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Jericho Josh C.



1. For each sentence below, decide whether it is an atomic statement, a molecular statement, or
not a statement at all.
(a) Customers must wear shoes. - Not a Statement
(b) The customers wore shoes. – Atomic Statement
(c) The customers wore shoes and they wore socks. – Molecular statement

2. Classify each of the sentences below as an atomic statement, a molecular statement, or not a
statement at all. If the statement is molecular, say what kind it is (conjunction, disjunction,
conditional, biconditional, negation).
(a) The sum of the first 100 odd positive integers. – Not a statement
(b) Everybody needs somebody sometime. – Atomic Statement
(c) The Broncos will win the Super Bowl or I’ll eat my hat. – Molecular Statement – Disjunction
(d) We can have donuts for dinner, but only if it rains. – Molecular Statement – Conditional
(e) Every natural number greater than 1 is either prime or composite. - Atomic Statement
(f) This sentence is false. - Not a Statement

3. Suppose P and Q are the statements: P: Jack passed math. Q: Jill passed math
(a) Translate “Jack and Jill both passed math” into symbols. - P ∧ Q
(b) Translate “If Jack passed math, then Jill did not” into symbols. - P → ¬Q
(c) Translate “P ∨ Q” into English. – Jack passed math or Jill passed math (or both).
(d) Translate “¬ (P ∧ Q) → Q” into English. – If Jack and Jill did not both pass math, then Jill did.
(e) Suppose you know that if Jack passed math, then so did Jill. What can you conclude if you
know that:
i. Jill passed math? - If Jill passed math, then Jack passed math.
ii. Jill did not pass math? - If Jill did not pass math, then Jack did not pass math either.
4. Determine whether each molecular statement below is true or false, or whether it is impossible
to determine. Assume you do not know what my favorite number is (but you do know that 13 is
(a) If 13 is prime, then 13 is my favorite number. – It is impossible to determine because the
hypothesis of the implication is true but the implication will be true if the conclusion is true
(if 13 is my favorite number) otherwise, false.
(b) If 13 is my favorite number, then 13 is prime. -The statement is True.
(c) If 13 is not prime, then 13 is my favorite number. – The statement is True
(d) 13 is my favorite number or 13 is prime. – The statement is True.
(e) 13 is my favorite number and 13 is prime. – It is impossible to determine.
(f) 7 is my favorite number and 13 is not prime. - The statement is False.
(g) 13 is my favorite number or 13 is not my favorite number. - The statement is True.
5. In my safe is a sheet of paper with two shapes drawn on it in colored crayon. One is a square, and
the other is a triangle. Each shape is drawn in a single color. Suppose you believe me when I tell you that
if the square is blue, then the triangle is green. What do you therefore know about the truth value of the
following statements?

(a) The square and the triangle are both blue. False
(b) The square and the triangle are both green. False
(c) If the triangle is not green, then the square is not blue. – True
(d) If the triangle is green, then the square is blue. – True
(e) The square is not blue or the triangle is green. – True

6. Again, suppose the statement “if the square is blue, then the triangle is green” is true. This time
however, assume the converse is false. Classify each statement below as true or false (if
(a) The square is blue if and only if the triangle is green. – False
(b) The square is blue if and only if the triangle is not green. – True
(c) The square is blue. – False
(d) The triangle is green. – True

7. Consider the statement, “If you will give me a cow, then I will give you magic beans.” Decide
whether each statement below is the converse, the contrapositive, or neither.
(a) If you will give me a cow, then I will not give you magic beans. – Neither
(b) If I will not give you magic beans, then you will not give me a cow. – Contrapositive
(c) If I will give you magic beans, then you will give me a cow. – Converse
(d) If you will not give me a cow, then I will not give you magic beans. – Contrapositive
(e) You will give me a cow and I will not give you magic beans. – Neither
(f) If I will give you magic beans, then you will not give me a cow. – Neither

8. Consider the statement “If Oscar eats Chinese food, then he drinks milk.”
(a) Write the converse of the statement. – If Oscar drinks milk, then he eats Chinese food.
(b) Write the contrapositive of the statement. – If Oscar doesn’t drink milk, then he doesn’t eat
Chinese food.
(c) Is it possible for the contrapositive to be false? If it was, what would that tell you? – It is
possible for the contrapositive to be false because contrapositive statement could either be
both true or be both false. The contrapositive false statement for this is “If Oscar doesn’t eat
Chinese food, then he doesn’t drink milk.”
(d) Suppose the original statement is true, and that Oscar drinks milk. Can you conclude
anything (about his eating Chinese food)? Explain. -I can’t conclude anything because if I
were to imply that “If Oscar drinks milk, then e is eating Chinese food.” (Q→P) Or “If Oscar
drinks milk, then he does not eat Chinese food.” (Q→¬P) neither of these statements would
be equal to the original statement so therefore, nothing can be deduced if only Q is known
to be true.
(e) Suppose the original statement is true, and that Oscar does not drink milk. Can you conclude
anything (about his eating Chinese food)? Explain. – Yes, I can conclude that he is not eating
Chinese food because the contrapositive of the original statement is “If Oscar doesn’t drink
milk, then he doesn’t eat Chinese food,” (¬Q → ¬P) and this is logically equivalent to (P→Q).
Therefore, when I assume the original statement is true, I can conclude the statement “If
Oscar doesn’t drink milk, then he is not eating Chinese food.” is also true. In other words, I
can confirm that if Oscar is not drinking milk, then he is not eating Chinese food.

