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Carlos Miguel Hernández López

I. Introduction.
In the educational community environment, the introduction of the calculator in the
teaching environment has raised an important debate about the supposed negative
consequences that its use can have on learning and about the most appropriate age for
students to start using it. The truth is that the use of this magnificent device has come to
speed up the mathematical work that in previous years would have taken us a long time to

II. Body.
A calculator is a device used to perform arithmetic calculations. Although modern
calculators today have scientific characteristics, that is, they have many functions that aren
´t used in their entirety, they are performed effectively in students who have greater ability
in their reasoning.
The pascalina was the first calculator that worked with wheels and gears, invented in 1642
by the French philosopher and mathematician Blaise Pascal, he decided to create this
invention since his father was an accountant and seeing him exhausted from so many
mathematical works he looked for a way to help him optimize those tasks.
The complexity of calculators changes depending on it´s porpuse. A modern calculator
consists of the following parts:

 A source of energy, such as a battery, a solar panel, or both.

 A screen, usually LED or LCD, capable of displaying a certain number of digits
(usually 8 or 10).
 Electronic circuitry.
A keyboard consisting of:

 The ten digits, from 0 to 9.

 The decimal point.
 The equal sign or a button with something written on it (for example, "EXE") (more
common in scientific calculators), to get the result.
 The four arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)
 A "cancel" button to delete the calculation in progress.
 On and off buttons.
 Other basic functions, such as square root and percentage (%).

III. Conclusion.
It is true, the calculator has helped us a lot because it speeds up the time in which we do
things, but in my personal opinion, I do not consider that the calculator makes us lazy to do
things on our own, many people make their I calculate with their mind and only use the
calculator to confirm that the answer is correct, and that for me is fine, it is not only an
invention that speeds up time, but also serves to corroborate that what we have done has
been done in the best way.

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