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2022 Free Bundle v7

This is a bundle of free content for Dungeons & Dragons 5E. This document will be expanded monthly until the
end of 2022 and previously released content will be updated for balancing and wording improvements forever.
More quality content is available at our Patreon, a new bundle is released each month. If you have any questions,
want to comment or provide feedback about it, visit our Discord. There is a whole community of homebrew
enthusiasts there!

Table of Contents
Content Page

Backgrounds 2

Classes 4

Subclasses 14

Feats 16

Spells 17

Items 18

Monsters 19

Extras 24

Beast Trainer Ideals
You find it easier to understand beast behavior, their d6 Ideal
needs and desires. Although you can't communicate with
them naturally using a language, you know how to train Careness. Whetever the trick I teach to a beast, I
them using gestures, single words, and similar techniques. always make sure it enjoys learning it. (Good)
Beasts feel more at ease when they are around you, they Method. Even if sometimes I don't feel like a
understand it's for the benefit of both if they follow your 2 methodology is working, I trust it with my life
commands. hoping my feeling is wrong. (Lawful)
Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Animal Handling Instinct. I trust beast instinct, even if it is hard to
Tool Proficiencies: One type of musical instrument 3
predict. (Chaotic)
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: A musical instrument (one of your choice), Discipline. Punishing creatures is an effective
a costume, a whip, and a pouch containing 10 gp
way to teach them what's wrong. (Evil)
Progress. As long as animals learn new skills
Feature: One with the Beasts 5
with me, my methods don't matter. (Neutral)
Where there are beasts, you can find work. Some people
have beasts because they want to, some have them People. Every beast reflects its owners
because they need to, but everyone needs someone to take 6 personality. You can know anyone by the way
care of them. Your affinity and knowledge with beasts their beasts behave. (Any)
makes people trust you with them, they don't mind offering
you free lodging as long as you take care of their pets and Bonds
teach them a trick or two.
d6 Bond
There is an beast that I trained in the past that I
will never forget.
I want to know every beast there is, even if it takes
my whole life.
I will do anything to prove my methods are the
Never would I ever tolerate someone mistreating
a beast.
I make sure beasts never forget what I thought
Everyone should know basic commands so they
can interact properly with their beasts.

d6 Flaw
I always use the same procedures, even when
they clearly don't work.
2 I often trust beasts more than people.
I can't leave a beast behind, even if they already
have an owner.
My whole work is a farce, beasts only do what I
want because I always keep treats with me.
I can't support the existence of aberrations, they
shouldn't belong to the world.
Although I find it unfortunate, I am so focused on
6 training that sometimes beasts pass out from

Librarian Ideals
Some librarians guide people through rows of d6 Ideal
bookshelves, others copy ancient manuscripts making sure
that their content will never be lost, some of them even Contribution. I will share all my knowledge with
write their own notes or books to add their knowledge to other people whenever they need it. (Good)
the libraries in the world. Either way, a librarian is trained Perfection. Whenever writing a document or
to find information on written documents. 2 communicating, everything must be precisely
Skill Proficiencies: Investigation, Sleight of Hand
correct. (Lawful)
Languages: Two of your choice Clarity. Everyone has the right to know
Equipment: Calligrapher's supplies, a book, an ink 3
everything, secrets must not be kept. (Chaotic)
pen, a set of common clothes, and a pouch containing
10 gp Obscure. Forbidden documents are the source of
true power. (Evil)
Feature: Document Analysis Security. Knowledge should be kept protected.
Due to your experience in libraries, book shops or any 5
place that contains a bookshelf, when you are in one of
these places you know exactly which book contains the Self. The best way to learn is alone and quiet.
information you are looking for if it is present, without (Any)
needing to expend extra time looking in other places.
d6 Bond
It is my duty not to allow powerful knowledge to
be spread to the wrong people.
I've been looking for a specific book my entire
3 I work to make other people's life easy.
I'm writting a collection of books related to a
piece of knowledge only known by myself.
I found something crucial to important people, I
must be the one delivering the message.
I must keep every document I can get my hands

d6 Flaw
When i'm writing or speaking, I can't listen to
anyone else.
2 I write everything people tell me, even secrets.
I can never finish something I've started,
everything is too distracting.
I always think there is a solution for everything,
thinking I'm just looking at the wrong place.
I believe everything I read as long as it is on a
good quality paper.
Every thought or concept I believe is based in the
past, I have problems adapting to new scenarios.

Imprinter Perfectionists
Imprinters dedicate a lot of time to their work, they
The gloomy mood doesn't last for long when a smiling usually use their Journal as a diary where they write
man in strange robes approaches. One by one, the people everything that comes to mind. For an Imprinter every
start believing on themselves again, as their abilities are detail is important, from a straight line to a serif, as a single
enhanced and they turn into an improved version of mistake can mean their Imprint is no longer going to work.
themselves. They stay focused on these alter egos barely
noticing the man writing each of their names on a small Understanding Others
piece of paper.
A group of bandits laughs and celebrates when they In order to know when and how to place their Imprints on
thought they found an easy prey. They surround a young other people, they usually spend some time observing
girl, but she remains calm as they begin to steal her others, understanding what makes them tick, how they
belongings and slashing her clothes, only to find her body think and act. Imprinters watch for patterns and motifs to
being covered in magical runes. No one can really then reproduce on their journals.
understand what the runes mean except the one who made
them. Only she knows how powerful those runes can be. Power of Marking
The trained and precise soldiers begin to lose control of Their power comes from their memory and precise
their abilities. Their movement starts to be erratic as writing. Imprinters learn to weave and use magic through
strange symbols appear around their body. A stranger calligraphy, they develop a personal system of written
wearing dark and thick clothes draws these same symbols symbols and markings different from any language,
on a small journal as he approaches the battle. With each of something only known to themselves. They write these
the stranger's wrist movements, the soldiers do something markings on their journal and use magic to manifest it on
unexpected, even attacking their own army. other creatures.
The bugbears begin to launch attacks in a frenzy, they
move around quickly searching for materials to raid. From
a distance they look ridiculous, half covered in water as
their weapons hit the air. A woman smiles as she uses a
thuft of their hair forming a strange pattern on the ground
and shows the evil king what her markings can make
others believe to be real.