9. You have discovered an old paper on graph theory that discusses the viscosity of a graph (which
for all you know, is something completely made up by the author). A theorem in the paper
claims that “if a graph satisfies condition (V), then the graph is viscous.” Which of the following
are equivalent ways of stating this claim? Which are equivalent to the converse of the claim?
(a) A graph is viscous only if it satisfies condition (V). – Equivalent to the Converse
(b) A graph is viscous if it satisfies condition (V). – Equivalent to the Original Theorem
(c) For a graph to be viscous, it is necessary that it satisfies condition (V). – Equivalent to the
(d) For a graph to be viscous, it is sufficient for it to satisfy condition (V). - Equivalent to the
Original Theorem
(e) Satisfying condition (V) is a sufficient condition for a graph to be viscous. - Equivalent to the
Original Theorem
(f) Satisfying condition (V) is a necessary condition for a graph to be viscous. - Equivalent to the
(g) Every viscous graph satisfies condition (V). (h) Only viscous graphs satisfy condition (V). –
Equivalent to the Original Theorem

10. Write each of the following statements in the form, “if ..., then ....” Careful, some of the
statements might be false (which is alright for the purposes of this question).
(a) To lose weight, you must exercise. – If you have lost weight, the you exercised.
(b) To lose weight, all you need to do is exercise. – If you exercise, then you will lose weight.
(c) Every American is patriotic. – If you are an American, then you are patriotic.
(d) You are patriotic only if you are American. – If you are patriotic, then you are American.
(e) The set of rational numbers is a subset of the real numbers. – If a number is rational, then it
is real.
(f) A number is prime if it is not even. – If a number is not even, then it is prime.
(g) Either the Broncos will win the Super Bowl, or they won’t play in the Super Bowl. – If the
Broncos don’t win the Super Bowl, then they didn’t play in the Super Bowl.

11. Which of the following statements are equivalent to the implication, “if you win the lottery,
then you will be rich,” and which are equivalent to the converse of the implication?

(a) Either you win the lottery or else you are not rich. Converse Statement

(b) Either you don’t win the lottery or else you are rich. Implication Statement
(c) You will win the lottery and be rich. NEITHER

(d) You will be rich if you win the lottery. Implication Statement

(e) You will win the lottery if you are rich. Converse Statement

(f) It is necessary for you to win the lottery to be rich. Converse Statement

(g) It is sufficient to win the lottery to be rich. Implication Statement

(h) You will be rich only if you win the lottery. Converse Statement

(i) Unless you win the lottery, you won’t be rich. Converse Statement

(j) If you are rich, you must have won the lottery. Converse Statement

(k) If you are not rich, then you did not win the lottery. Implication Statement

(l) You will win the lottery if and only if you are rich. Neither

12. Let P(x) be the predicate, “3x + 1 is even.”

(a) Is P (5) true or false? - True because 3(5) + 1 = 16, 16 is even.

(b) What, if anything, can you conclude about ∃xP(x) from the truth value of P (5)? - ∃xP(x) is true.

(c) What, if anything, can you conclude about ∀xP(x) from the truth value of P (5)? - ∀xP(x) is false.

13. Let P(x) be the predicate, “4x + 1 is even.”

(a) Is P (5) true or false? – False because 4(5) +1 = 21, 21 is not an even number

(b) What, if anything, can you conclude about ∃xP(x) from the truth value of P (5)? - ∃xP(x) could be true
or could be false.

(c) What, if anything, can you conclude about ∀xP(x) from the truth value of P (5)? ∀xP(x) must be false.

14. For a given predicate P(x), you might believe that the statements ∀xP(x) or ∃xP(x) are either true or
false. How would you decide if you were correct in each case? You have four choices: you could give an
example of an element n in the domain for which P(n) is true or for which P(n) if false, or you could
argue that no matter what n is, P(n) is true or is false.

(a) What would you need to do to prove ∀xP(x) is true? – The claim that ∀xP(x) means that P(n) is true
no matter what n you consider in the domain of discourse. Thus, the only way to prove that ∀xP(x) is
true is to check or otherwise argue that P(n) is true for all n in the domain.

(b) What would you need to do to prove ∀xP(x) is false? – To prove that ∀xP(x) is false, all you need is
one example of the domain for which P(n) is false. This is called counterexample.
(c) What would you need to do to prove ∃xP(x) is true? - We are simply claiming that there is some
element n in the domain of discourse for which P(n) is true. If you can find one such element, you have
verified the claim.

