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Butterfly Body Bright Curriculum Overview


FOUNDATION ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 2
YEAR 1 ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................6
YEAR 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
YEAR 3 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 14
YEAR 4 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
YEAR 5 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 23
YEAR 6 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 28
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Foundation Butterfly Body The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
Bright Promise curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe kind ways of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to develop a class speaking to and treating others • AC9HPFP05 - demonstrate protective behaviours, name body
behaviour agreement for (particularly in relation to parts and rehearse help-seeking strategies that help keep them safe
• AC9HPFP06 - identify health symbols, messages and strategies in
Estimated time: positive peer interactions. bodies)
their community that support their health and safety
60 minutes The aim is to promote • Describe ways to be resilient to
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
inclusion, connection, and negative comments from others • AC9HPFP02 - practise personal and social skills to interact
sense of belonging, and to • Identify trusted people students respectfully with others
prevent appearance- can go to for support NSW PDHPE
related negative • Start to recognise the key • PDe-2 – Identifies people and demonstrates protective strategies that
comments, teasing and themes of Butterfly Body Bright help keep themselves healthy, resilient, and safe
exclusion. • PDe-3 – Communicates ways to be caring, inclusive, and respectful of
• PDe-10 – Uses interpersonal skills to effectively interact with others
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP059 – Identify people and actions that help keep themselves
safe and healthy
• VCHPEP060 – Practice personal and social skills to interact with
• VCHPEP062 - Identify actions that promote health, safety, and well-
• ACPPS003 – Protective behaviours to keep safe and healthy
• ACPPS003 – Trusted people in the community who can help
individuals feel safe
• ACPPS004 – Personal and social skills to interact positively with
• ACPPS005 – Appropriate language and actions to communicate
feelings in different situations
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Foundation There is no RESILIENT lesson for Foundation as there is no media literacy focus for Foundation in the HPE Australian Curriculum.

Foundation We are different The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
butterflies curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe that everyone has a Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to explore the concept of different body and appearance • AC9HPFP02 - practise personal and social skills to interact
diversity and encourage and that is to be valued and respectfully with others
Estimated time: students to embrace celebrated
• PDe-3 – Communicates ways to be caring, inclusive and respectful of
60 minutes diversity in bodies and their • Identify ways of being positive
own appearance and to and inclusive of others Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
see value in all bodies. • VCHPEP060– Practise personal and social skills to interact with others
• ACPPS004 – Personal and social skills to interact positively with others