Level Proficiency Bonus Imprint Power Extra Imprints Features
1st +2 1d4 — Attentive Reading, Imprint
2nd +2 1d4 — Ciphers, Manifest Thought
3rd +2 1d4 — Signatures
4th +2 1d4 — Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 1d6 2 Additional Imprints
6th +3 1d6 2 Expressive Marking
7th +3 1d6 2 Signature Improvement
8th +3 1d6 3 Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 1d6 3 —
10th +4 1d6 3 Layers of Imprinting
11th +4 1d8 4 Vivid Marking
12th +4 1d8 4 Ability Score Improvement
13th +5 1d8 4 —
14th +5 1d8 5 Deeper Understanding
15th +5 1d8 5 Signature Improvement
16th +5 1d8 5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 1d10 6 —
18th +6 1d10 6 Instant Triggering
19th +6 1d10 6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 1d10 6 Signature Improvement

Creating an Imprinter Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d6 per imprinter level
When creating an imprinter think about what made them
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Constitution modifier
become so worried about their own work. Was it because
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your
no one believed them and now they want to prove
Constitution modifier per imprinter level after 1st
something? Was it because they enjoy the slow and steady
work of a long project? What would be the reason for them Proficiencies
to be so focused on others, are they jealous of what they
Armor: Light armor
have? Are they trying to do everything they can to help
Weapons: Simple weapons
Tools: Calligrapher's supplies, forgery kit
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Intelligence
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Arcana, History,
Quick Build Nature, Persuasion, Religion and Sleight of Hand
You can make an imprinter quickly by following
these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be
your highest ability score, followed by Dexterity or You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
Constitution. Second, choose the Sage equipment granted by your background:
Leather armor
Any simple weapon
(a) a priest’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack
Class Features Calligrapher's supplies and a book

As an imprinter, you gain the following class features.

Attentive Reading
Lethargy Imprint
1st-level Imprinter feature
Each time the imprinted creature is hit by an attack this
Your experience in different types of handwriting has Imprint is triggered and its speed is reduced by 15 ft. until
allowed you to understand and recognize small details and
the start of its next turn. If the creature's movement speed
would be reduced below 0 ft., it must make a Strength
You have advantage on Intelligence checks to decipher saving throw, on a failure its movement speed is reduced to
codes or similar scripts, compare handwritings, and 0 and it falls prone.
identify if a written document has been forged. Expressed: The speed is reduced by 30 ft. instead.
Focus Imprint
1st-level Imprinter feature
While this Imprint is on a creature, at the start of their
You gain the ability to impose your own writings as turn, the target must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or the
marks on other creatures and magically affect them. Imprint is triggered and the next number of attack rolls
As an action, you can imprint a creature that you can see equal to a roll of your Imprint Power before the end of its
within 30 ft. of you (yourself included) that isn't already next turn made against this target have advantage.
imprinted. The imprint is then active while it lasts. Expressed: The number of affected attack rolls increases
An Imprint lasts for 1 minute, until it is triggered a to two rolls of your Imprint Power.
number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier
(minimum of once), or until you choose to end it (no action
If an imprinted creature drops to 0 hit points, until the Imprint Process
end of your next turn you can use a bonus action to move In order to Imprint a creature you must have free
that Imprint to a new creature within 30 ft. of you. use of at least one hand to perform gestures on a
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your book or your Imprinter's Journal as if you were
Imprinter level. You regain all expended uses when you performing the somatic components of a spell.
finish a long rest. The Imprint is something that can be seen on
Later on this class, you will be able to empower your
and by the imprinted creature but can't be
interacted with and creatures don't immediately
Imprints and utilize the effects under "Expressed".
know its effects, it is considered a magical effect
Some of your Imprints refer to your Imprint Power which
and thus can be dispelled by the use of the spell
is shown in the Imprint Power column of the Imprinter "Dispel Magic" or similar effects. The DC to dispel
table, some require your target to make a saving throw to an Imprint equals your Imprint save DC.
resist its effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as A creature can be aware it is being imprinted if it
follows: knows at least one language.
Imprint save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Intelligence modifier

When you imprint a creature you choose one type of

Imprint from the list below. Imprinter's Journal
Similar to a Holy Symbol or an Arcane Focus, an
Destruction Imprint Imprinter's Journal is a magical focus, but one that
Each time the imprinted creature is hit by an attack this functions for the Imprinter. It is usually a small
Imprint is triggered and the creature takes additional notebook that weights about 1 lb. that the
damage equal to a roll of your Imprint Power + your Imprinter uses to write symbols as part of the
proficiency bonus. The damage type is the same as the imprinting process.
attack that triggered this Imprint. You can use an imprinter's journal as a
Expressed: The damage increases to two rolls of your
spellcasting focus for your Imprinter spells.
Because they are personal objects, usually
Imprint Power + your Proficiency Bonus.
Imprinter's Journals are not for sale, as Imprinters
can make their own.
Recall Imprint If the Imprinter loses their journal, they can
You can only use Recall Imprint on yourself. As a bonus perform a ritual that lasts for 1 hour requiring a
action, you can trigger this Imprint and you teleport to the book by imbuing magic into it and turning it into
location you were when you imprinted yourself. If you an Imprinter's Journal.
would arrive in a place already occupied, you teleport to
the nearest unoccupied space instead.
Expressed: As a bonus action, a Large or smaller creature
that you can see within 30 ft. of you must make a
Constitution saving throw (the target can choose to fail) or
be teleported instead of you.