(d) What would you need to do to prove ∃xP(x) is false? -There is no element we find will make P(n)
true. The only way to be sure of this is to verify that every element of the domain makes P(n) false. Note
that the level of proof needed for this statement is the same as to prove that ∀xP(x) is true.

15. Suppose P (x, y) is some binary predicate defined on a very small domain of discourse: just the
integers 1, 2, 3, and 4. For each of the 16 pairs of these numbers, P (x, y) is either true or false, according
to the following table (x values are rows, y values are columns).

For example, P (1, 3) is false, as indicated by the F in the first row, third column.

Use the table to decide whether the following statements are true or false.

(a) ∀x∃yP(x, y). -False because when x=4, there is no y which makes P(4) true.

(b) ∀y∃xP(x, y). – True. No matter what y is (no matter what column we are in) there is some x for which
P(x,y) is true. In fact, we can always take x to be 3.

(c) ∃x∀yP(x, y). – True. In particular x=3 is such a number, so that no matter what y is, P(x,y) is true.

(d) ∃y∀xP(x, y). – False. In fact, no matter what y (column) we look at, there is always some x (row)
which makes P(x,y) false.

16. Translate into symbols. Use E(x) for “x is even” and O(x) for “x is odd.”

(a) No number is both even and odd. - ¬∃x(E(x) ∧ O(x))

(b) One more than any even number is an odd number. - ∀x(E(x) → 0(x + 1))

(c) There is prime number that is even. - ∃x (P(x) ∧ E(x)) (where P means “x is prime”).

(d) Between any two numbers there is a third number. - ∀x∀y∃z(x < z < y ∨ y < z < x) (e) There is no
number between a number and one more than that number. - ∀x¬∃y(x < y < x + 1
17. Translate into English:

(a) ∀x(E(x) → E(x + 2)). – Any even number plus 2 is an even number.

(b) ∀x∃ y(sin(x) = y) – For any x there is a y such that sin(x) = y. In other words, every number x is in the
domain of sine.

(c) ∀x∃ x(sin(y) = y) – For every y there is an x such that sin(x) = y. In other words, every number y is in
the range of sine

(d) ∀x∀y(x 3 = y 3 → x = y) – For any numbers, if the cubes of two numbers are equal, then the numbers
are equal.

18. Suppose P(x) is some predicate for which the statement ∀xP(x) is true. Is it also the case that ∃xP(x)
is true? In other words, is the statement ∀xP(x) → ∃xP(x) always true? Is the converse always true?
Assume the domain of discourse is non-empty. – From the first statement that “function P(x) is some
predicate for which the statement ∀xP(x) is true,” finding ∃xP(x) is also true. Because it states that “for
all functions P(x) is true,” any value of P(x) can be defined as true, therefore any number that exists is
also true. So in other words, the∀xP(x) → ∃xP(x) is always true because both the hypothesis and the
conclusion from the implication statement are true. Same as the converse statement, since the value of
the hypothesis and conclusion is true, there are no changes in value if we try to find the converse of it.

19. For each of the statements below, give a domain of discourse for which the statement is true, and a
domain for which the statement is false.

(a) ∀x∃y(y 2 = x) – This says that everything has a square root (every element is the square of
something). This is true of the positive real numbers, and also of the complex numbers. It is false of the
natural numbers though, as for x=2 there is no natural number y such that y²=2.

(b)∀x∀y(x < y → ∃z(x < z < y)). - This asserts that between every pair of numbers there is some number
strictly between them. This is true of the rational (and reals) but false of the integers. If x=1 and y=2
then there is nothing we can take for z.

(c) ∃x∀y∀z(y < z → y ≤ x ≤ z). – Here we are saying that something is between every pair of numbers. For
almost every domain, this is false. In fact, if the domain contains {1,2,3,4}, then no matter what we take
x to be, there will be a pair that xx is not between. However, the set {1,2,3} as our domain makes the
statement true. Let x=2. Then no matter what y and z we pick, if y

20. Consider the statement, “For all natural numbers n, if n is prime, then n is solitary.” You do not need
to know what solitary means for this problem, just that it is a property that some numbers have and
others do not.

(a) Write the converse and the contrapositive of the statement, saying which is which. Note: the original
statement claims that an implication is true for all n, and it is that implication that we are taking the
converse and contrapositive of.
(b) Write the negation of the original statement. What would you need to show to prove that the
statement is false?

(c) Even though you don’t know whether 10 is solitary (in fact, nobody knows this), is the statement “if
10 is prime, then 10 is solitary” true or false? Explain.

(d) It turns out that 8 is solitary. Does this tell you anything about the truth or falsity of the original
statement, its converse or its contrapositive? Explain.

(e) Assuming that the original statement is true, what can you say about the relationship between the
set P of prime numbers and the set S of solitary numbers. Explain.

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