Foundation I am special The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify personal qualities Sub-strand: Identities and change
is to encourage students to • Draw their body using colours • AC9HPFP01 - investigate who they are and the people in their world
Estimated time: explore their identity, with NSW PDHPE
• Identify that everyone has
• PDe-1 – Identifies who they are and how people grow and change
45 minutes a focus on their special different qualities that make
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
qualities that make them them special and unique • VCHPEP057– Identify personal strengths
unique. WA HPE
• ACPPS001 – Personal strengths of individuals
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Foundation Happy bodies The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
stretch curriculum-aligned lesson • Experience a range of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is the movement principle stretching techniques • AC9HPFP06 - identify health symbols, messages and strategies in
their community that support their health and safety
of ‘flexibility’. The aim is to • Identify that there are many
Sub-strand: Moving our bodies
Estimated time: shine a positive light on the ways for the body to move and
• AC9HPFM01 – practise fundamental movement skills in minor game
30-45 minutes amazing and interesting stretch and play situations
ways that bodies can bend NSW PDHPE
and stretch. • PDe-7 – Identifies actions that promote health, safety, wellbeing, and
physically active spaces
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP062 – Identify actions that promote health, safety, and
• ACPPS006 – Actions that promote health, safety, and wellbeing
Foundation (1) What is this? The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
What is that? curriculum-aligned lesson • Recognise a variety of foods by Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to promote food literacy name (optional: including in • AC9HPFP06 - identify health symbols, messages and strategies in
to encourage students to different languages) their community that support their health and safety
Estimated time: develop and maintain a • Describe the characteristics of
• PDe-7 – Identifies actions that promote health, safety, wellbeing, and
30 minutes (+30 sense of curiosity about a foods by shape, colour, and physically active spaces
minutes for wide variety of foods that texture Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
extension activity) may or may not be familiar • Describe similarities and • VCHPEP062 – Identify actions that promote health, safety, and
to them. differences of foods wellbeing
• ACPPS006 – Actions that promote health, safety, and wellbeing, such
as: eating healthy food
Foundation (2) Using my The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
senses curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify sensory qualities of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to different foods (i.e., sight, • AC9HPFP06 - identify health symbols, messages and strategies in
be curious about food in touch, smell) their community that support their health and safety
Estimated time: non-judgemental ways by • Identify the ways foods are
• PDe-7 – Identifies actions that promote health, safety, wellbeing, and
45-60 minutes engaging their senses. similar to, and different from, physically active spaces
one another Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• Engage with familiar and less • VCHPEP062 – Identify actions that promote health, safety, and
familiar foods with curiosity wellbeing
rather than judgement WA HPE
• ACPPS006 – Actions that promote health, safety, and wellbeing, such
as: eating healthy food
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 1 Butterfly Body The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
Bright promise curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe kind ways of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to develop a class speaking to and treating others • AC9HP2P05 - identify and demonstrate protective behaviours and
behaviour agreement for (particularly in relation to help-seeking strategies they can use to help them and others stay safe
• AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
Estimated time: positive peer interactions. bodies)
in their community and discuss their purposes
60 minutes The aim is to promote • Identify ways to be resilient to
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
inclusion, connection, and negative comments from others • AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
a sense of belonging, and • Recognise teasing and unkind respectful relationships
to prevent appearance- behaviour NSW PDHPE
related negative • Identify trusted people students • PD1-2 – Recognises and describes strategies people can use to feel
comments, teasing and can go to for support comfortable, resilient, and safe in situations
exclusion. • Recognise the key themes of • PD1-3 – Recognises and describes the qualities that enhance inclusive
Butterfly Body Bright and respectful relationships
• PD1-10 – Describes and practises interpersonal skills to promote
inclusion to make themselves and other feel they belong
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP073 – Practise strategies they can use when they need help with
a task, problem or situation at home and/or at school
• VCHPEP075 – Describe ways to include others to make them feel they
• VCHPEP078 – Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy,
safe, and active place
• ACPPS017 – Strategies to use when help is needed
• ACPPS019 – Appreciation and encouragement of the behaviour of
others through the use of manners, positive language, praise
• ACPPS020 – Positive ways to react to their own emotions in different
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 1 We are all stars The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice the media literacy Sub-strand: Identities and change
is to introduce students to principles ‘format’ and • AC9HP2P01 - describe their personal qualities and those of others,
Estimated time: the media literacy ‘content’ and explain how they contribute to developing identities
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
45 minutes principles of ‘format’ and • Celebrate differences in body
• AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
‘content' as they reflect on shapes and sizes, and respectful relationships
what they like about a text appreciate their own NSW PDHPE
and consider a text’s main uniqueness • PD1-1 – Describes the qualities and characteristics that make them
message, while engaging • Reduce their focus on similar and different to others
in class discussion. The aim appearance and increase • PD1-3 – Recognises and describes the qualities that enhance inclusive
is to reduce the focus on focus on what their bodies can and respectful relationships
appearance and promote do and their special talents Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
body functionality and • VCHPEP071 – Describe their own strengths and achievements and those
special talents. of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities
• ACPPS015 – Personal strengths and how these change over time
• ACPPS024 – Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and
groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected
Year 1 We are all The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
different curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe that bodies and Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to explore the concept of appearance differ in many • AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
diversity, encourage ways and that is to be valued respectful relationships
Estimated time: students to embrace and celebrated
• PD1-1 – Describes the qualities and characteristics that make them
60 minutes diversity in bodies and to • Identify ways of being inclusive
similar and different to others
see value in all bodies. of others in positive ways • PD1-3 – Recognises and describes the qualities that enhance inclusive
and respectful relationships
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP0675– Describe ways to include others to make them feel they
• ACPPS024 – Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and
groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 1 I am me The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe personal qualities Sub-strand: Identities and change
is to encourage students to • Draw their body using abstract • AC9HP2P01 - describe their personal qualities and those of others,
Estimated time: explore their identity, with and explain how they contribute to developing identities
50 minutes a focus on their special • Identify that everyone has
• PD1-1 – Describes the qualities and characteristics that make them
qualities that make them different qualities that make similar and different to others
unique. them special and unique Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP071– Describe their own strengths and achievements and those
of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities
• ACPPS015 – Personal strengths and how these change over time
• ACPPS024 – Recognise similarities and difference in individuals and
groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected
Year 1 Happy bodies The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
have rhythm curriculum-aligned lesson • Experience the feeling of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is on the movement rhythm in their body • AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
in their community and discuss their purposes
principle ‘rhythm’. The • Become aware of the how
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
Estimated time: lesson will focus on the joy different beats make their body
• AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
30-40 minutes we feel in our body using feel respectful relationships
music, beats, tempo and Sub-strand: Making active choices
dance. • AC9HP2M03 - participate in a range of physical activities in natural
and outdoor settings, and investigate factors and settings that make
physical activity enjoyable
• PD1-8 – Participates in a range of opportunities that promote physical
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP078 – Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy,
safe and active place
• ACPPS023 – Physical activities that can take place in natural and built
settings in the local community