Ciphers Expressive Marking
2nd-level Imprinter feature 6th-level Imprinter feature
You become knowledgeable in secret texts and writings. You begin to immerse yourself in your markings and
You can cast Illusory Script at will, without requiring or express in different ways than just the symbols you use to
spending material components. Imprint on other creatures. The effects you cause on others
are stronger this way.
Manifest Thought You can improve the effects of your next Imprint, as a
2nd-level Imprinter feature bonus action you begin to vigorously express yourself on
You learn how to scheme and manifest your thoughts into your Imprinter's Journal. The next Imprint you activate
reality. You release power from an active Imprint in a shape within 1 minute also includes its "Expressed" effect
of your choice. detailed at the end of each Imprint.
As an action, you draw a shape that represents a damage You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
type (a flame for fire, a snowflake for cold, a bolt for proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when you
lightning, etc), choose a creature that you can see within finish a long rest.
120 ft. of you and within 60 ft. of an imprinted creature and
make a ranged attack against the target. The point of origin Layers of Imprinting
of this attack is the imprinted creature for the purposes of 10th-level Imprinter feature
cover. You become an experienced Imprinter, you begin to be
The modifier for this attack is equal to your Intelligence able to combine effects of different kinds of Imprints
modifier + your proficiency bonus and it deals damage creating a vast number of new and unexplored effects.
equal to two rolls of your Imprint Power dice. The damage You can imprint an already imprinted creature with a
type can be acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder (your different kind of Imprint but you can't have more than two
choice when you use this feature). imprints simultaneously active on the same creature.
When you reach 11th level, the damage increases to
three rolls of your Imprint Power dice and you can choose Vivid Marking
force, necrotic, poison, psychic, and radiant as a damage 11th-level Imprinter feature
type. When you use your Expressive Marking feature, you can
immediately imprint a creature as part of the same bonus
Signatures action.
3rd-level Imprinter feature
You develop your own signature of your imprints. Choose Deeper Understanding
a signature available to you from the following: Enhancing, 14th-level Imprinter feature
Intrinsic, Invasive, Profane. Your choice grants you features When you touch another creature you can learn all its
at 3rd level and again at 7th, 15th, and 20th level. Damage Resistances, Damage Immunities, and Condition
Ability Score improvement Additionally, taking notes and paying attention has
At 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, become part of your own existence, you can accurately
you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or recall anything you have seen or heard within the past
you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As month.
normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 using
this feature. Instant Triggering
Using the optional feats rule, you can forgo taking this 18th-level Imprinter feature
feature to take a feat of your choice instead. As a bonus action or reaction (your choice), you can
immediately trigger the effect of an active Imprint. You can
Additional Imprints spend an use of your Expressive Marking feature and
5th-level Imprinter feature include the "Expressed" effects of the triggered Imprint.
You gain two additional Imprints selecting from the list at You can use this feature twice. When you finish a long rest,
the end of the class description. Your imprinter level you regain all expended uses.
determines the number of additional imprints you have, as
shown in the Extra Imprints column of the Imprinter table.
Additionally, when you gain a level in the class, you can
choose one of the imprints you know and replace it with
another imprint that you could learn.

Enhancing Signature Multiple Enhancing
20th-level Enhancing Signature feature
Often viewed as trustworthy and caring, these Imprinters
tend to mark their allies and support them in battle. Whenever you imprint a creature with an Imprint
exclusive to the Enhancing Signature, you can target up to
Imprint Remains two creatures instead.
3rd-level Enhancing Signature feature
Whenever you imprint a creature, a creature of your
choice (including the imprinted) within 30 ft. of the
imprinted creature that you can see gains temporary hit
points equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of

Innate Magic
3rd-level Enhancing Signature feature
You gain access to several innate magical abilities. You
gain the following spells at the listed levels, and can cast
each spell once without material components or spell slots.
Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.
Once you cast a spell, you cannot cast that spell again until
you complete a long rest.

Imprinter Level Innate Spells

3rd Bless
5th Enlarge/Reduce
9th Mass Healing Word
13th Magic Circle
17th Resilient Sphere

Trustworthy Ally
7th-level Enhancing Signature feature
You can use the Help action as a bonus action.
Additionally, when you use the Help action to aid an ally
imprinted by you in attacking a creature, the target of that
attack can be within 60 ft. of you, rather than within 5 ft. of

Near Death Inspiration

15th-level Enhancing Signature feature
Whenever a creature imprinted by you is reduced to 0 hit
points but not killed outright, you can use your reaction to
bring it back to its maximum hit points. At the end of each
of that creature's following turns it takes damage equal to a
fourth of its maximum hit points (this damage can't be
reduced by any means). When the creature is reduced to 0
hit points it becomes immediately stable.
You can use this feature twice. When you finish a long
rest, you regain all expended uses.

Intrinsic Signature Soul Markings
20th-level Intrinsic Signature feature
Usually covered in runes and tattoos, these Imprinters
learned to mark themselves to enhance their physical If you have at least one active Imprint, when you are
abilities, often rivaling trained soldiers in combat. reduced to 0 hit points but not killed outright, you can drop
to 1 hit point instead and you must end an active Imprint of
Improved Warrior your choice immediately.
3rd-level Intrinsic Signature feature
Your base walking speed increases by 5 feet and you
gain resistance to bludgeoning damage you take from
falling. Additionally, you gain proficiency with medium
armor, shields, and martial weapons.

Innate Magic
3rd-level Intrinsic Signature feature
You gain access to several innate magical abilities. You
gain the following spells at the listed levels, and can cast
each spell once without material components or spell slots.
Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.
Once you cast a spell, you cannot cast that spell again until
you complete a long rest.

