hard disk box without independent power supply.

4. For the installation tutorial ,

please refer to the "installation video" in the downloaded materials to install, but the difference is that please divide it into 5

partitions, and the partitions are set according to the following figure:

As shown in the figure above: the entire hard disk uses the MBR partition table, and partitions 1-3 use the primary partition

Type, partitions 4-5 are in the extended partition.

Suggested partition capacity:


Then use DiskGenius to restore partitions from the image file in sequence, ie 1.pmf to partition 1... and so on. Experts

can not set the partition and order according to the above, and need to edit the first partition.

MENU.LST menu to modify. Please don't ask me how to modify it.

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5. Use the tutorial

Notice! Note the spaces in the command!

Menu Description:

1 : DOS for GTX6xx/GTX5xx/GTX2xx/GTxxx/8400GS

DOS version GTX6xx/GTX5xx/GTX2xx/GTxxx/8400GS and below.

The mods program is all in C:\mods

See what mods are available: dir C:\mods

Go to a mods directory: cd C:\mods\gtx550

2ÿNvidia RTX 30xx series and before

Support up to NVIDIA 3090 graphics card and below.

mods programs are all in /home.

See what mods are available: ls /home

Enter a mods directory: cd /home/455.127

3ÿNvidia RTX 20xx, GTX 16xx/10xx/9xx series and before

Support up to NVIDIA 2080TI and below.

mods programs are all in /home.

See what mods are available: ls /home

Go to a mods directory: cd /home/ 400.281.2

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4ÿAMD RX4xx/RX5xx/RXVEGA series and before

AMD's RX590 and below are supported.

The mods program is in /home/t and /mods.

See what mods are available: ls /home/t or ls /mods

Enter a mods directory: cd /home/mods/rx590

5ÿAMD RX6900/RX6800/RX5700/RX5600/RX5500 series and after

Supports AMD's RX6900/RX6800/RX5700/RX5600/RX5500 or newer

graphics card.

mods programs are all in /root

See what mods are available: ls /root

Go to a mods directory: cd /root/rx57009

6ÿAMD Radeon VII

Supports AMD's Radeon VII

mods programs are all in /root

See what mods are available: ls /root

Enter a mods directory: cd /root/RadeonVII

7: Windows system for testing

Contains FurMark, 3d Mark, gpu-z, Master Lu and other common graphics card testing software. Big

Probability blue screen, little practical value.

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Start method:

Boot using traditional mode, there is a menu to choose from 7 systems in the menu.

2/3 systems in the menu support booting with UEFI partition, so UEFI can only test

Nvidia graphics card, because only notebooks sometimes cannot choose traditional mode, only UEFI

boot, and the notebook basically only has Nvidia graphics card.

Desktop graphics card repair suggestions:

1. It is recommended to find a desktop motherboard that supports traditional startup, so that you can choose dishes at will

Start up alone.

2. It is best to support Multi-GPU, so that you can use the nuclear display to test to deal with the display

The card can no longer be displayed.

3. The best memory is more than 8G. Some tests require that the memory is larger than the video memory.

4. It is recommended to use a notebook solid state drive, so that you can also test the notebook, and the startup speed is also


Instructions for using the AMD test program:

The AMD graphics card test program needs to be run according to the graphics card model and cannot be universal. Dual support

Graphics card, turn on Multi-GPU in the BIOS, and connect the monitor to the motherboard. local memory

The capacity needs to be greater than the memory capacity, for example, if the graphics card has 8G memory, the desktop should be inserted at least 8G.


First enter the corresponding mods directory and execute the following commands: Test command: ./tserver -

boardtest=memfa View results: more memfa.log

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Nvidia Instructions for Use:

The same as the USB version, the desktop single graphics card starts the automatic execution test, and the dual graphics card requires additional execution commands.

make. Please note that since the hard disk version provides a large number of different versions to increase compatibility, so

Some versions of the directory may not set short commands such as nb/vga, you need to use the original version

Command to test for example:

./with -e 10

Or, copy it from another directory with versions of nb and vga files. -e after

The number represents how many MB of video memory was tested.

Dual graphics card test:

This software all supports dual graphics cards, desktop computers need to enter the BIOS to set Multi-GPU, note

This does not need to be set, AMD automatically supports dual graphics card testing and single graphics card, the N card command such as


N card first execute the following commands according to different versions:

367 and below:

./mods gputest.js -skip_rm_state_init -mfg -notest

400 version:

./mods gputest.js -skip_rm_state_init -short -notest

455 version:

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./mods gputest.js -skip_rm_state_init -notest

Dual graphics card test command:

. /mats -3d_card -e

. /mats -n 1 -e 10

Note: The DOS version of the above command does not need to be preceded by ./.

6. Troubleshooting

This catalog is for backup, and revisions are updated occasionally

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