• ACPPS024 – Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and
groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 1 (1) Alphabet The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
foods curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify a variety of foods by Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to introduce students to a name (option: including in • AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
variety of different foods different languages if in their community and discuss their purposes
Estimated time: for the purpose of learning appropriate); and
• PD1-7 – Explores actions that help make home and school healthy, safe
30-40 minutes objectively and neutrally • Describe the characteristics of and physically active spaces
about food in an age- different foods (e.g., shape, Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
appropriate way. colour, texture). • VCHPEP074 – Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health,
safety, and wellbeing
• ACPPS018 – The benefits of healthy eating and regular physical activity
on health and wellbeing
Year 1 (2) My The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
lunchbox curriculum-aligned lesson • Recognise that everybody’s Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to set the classroom tone lunchboxes, food choices and • AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
about lunchbox “policing” eating patterns are different in their community and discuss their purposes
Estimated and to remind students that • Identify that curiosity is
• PD1-3 – Recognises and describes the qualities that enhance inclusive
time:15 minutes what goes in their lunchbox wonderful, but judging and and respectful relationships
is their business and it just comparing might hurt • PD1-7 – Explores actions that help make home and school healthy, safe
shows what they’re someone’s feelings and physically active spaces
comfortable eating. • Practise speaking up if they are Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
feeling uncomfortable about a • VCHPEP074 – Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health,
lunchbox conversation safety, and wellbeing
• VCHPEP078 – Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy,
safe, and active place
• ACPPS018 – The benefits of healthy eating and regular physical activity
on health and wellbeing
• ACPPS019 – Appreciation and encouragement of the behaviour of
others through use of manners, positive language, and praise
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 2 Butterfly Body The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
Bright promise curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe kind ways of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to develop a class speaking to and treating others • AC9HP2P05 - identify and demonstrate protective behaviours and
behaviour agreement for (particularly in relation to help-seeking strategies they can use to help them and others stay safe
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
Estimated time: positive peer interactions. bodies)
• AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
60 minutes The aim is to promote • Identify ways to be resilient to
respectful relationships
inclusion, connection, and negative comments from others Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
a sense of belonging, and • Recognise teasing and unkind • AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
to prevent appearance- behaviour in their community and discuss their purposes
related negative • Identify trusted people students NSW PDHPE
comments, teasing and can go to for support • PD1-2 – Recognises and describes strategies people can use to feel
exclusion. • Recognise the key themes of comfortable, resilient, and safe in situations
Butterfly Body Bright • PD1-3 – Recognises and describes the qualities that enhance inclusive
and respectful relationships
• PD1-10 – Describes and practises interpersonal skills to promote
inclusion to make themselves and other feel they belong
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP073 – Practise strategies they can use when they need help with
a task, problem or situation at home and/or at school
• VCHPEP075 – Describe ways to include others to make them feel they
• VCHPEP078 – Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy,
safe, and active place
• ACPPS017 – Strategies to use when help is needed
• ACPPS019 – Strategies to include others in activities and games
• ACPPS020 – Ways to interpret the feelings of others in different
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 2 Liking who we The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
are curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice the media literacy Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to introduce students to principles ‘audience’ and • AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
the media literacy ‘content’ respectful relationships
Estimated time: principles ‘audience’ and • Identify that all people should
• PD1-1 – Describes the qualities and characteristics that make them
30 minutes ‘content’ as they consider be treated with kindness, similar and different to others
how they feel about the regardless of how they look • PD1-3 – Recognises and describes the qualities that enhance inclusive
story and how characters • Reduce their focus on and respectful relationships
in the story may be feeling, appearance Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
as well as the text’s main • Recognise they do not need to • VCHPEP076 – Identify and practise emotional responses that account for
message. The aim is to change the way they look or own and others’ feelings
engage students in look like anyone else WA HPE
numerous discussions to • ACPPS015 – Personal strengths and achievements and how these
promote the importance of contribute to personal identities
inclusivity and treating • ACPPS020 – Ways to interpret the feelings of others in different
everyone with kindness,
• ACPPS021 – Ways health messages are communicated in the media
regardless of how they
and how they can influence personal health choices
Year 2 We celebrate The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
differences curriculum-aligned lesson • Recognise that bringing Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to explore the concept of differences together can create • AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
diversity, encourage something amazing respectful relationships
Estimated time: students to embrace • Identify ways of being inclusive
• PD1-1 – Describes the qualities and characteristics that make them
60 minutes diversity, see value in of others in positive ways similar and different to others
differences, and recognise • PD1-3 – Recognises and describes the qualities that enhance inclusive
that differences don’t mean and respectful relationships
people can’t come Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
together for a common • VCHPEP0675– Describe ways to include others to make them feel they
cause. belong
**NOTE: This lesson could also link to WA HPE
the Australian Curriculum under the • ACPPS024 – Recognise similarities and differences in individuals and
Music and Arts strand. groups, and explore how these are celebrated and respected
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 2 This is me and The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
my body curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe personal likes Sub-strand: Identities and change
is to encourage students to • Recognise that bodies can do, • AC9HP2P01- describe their personal qualities and those of others,
explore their identity, with and explain how they contribute to developing identities
and feel good doing, different
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
Estimated time: a focus on the positive things
• AC9HP2P02 - identify and explore skills and strategies to develop
50 minutes aspects of their body and • Celebrate similarities and respectful relationships
what their body can do. differences among their peers NSW PDHPE
• PD1-1 – Describes the qualities and characteristics that make them
similar and different to others
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP071– Describe their own strengths and achievements and those
of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities
• ACPPS015 – Personal strengths and achievements and how these
contribute to personal identities
Year 2 Happy bodies This lesson aims to focus on Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
move in different the importance of moving • Participate in a range of non- Sub-strand: Interacting with others
ways our body in a variety of competitive physical activities • AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
in their community and discuss their purposes
different ways. • Recognise and learn to respect
Sub-strand: Making Active Choices
differences in others
• AC9HP2M03 - participate in a range of physical activities in natural and
Estimated time:
outdoor settings, and investigate factors and settings that make physical
30-45 minutes activity enjoyable
• PD1-7 – Explore actions that help make home and school healthy, safe
and physically active places
• PD1-8 – Participates in a range of opportunities that promote physical
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP078 – Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy,
safe and active place
• ACPPS018 – Strategies and behaviours that promote health and
wellbeing: regular physical activity
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 2 (1) Eating The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
adventures curriculum-aligned lesson • Show appreciation and respect Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to promote respect for for differences in food likes and • AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
students’ own food dislikes in their community and discuss their purposes
Estimated time: choices, as well as those of • Reflect on how tastes and
• PD1-9 – Demonstrates self-management skills in taking responsibility for
30-40 minutes others. preferences can change over their own actions
time Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• Discuss their early eating • VCHPEP074 – Recognise situations and opportunities to promote health,
behaviours safety, and wellbeing
• ACPPS018 – Strategies and behaviours that promote health and
wellbeing (i.e., healthy eating)