Imprinter Level Innate Spells

3rd Heroism
5th Flame Blade
9th Blink
13th Haste
17th Freedom of Movement

Extra Attack
7th-level Intrinsic Signature feature
You can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take
the Attack action on your turn.

Hard Patterns
15th-level Intrinsic Signature feature
While you are imprinted, you have resistance to
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.

Invasive Signature Meaning of Treason
20th-level Invasive Signature feature
Invading the minds of their enemies, these Imprinters
understand their reasoning and motivation easily making Whenever you cause a hostile creature to attack one of its
them work in their favor. allies, the attack is made with advantage.

Better Understanding
3rd-level Invasive Signature feature
You gain proficiency in Wisdom (Insight) ability checks
and you can use your Intelligence modifier, instead of your
Wisdom, to make Intelligence (Insight) checks.

Innate Magic
3rd-level Invasive Signature feature
You gain access to several innate magical abilities. You
gain the following spells at the listed levels, and can cast
each spell once without material components or spell slots.
Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.
Once you cast a spell, you cannot cast that spell again until
you complete a long rest.

Imprinter Level Innate Spells

3rd Command
5th Suggestion
9th Bestow Curse
13th Fear
17th Dominate Beast

Runic Decoy
7th-level Invasive Signature feature
As a bonus action you can choose a point within 60 ft. of
you that you can see and manifest a decoy there that lasts
for 1 minute or until it is destroyed. When a creature of your
choice starts its turn within 10 ft. of the decoy it must make
a Wisdom saving throw against your Imprint save DC or
regard the decoy as its enemy and spend their turn trying
to destroy it. The decoy has a maximum hit points equal to
five times your Imprinter level and an AC equal to your
Imprinter level. When it reaches 0 hit points it is destroyed.
You can Imprint your decoy as if it was a creature.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus. You regain all expended uses when you
finish a long rest.

Adept of Emotion
15th-level Invasive Signature feature
You gain proficiency in Persuasion or Deception (your
choice when you get this feature). If you already had
proficiency in the skill of your choice, you gain Expertise
Additionally when you reach this level, you and friendly
creatures within 15 ft. of you can't be charmed while you
aren't incapacitated.

Profane Signature Collective Madness
20th-level Profane Signature feature
Masters of illusion and decaying, these Imprinters can
make others question reality and stop functioning in a As a bonus action, you create up to two perfect illusions
proper way. of yourself that last for 1 minute, or until you dismiss them
(no action required). The illusions appear in an unoccupied
Unholy Imprints space that you can see within 30 ft. of you and they must
stay within 120 ft. of you at all times.
3rd-level Profane Signature feature
For the duration, as a bonus action, you can move any
Whenever you imprint a creature, another creature of
number of them up to 30 ft. in any direction (including
your choice within 30 ft of the imprinted creature that you
upwards). You can Imprint creatures, trigger Imprints, and
can see takes necrotic damage equal to your Intelligence
cast spells as though you were in the illusion's space, but
modifier (minimum of one).
you must still see the target.
Innate Magic Additionally, as a bonus action, you can switch places
with one of your illusions.
3rd-level Profane Signature feature
You can use this feature twice. When you finish a long
You gain access to several innate magical abilities. You
rest, you regain all expended uses.
gain the following spells at the listed levels, and can cast
each spell once without material components or spell slots.
Intelligence is your spellcasting modifier for these spells.
Once you cast a spell, you cannot cast that spell again until
you complete a long rest.

Imprinter Level Innate Spells

3rd Hideous Laughter
5th Alter Self
9th Major Image
13th Hypnotic Pattern
17th Hallucinatory Terrain

Essence Imprinting
7th-level Profane Signature feature
If you are holding a body part from a creature, such as a
lock of hair or a drop of blood, there is no longer a distance
requirement for you to Imprint that creature.

Revealing Markings
15th-level Profane Signature feature
You can see everything within 30 ft. of a creature
imprinted by you, as if you had truesight.

Extra Imprints Hindering Imprint
This Imprint is invisible until it is triggered for the first
The following can be selected as Imprints. If it lists a time and it can last up to 10 minutes. At the start of your
subclass requirement, you must have chosen that subclass turn, you can trigger this Imprint and each creature within
in order to learn that Imprint. 15 ft. of the imprinted creature must succeed a Strength
saving throw or take piercing damage equal to a roll of
Aerial Imprint your Imprint Power dice and become restrained until the
At the start of the imprinted creature's turn, this Imprint start of their next turn.
is triggered. While the creature is imprinted by this, it has a Expressed: If a creature fails the saving throw its
flying speed of 30 ft.. movement is reduced by 15 ft. until the end of its next turn.
Expressed: The flying speed is 60 ft. instead.
Lessening Imprint
Distraction Imprint Choose one ability score when you imprint a creature, if
At the start of the imprinted creature's turn, it must that creature makes an ability check using that ability
succeed a Intelligence saving throw or this Imprint is score this Imprint is triggered, roll and Imprint Power dice
triggered and the target can't use it's reaction until the start and the target must subtract the number rolled from that
of it's next turn. ability check.
Expressed: The target can't also use it's bonus action until Expressed: The Imprint is also triggered if the creature
the start of it's next turn. makes a saving throw using the chosen ability score. The
number rolled on your Imprint Power die is subtracted
Exposure Imprint from that saving throw.
When the imprinted creature is hit by an attack you can
use your reaction to trigger this Imprint and, immediately Bonding Imprint (Prerequisite: Enhancing Signature)
before the attack deals damage, the target loses resistance You can only use Bonding Imprint on a willing creature.
to all the damage types dealt by the triggering attack until At the end of your turn, if the imprinted creature is within
the start of it's next turn. 30 ft. of you, this Imprint is triggered and you and that
Expressed: The target loses Invulnerability, but has creature gain the following benefits until the end of your
resistance to those damage types. next turn:

Erosion Imprint Whenever you make an ability check, you can roll a d4
If the imprinted creature has willingly moved since the and add the number rolled to the ability check
start of its last turn, this Imprint is triggered and the Armor You have advantage on saving throws against being
Class of the targeted creature is reduced by 2 until the start
Your movement speed is increased by 5 ft.
of its next turn.
Whenever you take damage, the Imprinter can use its
Expressed: The Armor Class is reduced by 3 instead.
reaction and distribute that damage evenly by
themselves and all the creatures imprinted by a
Gravitational Imprint
Bonding Imprint
This imprint can only be used in large or smaller
creatures. At the start of the imprinted creature's turn if it is Expressed: At the end of your turn, you can choose to
in contact with the ground, the target creature must trigger this Imprint if the imprinted creature is within 90 ft.
succeed a Constitution saving throw (the target can choose of you if it wasn't already triggered this turn.
to fail) or this Imprint is triggered and the target can be
moved up to 10 ft. in any direction of your choice Resistance Imprint (Prerequisite: Enhancing Signature)
(including upwards) and remains suspended there until the Choose a damage type when you imprint a creature, if
start of its next turn, and then it floats gently to the ground that creature is damaged by that damage type and doesn't
if it is still aloft (taking no falling damage). already have resistance to it, this Imprint is triggered and
Expressed: The target doesn't need to be in contact with the creature has resistance to the triggering damage type
the ground for it to make the saving throw and you can for that instance.
move it up to 20 ft. instead. Expressed: The creature has resistance to the triggering
damage type until the start of its next turn.

Siphoning Imprint (Prerequisite: Enhancing Signature)

When the imprinted creature dies this Imprint is
triggered and the creature that killed it regains hit points
equal to a roll of your Imprint Power + twice your
Proficiency Bonus. If the creature's hit points would exceed
it's maximum hit points, the value rolled is added as
temporary hit points instead.
Expressed: The hit points gained increase to three rolls of
your Imprint Power + twice your Proficiency Bonus.

Cumulative Imprint (Prerequisite: Intrinsic Signature) Puppet Imprint (Prerequisite: Invasive Signature)
You can only use Cumulative Imprint on yourself. You You can only use this Imprint on a creature that is hostile
have a special pool of charged power that starts with a to you or your companions. At the start of the imprinted
value of a roll of your Imprint Power dice. At the start of creature's turn, it must succeed a Charisma saving throw or
your turn this Imprint is triggered and you roll two Imprint this Imprint is triggered and the creature immediately
Power dice and store the rolled value in the pool. makes a single melee weapon attack (with a weapon of
At any point during your turn, you can choose to release your choice it's currently holding, and without spending an
this power ending this Imprint immediately and each action) to another creature of your choice that you can see
creature other than you within 20 ft. of you must make a within range unless you choose no creature or if none are
Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save they take force within its reach.
damage equal to the value of your charged power. On a Expressed: The creature can also make a ranged weapon
successful save, they take half as much damage. If this attack instead.
Imprint ends without you releasing its power, you take
force damage equal to a roll of your Imprint Power dice. Urgency Imprint (Prerequisite: Invasive Signature)
Expressed: When releasing the charged power, you can At the start of the imprinted creature's turn, it must
choose a number of creatures within range equal to your succeed a Charisma saving throw or this Imprint is
Intelligence modifier not to take damage from the release. triggered and the creature must use all its movement to
move in a random direction. To determine the direction,
Regeneration Imprint (Prerequisite: Intrinsic Signature) roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face.
You can only use Regeneration Imprint on yourself. At Expressed: Immediately after using its movement, the
the start of your turn, you can use your bonus action to creature falls prone.
trigger this Imprint and you regain hit points equal to your
Imprinter level. Fumble Imprint (Prerequisite: Profane Signature)
Expressed: You regain hit points equal to twice your Each time the imprinted creature makes an attack, it
Imprinter level instead. must subtract half your Intelligence modifier (rounded
down and minimum of one) from the attack roll, if the attack
Shielding Imprint (Prerequisite: Intrinsic Signature) misses this Imprint is triggered and the creature takes
You can only use Shielding Imprint on yourself. You necrotic damage equal to a roll of your Imprint Power dice.
immediately roll an Imprint Power dice as buffer, if you are Expressed: If the attack misses, the creature can't use
hit by an attack and the attack roll value is equal or greater reactions until the start of its next turn.
than your AC, but less than your AC + your Imprint Power
roll, you can use your reaction to trigger this Imprint and Impairing Imprint (Prerequisite: Profane Signature)
the attack misses. While you are imprinted by this, at the At the start of the imprinted creature's turn, it must
end of your turns you roll an Imprint Power dice as buffer succeed a Constitution saving throw or this Imprint is
for the next round. triggered and the creature becomes blinded until the end
Expressed: Whenever you roll an Imprint Power dice, you of its turn.
roll two instead. Expressed: The creature also becomes deafened if it fails
the saving throw.
Controlling Imprint (Prerequisite: Invasive Signature)
This Imprint is invisible until it is triggered for the first Sorrow Imprint (Prerequisite: Profane Signature)
time and it can last up to 10 minutes. Whenever the target At the start of the imprinted creature's turn, it must
is about to cast a spell of 4th level or lower that requires at succeed a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, this
least a target creature, you become aware of it and you can Imprint is triggered and the creature suffers one level of
use your reaction to trigger this Imprint, the imprinted exhaustion (to a maximum of level 3). On a success, the
creature must succeed a Charisma saving throw or target a creature's exhaustion level is reduced by 1.
creature of your choice that you can see with the spell. When this Imprint ends, the creature's exhaustion level is
Expressed: This Imprint can also be triggered for spells changed back to the level it was before the creature was
of 5th level. imprinted.
Expressed: The Constitution saving throw is made with

Used to traveling in freezing climates, these types of
rangers start to develop abilities related to cold. Their
specialty relies on slowing their targets making aim much
easier. They are excellent combatants even when outside
of cold regions, as they learn to manifest cold from

Alpine Features
Ranger Level Feature
3rd Adept of Cold
7th Freezing Weapons
11th Ice Manifestation
15th Slow Target

Adept of Cold
3rd-level Alpine feature
You have resistance to cold damage and you don't suffer
any penalties from cold climates. Additionally, immediately
after you take cold damage, you gain temporary hit points
equal to your proficiency bonus.