Year 2 (2) Odd food The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
out curriculum-aligned lesson • Group foods into categories Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to encourage students to • Identify the ‘odd food out’ from • AC9HP2P06 - investigate a range of health messages and practices
group foods into basic a group of foods in their community and discuss their purposes
Estimated time: categories, without judging • Describe why the foods do not
• PD1-7 – Explores actions that help make home and school healthy, safe,
45 minutes the nutritional value of belong in a group (e.g., and physically active spaces
those foods. characteristics) Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP078 – Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy,
safe, and active place
• ACPPS018 – Strategies and behaviours that promote health and
wellbeing (i.e., healthy eating)
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 3 Butterfly Body The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
Bright promise curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe kind ways of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to develop a class speaking to and treating others • AC9HP4P08 - describe and apply protective behaviours and help-
behaviour agreement for (particularly in relation to seeking strategies in a range of online and offline situations
• AC9HP4P10 - investigate and apply behaviours that contribute to
Estimated time: positive peer interactions. bodies)
their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing
60 minutes The aim is to promote • Identify ways to be resilient to
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
inclusion, connection, and negative comments from others • AC9HP4P04 - select, use and refine personal and social skills to
a sense of belonging, and • Identify ways of being a establish, manage and strengthen relationships
to prevent appearance- positive bystander NSW PDHPE
related negative • Identify trusted people students • PD2-2 – Explains and uses strategies to develop resilience and to make
comments, teasing and can go to for support them feel comfortable and safe
exclusion. • Recognise the key themes of • PD2-3 – Explains how empathy, inclusion, and respect can positively
Butterfly Body Bright influence relationships
• PD2-10 – Demonstrates a range of interpersonal skills that build and
enhance relationships and promote inclusion in various situations
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP090 – Describe and apply strategies that can be used in
situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe
• VCHPEP092 – Describe factors that can positively influence relationships
and personal wellbeing
• VCHPEP095 - Describe strategies to make the classroom and
playground healthy, safe, and active spaces
• ACPPS035 – Describe and apply assertive behaviours and
communication skills to respond to unsafe situations
• ACPPS037 – The positive influence of respect, empathy, and the valuing
of differences in relationships
• ACPPS038 – Strategies to identify and manage emotions before
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 3 “You still look The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
like a noble curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice the media literacy Sub-strand: Interacting with others
steed to me” is to encourage students to principle ‘purpose’ • AC9HP4P04 - select, use and refine personal and social skills to
establish, manage and strengthen relationships
use the media literacy • Recognise the importance on
Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
principle of ‘purpose’ as focusing on individuals’ internal
• AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
Estimated time: they explore the character qualities over their appearance and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
45 minutes of ‘Donkey’ from the movie • Identify personal qualities and behaviours
‘Shrek’, his transformation, about each other NSW PDHPE
and the underlying • PD2-3 – Explains how empathy, inclusion, and respect can positively
messages that are influence relationships
conveyed during the video • PD2-10 – Demonstrates a range of interpersonal skills that build and
clips. The aim is to promote enhance relationships and promote inclusion in various situations
the importance of focusing Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
on an individual’s internal • VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
and well-being
qualities (e.g., kindness,
• VCHPEP094 – Discuss and interpret health information and messages in
generosity) rather than
the media
external qualities (i.e.,
physical appearance). • ACPPS037 – Behaviours that show empathy and respect for others
• ACPPS039 – Choices and behaviours conveyed in health information
and messages
Year 3 Don’t judge a The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
book by its curriculum-aligned lesson • Recognise that a person’s Sub-strand: Interacting with others
cover is to explore that a value is what is on the inside • AC9HP4P04 - select, use and refine personal and social skills to
person’s value is what is on • Celebrate differences in the establish, manage and strengthen relationships
• AC9HP4P05 - describe how valuing diversity influences wellbeing
the inside and to avoid class
and identify actions that promote inclusion in their communities
Estimated time: making judgements about • Identify ways of being inclusive NSW PDHPE
60 minutes people based on their of others in positive ways • PD2-3 – Explains how empathy, inclusion and respect can positively
appearance. influence relationships
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP092– Describe factors that can positively influence relationships
and personal wellbeing
• ACPPS037 – Behaviours that show empathy and respect for others
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 3 What makes a The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
good friend? curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe what makes a good Sub-strand: Identities and change
is to encourage students to friend • AC9HP4P01 - investigate how success, challenge, setbacks and
failure strengthen resilience and identities in a range of contexts
describe the attributes of a • Recognise ways to practise
Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
Estimated time: good friend and to self-compassion by identifying
40 minutes acknowledge the ways ways to be kind to themselves • AC9HP4P08 - describe and apply protective behaviours and help-
they can demonstrate self- • Identify one way they can seeking strategies in a range of online and offline situations
compassion by being a demonstrate more self- • AC9HP4P10 - investigate and apply behaviours that contribute to
good friend to themselves. their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing
• PD2-2 – Explains and uses strategies to develop resilience and to make
them feel comfortable and safe
• PD2-9 – Demonstrates self-management skills to respond to their own
and others’ actions
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP088– Explore how success, challenge and failure strengthen
• VCHPEP091– Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety
and wellbeing
• ACPPS036 – Actions in daily routines that promote health, safety and
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 3 Happy bodies The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
move with their curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify the senses that are Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
senses is to encourage students to involved in a range of • AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
practice mindful movement-based activities and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
and behaviours
movement, by being • Experience mindful movement
Sub-strand: Making active choices
Estimated time: aware of their basic senses
• AC9HP4M05 - participate in physical activities in natural and
30-40 minutes as they participate in a outdoor settings to examine factors that can influence their own and
range of movements and others’ participation
activities. NSW PDHPE
• PD2-8 – Investigates and participates in physical activities to promote the
benefits of physical activity on health and wellbeing

Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand

• VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
and wellbeing
• VCHPEP096 -Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine
how participation promotes a connection between the community,
natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing
• ACPPS036 – Actions in daily routines that promote health, safety and
• ACPPS041 – Ways to be active in natural environment
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 3 (1) My body’s The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
fuel tank curriculum-aligned lesson • Name and locate internal cues Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to of hunger and fullness • AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
maintain a sense of basic • Recognise that internal cues
and behaviours
Estimated connection and receptivity change over time
time:45 minutes to their appetite cues and • Describe how to respond to • PD2-7 – Describes strategies to make home and school healthy, safe,
cultivate curiosity to how hunger and fullness in ways and physically active spaces
and when these signals that are caring and responsive Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
change over the day. • VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
and wellbeing
• ACPPS036 – Actions in daily routines that promote health, safety, and
wellbeing: healthy eating
Year 3 (2) Friendship The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
with food curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe what a “positive Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to support students to attitude” to food and eating • AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
understand what a sounds like and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
and behaviours
Estimated time: “positive attitude” to food • Identify the difference between
Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
30 minutes and eating sounds like, a positive and negative attitude • AC9HP4P10 - investigate and apply behaviours that contribute to
and how to take more to food and eating their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing
positive actions that • Provide one example of an NSW PDHPE
support their food choices. attitude they would like to try • PD2-7 – Describes strategies to make home and school healthy, safe,
more often and physically active spaces
• PD2-9 – Demonstrates self-management skills to respond to their own
and others’ actions

Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand

• VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
and wellbeing
• VCHPEP095 – Describe strategies to make the classroom and
playground healthy, safe, and active spaces
• ACPPS036 – Actions in daily routines that promote health, safety, and
wellbeing: healthy eating
• ACPPS037 – Behaviours that show empathy and respect for others
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 4 Butterfly Body The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
Bright promise curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe kind ways of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to develop a class speaking to and treating others • AC9HP4P08 - describe and apply protective behaviours and help-
behaviour agreement for (particularly in relation to seeking strategies in a range of online and offline situations
• AC9HP4P10 - investigate and apply behaviours that contribute to
Estimated time: positive peer interactions. bodies)
their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing
60 minutes The aim is to promote • Identify ways to be resilient to
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
inclusion, connection, and negative comments from others • AC9HP4P04 - select, use and refine personal and social skills to
a sense of belonging, and • Identify ways of being a establish, manage and strengthen relationships
to prevent appearance- positive bystander NSW PDHPE
related negative • Identify trusted people students • PD2-2 – Explains and uses strategies to develop resilience and to make
comments, teasing and can go to for support them feel comfortable and safe
exclusion. • Recognise the key themes of • PD2-3 – Explains how empathy, inclusion, and respect can positively
Butterfly Body Bright influence relationships
• PD2-10 – Demonstrates a range of interpersonal skills that build and
enhance relationships and promote inclusion in various situations
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP090 – Describe and apply strategies that can be used in
situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe
• VCHPEP092 – Describe factors that can positively influence relationships
and personal wellbeing
• VCHPEP095 - Describe strategies to make the classroom and
playground healthy, safe, and active spaces
• ACPPS035 – Describe and apply assertive behaviours and
communication skills to respond to unsafe situations
• ACPPS037 – The positive influence of respect, empathy, and the valuing
of differences in relationships
• ACPPS038 – Strategies to identify and manage emotions before
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 4 Spot the The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
difference: curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice the media literacy Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
Photoshop vs is to encourage students to principles ‘authorship’ and • AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
reality use the media literacy ‘format’ and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
and behaviours
principles of ‘authorship’ • Understand that media images
and ‘format’ as they are usually altered in some • PD2-2 – Explains and uses strategies to develop resilience and to make
Estimated time: explore the fictional nature way them feel comfortable and safe
40 minutes of media images and the • Recognise some of the Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
use of manipulation techniques that are used when • VCHPEP094 – Discuss and interpret health information and messages in
techniques to modify media manipulating images the media
images. The aim is to • Explore why images are WA HPE
promote critical analysis of presented in certain ways (i.e., • ACPPS039 – Ways in which health information and messages can
the way images have been exploring the motivation influence health decisions and behaviours
manipulated to discourage behind media)
students from ‘buying into’
the images they see in
Year 4 Our fascinating The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
bodies curriculum-aligned lesson • Explore different preferences Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to explore the varied using their senses • AC9HP4P04 - select, use and refine personal and social skills to
establish, manage and strengthen relationships
ways bodies are different, • Celebrate their internal
• AC9HP4P05 - describe how valuing diversity influences wellbeing
Estimated time: based on their senses, to qualities
and identify actions that promote inclusion in their communities
60 minutes encourage students to • Identify ways of being inclusive NSW PDHPE
recognise and celebrate of others in positive ways • PD2-3 – Explains how empathy, inclusion and respect can positively
diversity. The second focus influence relationships
of this lesson is help • PD2-10 – Demonstrates a range of interpersonal skills that build and
students recognise that a enhance relationships and promote inclusion in various situations
person’s value is what is on Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
the inside and to celebrate • VCHPEP092– Describe factors that can positively influence relationships
that in their peers. and personal wellbeing
• ACPPS037 – The positive influence of respect, empathy and the valuing
of differences in relationships
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 4 I love that my The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
body can curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe the concept of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to gratitude • AC9HP4P08 - describe and apply protective behaviours and help-
seeking strategies in a range of online and offline situations
develop ways of feeling • Examine the ways in which they
• AC9HP4P10 - investigate and apply behaviours that contribute to
Estimated time: gratitude towards their are grateful for their body
their own and others’ health, safety, relationships and wellbeing
45 minutes body through reflection on senses NSW PDHPE
their body senses. • Create positive body • PD2-2 – Explains and uses strategies to develop resilience and to make
affirmations them feel comfortable and safe
• PD2-9 – Demonstrates self-management skills to respond to their own
and others’ actions
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety
and wellbeing
• ACPPS033 – Use of persistence and resilience as tools to respond
positively to challenges and failure, such as using self-talk, seeking help,
and thinking optimistically