Freezing Weapons
7th-level Alpine feature
Once per turn, when you hit a creature, you can reduce
its movement speed by 10 ft..

Ice Manifestation
11th-level Alpine feature
As an action, you can cast Cone of Cold. Wisdom is your
spellcasting ability for this spell when you cast it with this
feature. You can use this feature twice per long rest.

Slow Target
15th-level Alpine feature
You have advantage on attack rolls against creatures that
have their movement speed reduced by any means.
Additionally, the ground around you within 20 ft. can be
turned into snow, turning into difficult terrain for creatures
of your choice.

Vital Sacrifice
Warlock 6th-level The Vital feature
The Vital As a bonus action, you take 2d8 necrotic damage, which
can't be reduced in any way, and the next time you hit a
You've struck a bargain with a manipulator of life force. A creature within 1 minute it takes extra necrotic damage
creature that sees life as a source of power and energy. This equal to twice the value rolled.
being uses vitality to fuel itself, often viewing other The damage increases by 2d8 when you reach 10th level
creatures as sources of magic ready to be weaved. (4d8), and 14th level (6d8).

The Vital Features Harm Transfer

Warlock 10th-level The Vital feature
Level When you fail a saving throw caused by a magical effect
Expanded Spell List, Extract Life that targets only one creature, you can use your reaction
Force and choose a willing creature within 30 ft. of you to suffer
the effects instead.
6th Vital Sacrifice You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
10th Harm Transfer proficiency bonus, regaining all expended uses when you
finish a long rest.
14th Essence Ward
Essence Ward
Expanded Spell List 14th-level The Vital feature
1st-level The Vital feature Whenever you take damage, you can choose to spend all
The Vital lets you choose from an expanded list of spells the life force stored by your Extract Life Force feature, and
when you learn a warlock spell. The Following spells are reduce the damage taken by that amount.
added to the warlock spell list for you.

The Vital Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
1st False Life, Heroism
2nd Aid, Gentle Repose
3rd Revivify, Speak with Dead
4th Greater Invisibility, Polymorph
5th Antilife Shell, Reincarnate

Extract Life Force

1st-level The Vital feature
Once during each of your turns, when you damage a
creature you add an amount of life force equal to your
Charisma modifier to a pool stored in your spellcasting
focus. You can store life force up to five times your warlock
As a bonus action, you can release this life force and a
creature you can see within 60 ft. of you gains temporary
hit points equal to the amount of stored life force. If you
release it on yourself, you can gain hit points instead, and
you gain temporary hit points equal to the amount of hit
points that would exceed your maximum hit points. You can
use this feature a number of times equal to your
proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
you finish a long rest.

Aquatic Adaptation
You endured biological transformations that adapted
your body to the water gaining the following benefits:

Increase your Constitution score by 1, to a maximum of

You have a swimming speed equal to your walking
You can breathe water

Shield Expert
Prerequisite: Proficiency with shields
While you are wielding a shield, you gain the following

You can use your reaction to add 2 to your AC against

one melee attack that would hit you. To do so, you must
see the attacker.
If you are hit by an attack, you can make a melee
weapon attack with your shield, this attack deals 1d6
bludgeoning damage and it uses your Strength
modifier. You can use this feature a number of times
equal to your proficiency bonus, regaining all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.

Air Blast Falling Objects
transmutation cantrip 2nd-level illusion
Classes: Artificer, Druid, Sorcerer, Wizard Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch Range: 120 ft. (60 ft. cube)
Components: V, S Components: V, S, M (a small knife)
Duration: Instantaneous Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
You release compressed air from your hand. Make a You make illusions of sharp objects falling in a 60-foot
melee spell attack against the target. If the attack hits, the cube in range. Any creature of your choice in the area must
creature takes 1d6 blugdeoning damage, and if the make an Intelligence saving throw or believe the illusion is
creature is Large or smaller, you push the creature 5 ft. real.
away from you. The area is difficult terrain for creatures affected by the
The spell's damage increases by 1d6 when you reach 5th spell, as they try to avoid the objects. If an affected creature
level (2d6), 11th level (3d6), and 17th level (4d6). ends its turn where it started, it takes 2d6 psychic damage
from an illusory object falling into them.
Other Face At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
illusion cantrip slot of 3rd level or higher, the damage increases by 1d6 for
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard each slot level above 3rd.
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Self
Spike Whirlwind
Components: S 3rd-level evocation
Duration: 8 Hours Classes: Artificer, Sorcerer, Wizard
Casting Time: 1 Action
You make your face look different until the spell ends or
Range: Self
until you use your action to dismiss it. You can't change the
Components: V, S
arrangement of eyes, nose and mouth. Otherwise, the
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
extent of the illusion is up to you.
The changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to You conjure flying iron spikes in a line 60 ft. long and 5 ft.
physical inspection. For example, if anyone would touch wide in a direction you choose. Each creature in the line
you, they would feel your real face's texture. must make a Dexterity saving throw. A creature takes 2d6
piercing damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
Repelling Force on a successful one. Any creature that starts its turn in the
1st-level transmutation area takes 1d6 piercing damage. Any creature that ends its
Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard turn in the area takes 2d6 piercing damage.
Casting Time: 1 Action At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
Range: Self slot of 4th level or higher, the initial damage increases by
Components: V, S, M (an egg shell) 1d6 for each slot level above 3rd.
Duration: Instantaneous
One Punch
Creatures within 5 ft. of you must succeed a Strength
4th-level evocation
saving throw or be pushed 10 ft. away from you. Until the
Classes: Artificer, Bard, Ranger, Sorcerer, Wizard
start of your next turn, attacks against you have
Casting Time: 1 Action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Instantaneous
You create a large shimmering fist that punches a
creature within range. Make a melee spell attack against
the target. On a hit, the target takes 6d10 bludgeoning
damage and is pushed 30 ft. away from you.
At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell using a spell
slot of 5th level or higher, the damage increases by 1d10
and the distance increases by 5ft. for each slot level above