Year 4 Happy bodies The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
celebrate what curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify and increase Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
they can do is to encourage students to awareness of the functionality • AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
celebrate the functionality of their body and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
and behaviours
of their bodies by focusing • Attach appreciation to the
Sub-strand: Making active choices
Estimated time: on what their body can do. different functions of their body • AC9HP4M05 - participate in physical activities in natural and
45-55 minutes outdoor settings to examine factors that can influence their own and
others’ participation
• PD2-8 – Investigates and participates in physical activities to promote the
benefits of physical activity on health and wellbeing
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety
and wellbeing
• VCHPEP096 - Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine
how participation promotes a connection between the community,
natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing
• ACPPS034 – Strategies that help individuals to manage the impact of
physical, social, and emotional changes, such as: positive self-talk

Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 4 (1) Same, same, The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
different curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify differences and Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to provide an similarities of a variety of foods • AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
opportunity for students to • Compare and contrast foods,
and behaviours
Estimated time: learn about foods in using specific describing words
45-60 minutes neutral, objective ways to
• PD2-7 – Describes strategies to make home and school healthy, safe,
support making choices and physically active spaces
without moralising or Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
labelling foods. • VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
and wellbeing
• ACPPS036; ACPPS040 – Strategies to ensure safety and wellbeing at
home and at school, such as identifying and choosing healthier foods for

Year 4 (2) My body’s The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
fuel tank curriculum-aligned lesson • Name and locate internal cues Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to of hunger and fullness • AC9HP4P09 - interpret the nature and intention of health information
and messages, and reflect on how they influence personal decisions
maintain a sense of basic • Recognise that internal cues
and behaviours
Estimated time: connection and receptivity change over time
45 minutes to their appetite cues and • Describe how to respond to • PD2-7 – Describes strategies to make home and school healthy, safe,
cultivate curiosity to how hunger and fullness in ways and physically active spaces
and when these signals that are caring and responsive Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
change over the day. • VCHPEP091 – Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
and wellbeing
• ACPPS040 – Strategies to ensure safety and wellbeing at home and at
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 5 Butterfly Body The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
Bright promise curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice kind ways of speaking Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to develop a class to and treating others • AC9HP6P08 - analyse and rehearse protective behaviours and help-
behaviour agreement for (particularly in relation to seeking strategies that can be used in a range of online and offline
Estimated time: positive peer interactions. bodies)
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
60 minutes The aim is to promote • Practice ways to be resilient to
• AC9HP6P04 - describe and demonstrate how respect and empathy
inclusion, connection, and negative comments from others can be expressed to positively influence relationships
a sense of belonging, and • Practice skills of being a NSW PDHPE
to prevent appearance- positive bystander • PD3-2 – Investigates information, community resources, and strategies to
related negative • Identify trusted people students demonstrate resilience and seek help for themselves and others
comments, teasing and can go to for support • PD3-3 – Evaluates the impact of empathy, inclusion, and respect on
exclusion. • Recognise the key themes of themselves and others
Butterfly Body Bright • PD3-10 – Selects and uses interpersonal skills to interact respectfully with
others to promote inclusion and build connections

Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand

• VCHPEP107 – Investigate community resources and strategies to seek
help about health, safety, and wellbeing
• VCHPEP109 – Practise skills to establish and manage relationships

• ACPPS055 – Skills and strategies to establish and manage relationships
over time
• ACPPS056 – Ways in which inappropriate emotional responses impact
on relationships
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 5 A snapshot of The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
me curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice the media literacy Sub-strand: Identities and change
is to encourage students to principle ‘content’ • AC9HP6P01 - explain how identities can be influenced by people
and places, and how we can create positive self-identities
use the media literacy • Explore ways to present their
Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
Estimated time: principle of ‘content’ to true self on social media and
• AC9HP6P09 - investigate different sources and types of health
45 minutes consider the values they how else to connect with others information and how these apply to their own and others’ health
may convey through their rather than through posed shots choices
online profiles as creators • Explore and practise strategies NSW PDHPE
of media. to reduce comparisons (e.g., • PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
mute/unfollow any account promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
that's leading students to make Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
comparisons or feel unhappy • VCHPEP105 – Examine how identities are influenced by people and
with themselves or their bodies) places
• VCHPEP111 – Recognise how media and important people in
community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours
• ACPPS053/57 – Reliable sources of information that inform health,
safety, and wellbeing
Year 5 Getting to know The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
our class curriculum-aligned lesson • Celebrate their internal Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to explore that a qualities • AC9HP6P04 - describe and demonstrate how respect and empathy
person’s value is what is on • Recognise the value of can be expressed to positively influence relationships
• AC9HP6P05 - describe and implement strategies to value diversity in
Estimated time: the inside and encourage similarities and differences in
their communities
60 minutes students to recognise and their class NSW PDHPE
celebrate diversity in their • Identify ways of being inclusive • PD3-3 – Evaluates the impact of empathy, inclusion and respect on
peers. of others in positive ways themselves and others
• PD3-10 – Selects and uses interpersonal skills to interact respectfully with
others to promote inclusion and build connections
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP101– Practise skills to establish and manage relationships
• VCHPEP114 – Identify how celebrating similarities and differences can
strengthen communities
• ACPPS055 – Skills and strategies to establish and manage relationships
over time
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 5 Body kindness The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe the pitfalls of Sub-strand: Identities and change
is to encourage students to comparisons • AC9HP6P01 - explain how identities can be influenced by people
and places, and how we can create positive self-identities
Estimated time: recognise the problem with • Recognise ways to reframe
Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
50 minutes comparing themselves to comparing thoughts
• AC9HP6P08 - analyse and rehearse protective behaviours and help-
others and to develop • Practise self-compassion seeking strategies that can be used in a range of online and offline
strategies to overcome • Create positive affirmations situations
comparisons and • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
demonstrate self- relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
compassion. NSW PDHPE
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
promote health, safety, wellbeing and physically active
• PD3-9 – Applies and adapts self-management skills to personal and
group situations
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP105– Examine how identities are influenced by people and
• VCHPEP107– Investigate community resources and ways to seek help
about health, safety and wellbeing
• VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and
• ACPPS056 – Ways in which inappropriate emotional responses impact
on relationships.
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 5 Happy bodies The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
move mindfully curriculum-aligned lesson • Understand what mindful Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to movement is • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
consider positive and • Plan a simple, scripted mindful
Sub-strand: Moving our bodies
Estimated time: helpful ways to manage walking activity for their peers
• AC9HP6M01 - adapt and modify movement skills across a variety of
45-60 minutes emotions and stressors in • Guide a classmate through situations
life by introducing mindful their developed sequence Sub-strand: Making active choices
movement. • Reflect on how gentle • AC9HP6M04 - participate in physical activities to investigate the
movement can help to body’s reaction to different levels of intensity
positively manage stressors • AC9HP6M05 - participate in physical activities that enhance health
and emotions and wellbeing in natural and outdoor settings, and analyse the steps
and resources needed to promote participation
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
• PD3-8 – Creates and participates in physical activities to promote
healthy and active lifestyles
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and
WA HPE - ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 5 (1) My petrol The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
tank curriculum-aligned lesson • Name and locate internal cues Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to of hunger and fullness • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
maintain a sense of • Identify that bodies are
Estimated foundational connection different in their ability to feel
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
time:45 minutes and receptivity to their hunger and fullness and promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
appetite cues, and cultivate everything in between Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
curiosity to how and when • Reflect on how it feels in their • VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and
these cues change over body at different appetite levels wellbeing
time. without comparing or criticising WA HPE
• ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
Year 5 (2) Fuelling The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
foods curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify a variety of foods that Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to introduce students to feel satisfying • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
the idea of making more • Recognise ways to experiment
Estimated time: reflective, independent with different foods, and the
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
45 minutes food and eating-related impact on appetite promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
decisions that retain • Describe the difference Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
respect for and attunement between foods that are filling • VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and
to their bodies. and those that are less filling wellbeing
• ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
Year 5 (3) Magic The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
marketing curriculum-aligned lesson • identify techniques and Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to teach students about conventions used by food • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
reading food labels in a marketers to influence their relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
Estimated time: neutral way that does not purchasing behaviours
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
60 minutes increase risk of food • examine front of package promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
preoccupation and labels and critically analyse Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
disordered eating. their features • VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and
• describe how food marketers wellbeing
use sensory engagement to WA HPE - ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle,
influence consumers such as comparing food labels on products
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 6 Butterfly Body The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
Bright promise curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice kind ways of speaking Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to develop a class to and treating others • AC9HP6P08 - analyse and rehearse protective behaviours and help-
behaviour agreement for (particularly in relation to seeking strategies that can be used in a range of online and offline
Estimated time: positive peer interactions. bodies)
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
60 minutes The aim is to promote • Practice ways to be resilient to
• AC9HP6P04 - describe and demonstrate how respect and empathy
inclusion, connection, and negative comments from others can be expressed to positively influence relationships
a sense of belonging, and • Practice skills of being a NSW PDHPE
to prevent appearance- positive bystander • PD3-2 – Investigates information, community resources, and strategies to
related negative • Identify trusted people students demonstrate resilience and seek help for themselves and others
comments, teasing and can go to for support • PD3-3 – Evaluates the impact of empathy, inclusion, and respect on
exclusion. • Recognise the key themes of themselves and others
Butterfly Body Bright • PD3-10 – Selects and uses interpersonal skills to interact respectfully with
others to promote inclusion and build connections
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP107 – Investigate community resources and strategies to seek
help about health, safety, and wellbeing
• VCHPEP109 – Practise skills to establish and manage relationships
• ACPPS053 – Criteria that can be applied to sources of information to
assess their credibility
• ACPPS055 – Skills to establish and manage positive relationships
• ACPPS056 – Situations in which emotions can influence decision-making
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 6 Adverts of the The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
future curriculum-aligned lesson • Practice the media literacy Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to principles format, content, and • AC9HP6P09 - investigate different sources and types of health
challenge the appearance purpose information and how these apply to their own and others’ health
Estimated time: ideals they see in media • Critically analyse media texts
• AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
45 minutes using the media literacy • Create media texts that relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
principles of ‘format’, promote appreciation of body Sub-strand: Interacting with others
‘content’, and ‘purpose’. function, rather than • AC9HP6P05 - describe and implement strategies to value diversity in
appearance their communities
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
promote health, safety, well-being, and physically active spaces
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
and well-being
• VCHPEP111 – Recognise how media and important people in
community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours
• VCHPEP114 – Identify how celebrating similarities and differences can
strengthen communities.
• ACPPS053 – Criteria that can be applied to sources of information to
assess their credibility
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 6 We are inclusive The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
of differences curriculum-aligned lesson • Identify the ways that bodies Sub-strand: Interacting with others
is to encourage students to are similar and different • AC9HP6P04 - describe and demonstrate how respect and empathy
can be expressed to positively influence relationships
celebrate the many • Recognise the importance of
Sub-strand: Interacting with others
Estimated time: similarities and differences being inclusive of individuals
• AC9HP6P05 - describe and implement strategies to value diversity in
60 minutes in their bodies, and who may be different to them their communities
explore ways of being • Practise ways of being inclusive NSW PDHPE
inclusive of others, despite of others in positive ways • PD3-3 – Evaluates the impact of empathy, inclusion and respect on
their differences. • Describe the positive impact themselves and others
being inclusive can have on • PD3-10 – Selects and uses interpersonal skills to interact respectfully with
individuals others to promote inclusion and build connections
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP101– Practise skills to establish and manage relationships
• VCHPEP114 – Identify how celebrating similarities and differences can
strengthen communities
• ACPPS055 – Skills to establish and manage positive relationships, such
as: showing respect and empathy, accepting differences