Amulet of Prediction Ring of Rebuking
Clothing, very rare (requires attunement) Clothing, uncommon
This amulet weighs 1 pound. When you roll an attack roll, When you are hit by an attacker you can see within 30 ft.
ability check or saving throw, you can choose to replace of you, you can use your reaction and the target must
that value with a 20 (gaining the benefits of a natural 20). succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be pushed up
Once you use this feature, you can no longer use it until you to 15 ft. away from you.
finish a long rest.
Robe of Magical Extension
Antimagic Belt Clothing, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)
Clothing, legendary (requires attunement) While you wear and are attuned to this robe, the duration
While wearing this belt which weighs 1 pound, a 10-foot- of your spells that aren't instantaneous is doubled.
radius invisible sphere of antimagic surrounds you. This
area is under the effects of an Antimagic Field spell. Scarf of Location
Clothing, rare
Dual-Waterskin This scarf weighs 1 pound, it has 3 charges and regains
Adventuring Gear, common 1d3 expended charges daily at dawn. As an action while
A leather hide sewn into an enclosed skin which can wearing the scarf, you can expend 1 of its charges to cast
contain up to a gallon of liquid split between two locate animals or plants, locate object, or locate creature
containers. It weighs 10 pounds when full and 2 pounds from it.
when empty.

Rule Reminder (Food and Water)

A character needs one gallon of water per day, or
two gallons per day if the weather is hot. A
character who drinks only half that much water
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving
throw or suffer one level of exhaustion at the end
of the day. A character with access to even less
water automatically suffers one level of exhaustion
at the end of the day. If the character already has
one or more levels of exhaustion, the character
takes two levels in either case.

Potion of Elemental Enhancement

Potion, rare
When you drink this potion, whenever you deal damage
of one type that damage is increased by 1d4 for 1 hour. The
DM chooses the type or determines it randomly from the
options below.

d6 Damage Type
1 Acid
2 Cold
3 Fire
4 Lightning
5 Poison
6 Thunder

Medium Humanoid, Neutral Evil

Armor Class 13 (Hide)

Hit Points 99 (18d8 + 18) [Max: 162]
Speed 30 ft.


13 (+1) 12 (+1) 13 (+1) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 16 (+3)

Saving Throws STR +3, CHA +5

Skills Intimidation +5
Damage Resistances Acid
Senses Passive Perception 10
Languages Common
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) Proficiency Bonus +2

Spellcasting. The borfos casts one of the following
spells, using Charisma as the spellcasting ability
(spell save DC 13):
At Will: Acid Splash, Prestidigitation
2/day each: Bane, Guiding Bolt, Hold Person,
Greatclub. Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 23 (5d8 + 1) bludgeoning

Demon Brute Charge. If the Demon Brute moves at least 10 feet
straight toward a target and then hits it with a gore
Large Fiend, Any Chaotic
attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 4
(1d8) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it
Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor) must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or
Hit Points 127 (15d10 + 45) [Max: 195] be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the Demon
Speed 30 ft. Brute can make one claw attack against it as a
bonus action.
16 (+3) 10 (+0) 16 (+3) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 12 (+1) Actions
Multiattack. The Demon Brute makes two attacks with
Saving Throws STR +5, CHA +3 its claws
Skills Athletics +5, Intimidation +3
Damage Resistances Cold; Force; Bludgeoning, Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks target. Hit: 12 (2d8 + 3) piercing damage
that aren't Silvered Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
Condition Immunities Grappled, Poisoned target. Hit: 14 (2d10 + 3) slashing damage
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Abyssal Crushing Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5
Challenge 4 (1,100 XP) ft., one target. Hit: 29 (4d12 + 3) bludgeoning
damage. In addition, nonmagical armor worn by
the target is partly destroyed and takes a
permanent and cumulative −1 penalty to the AC it
offers. The armor is completely destroyed if the
penalty reduces its AC to 10.

Living Sand
Small Elemental, Any Chaotic

Armor Class 14 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 72 (16d6 + 16) [Max: 112]
Speed Burrow 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (hover)


8 (-1) 16 (+3) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 4 (-3) 4 (-3)

Saving Throws DEX +5

Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Poison, Psychic
Condition Immunities Grappled, Petrified, Prone,
Senses Blindsight 30 ft., Passive Perception 7
Languages Terran understands but doesn't speak
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Air Form. The Living Sand can enter a hostile

creature's space and stop there. It can move
through a space as narrow as 1 inch wide without
Earth Glide. The Living Sand can burrow through
nonmagical, unworked earth and stone. While
doing so, the Living Sand doesn't disturb the
material it moves through.

Whirlwind. Each creature within 5 ft. of the Living
Sand must make a DC 13 Constitution saving
throw. On a failure it takes 15 (4d6 + 3) slashing
damage, or half as much damage on a successful

Sidar Molten
Huge Giant, Neutral

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor)

Hit Points 168 (16d12 + 64) [Max: 256]
Speed 30 ft., burrow 30 ft.


19 (+4) 10 (+0) 18 (+4) 8 (-1) 10 (+0) 8 (-1)

Saving Throws STR +7, CON +7

Skills Athletics +7
Damage Resistances Slashing
Damage Immunities Fire
Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 10
Languages Common, Giant
Challenge 8 (3,900 XP) Proficiency Bonus +3

Multi-Handed. The sidar molten can have up to four

creatures grappled simultaneously.
Grappler. The sidar molten has advantage on
attack rolls against any creature grappled by it.

Multiattack. The sidar molten makes four attacks:
two with its slam and two with its fist.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 13 (2d8 + 4) bludgeoning Regional Effects
damage. The presence of a sidar molten awakes the region
Fist. Melee Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach 5 ft., one around it, creating one or more of the following
target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) bludgeoning damage.
Eruption. The sidar molten causes an eruption at a Rumbling. Within 5 miles of a sidar molten,
point it can see within 60 feet of it. Each creature creatures with high perception can hear a low
within a 15-foot-radius sphere centered on that rumbling in the area. Any character can hear this if
point must succeed on a DC 16 Dexterity saving they have their ears close to the ground.
throw or take 9 (2d8) fire damage plus 7 (2d6) Frenzied Animals. Beasts within 1 mile of the
bludgeoning damage. sidar molten become frenzied and violent, even
creatures that are normally docile. Within that area,
any ability check involving Animal Handling has
If sidar molten dies, these effects fade over the
course of 1d4 days.

Soulless Guardian Actions
Medium Undead, Neutral Evil
Multiattack. The Soulless Guardian makes three
Armor Class 17 (Natural Armor) attacks with its broken blade.
Hit Points 246 (29d8 + 116) [Max: 348] Broken Blade. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5
Speed 30 ft. ft., one target. Hit: 17 (2d12 + 4) slashing damage
plus 9 (2d8) necrotic damage.
18 (+4) 14 (+2) 19 (+4) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 14 (+2) Bonus Actions
Spectral Anchor. The Soulless Guardian chooses an
Saving Throws DEX +6, CON +8, WIS +7, CHA +6 unoccupied space within 120 ft. of it and a spectral
Skills Arcana +7, Perception +7, Insight +7 anchor appears in that space. The Soulless
Damage Resistances Cold, Force, Psychic; Guardian can have a maximum of two anchors at
Bludgeoning, Piercing and Slashing from any time.
Nonmagical Attacks
Damage Immunities Necrotic Reactions
Condition Immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Anchor Point. Immediately after taking damage, the
Frightened, Poisoned Soulless Guardian can teleport to an Anchor and
Senses Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 17 that anchor is consumed.
Languages All, Telepathy 120 ft.
Challenge 12 (8,400 XP) Legendary Actions
The Soulless Guardian can take 1 legendary action,
Inscrutable. The Soulless Guardian is immune to any choosing from the options below. Only one
effect that would sense its emotions or read its legendary action option can be used at a time and
thoughts, as well as any divination spell that it only at the end of another creature’s turn. The
refuses. Wisdom (Insight) checks made to ascertain Soulless Guardian regains spent legendary actions
the Soulless Guardian's intentions or sincerity have at the start of its turn.
Attack. The Soulless Guardian makes a broken
Magic Resistance. The Soulless Guardian has blade attack.
advantage on saving throws against spells and
other magical effects. Release Negative Energy. Each creature within 20 ft. of
the Soulless Guardian must make a DC 17
Constitution saving throw or take 18 (4d8) necrotic

Changelog v3
Added free November 2022 content
Added images to the class and subclasses Imprinter
Proficiencies - Added forgery kit
v6 Attentive Reading - You have advantage on ability
checks made to identify if different texts were written
Added all content from October, November, and
by the same creature, as well as on ability checks to
December samples
identify if a written document has been forged. > You
have advantage on Intelligence checks to decipher
v5 codes or similar scripts, compare handwritings, and
Dark theme identify if a written document has been forged.
Minor style fixes Imprint - Removed maximum number of active Imprints.
Carved Imprints - Removed
Imprinter Manifest Thought - Added
Recall Imprint (Expressed) - Simplified description
Enhancing Signature: Near Death Inspiration - Reduced
number of uses per long rest from Proficiency Bonus to
Invasive Signature: Adept of Emotion - You and friendly
creatures within 15 ft. of you can't be charmed while you ArtDeepMind
are conscious. > You and friendly creatures within 15 ft. Nemo2D
of you can't be charmed while you aren't incapacitated. VanHarmontt
Profane Signature: Collective Madness - Reduced
number of uses per long rest from Proficiency Bonus to
twice. Casting time changed from action to bonus
Siphoning Imprint (Expressed) - The hit points gained
increase to two rolls of your Imprint Power + twice your
Proficiency Bonus. > The hit points gained increase to
three rolls of your Imprint Power + twice your
Proficiency Bonus.
Cumulative Imprint (Expressed) - Simplified
Fumble Imprint (Expressed) - The creature can't use
reactions until the start of its next turn. > If the attack
misses, the creature can't use reactions until the start of
its next turn.
Updated spells according to SRD

The Vital
Harm Transfer - Added limit of uses per long rest equal
to proficiency bonus

Shield Expert
Added long rest recovery for the second feature

Spike Whirlwind
Specified which damage scales at higher levels

Added free December 2022 content

5E SRD Content
This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and
available at The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative
Commons Attribution 4.0 International License available at

Ryex Content (Free)

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long as you provide attribution, an example of which follows:

Includes content from Ryex available at

Free content by Ryex is licensed under CC BY 4.0 available at

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following the Ryex Content (Free) guidelines.

Ryex Content (Paid)

© 2023 Ryex
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Share the content on private communities - You are free to share the content on private Discord servers and similar
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Share up to three pages of a bundle on public communities with attribution - You can share parts of a bundle for the
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