Year 6 Giving thanks The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
for my body curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe the pitfalls of Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to comparisons • AC9HP6P08 - analyse and rehearse protective behaviours and help-
seeking strategies that can be used in a range of online and offline
recognise the potential • Recognise ways to reframe
Estimated time: problems in comparing comparing thoughts
• AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
50 minutes themselves to others, to • Describe the concept of relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
develop strategies to gratitude NSW PDHPE
overcome comparisons, • Examine the ways in which they • PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
and to develop ways of are grateful for their body promote health, safety, wellbeing and physically active
feeling gratitude towards • Create positive body • PD3-9 – Applies and adapts self-management skills to personal and
their body. affirmations group situations
Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
• VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and
• VCHPEP114 – Identify how celebrating similarities and differences can
strengthen communities.
• ACPPS052 – Strategies and resources to understand and manage the
changes and transitions associated with puberty, such as: recognising
and building self-esteem

Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 6 Happy bodies The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
can curriculum-aligned lesson • Explain the concept of role Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to invite senior students to modelling • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
‘Be The Change’ by • Explore the various functions of
Estimated time: encouraging them to the body
• PD3-3 – Evaluates the impact of empathy, inclusion and respect on
60-120 minutes choose a function of the • Plan a short and positive health themselves and others
body and then showcase promotion message/advert • PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
that function through a • Communicate a clear and promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
positive, inspiring and simple message to their peers Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
helpful health promotion • VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and
message or ‘advert’ titled wellbeing
‘HAPPY BODIES CAN’. • VCHPEP112 – Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and
maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their
• ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a safe, healthy lifestyle
• ACPPS058 – Preventive health measures that can promote and maintain
community health, safety and wellbeing
Year level & Lesson title Lesson focus Learning goals Links to curriculum
Year 6 (1) Keeping my The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
engine running curriculum-aligned lesson • Describe what "regular eating" Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to means • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
reflect on the frequency in • Recognise that regular eating
Estimated time: which they eat, and the varies from person-to-person
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
40 minutes importance of eating and day-to-day promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
regularly to have a healthy • Identify the benefits of eating Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
body. regularly on health and • VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
wellbeing and wellbeing
• ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a healthy lifestyle
Year 6 (2) My petrol The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
tank curriculum-aligned lesson • Name and locate internal cues Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to encourage students to of hunger and fullness AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
maintain a sense of • Identify that bodies are
Estimated time: foundational connection different in their ability to feel
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
45 minutes and receptivity to their hunger and fullness and promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
appetite cues, and cultivate everything in between Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
curiosity to how and when • Reflect on how it feels in their • VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
these cues change over body at different appetite levels and wellbeing
time. without comparing or criticising WA HPE
• ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a healthy lifestyle
Year 6 (3) Magic The focus of this Students will be able to: Australian curriculum:
marketing curriculum-aligned lesson • identify techniques and Sub-strand: Making healthy and safe choices
is to teach students about conventions used by food • AC9HP6P10 - analyse how behaviours influence the health, safety,
reading food labels in a marketers to influence their relationships and wellbeing of individuals and communities
Estimated time: neutral way that does not purchasing behaviours
• PD3-7 – Proposes and implements actions and protective strategies that
60 minutes increase risk of food • examine front of package promote health, safety, wellbeing, and physically active spaces
preoccupation and labels and critically analyse Victorian HPE Personal, Social, and Community Health Strand
disordered eating. their features • VCHPEP108 – Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety,
• describe how food marketers and wellbeing
use sensory engagement to WA HPE
influence consumers • ACPPS054 – Strategies that promote a healthy lifestyle

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